This page was deleted by Wikipedia. I've retained it here for reference and others' use. The format can be adapted to other MediaWiki wikis for other languages. I actually created several articles on animal diseases on this list but not previously covered on Wikipedia, so to have a complete set of links in this table:

The following list was developed in preparation for, and during, a training for community animal health workers (CAHWs) in Moroto District, Uganda on 21 June – 2 July 2010. A slightly revised version was posted on a Wiktionary user page in Nov. 2018.

English ŋaKarimojoŋ References
Abortion Akithecun FAO/CVM
Abscess Abus, abuth Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Abscess of navel Pusit FAO/CVM
Abscess with maggots Akimadya Gradé et al
Anaplasmosis Lopid Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Anaplasmosis in sheep Lomany FAO/CVM
Anthrax Lotidae Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukori; FAO/CVM
Babesiosis Lokulam FAO/CVM
Barren cow Atengina ekolupana Gradé et al
Besnoitiosis Logetei FAO/CVM
Black feces, greenish urine Edit Gradé et al
Black quarter, blackleg Ekicurnet FAO/CVM
Black quarter, blackleg Lokecuman Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukori; FAO/CVM
Blind, eye turns blue Emuduru Gradé et al
Blindness Emuduko FAO/CVM
Bloat Ekitubon, ekitobwon Gradé et al
Bloat Ewou FAO/CVM
Bloat and cough Ekitubon ka awala Gradé et al
Bloat, compaction Etid FAO/CVM
Bloat, overeating Egwe FAO/CVM
Boil Elepunoit Logiro & Ilukor
Bottlejaw (Haemonchus contortus) Lowal FAO/CVM
Brucellosis Lokethioshan (?) Moroto CAHW training
Calf manure brown/black can have either diarrhoea or constipation Logoricino Gradé et al
Cellulitis Eeto FAO/CVM
Chicken pox Longolesike Gradé et al
Cleft palate Engatuny FAO/CVM
Coccidiosis (in calves) Loleo FAO/CVM
Coccidiosis (in calves) Lookot FAO/CVM
Coccidiosis in poultry Akiurut angikokoroi Gradé et al
Compaction Etid Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Compartmentalization or white muscle? Akesit FAO/CVM
Compartmentalization or white muscle? Lokoyeto FAO/CVM
Constipation Egwee Gradé et al
Contagious bovine/caprine pleuropneumonia Loukoi Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Cough Arakum Gradé et al
Cough Awalakin Logiro & Ilukor
Dermatophilosis Epaara Gradé et al
Diarrhoea Akiurut Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukor
Diarrhoea & loss of appetite in calves Loleo Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Diarrhoea (bloody) of calf Aremor ka ngakot Gradé et al
Diarrhoea, of calf Aremor Gradé et al
Disease Edeke Logiro & Ilukor
Ear ache Ayeye Gradé et al
East coast fever Lokit Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukor
East coast fever Lokit, lokit ngakine Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
East coast fever (goats), swollen lymph nodes Longarwei FAO/CVM
East coast fever, yellow Lopetun Logiro & Ilukor
East coast fever, yellow Lopid Logiro & Ilukor
Enlarged lymph nodes Ngagawei Gradé et al
Enterotoxemia Lotedukwa FAO/CVM
Eye problem Ngakonyen Gradé et al
Eye syndrome, acute Adeikin Gradé et al
Eye Worms, thelazia Ngikur angakonyen FAO/CVM
