Translate Example:Example to English

This template is a simplified wrapper around {{Google translation}}, specifically to translate articles from other language Wikipedias to English. As with {{Google translation}}, the template creates an external link to a Google Translate page, with the destination language set to English. Syntax:
{{Translate wikipedia|source language code|Title of source-language Wikipedia page to translate|link text}}
You must provide a source language and source page title, with the source page title being in the source language. The link text is optional, and defaults to:
- Translate code:page title to English
For a list of available language codes, see the {{Google translation}} template page. Google's translation tool has a size limit that prevents it from translating long articles entirely. You may have to manually copy and paste sections of a long article into Google's translation tool page online.
Avoid using in articles
WP:EL#Non-English language content advises against linking to non-English content from articles in the English Wikipedia, but does not forbid it in all cases. Links to machine-translated pages from articles may lead to disputes with other editors, who may feel the quality of translation is insufficient to create a reliable source. Therefore, use your judgment, and check the quality of translation to make sure it is adequate to use as a source.
There should be no problem with using this template on non-article pages, such as talk pages, the Help desk, user pages, and so on. See the similar advice for template such as {{Google}}.
Type this | To get this | What it produces |
{{Translate wikipedia|de|Windkraftanlage}} |
Translate de:Windkraftanlage to English | Translate the de:Windkraftanlage article from the German Wikipedia to English |
{{Translate wikipedia|es|Energía eólica en España}} |
Translate es:Energía eólica en España to English | Translate the es:Energía eólica en España article from the Spanish Wikipedia to English |
{{Translate wikipedia|da|Vindmølle}} |
Translate da:Vindmølle to English | Translate the da:Vindmølle article from the Danish Wikipedia to English |
{{Translate wikipedia|da|Vindmøllepark}} |
Translate da:Vindmøllepark to English | Translate the da:Vindmøllepark article from the Danish Wikipedia to English |
{{Translate wikipedia|it|Energia eolica}} |
Translate it:Energia eolica to English | Translate the it:Energia eolica article from the Italian Wikipedia to English |
See also
- {{Google}}
- {{Google books}}
- {{Google custom}}
- {{Google help desk}}
- {{Google images}}
- {{Google LC}} (Google—excluding Language, Country)
- {{Search for}}
- {{Find sources}}
- {{Google scholar}}
- {{Google Scholar ID}} - for individual profiles
- {{Google trends}}
- {{Google translation}}
- {{Google Wikipedia}}
- {{Help desk searches}}
- {{Translate wikipedia}}
- {{HD/GKG}} - for people asking about the information in a Google search, the Google Knowledge Graph
- {{Expand language}} - To request the expansion of an article by a translation of the corresponding article in another Wikipedia
- WP:EIW#Transl - Editor's index to Wikipedia, links to resources for translation
External links
- FAQ at
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