
I have been a writer and editor of Wikipedia entries since early 2006. I still find Wikipedia less than intuitively user-friendly to occasional users -- and still exciting.


If you edit any of my work, please explain what and why, so I can understand better what editors and contributors deem appropriate.

Websites of some interest

Wikipedia articles (2,370+)

Author (350+)

Initial Author
  1. James B. McNamara (1910 LATimes bomber)
  2. Paul W. Blackstock
  3. Michael Collins Dunn
  4. Paul Weber (unionist) (ACTU)
  5. D.M. Ladd (FBI No. 3)
  6. Is This Tomorrow (1947 anti-communist comic book)
  7. Charles Easton Rothwell (Alger Hiss, Abraham Feller)
  8. Alfred McCormack (US Military Intelligence 1942-1946)
  9. Ernie Lazar
  10. Jacob Spolansky (FBI)
  11. George B. Leonard (Max Lowenthal)
  12. Decorative Designers
  13. Patricia Abbott
  14. Philip Abbott (academic)
  15. Claude Salhani
  16. Roy Hudson
  17. Wyman H. Packard (ONI historian)
  18. Nat Ganley
  19. George Andersen
  20. Louis Hollander (ACWA, CIO, CIO-PAC, New York State CIO)
  21. Jack Barbash (CIO, AFL-CIO)
  22. Joel I. Seidman (Yellow dog contract)
  23. Joseph Catalanotti (Leo Krzycki)
  24. Al Richmond (People's World co-founder)
  25. Christophe Julien (Delicieux)
  26. Baltimore Labor College
  27. Kenneth Toombs
  28. Dirva newspaper
  29. United States Daily newspaper
  30. Bureau of Industrial Research (Heber Blankenhorn)
  31. Abraham A. Heller
  32. Harold Lavine
  33. Philip Hanson Hiss III
  34. Baltimore Banner
  35. Kenneth G. Crawford
  36. Witness (memoir)
  37. Federation of Arab News Agencies
  38. Sidney Finkelstein
  39. Marzani & Munsell
  40. Marine Workers Industrial Union (MWIU)
  41. George Morris (American writer) (pro-CIO)
  42. Jane Rogoyska (Katyn)
  43. Courtney E. Owens (HUAC)
  44. Wisconsin Labor History Society
  45. Elias Lieberman (labor lawyer)
  46. Longère
  47. Al Lannon
  48. Giandomenico Picco
  49. Abraham Markoff (New York Workers School)
  50. Max Gissen
  51. Michael Myerson
  52. Budish
  53. Michael Sayers (Alfred E. Kahn)
  54. Public Affairs Press
  55. Chester T. Lane
  56. Personnel Security Research Center
  57. James A. Riedel
  58. United Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers International Union (UHCMW)
  59. Max Zaritsky (UHCMW)
  60. Union Mills Reservoir
  61. Milton Lehman
  62. United Office and Professional Workers of America
  63. Max Weiss (activist)
  64. H. Wentworth Eldredge
  65. Joseph C. Keeley
  66. American China Policy Association
  67. Walter Goldwater
  68. Alvin Williams Stokes (FBI, HUAC)
  69. Herter Committee
  70. Robert K. Murray
  71. William Siegel
  72. Edwin A. Lahey (labor beat, Pressman friend)
  73. Defending Rights & Dissent (NCA-HUAC)
  74. Edward Huebsch
  75. William Schneiderman
  76. William T. Poole
  77. William Howard Melish
  78. New York Star (1948–1949) (Bartley Crum)
  79. Katharine Kyes Leab
  80. Joint Committee Against Communism
  81. Thomas I. Emerson (NLG)
  82. Portsmouth Steel Company (Pressman, Ruttenberg)
  83. Risieri Frondizi (Sidney Hook)
  84. El Guindi (surname)
  85. Yussef El Guindi
  86. Vladimir Kemenov (VOKS)
  87. Lawrence Milner (Harry Bridges 1939 case; Vernon Pedersen)
  88. Guenther Reinhardt
  89. Putnam, Bell & Russell (Harvey Hollister Bundy, Alger Hiss, Allan Rosenberg (spy))
  90. Nahal Toosi
  91. National Committee to Defeat the Mundt Bill
  92. American Communications Association (union)
  93. Abram Flaxer
  94. Arthur Stein (activist)
  95. Southern Conference for Human Welfare (SCHW)
  96. Robert N. Denham
  97. Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions (ICCASP)
  98. Sol Levitas
  99. Myron Kolatch
  100. Newspaper and Mail Deliverers Union
  101. Rein (surname)
  102. David Rein
  103. Switz (surname)
  104. Blair Coan
  105. Raymond E. Murphy
  106. Samuel Gardner Welles
  107. Louis J. Russell (FBI, HUAC)
  108. Robert J. Lamphere
  109. Morris Iushewitz (Pressman)
  110. Jess Bravin
  111. Shemitz (surname)
  112. Nancy Lenkeith
  113. Milton R. Stern
  114. Mark Janus
  115. Alertness course
  116. Twentieth Century Communism
  117. Lillian Gilkes
  118. Union Boys
  119. Walter S. Steele (Benjamin Mandel)
  120. Dean Fansler (brother of Priscilla Hiss)
  121. John Augustus Raffetto Jr.
  122. Communazi
  123. Swift Berry
  124. Richard Field Lewis Jr. (WINC)
  125. George Shaw Wheeler (Noel Field, Max Lowenthal)
  126. Nadezhda Ulanovskaya
  127. Maya Ulanovskaya
  128. Lloyd Raffetto
  129. Heresy, Yes–Conspiracy, No
  130. William F. Jasper
  131. War Labor Policies Board (1918-9) (Lowenthal)
  132. Charles Dirba
  133. Louis Shapiro
  134. Oliver Carlson
  135. Placerville Mountain Democrat
  136. Alexander Howison Murray Jr.
  137. Charles J. Hendley (Teachers Union)
  138. Clarence Miller (activist) (Sam Krieger)
  139. American Committee for the Protection of Foreign Born
  140. Progressive Citizens of America
  141. John Chabot Smith
  142. Marvin Gettleman
  143. Morris U. Cohen
  144. Abraham Feller
  145. Cammer (surname)
  146. Norton Mockridge (Nelson Frank)
  147. Abraham Lefkowitz
  148. Henry Linville
  149. Teachers Guild
  150. Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee (JAFRC)