Eyes painful red Aribo akongu Gradé et al
Fever Elekes Logiro & Ilukor
Fever Ekuwuam Logiro & Ilukor
Fever Iyalaara Gradé et al
Flea Ekadesidesit Logiro & Ilukor
Fleas Ngikadesides Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Flies Ngicuc FAO/CVM
Fly, biting (on cattle) Napadukwa FAO/CVM
Fly, jumping Longokwo FAO/CVM
Fly, tsetse? Naaroi FAO/CVM
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) Ebaibai Logiro & Ilukor
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) Ejota Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Foot and mouth disease (FMD), chronic stage Loceke FAO/CVM
Foot rot Ekicodon FAO/CVM
Foot rot, chronic, hoof wall separates Emara FAO/CVM
Fowl cholera Lobulubul FAO/CVM
Genital diseases Angac Gradé et al
Goat disease Lomee Logiro & Ilukor
Goat pox (orf Etom Gradé et al
Grass tetany, 3-day sickness, ephemeral fever Elomun FAO/CVM
Grass tetany, 3-day sickness, ephemeral fever Eyaliyal, eyala FAO/CVM
Heartwater Lokou Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Heartwater Erimirim FAO/CVM
Hemorrhagic septicemia Lobulubul FAO/CVM
Hernia Agule FAO/CVM
Hoof disease, if severe - digits may fall off Lomokere Gradé et al
Hydrocoel (hydrocele?) Aakuye Gradé et al
Injury Awanat Logiro & Ilukor
Intestinal parasites Ngikur Gradé et al
Joint/bone pain Lokoyeta Gradé et al
Leeches Ngidike FAO/CVM
Lice Ngilac Gradé et al
Liver flukes Lokurut Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Lokilala tetany Eyaliyal Gradé et al
Louse Elacit Logiro & Ilukor
Lumpy skin disease Enaru FAO/CVM
Lumpy skin disease Lonaru Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Lumpy wool disease (dermatophilosis in sheep) Loir FAO/CVM
Lungworms Ngikur ke euko FAO/CVM
Maggots Ngikur, ngikur ke kwan Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Malignant oedema? Locuu FAO/CVM
Malignant oedema? MCF? Lokiyo FAO/CVM
Mange (esp. in goats?) Emitina, emitena Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Mango/tumbu fly, warbles (larvae under skin) Longokwo FAO/CVM
Mastitis Eeto FAO/CVM
Measles Puuru Gradé et al
Metritis – uterus infection Angasep Gradé et al
Milk, lack of Emam ngakile FAO/CVM
Milk, low production of Euriciana Gradé et al
Mites, of chickens Apingac Gradé et al
Newcastle disease Kolera FAO/CVM
Orf Ngibokor FAO/CVM
Orf Ngitubukai FAO/CVM
Osteomyelitis after foot rot Karabu FAO/CVM
Otitis Adiaka adit FAO/CVM
Otitis secondary to biting ticks Ekonyit Gradé et al
Otitis with pus, often ticks Lomid Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Pain, of back Acir Gradé et al
Pain, of muscles Ngamori lokoyata Gradé et al
Pain, of stomach Akook Gradé et al
Pains, of body in general Epilpil akwan Gradé et al
Pinkeye, conjunctivitis Lokiyo Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Pinkeye, conjunctivitis Karabu FAO/CVM
Pleuropneumonia Loukoi Logiro & Ilukor
Pneumonia Awala Gradé et al
PPR (peste des petits ruminants or "ovine rinderpest") Lomo From translator
Pyometra – uterus infection with pus Angasep ka abuth Gradé et al
Rabies Longokwo FAO/CVM
Red water disease (probably babesiosis Lookot Logiro & Ilukor
Retained placenta Angasep Gradé et al
Rift valley fever ? .
