This page was deleted by Wikipedia. I've retained it here for reference and others' use. The format can be adapted to other MediaWiki wikis for other languages. I actually created several articles on animal diseases on this list but not previously covered on Wikipedia, so to have a complete set of links in this table:
The following list was developed in preparation for, and during, a training for community animal health workers (CAHWs) in Moroto District, Uganda on 21 June – 2 July 2010. A slightly revised version was posted on a Wiktionary user page in Nov. 2018.
English | ŋaKarimojoŋ | References |
Abortion | Akithecun | FAO/CVM |
Abscess | Abus, abuth | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Abscess of navel | Pusit | FAO/CVM |
Abscess with maggots | Akimadya | Gradé et al |
Anaplasmosis | Lopid | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Anaplasmosis in sheep | Lomany | FAO/CVM |
Anthrax | Lotidae | Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukori; FAO/CVM |
Babesiosis | Lokulam | FAO/CVM |
Barren cow | Atengina ekolupana | Gradé et al |
Besnoitiosis | Logetei | FAO/CVM |
Black feces, greenish urine | Edit | Gradé et al |
Black quarter, blackleg | Ekicurnet | FAO/CVM |
Black quarter, blackleg | Lokecuman | Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukori; FAO/CVM |
Blind, eye turns blue | Emuduru | Gradé et al |
Blindness | Emuduko | FAO/CVM |
Bloat | Ekitubon, ekitobwon | Gradé et al |
Bloat | Ewou | FAO/CVM |
Bloat and cough | Ekitubon ka awala | Gradé et al |
Bloat, compaction | Etid | FAO/CVM |
Bloat, overeating | Egwe | FAO/CVM |
Boil | Elepunoit | Logiro & Ilukor |
Bottlejaw (Haemonchus contortus) | Lowal | FAO/CVM |
Brucellosis | Lokethioshan (?) | Moroto CAHW training |
Calf manure brown/black can have either diarrhoea or constipation | Logoricino | Gradé et al |
Cellulitis | Eeto | FAO/CVM |
Chicken pox | Longolesike | Gradé et al |
Cleft palate | Engatuny | FAO/CVM |
Coccidiosis (in calves) | Loleo | FAO/CVM |
Coccidiosis (in calves) | Lookot | FAO/CVM |
Coccidiosis in poultry | Akiurut angikokoroi | Gradé et al |
Compaction | Etid | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Compartmentalization or white muscle? | Akesit | FAO/CVM |
Compartmentalization or white muscle? | Lokoyeto | FAO/CVM |
Constipation | Egwee | Gradé et al |
Contagious bovine/caprine pleuropneumonia | Loukoi | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Cough | Arakum | Gradé et al |
Cough | Awalakin | Logiro & Ilukor |
Dermatophilosis | Epaara | Gradé et al |
Diarrhoea | Akiurut | Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukor |
Diarrhoea & loss of appetite in calves | Loleo | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Diarrhoea (bloody) of calf | Aremor ka ngakot | Gradé et al |
Diarrhoea, of calf | Aremor | Gradé et al |
Disease | Edeke | Logiro & Ilukor |
Ear ache | Ayeye | Gradé et al |
East coast fever | Lokit | Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukor |
East coast fever | Lokit, lokit ngakine | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
East coast fever (goats), swollen lymph nodes | Longarwei | FAO/CVM |
East coast fever, yellow | Lopetun | Logiro & Ilukor |
East coast fever, yellow | Lopid | Logiro & Ilukor |
Enlarged lymph nodes | Ngagawei | Gradé et al |
Enterotoxemia | Lotedukwa | FAO/CVM |
Eye problem | Ngakonyen | Gradé et al |
Eye syndrome, acute | Adeikin | Gradé et al |
Eye Worms, thelazia | Ngikur angakonyen | FAO/CVM |
Eyes painful red | Aribo akongu | Gradé et al |
Fever | Elekes | Logiro & Ilukor |
Fever | Ekuwuam | Logiro & Ilukor |
Fever | Iyalaara | Gradé et al |
Flea | Ekadesidesit | Logiro & Ilukor |
Fleas | Ngikadesides | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Flies | Ngicuc | FAO/CVM |
Fly, biting (on cattle) | Napadukwa | FAO/CVM |
Fly, jumping | Longokwo | FAO/CVM |
Fly, tsetse? | Naaroi | FAO/CVM |
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) | Ebaibai | Logiro & Ilukor |
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) | Ejota | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Foot and mouth disease (FMD), chronic stage | Loceke | FAO/CVM |