  151. Rachel Mitchell
  152. Clarence Taylor
  153. Teachers Union
  154. Dan Georgakas
  155. Fund for the Republic
  156. Pišnica River
  157. Robert W. Iversen
  158. William Frauenglass
  159. Kalman Seigel
  160. Leonard Latkovski, Jr.
  161. David Sidorsky
  162. Joseph Aveline
  163. Nathaniel Buchwald (translator, spy?)
  164. Menorah Journal
  165. Edwin Seaver
  166. Stefan Kanfer
  167. Henry Zolinsky
  168. Nuszcze
  169. C. Douglas McGee (philosopher)
  170. Andrea Roane (WUSA TV)
  171. William Albertson (1964 FBI frameup)
  172. Frank McNaughton
  173. Plain Talk (magazine)
  174. Counterattack newsletter
  175. Tatiana Tchernavin
  176. Robert Szold
  177. Leon Josephson (brother of Barney Josephson, known to Samuel Liptzen)
  178. Temporary Commission on Employee Loyalty
  179. Hamilton Robinson
  180. Frederick Woltman (Gerhart Eisler) (Nelson Frank) (Elizabeth Bentley)
  181. Evans Clark (husband of Freda Kirchwey)
  182. Spies of Warsaw (TV Series)
  183. Walter Pollak
  184. Vera Shlakman
  185. Commission to Study the Organization of Peace (Eichelberger)
  186. Harlow Robinson
  187. Committee for the Marshall Plan
  188. Priscilla Hiss
  189. Clark Eichelberger (League of Nations, UN)
  190. George M. Fay US Att Gen DC (perjury)
  191. Robert E. Stripling
  192. Maritime Labor Board (Silvermaster)
  193. Ferdinand Smith
  194. Harold J. Ruttenberg (Pressman)
  195. DETCOM Program
  196. Marbury, Miller & Evans
  197. Arthur A. Ballantine (Hiss, CEIP)
  198. Isaac Shorr
  199. Joseph R. Brodsky (IJA, ILD, CPUSA)
  200. Joseph Kovner (IJA, CIO, Pressman)
  201. Nathan Greene (lawyer) (IJA, Hiss)
  202. Walter Beer (Hiss, Rosenwald, Buttenwieser)
  203. Harold Rosenwald (Hiss)
  204. Jack Gold (labor) (ACWA, Hillman, Lowenthal)
  205. James Rorty (father of Richard Rorty)
  206. Richard G. Green (lawyer) (Remington v Bentley)
  207. Jack Kroll (labor) (ACW, CIO-PAC)
  208. CIO-PAC
  209. Mary Spargo (WP journalist)
  210. Kenneth O'Reilly (FBI historian) (Athan Theoharis)
  211. David Cort
  212. John Lowenthal
  213. Ronan Leprohon
  214. James I. Loeb (friend of Reinhold Niebuhr)
  215. John J. Carson (Lowenthal)
  216. Katie Louchheim (Hiss, Lowenthal)
  217. Oscar R. Ewing (worked with Lowenthal)
  218. Matthew J. Connelly (Lowenthal crony)
  219. Stephen J. Spingarn (Lowenthal target)
  220. Jerry N. Hess (oral historian, Truman Library)
  221. William L. Marbury, Jr. (Hiss friend and lawyer)
  222. John H. Ferguson (lawyer, ambassador, Hiss, Marbury)
  223. Thomas Elliott (lawyer) (Hiss, Marbury)
  224. Elmer Smith (activist) (IWW Centralia)
  225. Caroline Lowe (IWW lawyer)
  226. George Vanderveer (IWW lawyer)
  227. Meyer Bernstein
  228. Robert T. Elson (TIME)
  229. John Shaw Billings (editor) (TIME)
  230. John Barkham (writer) (TIME)
  231. John F. O'Donnell (lawyer) (TWU lawyer)
  232. Abraham Unger (NLG co-founder)
  233. Harold Buchman (NLG member)
  234. Maurice Braverman (NLG CPUSA member)
  235. Mitchell A. Dubow
  236. Stanley H. Ruttenberg (LID/ISS member/Socialistic)
  237. Nathan Levine (labor lawyer)
  238. James S. Chambers (editor)
  239. James S. Chambers (publisher)
  240. Donald E. Montgomery (New Deal, UAW)
  241. Len De Caux (CIO)
  242. Jacques Nahum
  243. John L. Childs
  244. Federal Coal Commission
  245. Mundt-Nixon Bill
  246. Labor Defender ILD magazine
  247. Judith Palache Gregory
  248. Hope Hale Davis (Ware Group)
  249. Thomas L. Sakmyster
  250. M. L. Wilson (FDR AAA brain trust)
  251. Heber Blankenhorn (NRLB)
  252. Alan M. Wald
  253. Lloyd Paul Stryker (Hiss lawyer)
  254. Joseph A. Loftus (NYT journalist)
  255. Raymond L. Wise (Mundt-Nixon Bill)
  256. Dana Converse Backus (content moved to Mundt-Nixon Bill)
  257. Joseph Forer
  258. Marguerite Young (journalist)
  259. Anna Hiss
  260. James Cabell Bruce (Willam L. Marbury)
  261. Robert Graham Heiner
  262. Edward Cochrane McLean, Jr.
  263. Julien Rambaldi
  264. Henry Foner (chemist)
  265. Esther Shemitz
  266. Reuben Shemitz
  267. Isaac Juda Palache
  268. Calvin Fixx
  269. Charles Malamuth
  270. International Juridical Association (IJA)
  271. Abraham J. Isserman
  272. Shad Polier (Isadore Polier)
  273. Richard F. Cleveland
  274. Harold Medina, Jr.
  275. W. Marvin Smith
  276. Calvin Benham Baldwin (AKA "Beanie" Baldwin)
  277. Robert von Mehren (Hiss lawyer)
  278. Daniel Leab
  279. Leon Srabian Herald
  280. Gabriel Palatchi
  281. Eddy Palacci
  282. A.B. Magil
  283. Isaac Pallache
  284. David Pallache
  285. Moses Pallache
  286. Joseph Pallache
  287. Juda Lion Palache
  288. Pallache family
  289. Charles Palache
  290. Joseph Palacci
  291. Abraham Palacci
  292. Rahamim Nissim Palacci
  293. Pallache (surname)
  294. Robert Bendiner
  295. Samuel Krieger
  296. San Francisco Workers' School
  297. Paul Crouch (activist)
  298. Rossant (surname)
  299. Boar's Head Society
  300. Berthe Zimmermann
  301. Fabrice Ziolkowski
  302. Julian Whittlesey
  303. Elinor Ferry
  304. Orla O'Rourke
  305. Hideo Noda
  306. Henry Foner
  307. Harry Freeman (journalist)
  308. Rebekah Wingert-Jabi
  309. Emile Despres
  310. John Augustus Raffetto
  311. Michael Raffetto
  312. Murray S. Monroe, Sr.
  313. Peter Entell
  314. T. S. Matthews
  315. H. William Fitelson
  316. George Kirstein
  317. Herbert Romerstein
  318. Charles Angoff
  319. George G. Watson
  320. Ben Davidson (politician)
  321. Jack Hardy (labor leader)
  322. Bert Andrews (journalist)
  323. Max Ascoli
  324. Sender Garlin
  325. Duncan Norton-Taylor
  326. Mary Fife Laning
  327. William A. Reuben
  328. Charles Wertenbaker
  329. Joseph R. Conlin
  330. David Dallin
  331. Vladimir Gorev
  332. George A. Eddy
  333. Stringfellow (profession)
  334. The Analytic Sciences Corporation
  335. Irwin Shapiro (writer)
  336. Maxim Lieber
  337. Ludwik Kowalski
  338. Paul Wohl (Walter Krivitsky, Isaac Don Levine)
  339. Ignace Reiss
  340. Terrorist brigade
  341. Rezident
  342. Can You Hear Their Voices? (serialized August 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27)
  343. Alexander Trachtenberg
  344. Colette Rossant
  345. James Rossant
  346. Wilder Hobson
  347. Isaiah Oggins
  348. Leonardo da Vinci Art School
  349. Juliette Rossant
  350. Eulalia Pérez de Guillén Mariné

Major contributions (640+)

Major Contributor
  1. To Know You Is to Love You (song)
  2. Ralph Easley
  3. Dorothy Gallagher
  4. David Fellman
  5. John T. McManus (TIME, PM, ALP)
  6. Quinn Tamm (FBI)
  7. Edward Allen Tamm (FBI)
  8. Austin Dowling
  9. Ralph Chaplin (IWW)
  10. Luís Espinal Camps
  11. Ahmed White
  12. Reynold Henry Hillenbrand
  13. This Godless Communism
  14. Frederick L. Schuman (attacked by Louis Budenz 1953)
  15. Albert Johnson (congressman) (friend of John Bond Trevor)
  16. Bruce Nelson (historian) (1934 strikes)
  17. John Mitchell (United Mine Workers)
  18. Brookwood Labor College
  19. Yellow-dog contract (Alger Hiss, Joel I. Seidman)
  20. Mike Quin
  21. Adna Ferrin Weber (AALL)
  22. Richard T. Ely (AALL)
  23. John R. Commons (AALL)
  24. Henry Walcott Farnam (AALL)
  25. Henry Rogers Seager (AALL)
  26. John Bertram Andrews (AALL)
  27. American Association for Labor Legislation (AALL)
  28. Workers' Education Bureau of America
  29. Baltimore Federation of Labor (Baltimore Labor College)
  30. Broadus Mitchell (Myra Page, Rose Schneider, M. Carey Thomas)
  31. Katharine DuPre Lumpkin
  32. Kurt Wiese
  33. Claudia Jones
  34. Igor Sazonov
  35. Yegor Sozonov
  36. International Workers Order (IWO)
  37. Social Democratic Federation (United States) (SDF)
  38. FANA
  39. Richard Stites
  40. Annie Ebrel
  41. Helen Lombard
  42. Martin Ebon
  43. Georgy Malenkov
  44. Henry Regnery
  45. William H. Regnery
  46. William Regnery II
  47. Charlotte Pomerantz
  48. Curtis D. MacDougall (Gideon's Army)
  49. A. H. Raskin
  50. Earl Browder
  51. Estezet (KNAPP-aligned Polish spy network)
  52. Sydney Hill
  53. Joseph Gaer (CIO-PAC)
  54. Richard J. Collins (Hollywood Blacklist)
  55. Longin Pastusiak
  56. Leo Krzycki (Lee Pressman)
  57. M.R. Ghanoonparvar
  58. Richard Polenberg
  59. Richard O. Boyer
  60. Constitutional Educational League
  61. David J. Saposs (Lowenthal)
  62. Adolf A. Berle
  63. Frank Crosswaith
  64. Alex Rose (labor leader)
  65. Dear Mr. President (album)
  66. Union Mills Homestead Historic District
  67. Michael Roskin
  68. Bill Lawrence (news personality)
  69. Coup 53
  70. Camp Kinder Ring
  71. Sumner Slichter
  72. Alice-Leone Moats
  73. United States v. Richardson
  74. Kramer v. Union Free School District No. 15
  75. Trop v. Dulles
  76. Schneider v. New Jersey
  77. De Jonge v. Oregon
  78. Osmond Fraenkel
  79. Howard Mumford Jones
  80. Joan Riddell Cook (Joan Cook)
  81. Christopher Pyle
  82. Richard Lauterbach
  83. Angus Cameron (publisher)
  84. American Labor Party
  85. John Gilbert Winant
  86. Terry Pettus (Canwell Committee)
  87. Book Row
  88. Harvey Matusow
  89. Manning Johnson
  90. William P. Rogers
  91. Continental Baking Company
  92. Robert C. Weaver
  93. National Negro Congress
  94. Stanley Forman Reed (Hiss, Lowenthal)
  95. John Bertram Oakes (Murray J. Rossant)
  96. Labor rights in American meatpacking industry
  97. Gordon Kahn
  98. Louis M. Lyons
  99. Sascha Meinrath
  100. Timuel Black
  101. Patrick G. Eddington
  102. August Brentano
  103. National Council of American–Soviet Friendship
  104. Eric Johnston
  105. Defending Dissent Foundation (National Committee Against the House Un-American Activities Committee or NCA-HUAC)
  106. Photo League
  107. Bartley Crum
  108. Robert W. Kenny
  109. Jack Tenney
  110. Westbrook Pegler
  111. Cristina (singer) (Cristina Monet-Palaci, Cristina Monet Zilkha)
  112. Max Lerner (Bartley Crum)
  113. George Watson (scholar)
  114. Loren Ghiglione
  115. Irving Kaufman
  116. Roger M. Kyes
  117. Marsha Hunt (actress, born 1917)
  118. Joseph Milton Bernstein
  119. Herbert Ferber
  120. Benjamin J. Rabin (Leo Isacson)
  121. Leo Cherne (Carl Marzani)
  122. Lawrence Gellert
  123. Henry A. Wallace (books)
  124. Bernard Bernstein (example of government guilt by association)
  125. Boris Chaliapin
  126. Carl Marzani (Union Films)
  127. United States Penitentiary, Lewisburg
  128. Wendell Mayes
  129. Charles H. Kerr
  130. Nougat of Montélimar
  131. Robert M. La Follette Jr.
  132. The Human Comedy (novel)
  133. Ludwik
  134. National Federation for Constitutional Liberties (NFCL)
  135. George Marshall (conservationist) (NFCL)
  136. Robert K. G. Temple
  137. Sylvia Bernstein (activist)
  138. Alfred Bernstein
  139. Drusilla Nixon
  140. Life of Washington
  141. Annie Stein
  142. Karl E. Mundt (HUAC)
  143. Herbert Fuchs
  144. Eugene Higgins
  145. Gerald L. K. Smith
  146. Jo Davidson
  147. Butterfield House (New York, NY)
  148. Elias Lieberman
  149. Victor Arnautoff
  150. Dmitry Shmidt
  151. Paul Strand
  152. Leo Hurwitz
  153. Eleanor Clark
  154. Jack Shulman (William Z. Foster)
  155. Jane F. Gentleman (Joseph Forer)
  156. John N. McMahon
  157. Robert Gordon Switz
  158. John B. Sosnowski
  159. Elizabeth Dilling
  160. Ella Wolfe
  161. Joseph Zack Kornfeder (Mandel)
  162. Hannan (surname)
  163. Janus v. AFSCME
  164. Stephen Stapleton
  165. Mutual Security Agency
  166. Fichtner
  167. Philip Jaffe
  168. Harold Rosenberg
  169. Godfrey P. Schmidt (Bella Dodd)
  170. Paul Le Blanc (historian)
  171. Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
  172. Otto D. Tolischus
  173. Draft Eisenhower movement
  174. Claude Pepper
  175. George E. Allen (FDR, Truman, Eisenhower crony - Lowenthal)
  176. Abraham Pomerantz
  177. Elena Miller
  178. Duncan Lee (Duncan Chaplin Lee)
  179. Alexander Yakobson
  180. James M. Buchanan
  181. Alfred S. Regnery
  182. House of Stone
  183. Anthony Shadid
  184. American Artists' Congress
  185. Marion Bachrach (sister of John Abt)
  186. John Peurifoy (UN with Hiss)
  187. Carl Haessler
  188. William Weinstone
  189. Alexander Orlov (Soviet defector)
  190. Robert Lowe Kunzig (Bella Dodd)
  191. Charles Yale Harrison (New Masses)
  192. Joseph P. Kamp (Jon Voight)
  193. Edward Thomas Devine
  194. Benjamin Gitlow
  195. John H. Sengstacke
  196. Frank Harris (Whittaker Chambers - Play for Puppets)
  197. Jefferson School of Social Science
  198. Samuel A. Neuberger
  199. Ben Margolis
  200. American League Against War and Fascism
  201. George Sokolsky
  202. Werner Scholem
  203. Telford Taylor
  204. Benjamin Stolberg (Jerome Davis)
  205. Newsweek Views the News (episode "Casebook on Treason" of February 1950)
  206. Louis M. Rabinowitz
  207. Local 2
  208. Local 5
  209. Mari Jo Buhle
  210. Clinton Rossiter
  211. Tucker P. Smith
  212. Alexander Meiklejohn
  213. The Vital Center
  214. Lorie Tarshis
  215. Merwin K. Hart
  216. Morris Schappes
  217. Rae Elson (Elizabeth Bentley)
  218. Abel Paz
  219. F. Stuart Chapin
  220. Myra Page
  221. David George Plotkin (Samuel Roth)
  222. Robert W. Dunn (CPUSA, ACLU, ILD, LRA)
  223. Yrjö Sirola (Comintern rep)
  224. Sergey Ivanovich Gusev (Comintern rep)
  225. Battle of Cool Spring (Snicker's Gap, Charles Whittaker)
  226. Henry F. Ward
  227. Norman K. Gottwald
  228. Pan Am Flight 1-10
  229. Condeau
  230. Joachim Pisarro
  231. Alice Paul
  232. 369th Infantry Regiment (United States)
