General sources
- European Parliament
- EUR-lex
- Europa
- Bulletins of the European Union
- European Research Papers Archive
- European Union Studies Association (EUSA)
- Archive of European Integration (AEI)
- AEI > Institutional Administration, Developments & Reform > Parliament > Elections
- AEI > European Union, November 1993 to date > Parliament
- AEI > European Communities, July 1967 to October 1993 > European Parliament
- EPERN[1]
- OneEurope Magazine (unassessed)
- Shaping the New Europe, esp Chapter 4
- European Union Institute, Florence
European Parliament Elections and Group behaviour: online sources
- European Election Studies
- Election dates
- Seats and percentage of seats 1979-2007 (by nation state)
- Election turnout (by year)
- Election turnout (by year, 1979-1994)
- Group dynamics in the EP
- Group names in multiple languages as at 22 March 1994
- Elections will be held from Thurday to Sunday, the constitutive session is the first Tuesday one month after the elections, the term is five years - 20 September 1976 act
- Composition of the European Parliament by group for each year from 1953! to 1984! Includes Group Presidents!
- Overview after the 2004 elections: includes the grand coalition and breaks in it, contemporaneous events: good background reading
- Debate about whether the EP elections are still second-order after the 2004 elections: includes details about EP rejecting Dehane and accepting Barroso, then rejecting Barroso's commission. Also gives background issues to the 2004 elections
- How Political Parties, Rather than Member-States, Are Building the European Union
- The Impact Of European Integration On Ethnoregionalist Parties
- Constructing a European party system: congruence and linkage in the national and EP party systems
2009 elections
- Turnout for every single election
- EurActiv results article: linkfarm
- Results (EU27) 11 June: [2]
- Results (EU27) 11 June: [3]
- Results (EU27) 11 June: [4]
- Results (Bel) 11 June: [5]
- Results (Bul) 11 June: [6]
- Results (Cze) 11 June: [7]
- Results (Den) 11 June: [8]
- Results (Ger) 11 June: [9]
- Results (Est) 11 June: [10]
- Results (Ire) 11 June: [11]
- Results (Gre) 11 June: [12]
- Results (Spa) 11 June: [13]
- Results (Fra) 11 June: [14]
- Results (Ita) 11 June: [15]
- Results (Cyp) 11 June: [16]
- Results (Lat) 11 June: [17]
- Results (Lit) 11 June: [18]
- Results (Lux) 11 June: [19]
- Results (Hun) 11 June: [20]
- Results (Mal) 11 June: [21]
- Results (Ned) 11 June: [22]
- Results (Aus) 11 June: [23]
- Results (Pol) 11 June: [24]
- Results (Por) 11 June: [25]
- Results (Rom) 11 June: [26]
- Results (Slovenia) 11 June: [27]
- Results (Slovakia) 11 June: [28]
- Results (Fin) 11 June: [29]
- Results (Swe) 11 June: [30]
- Results (UKI) 11 June: [31]
2004 elections
- EPERN briefingpapers for the 2004 elections: one for each member state, and one EU-wide. Rich source
- European Parliament election site
- Election days (by member state)
- Election results (by member state)
- Election results (by group July 20 2004)
- Election results {UK)
- Election results {UK)
- Election results (RoI)
- Election results (Poland)
- Election results (April 2004 prediction)
- Election overview (EU-wide)
- Election overview (EU-wide)
- Election overview (EU-wide)
- Electoral procedure 2004 and turnout 1979-1999 (EU-wide)
- Election results 2004 and 1999 (UK)
- Election results 1979-2004 (UK)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group and member state and national party, July 20 2004)
- Election results (EU wide by group, outgoing and incoming)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group, July 23 2004)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group, April 30 2004)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group, May 5 2004)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group and member state, June 30 2004)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group and member state and national party, June 30 2004)
- Election turnout (by member state)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group, July 2004)
1999 elections
- Election results (EU-wide and by member state)
- European Parliament election site
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group and member state and national party and name, July 1999)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by name, group, member state, January 1999)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by gender, January 1999)
- Election turnout (EU-wide and by member state, 1979-1994)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by member state and group, outgoing 1999)
- Electoral procedure (EU)
- Electoral procedure (by member state)
- Candidates (by member state)
- Election results (by member state)
