नमस्कार! User interwiki infoboard sa, Wikipedia Embassy from Sanskrit Language Wikipedia (आंतरविकि दूतावास) invites you to the Sanskrit Language Wikipedia! This template shall keep you informed about support and contributions required in various Sanskrit Language Wikipedia articles in times to come.
Thanks to all Wikipedians who have been supporting the Sanskrit Language Wikipedia through various means like interwiki linking etc.
सुयोग्य संस्कृत लोगो चयन करोसि
सदस्य:Mahitgar १५:३९, १२ मे २००९ (UTC)
- mr:चित्र:wiki1.png mr:चित्र:wiki3.png mr:चित्र:myWiki4.png - suggestions received so far from कोल्हापुरी
- Article nominated for English to Sanskrit Language translation is भाषांतर
- Sanskrit Language Wikipedia help page
- List of Sanskrit Language Fonts and editors, Devnagari font help
- Discussion Page
- email list]
- If you are a wikipedian who knows the Sanskrit Language please help us in updating this notice board template from time to time at Template:User interwiki infoboard sa
With warm regards to you all,
Sanskrit Language Wikipedia Welcome team
Portal:SAARC | WikiProject Maharashtra | wikt translations | विकिकॉमन्स | मेटाविकि | मिडीयाविकि | ट्रांस्लेट विकि] |
विक्शनरी | विकिपीडिया:विकिभेट | विकिपीडिया:सहकार्य |
- Last Upadated Mahitgar (talk) 05:07, 26 January 2009 (UTC)
- We need help in improving this Template (Category: Wikipedia multilingual coordination) specially making box short but comprehensive.
Please discuss at this Templates talk page before making any change to this Template.
- This Template will be placed on the Talk pages of Sanskrit Language users working on (English/Hindi) language Wikipedias. So that they can be informed of Sanskrit Wiki priorities/Peer review requirements/Common projects etc. We need help if RSS or some bot can be used to do this activity.
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