  233. Stephen Samuel Wise (father of Justine Wise Polier
  234. Pablo Sainz Villegas
  235. Rukmini Callimachi
  236. Arthur Garfield Hays
  237. Dave Taylor (trombonist)
  238. Ralph de Toledano
  239. Joel Kovel
  240. Tom Maidhc O'Flaherty (Daily Worker)
  241. Steven F. Hayward
  242. Perche
  243. One-dollar salary ("Dollar-a-Year Man")
  244. Gerald Horne
  245. Alfred Kohlberg (Plain Talk (magazine), Counterattack (newsletter))
  246. Edward A. Allworth
  247. Bernard DeVoto
  248. Faith Spotted Eagle
  249. Zip Szold
  250. Concealed Enemies
  251. Peter Wyngarde
  252. Jérôme Bocuse
  253. Paul Bocuse
  254. Maxwell Knight
  255. John Bingham, 7th Baron Clanmorris
  256. Eric Roberts (spy)
  257. The Hillman Prize
  258. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
  259. Bessie Abramowitz Hillman
  260. Sidney Hillman
  261. Otto Wille Kuusinen
  262. Frank Fairfax
  263. Pearl Primus
  264. Calvin Jackson
  265. Barney Josephson (brother of Leon Josephson)
  266. Café Society
  267. Harlow Shapley
  268. Anatoly Lunacharsky
  269. Annie Buller
  270. Walter Goodman (critic) (The Committee on HUAC)
  271. Samuel Dickstein (congressman)
  272. Edward Condon
  273. Donald S. Russell (Mr. Blank)
  274. George Henry Soule Jr.
  275. Freda Kirchwey
  276. Rand School of Social Science
  277. John McDowell (Pennsylvania politician) (HUAC)
  278. Richard B. Vail (HUAC)
  279. Alice Kessler-Harris
  280. Catbird seat
  281. Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh
  282. Morgan M. Moulder
  283. Leo Isacson
  284. Square Deal
  285. Jehane Noujaim
  286. Brock Chisholm (WHO, Hiss 1948)
  287. Lee Alvin DuBridge
  288. Steve Nelson (activist)
  289. Philip Jessup (Alger Hiss, CEIP, Harvard, Elihu Root, Grenville Clark)
  290. Emanuel Hirsch Bloch (defended Marion Bachrach and Julius Rosenberg)
  291. John McPartland
  292. Walter Trohan
  293. Robert Gordon Sproul
  294. The American Magazine (1934 Alger Hiss)
  295. Thurman Arnold (Hugh Cox, Donald Hiss)
  296. Anna M. Rosenberg
  297. Aristide Boucicaut of Bellême (Le Bon Marché)
  298. John F. Davis (lawyer) (Hiss defense team)
  299. Douglas Hyde (author)
  300. Ruth Crawford Seeger
  301. Marquis Childs
  302. Laurence Duggan
  303. United States Senate Homeland Security Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
  304. National Negro Congress (NNC)
  305. National Federation for Constitutional Liberties (NFCL)
  306. Roscoe Drummond
  307. Carl Binger
  308. Robert Dorsey Watkins
  309. William Henry Draper Jr.
  310. James Tyler (music)
  311. Stanley Hornbeck (Hiss boss USDOS)
  312. Joseph Patrick Tumulty (Hiss, Marbury)
  313. Charles Fahy (Hiss, Marbury)
  314. Edward G. Miller, Jr. (Hiss, Marbury)
  315. Grenville Clark (UN, Marbury, Hiss)
  316. Swinburne Hale
  317. Walter Nelles (Hale, Nelles, Shorr; Carol Weiss King; Joseph R. Brodsky)
  318. Ellen Kovner Silbergeld
  319. Frank S. Tavenner, Jr.
  320. L. M. Elliott
  321. Amalgamated Bank (Hillman, Lowenthal, Fiorello)
  322. Rorty
  323. Vladimir Feltsman (pianist)
  324. Max Bedacht
  325. United States v. Congress of Industrial Organizations
  326. We the People (U.S. TV series) (Elizabeth Bentley)
  327. Marie Provazníková (Czech defector Aug 1948)
  328. 1948 in radio
  329. John W. Davis of Polk Davis & Wardeell (Hiss witness)
  330. United Furniture Workers of America (CWA affiliate)
  331. Allan Rosenberg (spy) (Nathan Witt) (Max Lowenthal) (George Shaw Wheeler) (missing Ware Group member)
  332. Dean Rusk (succeeded Hiss at State)
  333. James B. Carey
  334. Oliver Edmund Clubb (China Hands)
  335. Donald Dawson (Truman; whistle-stop mastermind)
  336. Max Lowenthal (Hiss, father of David + John Lowenthal)
  337. Donald S. Klopfer (Katie Louchheim)
  338. Helen Lehman Buttenwieser (Hiss lawyer 1962)
  339. Benjamin Buttenwieser
  340. Felix Frankfurter
  341. Raymond Sokolov (Rossant)
  342. World War III
  343. W. A. Swanberg
  344. Oscar Collazo
  345. Mary Stalcup Markward
  346. Kenneth Turan
  347. National Lawyers Guild (NLG)
  348. Woody Guthrie
  349. USS James S. Chambers (1861)
  350. Richard Nixon
  351. William Perl
  352. Jerome Davis (sociologist)
  353. Winthrop Sargeant
  354. John F. Osborne
  355. Robert Neville (journalist)
  356. Sherry Mangan
  357. John T. McManus
  358. J. B. Matthews
  359. Progressive Party (United States, 1948)
  360. Jews Without Money
  361. David Nalle
  362. Silvestre Revueltas
  363. Clare Hoffman
  364. Jerome Frank (hired Ware Group members)
  365. Victor Rabinowitz (Hiss lawyer)
  366. B. J. Widick
  367. Thomas Francis Murphy federal prosecutor Hiss Case
  368. Leon J. Davis Local 1199 (John Sherman)
  369. James M. Quigley (grandfather of Marcela Gaviria)
  370. Henk Sneevliet (Ignace Reiss)
  371. A. J. Liebling (friend of Alger Hiss)
  372. Alan Nunn May
  373. Alexander Vassiliev
  374. Paul Y. Anderson
  375. John T. Cahill (Hiss)
  376. Thayer Hobson
  377. Robert S. Ellwood (Quaker, Episcopalian)
  378. David K. E. Bruce
  379. William Cabell Bruce
  380. George L. P. Radcliffe (Marbury, Hiss)
  381. George W. Wickersham (Marbury, Hiss)
  382. Amtorg Trading Corporation
  383. Lona Cohen
  384. Nancy Foner
  385. Morris Cohen (spy)
  386. The Decline of the West
  387. Chambers Street (Manhattan)
  388. Henninger Flats
  389. First Shearith Israel Graveyard
  390. Donald A. Ritchie
  391. Marguerite Young
  392. F. W. Dupee
  393. Selden Rodman
  394. The Outlook (New York)
  395. Loyalty oath - Executive Order 9835 "Loyalty Order" (1947)
  396. Edward Lamb
  397. Bill Bailey (Spanish Civil War veteran)
  398. Craig Thompson
  399. Joan London (American writer)
  400. Pierre Broué
  401. Justine W. Polier
  402. Debevoise & Plimpton
  403. Cold War espionage
  404. Robert P. Patterson
  405. Nye Committee
  406. Bernard Baruch
  407. Stefano Palatchi
  408. Lazarus of Bethany
  409. Antonio Gades
  410. Moïse Rahmani
  411. Samuel ha-Levi
  412. Kemeraltı Çašisi (bazaar) in Izmir
  413. Mohammed esh-Sheikh es-Seghir
  414. Grand Synagogue of Paris
  415. Brock Brower
  416. Haim Palachi
  417. Samuel Pallache
  418. Corliss Lamont
  419. Mundt–Ferguson Communist Registration Bill
  420. Edward T. Folliard
  421. Grace Conkling
  422. Samuel Adams Darcy
  423. California Labor School
  424. Melissa Boyle Mahle
  425. Artists Union
  426. John Bernard (American politician)
  427. Foxstone Park
  428. Aaron Kramer
  429. China's Red Army Marches
  430. New York Workers School
  431. Raffetto, California
  432. Joseph Hansen (socialist)
  433. Virginia Foster Durr
  434. Fritz Platten
  435. International Liaison Department (Comintern's OMS)
  436. Jakob Rudnik (aka Hilare Noulens, Richard Robinson-Rubens)
  437. Daniel Fuchs
  438. 2,6-Dichlorobenzonitrile (tree "root kill")