Foot rot | Ekicodon | FAO/CVM |
Foot rot, chronic, hoof wall separates | Emara | FAO/CVM |
Fowl cholera | Lobulubul | FAO/CVM |
Genital diseases | Angac | Gradé et al |
Goat disease | Lomee | Logiro & Ilukor |
Goat pox (orf | Etom | Gradé et al |
Grass tetany, 3-day sickness, ephemeral fever | Elomun | FAO/CVM |
Grass tetany, 3-day sickness, ephemeral fever | Eyaliyal, eyala | FAO/CVM |
Heartwater | Lokou | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Heartwater | Erimirim | FAO/CVM |
Hemorrhagic septicemia | Lobulubul | FAO/CVM |
Hernia | Agule | FAO/CVM |
Hoof disease, if severe - digits may fall off | Lomokere | Gradé et al |
Hydrocoel (hydrocele?) | Aakuye | Gradé et al |
Injury | Awanat | Logiro & Ilukor |
Intestinal parasites | Ngikur | Gradé et al |
Joint/bone pain | Lokoyeta | Gradé et al |
Leeches | Ngidike | FAO/CVM |
Lice | Ngilac | Gradé et al |
Liver flukes | Lokurut | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Lokilala tetany | Eyaliyal | Gradé et al |
Louse | Elacit | Logiro & Ilukor |
Lumpy skin disease | Enaru | FAO/CVM |
Lumpy skin disease | Lonaru | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Lumpy wool disease (dermatophilosis in sheep) | Loir | FAO/CVM |
Lungworms | Ngikur ke euko | FAO/CVM |
Maggots | Ngikur, ngikur ke kwan | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Malignant oedema? | Locuu | FAO/CVM |
Malignant oedema? MCF? | Lokiyo | FAO/CVM |
Mange (esp. in goats?) | Emitina, emitena | Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Mango/tumbu fly, warbles (larvae under skin) | Longokwo | FAO/CVM |
Mastitis | Eeto | FAO/CVM |
Measles | Puuru | Gradé et al |
Metritis – uterus infection | Angasep | Gradé et al |
Milk, lack of | Emam ngakile | FAO/CVM |
Milk, low production of | Euriciana | Gradé et al |
Mites, of chickens | Apingac | Gradé et al |
Newcastle disease | Kolera | FAO/CVM |
Orf | Ngibokor | FAO/CVM |
Orf | Ngitubukai | FAO/CVM |
Osteomyelitis after foot rot | Karabu | FAO/CVM |
Otitis | Adiaka adit | FAO/CVM |
Otitis secondary to biting ticks | Ekonyit | Gradé et al |
Otitis with pus, often ticks | Lomid | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Pain, of back | Acir | Gradé et al |
Pain, of muscles | Ngamori lokoyata | Gradé et al |
Pain, of stomach | Akook | Gradé et al |
Pains, of body in general | Epilpil akwan | Gradé et al |
Pinkeye, conjunctivitis | Lokiyo | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Pinkeye, conjunctivitis | Karabu | FAO/CVM |
Pleuropneumonia | Loukoi | Logiro & Ilukor |
Pneumonia | Awala | Gradé et al |
PPR (peste des petits ruminants or "ovine rinderpest") | Lomo | From translator |
Pyometra – uterus infection with pus | Angasep ka abuth | Gradé et al |
Rabies | Longokwo | FAO/CVM |
Red water disease (probably babesiosis | Lookot | Logiro & Ilukor |
Retained placenta | Angasep | Gradé et al |
Rift valley fever | ? | . |
Rinderpest | Loleo, lolio | Gradé et al; Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Rinderpest | Loleo | FAO/CVM |
Ringworm | Akesit, akesorit | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Seizures | Kipapa | Gradé et al |
Skin disease with intestinal adhesions | Longolesike | Gradé et al |
Snake bite | Akonyet ke emun | Gradé et al |
Snake spit | Akonyat emun | Gradé et al |
Sore mouth in kids | Lokituk | Gradé et al |
Sterility | Adonge | FAO/CVM |
Sudan grass poisoning (Prussic acid poisoning?) | Eyaliyal | FAO/CVM |
Sudden death | Atwanare atipei | Gradé et al |
Sweating sickness | Ekinyinyin | FAO/CVM |
Sweating sickness | Lokinyinyin | FAO/CVM |
Swelling | Eeto | FAO/CVM |
Swollen testes | Akwe | Gradé et al |
Tapeworm | Epeele | Logiro & Ilukor |
Tapeworms | Ngipeeli | Logiro & Ilukor |
Tearing | Ngakiyo | FAO/CVM |
Tears rolling | Ngakonyon | FAO/CVM |
Tears rolling | Nginimuk | FAO/CVM |
Tetanus | Eteregege | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Ticks | Emadang | FAO/CVM |
Ticks | Ngimadang | Gradé et al |
Ticks of Amblyomma genus | Ngoloethe | FAO/CVM |
Ticks of Amblyomma genus, bant tick | Lokumae | FAO/CVM |
Ticks of Boophilus genus | Nalebu | FAO/CVM |
Trachoma | Akirumit akonyen | Gradé et al |
Trypanosomiasis (acute) | Ediit | Gradé et al |