- Size of electorate (EU)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by member state and group, May 1999)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by member state and group, June 13 1999)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group and member state, July 22 1999)
- Structural data, electoral law, outgoing composition by political group, turnout trends and list of candidates (by member state)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group and member state, May 4 1999)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group and member state, July 20 1999)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group and member state, September 13 1999)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group and member state and national party, July 22 1999)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group and member state, May 1999)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group and member state, June? 1999)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group, July 1999)
Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden to the EU
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, December 31 1994)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, January 1 1995)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, November 11 1996)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, December 31 1995)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, January 1 1996)
1994 elections
- Candidates (by member state)
- Electoral procedures (by member state)
- Election dates
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group and member state and national party, August 1 1994)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by name, group, member state, July 1994)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, July 19 1994)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, July 19 1994)
- Election results (analysis by country or pary or group)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group, July 1994)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, 1994)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, July 20 1994)
- Analysis of the Santer confirmation vote July 21 1994 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, June 13 1994)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group and member state, February 24 1994)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by member state and national party) February 1994
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group and member state and national party) 13 June 1994 - i.e. before regrouping
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group and member state) 30 May 1994 - i.e. before elections
Merger of GUE with SOC(PES) January 1993
Merger of ED with EPP April 1992
1989 elections
- Electoral procedures
- Electorate and turnout
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group and member state and national party, July 25 1989)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group, July 1989)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, 1989)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group and member state, opening session 25 July 1989)
- Turnout 1989
- Election results and votes (by member state)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by member state and national party) July 1989
- Election results and votes (by member state and national party)
- Biographical data for 518 MEPs July 1989
1987 Spain and Portugal elections
1984 elections
- Election dates
- Election dates
- Electorate and turnout
- Electorate and turnout
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group and member state and national party, September 10 1984)
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group, July 10 1984)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group, July 1984)
- Turnout 1984
- Election results by member state and national party
1981 Greece Elections
1979 elections
- Electorate and turnout
- Election dates
- Electorate and turnout
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group and member state and national party, September 24 1979)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group, July 1979)
- Composition of the European Parliament (EU-wide by group, July 10 1984)
- Turnout 1979
- Composition of the European Parliament (by group December 12 1979) INCLUDES VOTES
- Election results and votes (by member state and national party)
- Election results and votes (by member state and national party)
- Election results and votes (by group, member state and national party)
- Electoral procedures and voting days
European Parliament Elections and Group behaviour: written sources
Dimensions of Politics in the European Parliament
"Dimensions of Politics in the European Parliament" (2005) by Simon Hix,Abdul Noury,Gerard Roland, Table 1. Political Parties in the European Parliament, 1979-1999
Party Description | Abbr. | First Parliament
(June 1979) |
Second Parliament
(June 1984) |
Third Parliament