  439. Byron N. Scott
  440. Robert Neelly Bellah
  441. Fulton Oursler
  442. Ludwig Lore
  443. Au clair de la lune
  444. Die Rote Fahne
  445. John Herrmann
  446. Henry Collins (official)
  447. Lee Pressman
  448. Ruth Fischer
  449. Onorio Ruotolo
  450. Goronwy Rees
  451. Gyula Alpári
  452. Felix Morrow
  453. Charles P. Kindleberger
  454. Alexander Gregory Barmine
  455. Norman Garbo
  456. Joseph Freeman (writer)
  457. George W. Della, Jr.
  458. Third Rome
  459. Ira Gollobin
  460. Flora Lewis
  461. Mikhail Trilisser
  462. VOKS (All-Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries)
  463. American Committee for Cultural Freedom (ACCF)
  464. Scottsboro Boys
  465. Christopher Maher
  466. Nathaniel Weyl
  467. Emil Freed
  468. James Wechsler
  469. Bless Me, Ultima (film)
  470. Marian Marzynski
  471. Michael Kernan
  472. Iskhak Akhmerov
  473. Arthur Krock
  474. Harold I. Cammer
  475. 1951
  476. 1950
  477. 1949
  478. Morris Schapiro
  479. Robert Cantwell
  480. George K. Fraenkel
  481. New International
  482. Hisham Melhem
  483. Jeffrey Burton Russell
  484. Louis Lozowick
  485. Lee Lozowick
  486. Raymond W. Smock
  487. Meyer Schapiro
  488. Albert Sterner
  489. McClure's
  490. Abram Slutsky
  491. Juliet Stuart Poyntz
  492. James T. Shotwell
  493. Harvey Breit
  494. Richie Havens
  495. Not by Bread Alone
  496. To Make My Bread
  497. Alexander Koral
  498. Les Whitten
  499. Sam Spiegel
  500. L. E. Katterfeld
  501. Isaac Folkoff
  502. Karl Radek
  503. Harry Dexter White
  504. Walter Weyl
  505. Advise and Consent
  506. Flivver
  507. New York Post
  508. Jonathan Brent (author)
  509. Edward Laning
  510. Arthur Adams (spy)
  511. Perlo group
  512. Georges Agabekov
  513. Kitty Harris
  514. Marjorie Heins
  515. Peter H. Irons
  516. Agricultural Adjustment Act
  517. William Marshall Bullitt
  518. James Wong Howe
  519. Hugh Hammond Bennett
  520. 1948
  521. Donald Hiss
  522. Noel Field
  523. Bronislav Grombchevsky
  524. Willy Pogany
  525. Graham Fuller
  526. Timberlake Wertenbaker
  527. Otto Fuerbringer
  528. List of American spies
  529. Dorothy Sterling
  530. Clifton Fadiman
  531. Jack Conroy
  532. Michael Scammell
  533. John Pepper
  534. The American Weekly
  535. Fyodor Dan
  536. B. W. Huebsch
  537. Moses I. Finley
  538. Merriman Smith
  539. The New Leader
  540. Open field system
  541. J. Louis Engdahl
  542. Template:Soviet Spies
  543. Ziad Doueiri
  544. Franz Roubaud
  545. Joseph Fels Barnes
  546. Samuel Roth
  547. Frank Tannenbaum
  548. René Taupin
  549. Daniel Aaron
  550. David S. Dodge
  551. Earned value management
  552. Grace Lumpkin
  553. Carroll County, Maryland
  554. Benjamin Mandel
  555. Jeffrey Fuller
  556. Crystal Eastman
  557. Brian C. Anderson
  558. Incendies
  559. Tracker (film)
  560. Sidney Hook
  561. Isidor Schneider
  562. Class Reunion (1928 novel)
  563. John Scott (writer)
  564. Billy Budd
  565. Gyula Alpári
  566. Ware Group
  567. Joseph Milton Bernstein
  568. Dmitri Volkogonov
  569. Berberis thunbergii
  570. Daily Worker
  571. Judith Coplon
  572. To the Finland Station
  573. Leila Fadel
  574. Itzik Feffer
  575. Carol Weiss King
  576. Herbert Fuchs
  577. J. Peters
  578. The American Mercury
  579. Jerry J. O'Connell
  580. Louis F. Budenz
  581. William Ward Pigman
  582. Jessica Smith
  583. Paul Zukofsky
  584. Noblis
  585. Susie Orbach
  586. Maurice Orbach
  587. Revolutions of 1917–23
  588. Eugen Leviné
  589. Arthur Koestler
  590. Margarete Buber-Neumann
  591. Angel Gil-Ordoñez
  592. Hildo Krop
  593. Paul Massing
  594. Kenneth Durant
  595. Hede Massing
  596. Louis Waldman
  597. Mark Zborowski
  598. Theodore Hall
  599. International Publishers
  600. Alexander Bogdanov
  601. Fredson Bowers
  602. Nathan Witt
  603. The World Tomorrow (magazine)
  604. Boris Savinkov
  605. Vyacheslav von Plehve
  606. Yevno Azef
  607. SR Combat Organization
  608. Walter Krivitsky
  609. New Masses
  610. Alexander Ulanovsky
  611. Resident spy
  612. International Labor Defense
  613. Louis Zukofsky
  614. Harry Sternberg
  615. Otto Soglow
  616. Rockwell Kent
  617. Hugo Gellert
  618. Wanda Gág
  619. Adolf Dehn
  620. Stuart Davis (painter)
  621. Bernarda Bryson Shahn
  622. Art Young
  623. Left Front
  624. Joe Jones
  625. John Reed Club
  626. Fred Ellis (cartoonist)
  627. Albert Halper
  628. Tony Judt
  629. Fellow traveler
  630. Jacob Burck
  631. Kronstadt rebellion
  632. Bibliography of Whittaker Chambers
  633. Carolyn Gold Heilbrun
  634. Herbert Solow (journalist)
  635. Lionel Trilling
  636. Martha Rountree
  637. John Nevin Sayre
  638. Norman Thomas
  639. Anatol Lieven
  640. Whittaker Chambers

Minor contributions (1,170+)

Minor Contributor
  1. 19-2 (2011 TV series) (French-Canadian police drama)
  2. The Crisis of Man (“La Crise de l’homme”) by Albert Camus 1946.03.28
  3. La Femme Nikita (film)
  4. The Washington Daily News
  5. Walter Polakov
  6. Paul Hollander
  7. Woodstock Theological Center
  8. Edmund A. Walsh
  9. American Relief Administration (ARA)
  10. Catholic Worker (newspaper) (Dorothy Day)
  11. Association of Catholic Trade Unionists (ACTU)
  12. American Historical Association
  13. Organization of American Historians
  14. Thomas Tamm
  15. Diego Rivera
  16. Erich Klausener (Catholic Action)
  17. Leonard Lyons (announce Plain Talk on 1946.09.05)
  18. Julian Mack (father-in-law of Max Lowenthal)
  19. John Espey (Decorative Designers)
  20. Charles Buckles Falls (Decorative Designers)
  21. John Stephens Wood (HUAC chair 1945)
  22. George Addes (UAW)
  23. David A. Morse (ILO)
  24. Political Affairs (magazine)
  25. Josephine Roche (Lee Pressman)
  26. Communist League of America (Opposition) (James P. Cannon, Max Shachtman, Martin Abern) (1928)
  27. George Anderson
  28. Adolph Held (American Labor ORT, Louis Hollander)
  29. Isaac Hourwich (Soviet Bureau)
  30. Grove School (Connecticut) (Baltimore Labor College)
  31. Rose Pesotta (Rakhel Peisoty) (Krzycki)
  32. Vern Smith (journalist) (spy)
  33. Angelina Grimké (Katharine Lumpkin)
  34. U.S. News & World Report
  35. Frauenkirche, Munich (Eugen Leviné)
  36. Venona project (VENONA)
  37. Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI)
  38. American Association for Labor Legislation (AALL) (Poyntz)
  39. Congress for Cultural Freedom
  40. Vladimir Pravdin
  41. Don Nigro (play Traitors on Hiss Case)
  42. USS Cassin (DD-43)
  43. USS Cassin (DD-372)
  44. Frank Simpson (cricketer)
  45. Avrom Landy
  46. Otto Skorzeny
  47. Nadav Safran
  48. Brodie helmet
  49. Harry Bridges
  50. Trade Union Unity League (TUUL)
  51. George Morris
  52. Louis Charles Karpinski
  53. Arthur Deakin
  54. Fair Play for Cuba Committee
  55. List of recipients of the Order of Polonia Restituta (Leo Krzycki)
  56. Bertrand W. Gearhart
  57. SLATE
  58. Charlene Mitchell
  59. Gregg Herken
  60. Zaritsky (surname)
  61. Grorud (disambiguation)
  62. Richard O. Boyer
  63. On the Jews and Their Lies (Martin Luther via Gerald L. K. Smith)
  64. Julius Epstein (author)
  65. Harold Weisberg (Hood JFK files)
  66. Newsweek
  67. Carmen Lucia (union organizer)
  68. Alex Acosta
  69. Liberty Reservoir
  70. Solomon Arter House
  71. Pascali's Island (film)
  72. Abdul Rahman Munif
  73. Michael Hough (politician)
  74. Justin Ready
  75. Robert Goddard
  76. Frederick Vanderbilt Field
  77. General Jewish Labour Bund
  78. Steel Workers Organizing Committee (SWOC)
  79. Taghi Amirani
  80. Ben Gold
  81. Central Park jogger case
  82. Willie McGee (convict)
  83. Martinsville Seven
  84. Gareth Jones (journalist)
  85. List of assets owned by Hearst Communications
  86. Bella Abzug
  87. The Feminine Mystique
  88. Eldredge
  89. Judith Jones (Angus Cameron)
  90. Maxwell Anderson
  91. Maxwell L. Anderson
  92. Keeley
  93. ACPA (American China Policy Assocation)
  94. Archibald Roosevelt
  95. Lowell Mellett
  96. Miriam Ottenberg
  97. List of Bohemian Club members
  98. Ferdinand Pecora (Lowenthal)
  99. Eitaro Ishigaki
  100. Amalgamated Meat Cutters
  101. Harlan County War
  102. Tony Kahn
  103. Newsboys' Home
  104. Richard Howard Ichord Jr. (last HUAC chair)
  105. Joel Barr
  106. Communists in the United States Labor Movement (1937–1950)
  107. Dalton Trumbo
  108. Victor Saul Navasky
  109. DRD
  110. Harold Laski
  111. The Wreck of the Hesperus (1948 film)
  112. Twilight's Last Gleaming (1948)
  113. Black Eagle (1948 film)
  114. Cigarette Girl (1947 film)
  115. The Iron Curtain (film) (Igor Gouzenko)
  116. Ideological restrictions on naturalization in U.S. law
  117. Los Angeles Express (newspaper)
  118. Loy W. Henderson
  119. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.
