This template is used to create infoboxes for papal proclamations.
Basic usage
{{Infobox encyclical
| title =
| type = <!-- defaults to encyclical -->
| language of title =
| translation of title =
| subject =
| Papal coats of arms =
| signature date = {{Start date|yyyy|mm|dd|df=y}}
| pope =
| pages =
| number =
| web_en =
| web_la =
| before =
| after =
The |type=
parameter is used to set the type of papal proclamation. Use one of the following values (defaults to encyclical):
- Apostolic constitution (values:
) - Apostolic exhortation (values:
) - Apostolic letter (values:
,apostolic letter
) - Papal bull (values:
)* - Encyclical (values:
) - Motu proprio (values:
,motu proprio
)* - Papal brief (values:
,papal brief
) - Letter (values:
*Note: if a type of document is only in the form of a bull or of a motu proprio, it is the type of document and not the form which should be indicated; e.g. Unigenitus is an apostolic constitution in the form of a papal bull so it must be indicated as apostolic constitution, whereas Unam sanctam is simply a bull and so must be indicated as papal bull.
{{Infobox encyclical
| title = Spe salvi <!-- This must not be wikilinked -->
| type = encyclical
| language of title = Latin
| translation of title = Saved in Hope
| subject = On Christian hope
| Papal coats of arms = Coat of arms of Benedictus XVI.svg
| date = {{Start date|2007|11|30|df=y}}
| pope = Benedict XVI
| pages = 77
| number = 2 of 3
| web_en = http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20071130_spe-salvi_en.html
| web_la = http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20071130_spe-salvi_la.html
| Acta Apostolicae Sedis = 99 (12): 985-1027
| before = Deus caritas est
| after = Caritas in veritate
Infobox used to display papal documents and some of their characteristics.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
title | title name | Title of the document | Unknown | suggested |
type | type | Type of document; defaults to encyclical. "ac" or "constitution" = Apostolic constitution; "ae" or "exhortation" = Apostolic exhortation; "b" or "bull" = Papal bull; "e" or "encyclical" = Encyclical; "m" or "motu proprio" = Motu proprio; "pbr" or "papal brief" = Papal brief; "let" or "letter" = Letter (simple letters) | Unknown | required |
pope | pope | Papal name of the pope who signed the document | Unknown | suggested |
language of title | language of title language | language of the title; it is sometimes not in the same language as the document | Unknown | suggested |
translation of title | translation of title translation | English translation of the title | Unknown | suggested |
signature date | signature date date | no description | Unknown | suggested |
signature hour | signature hour hour | no description | Unknown | optional |
Papal coats of arms | Papal coats of arms papal_coat_of_arms | Coat of arms of the pope who signed the document | Unknown | suggested |
image_size | image_size | image size for the coat of arms
| Unknown | deprecated |
caption | caption | Caption for the papal coat of arms (optional) | Unknown | optional |
subject | subject argument | subject of the document | Unknown | suggested |
pages | pages | no description | Unknown | optional |
number | number | no description
| Unknown | optional |
total_number | total_number | no description | Unknown | optional |
web_la | web_la | link to the document in original Latin | Unknown | suggested |
web_en | web_en | link to the document in English | Unknown | suggested |
original language | original language | if it is not Latin, precise the original language | Unknown | optional |
web original language | web original language | if it is not Latin, link to the document in the original language | Unknown | optional |
Acta Sanctae Sedis | Acta Sanctae Sedis | number and page(s) of the Acta Sanctae Sedis in which the document appears
| Unknown | suggested |
Acta Apostolicae Sedis | Acta Apostolicae Sedis | number and page(s) of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis in which the document appears
| Unknown | suggested |
before | before | previous document OF THIS TYPE (e.g. previous encyclical if the document is an encyclical) | Unknown | suggested |
after | after | next document OF THIS TYPE (e.g. next encyclical if the document is an encyclical) | Unknown | suggested |
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