Hello to everyone at Wikipedia! I live in Surrey, London of the United Kingdom, I joined Wikipedia on April, 10, 2009 with the hope I could improve the quality of the articles and add my own knowledge to them, which I think I am on my way to achieving. I have a massive interest in aviation and I hope to improve articles related to aviation, but I have not made much of a contribution to them over the past year I have been here. Therefor, that is definitely going on my To-Do List as I have much to offer. My main contributions have been to television relate articles, such as Tracy Beaker Returns and the actor Jay Duffy, of which I created. My other big contributions are to school wikipedia pages. It is my opinion that the majority of schools pages on here are very underdeveloped and there is alot of valid information missing. My aim is to fix that and make the pages much more interesting for the reader to read. I seem to have lost track, where was I? Ahhh yes, my interests! My other interests include Cars, Video games; more specifically PS3 video games. This contributor has flown in the following aircraft.
Articles that I have made large contributions toAwardsTeaching me how to do this. Shnupbups (talk) 03:04, 11 September 2010 (UTC)
CopyrightAny person or entity may freely use, reproduce, distribute, or modify, for commercial or non-commercial use, with or without attribution, anything I wrote or uploaded to Wikipedia to which I have released my exclusive rights. (Ideally I would just release everything into the public domain, but I guess I can't do that. It is unnecessarily difficult to give up rights you don't want.)
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