  120. George T. Bye
  121. Anna Louise Strong
  122. Albert Deutsch
  123. I. F. Stone (Bartley Crum)
  124. Elmer Berger (rabbi) (Bartley Crum)
  125. Patricia Bosworth (Bartley Crum's daughter)
  126. Kathryn Kish Sklar
  127. Telling Stories with Tomie dePaola
  128. Tomie dePaola
  129. Barney Balaban
  130. Attorney General's List of Subversive Organizations (AGLOSO)
  131. Emerson (surname)
  132. Léon Theremin
  133. Silk Road Rising
  134. The Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation
  135. National Academy of Design
  136. Robert G. Thompson (Robert Thompson)
  137. Kenneth Waltzer
  138. Yates v. United States
  139. International Assessment and Strategy Center
  140. Morton Blackwell
  141. William J. Conklin
  142. Carl Bernstein
  143. State, County, and Municipal Workers of America
  144. Raymond Clapper
  145. Maryland Route 496
  146. The New Republic
  147. Paul V. McNutt
  148. Olive Stone
  149. Aubrey Willis Williams
  150. Southern Student Organizing Committee
  151. Clifford Durr
  152. Lucy Randolph Mason
  153. Bibb Graves
  154. Minas Tirith
  155. Wolkenbruch's Wondrous Journey Into the Arms of a Shiksa
  156. Feller (surname)
  157. Jonah Raskin
  158. Eleanor Raskin
  159. Francis Ngannou
  160. Christian Nationalist Crusade
  161. Ronald Reagan
  162. Harold L. Ickes (ICCASP)
  163. Suzanne La Follette
  164. Colm Brogan
  165. Joseph of Arimathea
  166. Frank Malina
  167. Sanzō Nosaka
  168. Robert Page Arnot
  169. Louis M. Loeb (Nathan Greene)
  170. Harold Rome
  171. David Hopkins (disambiguation)
  172. Gustav Mahler
  173. Meze
  174. Hamilton Fish
  175. Ralph Easley
  176. Nesta Helen Webster
  177. Alina Surmacka Szczesniak
  178. Zack (surname)
  179. Donald S. Day
  180. Dorothy Day
  181. Charmion Von Wiegand
  182. National Review
  183. Eric O'Neill
  184. Sam Neill
  185. Félibrige
  186. Joseph C. Wilson
  187. Ismo Leikola
  188. Lynette Fromme
  189. Bruce S. Raynor
  190. Dave Davies
  191. Daniel Hannan
  192. The Three Little Men in the Wood
  193. Carmen (1983 film)
  194. Mary McCarthy (author)
  195. Lawrence and Wishart
  196. Greeleyville, South Carolina
  197. Communism
  198. History of communism
  199. List of history journals
  200. American Communist History
  201. Communisme
  202. Irving Kaplan
  203. Russell Baker
  204. Jon Voight (relative to Joseph P. Kamp)
  205. John B. Trevor Sr. (Walter S. Steele, Benjamin Mandel)
  206. Robert S. Allen
  207. New York State School Boards Association
  208. Seirijai (Rosenberg origin town)
  209. Good Hunting
  210. Strange Fruit
  211. BorgWarner
  212. Alexander Stephan
  213. National Guardian (George Shaw Wheeler)
  214. Josiah E. DuBois Jr.
  215. Heinz Norden
  216. WINC (AM) (Richard Fields Lewis Jr.)
  217. WFVA
  218. WCRW
  219. WCBG
  220. WHYL
  221. WELD (AM)
  222. List of United States radio networks
  223. Maria Butina
  224. Löwenthal (surname)
  225. Burton K. Wheeler
  226. Antonín Novotný
  227. List of Western Bloc defectors
  228. Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS)
  229. Calvados (apple)
  230. Edward Dmytryk
  231. Roberta Flack
  232. Gene McDaniels
  233. East End and West End of Oslo
  234. Okkupert
  235. Eddie Rouse
  236. Klaus Fuchs
  237. Federated Press
  238. Alexander Cockburn
  239. George Shadid
  240. Shadid
  241. National War Labor Board (1918–1919)
  242. The Passaic Textile Strike (film)
  243. Elliott Abrams
  244. Edward Rumely
  245. National Economic Council, Inc.
  246. William Hale (cattleman)
  247. Fairfax, Oklahoma
  248. List of organizations described as Communist fronts by the United States federal government
  249. Horace Kallen
  250. Millicent Selsam
  251. Howard Selsam
  252. Jack D. Foner
  253. Moses Finley
  254. Bela Gold
  255. Elmer Davis
  256. Irving Kaplan
  257. Manumit School (Henry Linville)
  258. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
  259. Newsweek Views the News
  260. Waiting for Lefty
  261. Gil Green (politician)
  262. Irving Adler
  263. TU (Teachers Union)
  264. Edward K. Barsky
  265. Dorothy Parker
  266. Arthur Szyk
  267. Moses Fishman
  268. Howard Fast
  269. Agent of influence
  270. Eric Sevareid
  271. Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee v. McGrath
  272. Saxon Sydney-Turner
  273. Renaissance of the Celtic Harp
  274. Lake Anne Village Center Historic District
  275. List of education trade unions
  276. Chicago Teachers Union
  277. American Federation of Teachers
  278. United Federation of Teachers
  279. New York State United Teachers
  280. Ford Foundation
  281. Paul Buhle
  282. Up Against the Wall Motherfucker
  283. List of mayors of Oakland, California
  284. Bethuel M. Webster
  285. Norman St John-Stevas
  286. Gus Tyler
  287. Douglas Waples
  288. Henry W. Sawyer
  289. Frederick M. Nicholas
  290. Robert Maynard Hutchins
  291. Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story
  292. Herbert Sorrell
  293. Charles Winick
  294. Herbert Ratner
  295. La Leche League
  296. Raymond Pace Alexander
  297. Clifford P. Case
  298. Theodore Draper
  299. Stanley E. Hubbard
  300. Political views of Albert Einstein
  301. American Association of University Professors
  302. Victor Riesel
  303. WEVD
  304. Robnett (George W. Robnett)
  305. Albert Einstein
  306. Bibliography of encyclopedias: history (Latkovski)
  307. Objectivism (Ayn Rand) (Sidorsky)
  308. Columbia University Department of Philosophy (Sidorsky)
  309. Cantons of the Orne department
  310. Irving Kristol
  311. Cedric Belfrage
  312. Maurice Halperin
  313. Elizabeth Bentley (disambiguation)
  314. Morris Ernst (ACLU) (Hede Massing)
  315. Louis Untermeyer (Myra Page)
  316. Dashiell Hammett (Myra Page)
  317. Lillian Hellman (Myra Page)
  318. Millen Brand (Myra Page)
  319. League of American Writers (Myra Page)
  320. Labor Research Association (Myra Page)
  321. William F. Dunne (Myra Page)
  322. Podolsk (Myra Page)
  323. Highlander Research and Education Center
  324. List of members of the League of American Writers
  325. Ukrainization
  326. American Relief Administration
  327. History of the Jews in Ukraine
  328. John Cusack
  329. Grosse Pointe Blank
  330. Objectivism (poetry)
  331. List of Glascock Prize winners and participants
  332. Howard Rushmore
  333. Cranford (novel)
  334. Winchester, Virginia
  335. Steely Dan
  336. Purdue Pharma
  337. Bella Dodd
  338. The Communist
  339. Committee on Public Information
  340. The Catcher Was a Spy (film)
  341. Al Hunt
  342. Judy Woodruff
  343. Hari Sreenivasan
  344. John Yang (journalist)
  345. William Brangham
  346. Jeffrey Brown (journalist)
  347. Amna Nawaz
  348. Miles O'Brien (journalist)
  349. National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
  350. Julius Marshuetz Mayer (Scott Nearing, Emma Goldman)
  351. Sablons-sur-Huisne
  352. Condé-sur-Huisne
  353. Kelly McGillis
  354. Hany Abu-Assad
  355. Rustum Roy
  356. Bongo Bong
  357. Conques-en-Rouergue
  358. Camp Louise
  359. Camp Airy
  360. Martin Ritt
  361. WUSA (TV)
  362. Donald Dell
  363. J.C. Hayward
  364. Boquete, Chiriquí
  365. Thomas Vinciguerra
  366. Learned Hand
  367. Robert Morss Lovett
  368. Brown University
  369. Jacob Golos
  370. The Hitman's Bodyguard
  371. Yanks for Stalin
  372. Vinicius de Moraes
  373. Felix Browder
  374. William Browder (mathematician)
  375. Bill Browder
  376. Joshua Browder
  377. Andrew Browder
  378. Delia Larkin
  379. Bryan Ferry
  380. Babylon Berlin
  381. Cloth of St Gereon
  382. St. Gereon's Basilica, Cologne
  383. Saint-Géréon
  384. Gereon
  385. Papa: Hemingway in Cuba
  386. William C. Sullivan (FBI, Cronin, HUAC)
  388. Albertson (name)
  389. David Vladeck
  390. Harriet Baldwin Creighton
  391. Roger Nash Baldwin (ACLU)
  392. 2018 bombing of Damascus and Homs
  393. Douma, Syria
  394. The Chalk Circle
  395. Marshall Perlin
  396. Arthur Kinoy
  397. Marshall Perlin
  398. Frank Donner (NLRB 1940-1943, CIO, ACLU, Morton Sobell)
  399. Albertson v. Subversive Activities Control Board
  400. Victor Lasky
  401. McGregor, Iowa
  402. Timothy D. Snyder
  403. Tom O'Flaherty (rugby union)
  404. Bert Miller
  405. Conference for Progressive Labor Action
  406. J. Edgar Hoover
  407. Counterattack (disambiguation)
  408. Red Channels
  409. Erik Barnouw
  410. Nelson Frank (Elizabeth Bentley) (Norton Mockridge)
  411. Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
  412. Homer S. Ferguson
  413. 1 Rockefeller Plaza (TIME Building)
