This is my outline of articles related to Jesus and a proposal to Wikipedia:WikiProject Jesus.
- Genealogy of Jesus
- Nativity of Jesus
- Child Jesus
- Finding in the Temple
- Baptism of Jesus
- Temptation of Christ
- Transfiguration of Jesus
- The Last Supper
- Passion and Stations of the Cross
- Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
- Harrowing of Hell (this is really from the Acts of Pilate, rather than the Gospels) (But see Matthew 27:52–53)
- Resurrection of Jesus
- Ascension
B. Ministry of Jesus
- Ministry of Jesus
- Miracles of Jesus
- Jesus' sayings according to the Christian Bible and Category:Doctrines and teachings of Jesus
- Parables of Jesus and Category:Parables of Jesus
- Fatted calf
- Parable of the Sower
- Parable of the Growing Seed
- Parable of the Good Shepherd
- Parable of the Mustard Seed
- The Wicked Husbandmen
- Parable of the Good Samaritan
- Parable of the Prodigal Son
- Parable of the Talents
- Parable of the Lost Coin
- Parable of the Lost Sheep
- Parable of the Ten Virgins
- Other parables
- Sermon on the Mount
- Sermon on the Plain
- Sayings of Jesus on the cross
- Parables of Jesus and Category:Parables of Jesus
- Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament
- a. New Testament (see above)
- b. Genesis through Malachi
- i. Tanakh
- ii. Old Testament
- iii. Hebrew Bible
- iv. Christianity and Biblical prophecy.
- c. Apocrypha
- d. Other texts (Josephus and Taciticus mentioned below).
2. Christology
- a. Christ
- i. Messiah
- ii. Jewish Messiah (which is different!)
- b. Son of God
- c. Son of Man
- d. LDS views
- e. Jehovah's Witnesses and Jesus
- f. Gnostic views
- i. Gnostic Gospels (Category:Gnostic Apocrypha)
- ii. Gnosticism and the New Testament
- see also Category:Apocryphal Collections of Logia and Category:Secret Gospels
- a. Christ
- a. Shroud of Turin
- b. True Cross
- c. Calvary
- d. Iron Crown of Lombardy
- e. Bridle of Constantine
- f. Nail (relic)
- g. Holy Prepuce
- h. Spear of Destiny
- i. Holy Lance
- j. Crown of Thorns
- k. Holy Chalice
- l. Holy Grail
- m. Veil of Veronica
- n. Seamless robe of Jesus
- o. Image of Edessa
- p. Sudarium of Oviedo
- q. Holy Sponge
- r. Holy Umbilical Cord
- s. James Ossuary
4. Reactions & alternative interpretations
- a. Criticism of Christianity
- b. Anti-Christian prejudice
- c. Ressurection
- i. swoon hypothesis
- ii. vision hypothesis
- iii. stolen body hypothesis
- d. Jesus-Myth
B. Muslim views
D. Other religions
- 1. Hinduism
- 2. Buddhism
- 3. New Age and A Course in Miracles
III. Jesus and history
- A. Historicity of Jesus
- B. Historical Jesus
- C. Cultural and historical background of Jesus
- D. Jesus as myth
- E. Josephus on Jesus
- F. Tacitus on Jesus
IV. Artistic Portrayals
V. Misc
- A. Language
- 1. Aramaic of Jesus
- 2. Discovering the Language of Jesus
- 3. Hebrew/Aramaic names of Jesus
- B. Race of Jesus
- C. Sexuality of Jesus(?)
- D. Jesus Seminar
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