Rinderpest Loleo, lolio Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Rinderpest Loleo FAO/CVM
Ringworm Akesit, akesorit Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Seizures Kipapa Gradé et al
Skin disease with intestinal adhesions Longolesike Gradé et al
Snake bite Akonyet ke emun Gradé et al
Snake spit Akonyat emun Gradé et al
Sore mouth in kids Lokituk Gradé et al
Sterility Adonge FAO/CVM
Sudan grass poisoning (Prussic acid poisoning?) Eyaliyal FAO/CVM
Sudden death Atwanare atipei Gradé et al
Sweating sickness Ekinyinyin FAO/CVM
Sweating sickness Lokinyinyin FAO/CVM
Swelling Eeto FAO/CVM
Swollen testes Akwe Gradé et al
Tapeworm Epeele Logiro & Ilukor
Tapeworms Ngipeeli Logiro & Ilukor
Tearing Ngakiyo FAO/CVM
Tears rolling Ngakonyon FAO/CVM
Tears rolling Nginimuk FAO/CVM
Tetanus Eteregege Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Ticks Emadang FAO/CVM
Ticks Ngimadang Gradé et al
Ticks of Amblyomma genus Ngoloethe FAO/CVM
Ticks of Amblyomma genus, bant tick Lokumae FAO/CVM
Ticks of Boophilus genus Nalebu FAO/CVM
Trachoma Akirumit akonyen Gradé et al
Trypanosomiasis (acute) Ediit Gradé et al
Trypanosomiasis (chronic) Aburi, abur Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Tuberculosis (TB) Lokudi FAO/CVM
Tuberculosis (TB) Tibi FAO/CVM
Weak calf Abur Gradé et al
Worms Ngikur FAO/CVM
Wound, chronic, on neck/back with Maggots Epaara ka ngikur Gradé et al
Wound, rectal Ajome akimojong Gradé et al
Wounds Ajome Gradé et al; FAO/CVM
Wounds caused by yoke Apotosit Gradé et al
Wounds, fresh Ajome Gradé et al
Wounds, rotten, in mouth Lokituk Gradé et al
Esophagus Lonya FAO/CVM
Large intestines Ngiputiro FAO/CVM
Liver Emara FAO/CVM
Lungs Ngiukoi FAO/CVM
Rectum Ekimojong FAO/CVM
Reticulum Akenyekeny FAO/CVM
Rumen Aboi FAO/CVM
Small intestines Ngamaliteny FAO/CVM
Spleen Etid FAO/CVM
Trachea Egoora FAO/CVM
Urinary bladder Ekulam FAO/CVM
Appetite stimulant Akisuburakin akimuj Gradé et al
Castration Akidong FAO/CVM
Fattens donkey Itumi ngikoodo Gradé et al
Fly and maggot control Akiretakin ngicuc ka ngikur Gradé et al
Fly repellent Akirit ngicuc Gradé et al
Mosquito control Akiretakin ngithiru Gradé et al
Stimulant Akisiburakin Gradé et al
Strengthen sick calf Akitogogong ngitak Gradé et al
Vaccinate Akisemisem Logiro & Ilukor
Vaccinate Akiped Logiro & Ilukor
Animal Etyang kori ibarasit Logiro & Ilukor
Bull Emaanik Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Camel Ekaal Logiro & Ilukor
Camel (female) Ngwa beru FAO/CVM
Camel (male) Ngolo maanik FAO/CVM
Camels Ngikaala Logiro & Ilukor
Cat Ikapa Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Cats Ngikapae Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Cattle Ngaatuk Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Cattle Ngibaren Logiro & Ilukor
Chicken Ikoror Logiro & Ilukor
Chicken Akokoroit FAO/CVM
Chicken (cock) Ekokoliro FAO/CVM
Chicks Ngicwii FAO/CVM
Cow Aate Logiro & Ilukor
Cows Ngaatuk Logiro & Ilukor
Dog Eengok, engok Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Dogs Ngingokwo Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Donkey Esigirya, esigiria Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Donkeys Ngisigiria Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Ducks Ngibatae FAO/CVM
Goat Ameot Logiro & Ilukor
Goat (billy, buck) Ekoroi, ekoroe Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Goats (billies, bucks) Ngikorwa Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Goat (kid) Ikale Logiro & Ilukor
Goats (kids) Ngikaalei Logiro & Ilukor
Goat (nanny) Akine Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Goats (nannies) Ngakinei Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Goats Ngamee FAO/CVM
Guinea fowl Atapem Logiro & Ilukor
Horse Angole Logiro & Ilukor
Horses Ngangolei Logiro & Ilukor
Kraal Awi Logiro & Ilukor
Ox Emongin Ogimos
Pig, Hog Eguruwe Logiro & Ilukor
Pigs, Hogs Ngiguruwei Logiro & Ilukor
Rabbits Ngapoe FAO/CVM
Sheep Amamesek Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Sheep (pl.) Ngameesekin Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Sheep (ewe) Amesek Logiro & Ilukor
Sheep (lamb) Imesek Logiro & Ilukor
Sheep (lamb) Ikale Logiro & Ilukor
Sheep (ram) Emesek Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM
Turkeys Ngikulukulu FAO/CVM
Warthogs Ngiputiro FAO/CVM


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