  414. Reading Capital
  415. Arctic Heart
  416. Bastille Day (film)
  417. Darulaman
  418. Wall Street bombing
  419. Taylorsville
  420. Bow, London
  421. John le Carré
  422. Gugu Mbatha-Raw
  423. Daf
  424. Bodhrán
  425. Edward Allworth
  426. Robert Maynard Hutchins
  427. Johan Galtung
  428. Maggie Kigozi
  429. Ajay Prabhakar
  430. Benjamin Szold
  431. Henrietta Szold
  432. Jacob Potofsky
  433. Amalgamated Housing Cooperative
  434. Herman Jessor (Amalgamated and Union coops)
  435. Something Else (The Cranberries album)
  436. Loray Mill strike
  437. Underground
  438. Paul Jarrico
  439. Executive Order 9835
  440. Lawrence Wetherby
  441. South Lakes High School
  442. Algernon Lee
  443. Tel Abib
  444. Tell Aqab
  445. Tell Asmar (Eshnunna)
  446. Tell Barri
  447. Tell Brak
  448. Tell Chuera
  449. Tell Ibrahim (Kutha)
  450. Tel Kabri
  451. Tell Leilan
  452. Tell al-Mishrifeh (Qatna)
  453. Tell al-Rawda
  454. Tell es-Safi
  455. Tell (archaeology)
  456. Joseph McCarthy
  457. November 1947
  458. David Helfeld
  459. Simon Patten (economist, Scott Nearing's mentor)
  460. Charles Solomon (politician)
  461. The Century Foundation
  462. Jacob Heilbrunn
  463. Telex
  464. Telegraphy
  465. Marcin Dorociński
  466. Mirosław Zbrojewicz
  467. Ellie Haddington
  468. Burn Gorman
  469. Radosław Kaim
  470. Linda Bassett
  471. Allan Corduner
  472. David Tennant
  473. Janet Montgomery
  474. The Spies of Warsaw (novel by Alan Furst)
  475. United States Ambassador to Poland
  476. Harry W. Fraser (Lowenthal)
  477. Benjamin N. Cardozo
  478. Louis H. Pollak (son of Walter Pollak)
  479. Railway Labor Executives' Association
  480. Irma Lindheim (1948 ALP candidate)
  481. J. Parnell Thomas (HUAC)
  482. List of members of the House Un-American Activities Committee
  483. Turnip Day Session
  484. 1948 in the United States
  485. Harold H. Velde
  486. Archibald Cox
  487. Progressive Party (United States, 1924–34)
  488. New Deal
  489. Tappan Zee Bridge
  490. John Foster Dulles (CEIP, Rockefellers)
  491. Howard Goodall
  492. World Federalist Movement
  493. Talk:List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people/Archive 3
  494. Gerald Horne
  495. We Charge Genocide
  496. David Stove
  497. A Report on Germany (by Lewis H. Brown)
  498. William Christian Bullitt Jr.
  499. In medias res
  500. Matthew Josephson
  501. Jan Masaryk
  502. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
  503. Charlotte Garrigue
  504. Dalton School
  505. Eastern Bloc
  506. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. (clerks, Hiss brothers)
  507. Union Trust Building (Washington, D.C.) (Gerhard Gesell, Hugh Cox, Donald Hiss)
  508. The Paradise (TV series)
  509. Tony Hulman (Lord Calvert / Lord Pervert / Jess)
  510. Alberto Ginastera
  511. Lionel Abel
  512. Raziel Abelson
  513. Witness 11
  514. Bob Considine
  515. Tom Hanks
  516. Cannon House Office Building
  517. Stephen P. Duggan (father of Laurence Duggan)
  518. Chiswick, UK (John Lowenthal)
  519. National Maritime Union
  520. Lee Hays (Seegers)
  521. Marion Bauer
  522. Peggy Seeger
  523. Alan Seeger
  524. Morton Sobell
  525. Helen Levitov Sobell
  526. A. Philip Randolph
  527. C. L. Dellums
  528. American Railway Union
  529. Ruttenberg
  530. John F. Shelley (DETCOM)
  531. James Bryant Conant (Marbury, Hiss)
  532. Public Affairs Council
  533. Catalonia
  534. Elihu Root
  535. Dewey & LeBoeuf
  536. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP, Hiss)
  537. Peter Parker House (CEIP WDC 1910–1948, Hiss, Lowenthal)
  538. Rogers & Wells
  539. Judson King
  540. Cora Smith Eaton
  541. Bertha Hale White
  542. Poland, Herkimer County, New York
  543. Harvard Student Agencies
  544. John Day Company
  545. Irving Peress (McCarthy victim, Rorty subject)
  546. Common Sense (magazine)
  547. Richard Rorty (father of James Rorty)
  548. John Brophy (labor) (CIO-PAC)
  549. Wabash Cannonball (Farmer-Labor Train, Wallace-Taylor Train) (Woody Guthrie)
  550. Farmer-Labor Party
  551. Iorwith Wilbur Abel AKA I.W. Abel (CIO-PAC) (SWOC)
  552. Daniel J. Tobin (CIO-PAC) (Teamsters)
  553. Political action committee
  554. Jerry Voorhis (CIO-PAC)
  555. Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
  556. Lauren Kessler
  557. Black bag operation (black-bag job)
  558. Black Diamond disambiguation
  559. The Conference Board (formerly National Industrial Conference Board or NICB), publisher of American Affairs
  560. Unvaniezh Demokratel Breizh (UDB)
  561. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
  562. Talk:Ohlone
  563. 8th Street / St. Mark's Place (Manhattan)
  564. Americans for Democratic Action
  565. Arthur B. Spingarn (uncle of Stephen J. Spingarn)
  566. Joel Elias Spingarn (father of Stephen J. Spingarn)
  567. Spingarn (disambiguation)
  568. Union for Democratic Action (James I. Loeb)
  569. United States Ambassador to Guinea (James I. Loeb)
  570. James Loeb (disambiguates James I. Loeb)
  571. Russian-American Industrial Corporation (RAIC) (Lowenthal, Hillman)
  572. Lucius D. Clay (Lowenthal served under him in Germany 1946)
  573. Harry H. Vaughan (Max Lowenthal)
  574. Federal Communications Commission
  575. Telford Taylor (Max Lowenthal)
  576. John S. Service (AKA John Stewart Service, USDOS, Amerasia 1945)
  577. Charles Edward Wyzanski Jr. (lawyer, Hiss, Marbury)
  578. Medal for Merit (Marbury)
  579. Social Security Administration
  580. United States presidential election, 1948
  581. Elmer Smith (disambiguation)
  582. Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
  583. Centralia massacre (Washington) (Robert Cantwell)
  584. UPW
  585. Sobibór, October 14, 1943, 4 p.m.
  586. John T. Elson
  587. Saturday Review (U.S. magazine)
  588. Hollywood blacklist
  589. Smith Act
  590. List of organizations described as Communist fronts by the US government
  591. Bituminous coal strike of 1977–78
  592. Helen Silvermaster (born Elena Witte, then Elena Volkov – "Pop Folkoff"?)
  593. Anatole Boris Volkov
  594. John Francis Cronin
  595. Abraham ibn Daud
  596. Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal
  597. August 1922
  598. Freedmen's Aid Society
  599. American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky
  600. Bill de Blasio
  601. Robert Sherrod
  602. Eliot Janeway
  603. Sidney L. James
  604. John Hersey
  605. Howard Rushmore
  606. Harvey Swados
  607. Charles J. Margiotti
  608. Russell Sage Foundation
  609. Communists in the United States Labor Movement (1937–50)
  610. The Jews (film) (Ils Sont Partout)
  611. Karl Polanyi
  612. American Labor Party
  613. Carlos Chávez
  614. Aaron Copland
  615. International Labor Defense (ILD)
  616. Aleksander Piotr Mohl
  617. List of unions affiliated with the AFL–CIO
  618. Glen H. Taylor (Henry A. Wallace running mate)
  619. Mike Quill (TWU)
  620. Little Steel strike
  621. American Russian Institute
  622. Bloomingdale Insane Asylum (Robert Cantwell, Whittaker Chambers)
  623. Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic
  624. Vivian Gornick
  625. Döme Sztójay
  626. Miklós Horthy
  627. Bombing of Kassa
  628. Axis occupation of Vojvodina
  629. White Terror (Hungary)
  630. Bombardment of Ancona
  631. Fritz Platten
  632. Hungarian Soviet Republic
  633. Charles I of Austria's attempts to retake the throne of Hungary
  634. Jacob Golos
  635. Gerhard Weinberg
  636. Novi Sad raid
  637. International relations (1919–1939)
  638. Hungary–United States relations
  639. Pál Teleki
  640. Brain trust
  641. Orrville, Ohio (birthplace of Heber Blankenhorn)
  642. Blankenhorn
  643. Fine Madness
  644. M. Woolsey Stryker (father of Lloyd Paul Stryker)
  645. 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East (Leon J. Davis)
  646. SEIU
  647. David Lowenthal, son of Max Lowenthal (Hiss friend)
  648. Paper local (James A. Loftus, NYT)
  649. United States Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in Labor and Management (James A. Loftus, NYT)
  650. 1952 steel strike (James A. Loftus, NYT)
  651. International Brotherhood of Teamsters (James A. Loftus, NYT)
  652. Benjamin Franklin Fairless
  653. Trial of the century
  654. Angela Calomiris (FBI anti-communist information)
  655. United Public Workers of America (federal unions - communist-leaning)
  656. United Federal Workers of America
  657. National Federation of Federal Employees (federal unions)
  658. American Federation of Government Employees (federal unions)
  659. State, County, and Municipal Workers of America
  660. Jerry J. O'Connell (Mundt-Nixon Bill) (Progressive Party)
  661. Rosmersholm
  662. Rebecca West
  663. William Joyce (atomic spy in Rebecca West's The Meaning of Treason)
  664. Forer (surname)
  665. Congress of American Women (Elinor S. Gimbel)
  666. Arthur Goldberg (Lee Pressman)
  667. International Fur and Leather Workers Union (Pressman, Eisler)
  668. National Maritime Union (Pressman, Eisler)
  669. Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union (Pressman, Eisler)
  670. Lüchow's
  671. Martha Dodd
  672. William E. Dodd
  673. Carl Weiss
  674. Clarence Hathaway
  675. Robert F. Wagner
  676. Murray Hill, Manhattan
  677. Robert Murray (merchant)
  678. Lindley Murray
  679. United States Ambassador to Argentina
  680. Angelo Herndon
  681. Wickersham Commission (Marbury, Hiss)
  682. Jack and the Beanstalk (disambiguation)
  683. Helen Lowry (wife of Iskhak Akhmerov, niece of Earl Browder
  684. L. Ron Hubbard
  685. Guy Endore
  686. Morton Sobel
  687. Combat (newspaper)
  688. Harry Hopkins
  689. George W. Cooper
  690. Kent Cooper
  691. Arroba (Spanish/Portuguese "@" sign)
  692. Maury Maverick
  693. Harvey O'Connor
  694. Jan Matulka
  695. Boyoz
  696. List of disbarments in the United States
  697. Mission San Gabriel Arcángel
  698. Edward Filene
  699. Emilio Mola
  700. Mount Royal Station
  701. Dwight Macdonald
  702. Cantwell (surname)
  703. de:Alfred Apfel
  704. O. John Rogge
  705. Weiss (surname)
  706. Norma Miller
  707. Maurice Isserman
  708. Smith Act trials of Communist Party leaders AKA Foley Square trial
  709. Marvin Smith
  710. List of United States political families (C)
  711. Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital]