Trypanosomiasis (chronic) | Aburi, abur | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Tuberculosis (TB) | Lokudi | FAO/CVM |
Tuberculosis (TB) | Tibi | FAO/CVM |
Weak calf | Abur | Gradé et al |
Worms | Ngikur | FAO/CVM |
Wound, chronic, on neck/back with Maggots | Epaara ka ngikur | Gradé et al |
Wound, rectal | Ajome akimojong | Gradé et al |
Wounds | Ajome | Gradé et al; FAO/CVM |
Wounds caused by yoke | Apotosit | Gradé et al |
Wounds, fresh | Ajome | Gradé et al |
Wounds, rotten, in mouth | Lokituk | Gradé et al |
Esophagus | Lonya | FAO/CVM |
Large intestines | Ngiputiro | FAO/CVM |
Liver | Emara | FAO/CVM |
Lungs | Ngiukoi | FAO/CVM |
Rectum | Ekimojong | FAO/CVM |
Reticulum | Akenyekeny | FAO/CVM |
Rumen | Aboi | FAO/CVM |
Small intestines | Ngamaliteny | FAO/CVM |
Spleen | Etid | FAO/CVM |
Trachea | Egoora | FAO/CVM |
Urinary bladder | Ekulam | FAO/CVM |
Appetite stimulant | Akisuburakin akimuj | Gradé et al |
Castration | Akidong | FAO/CVM |
Fattens donkey | Itumi ngikoodo | Gradé et al |
Fly and maggot control | Akiretakin ngicuc ka ngikur | Gradé et al |
Fly repellent | Akirit ngicuc | Gradé et al |
Mosquito control | Akiretakin ngithiru | Gradé et al |
Stimulant | Akisiburakin | Gradé et al |
Strengthen sick calf | Akitogogong ngitak | Gradé et al |
Vaccinate | Akisemisem | Logiro & Ilukor |
Vaccinate | Akiped | Logiro & Ilukor |
Animal | Etyang kori ibarasit | Logiro & Ilukor |
Bull | Emaanik | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Camel | Ekaal | Logiro & Ilukor |
Camel (female) | Ngwa beru | FAO/CVM |
Camel (male) | Ngolo maanik | FAO/CVM |
Camels | Ngikaala | Logiro & Ilukor |
Cat | Ikapa | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Cats | Ngikapae | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Cattle | Ngaatuk | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Cattle | Ngibaren | Logiro & Ilukor |
Chicken | Ikoror | Logiro & Ilukor |
Chicken | Akokoroit | FAO/CVM |
Chicken (cock) | Ekokoliro | FAO/CVM |
Chicks | Ngicwii | FAO/CVM |
Cow | Aate | Logiro & Ilukor |
Cows | Ngaatuk | Logiro & Ilukor |
Dog | Eengok, engok | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Dogs | Ngingokwo | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Donkey | Esigirya, esigiria | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Donkeys | Ngisigiria | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Ducks | Ngibatae | FAO/CVM |
Goat | Ameot | Logiro & Ilukor |
Goat (billy, buck) | Ekoroi, ekoroe | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Goats (billies, bucks) | Ngikorwa | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Goat (kid) | Ikale | Logiro & Ilukor |
Goats (kids) | Ngikaalei | Logiro & Ilukor |
Goat (nanny) | Akine | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Goats (nannies) | Ngakinei | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Goats | Ngamee | FAO/CVM |
Guinea fowl | Atapem | Logiro & Ilukor |
Horse | Angole | Logiro & Ilukor |
Horses | Ngangolei | Logiro & Ilukor |
Kraal | Awi | Logiro & Ilukor |
Ox | Emongin | Ogimos |
Pig, Hog | Eguruwe | Logiro & Ilukor |
Pigs, Hogs | Ngiguruwei | Logiro & Ilukor |
Rabbits | Ngapoe | FAO/CVM |
Sheep | Amamesek | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Sheep (pl.) | Ngameesekin | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Sheep (ewe) | Amesek | Logiro & Ilukor |
Sheep (lamb) | Imesek | Logiro & Ilukor |
Sheep (lamb) | Ikale | Logiro & Ilukor |
Sheep (ram) | Emesek | Logiro & Ilukor; FAO/CVM |
Turkeys | Ngikulukulu | FAO/CVM |
Warthogs | Ngiputiro | FAO/CVM |
- FAO/CVM list of Karimojong to English terms (annex to CLIDE manual for CAHW training)
- Gradé, J.T., John R.S. Tabutic, and Patrick Van Damme. 2009. "Ethnoveterinary knowledge in pastoral Karamoja, Uganda." Journal of Ethnopharmacology 122: 273–293
- Logiro, P., and J. Ilukori. 2007. A Simplified Ngakarimojong-English – English-Ngakarimojong Dictionary. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
- Other input from Community Animal Health Worker Training, Moroto & Nakiliro, Uganda, 21 June – 2 July, 2010.
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