(June 1989) |
Fourth Parliament
(June 1994) |
Fifth Parliament
(June 1999) |
Seats % | Seats % | Seats % | Seats % | Seats % | ||
Socialists | SOC | 113 27.6 | 130 30.0 | 180 34.7 | 198 34.9 | 180 28.8 |
Christian Democrats & Conservatives | EPP | 107 26.1 | 110 25.3 | 121 23.4 | 157 27.7 | 233 37.2 |
Liberals | LIB | 40 9.8 | 31 7.1 | 49 9.5 | 43 7.6 | 51 8.1 |
Radical Left | LEFT | 44 10.7 | 43 9.9 | 14 2.7 | 28 4.9 | 42 6.7 |
Regionalists | REG | 11 2.7 | 19 4.4 | 13 2.5 | 19 3.4 | |
Greens | GRN | 30 5.8 | 23 4.1 | 48 7.7 | ||
Extreme Right | RIGHT | 16 3.7 | 17 3.3 | |||
Non-attached members | NA | 9 2.2 | 6 1.4 | 12 2.3 | 27 4.8 | 26 4.2 |
French Gaullists and allies | GAUL | 22 5.4 | 29 6.7 | 20 3.9 | 26 4.6 | 30 4.8 |
British Conservatives and allies | CON | 64 15.6 | 50 11.5 | 34 6.6 | ||
Italian Communists and allies | LSOC | 28 5.4 | ||||
Italian Conservatives | -- | 27 4.8 | ||||
Anti-Europeans (mainly French) | ANTI | 19 3.4 | 16 2.6 | |||
Total MEPs | 410 | 434 | 518 | 567 | 626 | |
Sources | [32] |
Power to the Parties: Cohesion and Competition in the European Parliament, 1979-2001
Simon Hix, Abdul Noury and Gerard Roland (2005) 'Power to the Parties: Cohesion and Competition in the European Parliament, 1979-2001', British Journal of Political Science 35(2) 209-234., esp. "Table 1. Party Group Strengths After the Five Direct-Elections"
Party Family (Party Group) | Abbr. | EP 1 (June 79) | EP 2 (June 84) | EP 3 (June 89) | EP 4 (June 94) | EP 5 (June 99) |
Seats % | Seats % | Seats % | Seats % | Seats % | ||
Socialists (SOC, PES) | PES | 113 27.6 | 130 30.0 | 180 34.7 | 198 34.9 | 180 28.8 |
Christian Dem.’s & Conservatives (EPP, EPP-ED) | EPP | 107 26.1 | 110 25.3 | 121 23.4 | 157 27.7 | 233 37.2 |
Liberals (ELD, ELDR) | ELDR | 40 9.8 | 31 7.1 | 49 9.5 | 43 7.6 | 51 8.1 |
Radical Left (COM, LU, EUL/NGL) | LEFT | 44 10.7 | 43 9.9 | 14 2.7 | 28 4.9 | 42 6.7 |
Gaullists & allies (EDP, EDA, UFE, UEN) | GAUL | 22 5.4 | 29 6.7 | 20 3.9 | 26 4.6 | 30 4.8 |
Greens & allies (RBW(84), G, G/EFA) | GRN | 19 4.4 | 30 5.8 | 23 4.1 | 48 7.7 | |
British Conservatives & allies (ED) | CON | 64 15.6 | 50 11.5 | 34 6.6 | ||
Extreme Right (ER) | RIGHT | 16 3.7 | 17 3.3 | |||
Regionalists & allies (RBW(89), ERA) | REG | 13 2.5 | 19 3.4 | |||
Italian Communists & allies (EUL) | - | 28 5.4 | ||||
Anti-Europeans (EN, I-EN, EDD) | ANTI | 19 3.4 | 16 2.6 | |||
Italian Conservatives (FE) | -- | 27 4.8 | ||||
Independents (TCDI, TGI) | IND | 11 2.7 | 18 2.9 | |||
Non-attached members | NA | 9 2.2 | 6 1.4 | 12 2.3 | 27 4.8 | 8 1.3 |
Total MEPs | 410 | 434 | 518 | 567 | 626 | |
Sources | [33] |
The European Parliament: Moving Toward Democracy in the EU
"The European Parliament: Moving Toward Democracy in the EU" Edited by Bernard Steunenberg and J. J. A. Thomassen Published 2002 Rowman & Littlefield 256 pages ISBN 0742501264
Section "The Evolution of EP Party Groups (1979-99)" by Luciano Bardi, page 70, Table 4.1. "Seat Distribution in the European Parliament by EP party group, 1979-99"
- under each column heading, the first figure refers to the beginning and the second one to the end of the relevant term.
EP I 1979-84 | EP II 1984-89 | EP III 1989-94 | EP IV 1994-99 | EP V 1999-2004 | ||
Party of the European Socialists | 113 125 | 130 166 | 180 197 | 198 214 | 180 | |
European People's Party | 107 117 | 110 113 | 121 162 | 157 201 | 233 | |
Liberal Democratic and Reform parties | 40 38 | 31 48 | 49 44 | 43 42 | 51 | |
Communists and Allies | 44 48 | 41 46 | ||||
Unitary Left | 28 - | |||||
European United Left | 14 13 | 28 34 | 42 | |||
European Democrats | 64 63 | 50 66 | 34 - | |||
European Democratic alliance | 22 22 | 29 29 | 20 20 | 26 - | ||
Rainbow Group | 20 20 | 13 16 | ||||
Green Group | 30 28 | 23 27 | 48 | |||
European Right | 16 16 | 17 12 | ||||
Union for Europe | - 34 | |||||
Forza Europa | 27 - | |||||
European Radical Alliance | 19 21 | |||||
Europe of Nations | 19 15 | |||||
Union for a Europe of Nations | 30 | |||||
Europe of Democracies and Diversities | 16 | |||||
Technical Coordination Group | 11 11 | |||||
Non-attached | 9 10 | 7 15 | 12 26 | 27 38 | 26 | |
Total MEPs | 410 434 | 434 518 | 518 518 | 567 626 | 626 |
Political Parties in the New Europe: Political and Analytical Challenges
"Political Parties in the New Europe: Political and Analytical Challenges" By Kurt Richard Luther and Ferdinand Müller-Rommel Published 2005 Oxford University Press 416 pages ISBN 0199283982
Chapter 11 "Parties and Party Systems in the European Union - National and Supranational Dimensions" by Luciano Bardi, page 308, Table 11.1. "Seat Distribution in the European Parliament by EP party group 1979-2001"
- the first figure in each cell refers to the beginning and the second one to the end of the relevant term
- EPV2001 are as of April 13
- Figures in parentheses indicate increases due to the inclusion of new EU member-states' delegations.