  712. Thomas F. Gailor
  713. Ruth Cleveland
  714. Esther Cleveland
  715. Frances Folsom Cleveland Preston
  716. Grover Cleveland
  717. Time, Inc. v. Hill
  718. List of notable Cravath, Swaine & Moore employees
  719. Harold Medina (judge in Foley Square trial)
  720. Rafael
  721. John Abt
  722. 1948 Progressive National Convention
  723. Gwen Ifill
  724. Labor History (journal)
  725. I Thought I Told You To Shut Up!!
  726. Sheila Fitzpatrick
  727. Federal Writers' Project
  728. LGBT rights in communism
  729. Edita Gruberová
  730. Anna Bolena
  731. Nomeda Kazlaus
  732. Latin Grammy Award for Best Classical Album
  733. 4th Annual Latin Grammy Awards
  734. Ades (surname)
  735. School of the Art Institute of Chicago people
  736. Phillip Bonosky, client of Maxim Lieber
  737. Sons and Lovers
  738. List of Sephardic Jews
  739. Elisa Sednaoui
  740. Jacqueline Kahanoff
  741. Menasseh Ben Israel
  742. Sinan Reis
  743. Moses Belmonte
  744. Jacob Tirado
  745. Sephardic Jews in the Netherlands
  746. Moroccan literature
  747. Beth Haim of Ouderkerk aan de Amstel
  748. Synagogue of El Transito
  749. Abulafia (surname)
  750. Ned Lamont
  751. Iosif Grigulevich
  752. The Rats in the Walls
  753. Benjamin J. Davis Jr.
  754. Elmer Bendiner
  755. Thomas Sancton, Sr.
  756. Berry Kroeger
  757. Federal Trade Commission Building (formerly "Apex Building")
  758. Semyon Semyonov
  759. Ayad Akhtar
  760. Athan Theoharis
  761. The Last Kingdom (TV series)
  762. Bamburgh Castle
  763. Abraham Lincoln School for Social Science (Chicago Workers School)
  764. Alexander Saxton
  765. Louise Todd Lambert
  766. Haig Bosmajian
  767. Maxfield Parrish
  768. Hadley Richardson
  769. Milton A. Abernethy
  770. William Remington
  771. Textile workers strike (1934)
  772. Detroit Industry Murals
  773. Libertarian Party of Minnesota
  774. Winifred Milius Lubell
  775. Ishi: The Last of His Tribe
  776. Trumbo (2015 film)
  777. Barry Ulanov
  778. Terrence McNally
  779. Allen Ginsburg
  780. John Hollander
  781. Daniel Hoffman
  782. John Berryman
  783. Mark Van Doren
  784. Irwin Edman
  785. Randolph Bourne
  786. Alfred A. Knopf, Sr.
  787. Kenneth Burke
  788. Arthur LeSueur
  789. Hellzapoppin' (film)
  790. Ellen Schrecker
  791. Dorr Rebellion
  792. A. J. Muste
  793. Wendell H. Furry
  794. Dmitry Manuilsky
  795. Charles Ives
  796. Useful idiot
  797. See It Now (CBS TV news show)
  798. Communist International (Comintern)
  799. OMS (disambiguation)
  800. Moscow Sun Yat-sen University
  801. Scott Nearing
  802. Harlem Renaissance theater companies
  803. Reservoir Hill, Baltimore
  804. Belle de Boskoop (apple)
  805. PM (newspaper)
  806. The Brown Book of the Reichstag Fire and Hitler Terror
  807. Julia Bacha
  808. Just Vision
  809. Relic (novel)
  810. Don Hollenbeck
  811. Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations
  812. William Henry Taylor
  813. Jim Fixx
  814. Harvey Hollister Bundy
  815. Samuel J. Hamrick (aka W. J. Tyler)
  816. A Borrowed Identity
  817. Richard Armitage (actor)
  818. Maxim Litvinov
  819. Jean Ritchie
  820. Darren Paul Fisher
  821. Frequencies
  822. Abraham George Silverman
  823. Charles Kramer (economist)
  824. Victor Perlo
  825. The Pond (intelligence organization)
  826. Eric Bentley
  827. Fred J. Cook
  828. American Gangster (film)
  829. Herbert Feis
  830. Don Mankiewicz
  831. Harry Brown (film)
  832. Calvary (film)
  833. Erwin Marquit
  834. Henry Gantt
  835. Poison laboratory of the Soviet secret services
  836. Executive Decision
  837. Jed S. Rakoff
  838. 野田英夫 (Hideo Noda)
  839. Tetsuya Noda
  840. Charles A. Beard
  841. Wells College
  842. Eric Foner
  843. Foner (disambiguation)
  844. Rapp-Coudert Committee
  845. Ben Gold
  846. Omar Bashir (musician)
  847. Tom Kromer
  848. Sergei Efron
  849. John Ford
  850. Basic Books
  851. James S. Allen
  852. Karl Hess
  853. Karl Hess: Toward Liberty
  854. Sheikh Jarrah
  855. List of Palestinian films
  856. Mikhail Borodin
  857. Margaret Naumburg
  858. Franz Werfel
  859. Robert Dexter
  860. Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
  861. Walter Wanger
  862. Sam Lesser
  863. Flugelhorn
  864. Anthony Higgins (actor)
  865. Arturo Sarukhán
  866. Stephen Rademaker
  867. Aubrey Morris
  868. Michael Aldridge
  869. Reilly, Ace of Spies
  870. Joanne Whalley
  871. Darkness at Noon
  872. Heinrich Blücher
  873. Eulalia Perez de Guillen Marine
  874. Paul Shipton
  875. Newtown, California
  876. Placerville, California
  877. Raffetto
  878. The Man Nobody Knew
  879. Under Western Eyes
  880. Edward Cochrane McLean aka Edward C. McLean (Hiss lawyer)
  881. Taft Stettinius & Hollister
  882. Mr. Belvedere
  883. Civil Rights Congress (CRC)
  884. AED (non-profit)
  885. January 1933 (V. Gregory Burtan, aka Valentine G. Burtan, aka William Gregory Burtan)
  886. Riom
  887. Sharbat
  888. Ben Barzman
  889. Man's Fate
  890. fr:Condeau
  891. Thomas Matthews (disambiguation page)
  892. Stanley Matthews (lawyer)
  893. Time (magazine)
  894. Martha Gellhorn
  895. Allan Massie
  896. Pan Pacific Trade Union Secretariat
  897. A. Tom Grunfeld
  898. Germanicus
  899. John K. Fairbank
  900. Joseph Stilwell
  901. Josh White
  902. Utica, New York
  903. Barbara W. Tuchman
  904. Tom C. Clark
  905. Ashenden: Or the British Agent
  906. Elizabeth Bentley
  907. Floria Lasky
  908. Ossining (town), New York
  909. Harrison George
  910. List of UPI reporters
  911. Red Star Over China
  912. Edgar Snow
  913. Dodoma
  914. East (disambiguation)
  915. Shiloh Fernandez
  916. Upside Down (film)
  917. Whittaker
  918. Whitacre
  919. Whitaker (surname)
  920. Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye (GRU)
  921. Robert Klein
  922. Geritol
  923. Don't Fence Me In (song)
  924. Kenneth Hayes Miller
  925. Yasuo Kuniyoshi
  926. Ben Shahn
  927. Robert McFarlane
  928. Agnes Smedley
  929. Isaac Don Levine
  930. Field Enterprises
  931. Renée Ashley
  932. American Spectator (literary magazine)
  933. The Smart Set
  934. Joseph Payne Brennan
  935. Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas
  936. Leonardas Andriekus
  937. Todd James Pierce
  938. Hope Lange
  939. Mercury Publications
  940. List of members of the League of American Writers
  941. Courier-Post
  942. McNaught Syndicate
  943. The Washington Post Writers Group
  944. Japanese literature
  945. Sumner Welles
  946. Lieber (disambiguation)
  947. Ednatol
  948. Picatinny Arsenal
  949. George Watson (disambiguation)
  950. User:Smallbones/draft1
  951. Westminster, Maryland
  952. Braddock Dunn & McDonald
  953. Marathon Man (film)
  954. IRT Second Avenue Line
  955. Robert W. Chambers
  956. Communist Party USA
  957. Communist Party (Opposition)
  958. List of Columbia University alumni
  959. Ben Davidson (disambiguation)
  960. Lovestoneites
  961. Liberal Party of New York
  962. New York Workers School
  963. Saint-Jean-de-Luz
  964. Aptheker v. Secretary of State
  965. Vito Marcantonio
  966. New York Call
  967. Theses on Feuerbach
  968. Friedrich Hecker
  969. Wolfgang Koeppen
  970. KOOK (TV series)
  971. 2nd World Congress of the Comintern
  972. Chris Eyre
  973. Roman Jakobson
  974. Gerhart Eisler
  975. Dalida
  976. Jay Lovestone
  977. Luxor Hotel (New York City)
  978. Harvey O'Connor
  979. Bertrand Russell
  980. Advise & Consent (film)
  981. Fairfield, New York
  982. Brownsville, Brooklyn
  983. Bambi, A Life in the Woods
  984. The Hollow Crown (TV series)
  985. Fordism
  986. Welfare capitalism
  987. List of colleges and universities in California
  988. William Leuchtenburg
  989. Jonathan Fast
  990. The Just Assassins
  991. Foreign relations of Kazakhstan
  992. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (film)
  993. Archibald MacLeish
  994. Historians of American Communism
  995. Syr
  996. Campus Martius
  997. Campus Esquilinus
  998. David Macaulay
  999. Louis C. Fraina
  1000. Joy Division
  1001. Hyères
  1002. The Pond (intelligence organization)
  1003. Whittaker Chambers Farm
  1004. Byrd Amendment
  1005. John Harkins
  1006. Zbruch River
  1007. Benedict Arnold: A Question of Honor
  1008. Barbegal aqueduct and mill
  1009. Fontevraud Abbey
  1010. Albi
  1011. Connections (TV series)
  1012. Cistercians
  1013. Neil Armstrong
  1014. Tomato
  1015. Boris Nicolaevsky
  1016. Alexander Dallin
  1017. Lilia Estrin Dallin
  1018. Marcel Khalife
  1019. Amreeka
  1020. Doom (film)
  1021. Patrick J. Hurley
  1022. Vladimir Gorev
  1023. Langston Hughes
  1024. Telluride, Colorado
  1025. Battle of South Mountain
  1026. San Nicolas Island
  1027. Helmut Roloff
  1028. Red Orchestra (espionage)
  1029. Lauchlin Currie
  1030. Prospect Hall (Frederick, Maryland)
  1031. pugno Wiktionary
  1032. Fyodor Raskolnikov
  1033. Bentley (disambiguation)
  1034. Vodafone Egypt
  1035. Cecil Rawling
  1036. Stringfellow (disambiguation)
  1037. Bowyer
  1038. Ney Elias
  1039. Sylvan Shemitz
  1040. PS General Slocum
  1041. Paul Weiland
  1042. Lowther Lodge
  1043. Pinafore
  1044. Kosovorotka
  1045. Norman Dodd
  1046. Vyacheslav von Plehve
  1047. Soma
  1048. List of whisky brands
  1049. Fortune Brands
  1050. Altia
  1051. Ken Russell
  1052. Jess Collins
  1053. Eugene Hütz
  1054. Piece of My Heart (film)
  1055. Man from Atlantis
  1056. Frederic Wakeman
  1057. TASC (disambiguation page)
  1058. Toys in the Attic
  1059. Walter Winchell
  1060. Princess Marie Bonaparte
  1061. Parthenocissus quinquefolia
  1062. Theodore Maly
  1063. Dial Press
  1064. Walther von der Vogelweide
  1065. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  1066. Martin Gumpert
  1067. The Stranger (1946 film)
  1068. Confessions of a Nazi Spy
  1069. Category GRU officers
  1070. Arthur Adams (spy)
  1071. Elya Baskin
  1072. Thomas Wolfe
  1073. Tess Slesinger
  1074. Leo Rosten
  1075. Naomi Mitchison
  1076. William March
  1077. Bernard Malamud
  1078. Carson McCullers
  1079. Alfred Kreymborg
  1080. Emily Hahn
  1081. Erskine Caldwell
  1082. Carlos Bulosan
  1083. Saul Bellow
  1084. Arturo Barea
  1085. Louis Adamic
  1086. Gert Petersen
  1087. Todd English
  1088. Alger Hiss
  1089. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
  1090. Robert Fitzgerald
  1091. Louis Kronenberger
  1092. Alliant GWAC
  1093. Arnold Deutsch
  1094. Philip S. Foner
  1095. Nicholas Roerich
  1096. Zamość
  1097. Rosa Luxemburg
  1098. Antietam Creek
  1099. Theodore Dreiser
  1100. Rags to riches
  1101. The Great Khan
  1102. Sergei Bodrov
  1103. Bambi (disambiguation)
  1104. Bambi
  1105. Arab cuisine
  1106. The International (film)
  1107. Bob Mothersbaugh
  1108. Omar Suleiman
  1109. List of Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients
  1110. Hamza El Din
  1111. October Revolution
  1112. Crucifixion (disambiguation)
  1113. Paul Robeson and communism
  1114. Paul Robeson
  1115. Hain (planet)
  1116. William Bundy
  1117. EBITA (Talk page)
  1118. Sol Stein
  1119. McDaniel College
  1120. Creators Syndicate
  1121. River Avon
  1122. Frank Coe
  1123. Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi
  1124. List of National Historic Landmarks in Maryland
  1125. 1908 in literature
  1126. List of dystopian literature
  1127. Michael Dirda
  1128. Ron Unz
  1129. Mark Perry
  1130. Iosif Kheifits
  1131. Aftermath of World War I
  1132. Biennio Rosso
  1133. Mike Gold
  1134. Kowalski
  1135. Julian Lennon
  1136. Raymond T. McNally
  1137. Jerzy Franciszek Kulczycki
  1138. Charles Ruthenberg
  1139. Expanding bullet ("mushroom bullet")
  1140. Reiss (name)
  1141. Henri Pieck
  1142. Ricardo Carvalho Calero
  1143. Public Ledger (Philadelphia)
  1144. Arvid Jacobson
  1145. Vincent Reno
  1146. Julian Wadleigh
  1147. Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case
  1148. Karl Barth
  1149. William Saroyan
  1150. John P. Marquand
  1151. Christopher Buckley
  1152. List of political magazines
  1153. Reinhold Niebuhr
  1154. Ian Curtis
  1155. The World Tomorrow (magazine)
  1156. Arthur Penn
  1157. Rezident
  1158. Dominic Lieven
  1159. Elena Lieven
  1160. Dorothea Lieven
  1161. Christopher Lieven
  1162. Hallie Flanagan
  1163. Pathfinder Mural
  1164. Saint-Langis-lès-Mortagne
  1165. The Shoop Shoop Song (It's in His Kiss)
  1166. Saïd Sayrafiezadeh
  1167. You Have Seen Their Faces
  1168. Betty Shamieh
  1169. Breaker Morant (film)
  1170. Proletarian Party of America (Breitmayer)
  1171. Louis Fischer

Redirects (200+)

