Trirhithrum is a genus of tephritid or fruit flies in the family Tephritidae.[1][2][3]
Genus Trirhithrum
- Trirhithrum albomaculatum
- Trirhithrum albonigrum
- Trirhithrum albopleurale
- Trirhithrum argenteocuneatum
- Trirhithrum argutum
- Trirhithrum basale
(* Trirhithrum bicinctum, see below)
(* Trirhithrum chirinda, see below. Not on CoL)
- Trirhithrum coffeae
- Trirhithrum crescentis
- Trirhithrum culcasiae
- Trirhithrum demeyeri
- Trirhithrum dimorphum
- Trirhithrum divisum
- Trirhithrum ebenum
(* Trirhithrum facetum, see below)
(* Trirhithrum inauratipes, see below)
- Trirhithrum inscriptum
- Trirhithrum iridescens
- Trirhithrum leonense
- Trirhithrum leucopsis
- Trirhithrum manganum
- Trirhithrum meladiscum
- Trirhithrum micans
- Trirhithrum nigerrimum
- Trirhithrum nigrum
- Trirhithrum nitidum
- Trirhithrum notandum
- Trirhithrum obscurum ((Enderlein, 1911), contra Norrbom, per Hancock & White, 1997)
- Trirhithrum occipitale
- Trirhithrum ochriceps
- Trirhithrum overlaeti
- Trirhithrum psychotriae
- Trirhithrum quadrimaculatum
(* Trirhithrum queritum, see below)
- Trirhithrum resplendens
- Trirhithrum scintillans
- Trirhithrum senex
- Trirhithrum stecki
- Trirhithrum stubbsi
- Trirhithrum teres
- Trirhithrum torina
- Trirhithrum transiens
- Trirhithrum validum
- Trirhithrum viride
See others subsequently in Ceratitis (Pterandrus).
- Trirhithrum bicinctum -> Ceratitis bicincta
- "Trirhithrum chirinda" may be unpublished combination -> Trirhithromyia chirinda, later Neoceratitis chirinda, or Ceratitis chirinda
(see also alled Pterandrus curvatus -> Ceratitis curvata)
(see also alled Pterandrus gravinotatus -> Ceratitis gravinotata)
(see also alled Pterandrus lobata -> Ceratitis lobata) (see also alled Pterandrus pedestris -> Ceratitis pedestris) (see also alled Pterandrus podocarpi -> Ceratitis podocarpi)
(see also alled Pterandrus roubaudi -> Ceratitis roubaudi)
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