ULYSSES is a submarine communications cable network divided into two sections: ULYSSES-1 and ULYSSES-2 that transit the English Channel and the North Sea, respectively. It carries telecommunications and internet signals to-and-from the United Kingdom to the continental European Union. It began service in 1997 and is owned by WorldCom International, BT, France Telecom and KPN.
ULYSSES-1 has landing points in:
1. St Margaret's Bay, Kent, United Kingdom
2. Calais, Pas-de-Calais, France
ULYSSES-2 has landing points in:
3. Lowestoft, Suffolk, United Kingdom
4. Near IJmuiden, North Holland, the Netherlands
The route then continues inland into mainland Europe and joins the two cables together at:
5. Amsterdam, Netherlands
6. Düsseldorf, Germany
7. Frankfurt, Germany
8. Saarbrücken, Germany
9. Brussels, Belgium
10. Reims, France
11. Fresnes-lès-Montauban, France
12. Paris, France
And from the two UK landing points the cable connects together at:
13. London, UK
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