  1. National Republic magazine (Walter S. Steele)
  2. James F. McNamara
  3. Xinjiang Papers
  4. Mickey Ladd
  5. D. Milton Ladd
  6. Daniel Milton Ladd
  7. George B. Leonard (lawyer)
  8. Philip R. Abbott
  9. Philip Reading Abbott
  10. Roy B. Hudson
  11. Wyman Howard Packard
  12. Nat Kaplan
  13. George Richard Andersen
  14. George R. Andersen
  15. Joel Isaac Seidman
  16. Joel Seidman
  17. Fannia M. Cohn
  18. Workers Education Bureau of America
  19. Bryn Mawr Summer School
  20. Kenneth Eldridge Toombs
  21. Kenneth E. Toombs
  22. Eddie Palacci
  23. Edmond Palacci
  24. Abraham Aaron Heller
  25. A.A. Heller
  26. Y.S. Sazonov
  27. Yegor Sazonov
  28. Roland Abbiate
  29. Francois Rossi
  31. Roland Lyudvigovich Abbiate
  32. Eisenhower boom
  33. Helen Cassin Carusi
  34. Helen Carusi Vischer
  35. William H. Regnery II
  36. Courtney Owens
  37. Mohammadreza Bayrami
  38. Simon W. Gerson
  39. Albert Vetere
  40. Albert Lannon
  41. Gianni Picco
  42. A. Markoff
  43. William W. Remington
  44. Mundt Bill
  45. Perlo Group
  46. Silvermaster Group
  47. Jacob S. Potofsky
  48. Bartley Cavanaugh Crum
  49. Bartley C. Crum
  50. Chester Lane
  51. Helen Buttenwieser
  53. UHCMW
  54. U.H.C. & M.W.I.U.
  55. UHC & MWIU
  56. Michael G. Roskin
  57. UOPWA
  58. Osmond K. Fraenkel
  59. Osmond Kessler Fraenkel
  60. Joseph F. Barnes
  61. L.M. Lyons
  62. H.W. Eldredge
  63. Hanford Wentworth Eldredge
  64. George F. Addes
  65. Joseph Charles Keeley
  66. Citizens’ Committee for the Marshall Plan to Aid European Recovery
  67. National Committee for the Marshall Plan to Aid European Recovery
  68. Marian Marzyński
  69. Marian Kuszner
  70. House Select Committee on Foreign Aid
  71. DR&D
  72. Defending Dissent Foundation
  73. NCA-HUAC
  74. Howard Melish
  75. William H. Melish
  76. Southern Conference Educational Fund
  77. Vladimir Burtzeff
  78. Joint Committee Against Communism in New York
  79. AJLAC
  80. American Jewish League Against Communism
  81. George Ephraim Sokolsky
  82. AGLOSO
  83. Thomas Irwin Emerson
  84. Beanie Baldwin
  85. Joris Ivens
  86. Len DeCaux
  87. Günther Reinhardt
  88. Putnam, Bell, Dutch & Santry
  89. Putnam, Putnam & Bell
  90. Putnam & Putnam
  91. Russell & Putnam
  92. Leonard B. Boudin
  93. Allan R. Rosenberg
  94. CIO Political Action Committee
  95. Nathan Poreckij
  96. Committee to Defeat the Mundt Bill
  97. NCDMB
  98. Robert K.G. Temple
  99. Robert Kyle Temple
  100. Robert Grenville Temple
  101. Abraham Flaxer
  102. TS Matthews
  103. T.S. Matthews
  104. Calvin H. Fixx
  105. Calvin Henry Fixx
  106. Annie Steckler
  107. Moses Isaac Finley
  108. Herbert Oscar Fuchs
  109. Herbert O. Fuchs
  110. Nathan R. Witt
  111. Hannah Dorner (Hannah Weinstein)
  112. ICCASP
  113. Independent Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions
  114. Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions
  115. Newspaper & Mail Deliverers Union
  116. Newspaper and Mail Deliverers' Union
  117. Chambers, Whittaker
  118. Coesfeld, Germany
  119. FSP
  120. Richard Powers (disambiguation)
  121. Samuel Welles
  122. Sam Welles
  123. Louis James Russell
  124. Joseph A. Loftus
  125. Robert Lamphere
  126. Robert Joseph Lamphere
  127. Meredith Knox Gardner
  128. Leonard Emil Mins
  129. Jess M. Bravin
  130. Alertness courses
  131. Lillian Barnard Gilkes
  132. Lillian B. Gilkes
  133. Songs for Victory
  134. added redirect at top of Walter Leak Steele
  135. Dean Spruill Fansler
  136. Dean S. Fansler
  137. Serey
  138. William B. Green
  139. Adolf A. Berle Jr.
  140. Wardman Park Hotel
  141. Abraham L. Pomerantz
  142. David George Kin
  143. BK Wheeler
  144. INION RAN
  145. Alexander Petrovich Ulanovsky
  146. Raff Raffetto
  147. Lloyd Alexander Raffetto
  148. Lloyd A. Raffetto
  149. Alfred Regnery
  150. Edward Cochrane McLean, Jr.
  151. Kārlis Dirba
  152. Louis Bain
  153. Nathan L. Levine
  154. T.J. O'Flaherty
  155. Charles Hendley
  156. Edward A. Rumely
  157. Edward Aloysius Rumely
  158. American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
  159. National Council for the Protection of the Foreign Born
  160. Michael Quill
  161. Congress of Industrial Organizations - Political Action Committee
  162. CIO PAC
  163. Marvin E. Gettleman
  164. Howard Brillinger Selsam
  165. Moses I. Finkelstein
  166. Moses Finkelstein
  167. Abraham H. Feller
  168. Albert H. Feller
  169. Albert Feller
  170. Abe Feller
  171. Gerhardt Eisler
  172. Henry R. Linville
  173. Cammer (surname)
  174. Sam Darcy
  175. Samuel Dardeck
  176. New York City Teachers Guild
  177. New York City Teachers’ Union
  178. NYC’s Teachers’ Union
  179. New York City Teachers Union
  180. Len Latkovski
  181. Pišnica River
  182. The Perche
  183. Joseph Louis Aveline
  184. Joseph L. Aveline
  185. Naftoli Bukhvald
  186. David Zorn (pen name of Samuel Roth)
  187. Harry F. Ward Jr.
  188. Harry Frederick Ward
  189. Harry Frederick Ward Jr.
  190. Henry Freeman Ward
  191. Curtis Publishing
  192. Margarete Thüring
  193. Jerome Dwight Davis
  194. Harry Foner (redirect)
  195. Samuel Palache (redirect)
  196. Emergency Civil Liberties Union (redirect)
  197. ECLU (redirect)
  198. Civic Repertory Theater (redirect)
  199. Richard Enmale (redirect)
  200. Dale Zysman (redirect)
  201. Karl Billinger (redirect)
  202. Hans Eberhardt (redirect)
  203. Ignace Poretsky (redirect)
  204. Can You Make Out Their Voices
  205. Can you hear their voices (redirect)
  206. Cy Oggins

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  • Mitchell A. Dubow: Mitchell A. Dubow was a 20th-century American labor lawyer and member of the (allegedly pro-communist) National Lawyers Guild,[1] who defended alleged communists involved in the Hiss-Chambers Case, and was later Judge of District Court, Sixth Judicial District for the State of Minnesota. On September 9, 1948, Dubow appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) with Joseph Forer as co-counsel for Maurice Louis Braverman. Braverman was himself counsel for Mr. and Mrs. William Rosen, who testified about the Ford car involved in the Hiss-Chambers Case.[2] In 1951, Dubow joined Braverman, Harold Buchman, Ely A. Castleman, and William H. Murphy in signed a letter (dated June 18, 1951) that criticized the opinion of a dissenting judge in the Smith Act case. In July 1951, he appeared before HUAC as counsel for William H. Wood, a Bethlehem Steel worker and brother of Roy Wood ("chairman of the Communist Party for the District of Columbia"), about whom HUAC questioned him. He was also counsel to: Levy Williamson, Aaron Ostrofsky, Milton Unterman, and John F. Goodell, all factory workers and union members. During the hearings, HUAC asked Unterman whether Dubow (among many others) had been a communist; he refused to answer. Dubow and Joseph Forer also served as counsel to Harold Buchman. HUAC also read aloud the signatories of the June 1951 letter and asked Buchman if they (including Dubow) were CPUSA members; he refused to answer.[3] Dubow also represented the the Washington DC's Office of the Housing Expediter,[4] the Baltimore City Court (1951),[5][6] Dubow moved to Minnesota. On November 11, 1966, Dubow began so serve as Judge of District Court, Sixth Judicial District, State of Minnesota. He was the first judge in St. Louis County, Minnesota, to allow testimony from a child therapist to explain what the affects of sexual assault.[7] In February 1989, Judge Dubow applied for disability retirement. Minnesota Governor Rudy Perpich granted his application, effective March 31, 1989.[8]
  1. ^ "Report on the National Lawyers Guild, Legal Bulwark of the Communist Party". USGPO. 1950. p. 4. Retrieved 28 November 2016.
  2. ^ "Hearings of the U.S. Congress House Committee on Un-American Activities". USGPO. 1948. pp. 1342, 1344. Retrieved 31 July 2017.
  3. ^ "Hearing Relating to Communist Activities in the Defense Area of Baltimore". USGPO. 1951. pp. 831-840 (Woods), 841-857 (Williamson), 857-869 (Ostrofsky), 1014 (Unterman CP?), 1023-1026 (Goodell), 1080-1108 (Buchman), 1088-1090 (Buchman CP?). Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  4. ^ "Woods, Housing Expediter, v. Macken, 178 F.2d 510 (4th Cir. 1949)". Justia. 1949. Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  5. ^ "Gerende v. Super. of Elections". CaseText. 1951. Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  6. ^ "Gerende v. Super. of Elections". FindLaw. 1951. Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  7. ^ "Attorneys of the Year: Judge Donovan Frank". Minnesota Lawyer. 8 February 2018. Retrieved 14 August 2023.
  8. ^ "In the Matter of the Application of the Hon. Mitchell A. Dubow, Judge of District Court, Sixth Judicial District, State of Minnesota, for a Disability Retirement". Minnesota Legislature. 17 February 1989.
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