EP I 1979-1984 | EP II 1984-1989 | EP III 1989-1994 | EP IV 1994-1999 | EP V 1999-2001 | ||
Party of the European Socialists | 113 125 (10) | 130 166 (35) | 180 197 | 198 214 (17) | 180 181 | |
European People's Party | 107 117 (8) | 110 113 (4) | 121 162 | 157 201 (16) | 233 232 | |
Liberal Democratic and Reform parties | 40 38 | 31 48 (17) | 49 44 | 43 42 (9) | 51 52 | |
Communists and Allies | 44 48 (4) | 41 46 (6) | ||||
Unitary Left | 28 | |||||
European United Left | 14 13 | 28 34 (5) | 42 42 | |||
European Democrats | 64 63 | 50 66 (17) | 34 | |||
European Democratic alliance | 22 22 | 29 29 | 20 20 | 26 - | ||
Rainbow Group | 20 20 | 13 16 | ||||
Green Group | 30 28 | 23 27 (6) | 48 46 | |||
European Right | 16 16 | 17 12 | ||||
Union for Europe | - 34 | |||||
Forza Europa | 27 - | |||||
European Radical Alliance | 19 21 | |||||
Europe of Nations | 19 15 | |||||
Union for a Europe of Nations | 30 21 | |||||
Europe of Democracies and Diversities | 16 19 | |||||
Technical Coordination Group | 11 11 | |||||
Non-attached | 9 10 (2) | 7 15 (5) | 12 26 | 27 38 (6) | 26 14 | |
Total MEPs | 410 434 | 434 518 | 518 518 | 567 626 | 626 626 |
European Union: Power and Policy-Making
Groups | 1979 | 1981 | 1984 | 1987 | 1989 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1997 | 2000 |
PES | 113 | 123 | 130 | 165 | 180 | 198 | 198 | 221 | 214 | 180 |
EPP | 107 | 117 | 110 | 115 | 121 | 162 | 157 | 173 | 181 | 233 |
ELDR | 40 | 39 | 31 | 44 | 49 | 46 | 43 | 52 | 41 | 51 |
EDG | 64 | 63 | 50 | 66 | 34 | x | x | x | x | x |
EDA | 22 | 22 | 29 | 29 | 20 | 20 | 26 | 26 | x | x |
COM | 44 | 48 | 41 | 48 | x | x | x | x | x | x |
CDI | 11 | 11 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
RB | x | x | 20 | 20 | 13 | 16 | x | x | x | x |
ER | x | x | 16 | 16 | 17 | 14 | x | x | x | x |
V | x | x | x | x | 30 | 28 | 23 | 25 | 28 | 48 |
EUL | x | x | x | x | 28 | x | x | x | x | x |
LU | x | x | x | x | 14 | 13 | x | x | x | x |
GUE-NGL | x | x | x | x | x | x | 28 | 31 | 33 | 42 |
EN | x | x | x | x | x | x | 19 | 19 | x | x |
FE | x | x | x | x | x | x | 27 | 29 | x | x |
ERA | x | x | x | x | x | x | 19 | 19 | 20 | x |
UPE | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | 55 | x |
UEN | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | 30 |
EDD | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | 16 |
NI | 9 | 11 | 7 | 15 | 12 | 21 | 27 | 31 | 54 | 26 |
Total | 410 | 434 | 434 | 518 | 518 | 518 | 567 | 626 | 626 | 626 |
Notes | 1979 = after the European elections (EE);1981 = following the first EP elections in Greece on 8 October 1981; 1984 = after the second EE; 1987 = sitution 31.12.1987. First European Elections in Spain were on 10 June 1987 and in Portugal on 19 July 1987; 1984 = after the third EE; 1993 = situation in January 1993 following the mergers between EPP and the EDG in May 1992 and between the EUL and PES in January 1993; 1994 = after the fourth EE; 1995 = situation in January 1995 after the latest EU enlargement; 1997 = situation in march 1997; 2000 = situation in April 2000 | |||||||||
Source | "European Union: Power and Policy-Making" second edition, ISBN 0415221641 Published 2001 by Routledge, edited by Jeremy John Richardson, page 125, "Table 6.2 Party Groups in the European Parliament, 1979-2000" |
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