Takpirtu or Takpertu, inscribed tak-pir-tú and as a gloss to the term šu-gur-gur-meš, and literally meaning “wiping,” from kupurru,[1] “to wipe, rub,” or more generally ““to perform a wiping rite,” were Mesopotamian purification rituals whose oldest attestations go back to the Old Babylonian period. It was an integral part of the Bīt rimki(House of Ablution) and Bīt salā’ mê(house of water sprinkling) rituals and may have been a cleansing rite in its own right as it is listed separately in the Exorcists Manual, perhaps in the form of tak-pir-tú nussētiq, burnt offerings.[2]
The ritual
Its earliest appearance seems to have been at Mari. Middle Babylonian attestation comes in the form of two references to the supply of grain or flour for the ceremony in temple administrative tablets from KassiteNippur.[3]
In later neo-Assyrian and neo-Babylonian periods it was used for the spiritual cleansing of a field or a building, especially in the temple of the moon god Sîn in Uruk, but also in the context of a person, such as a sick person or the king, a type of cleansing ceremony was accompanied by a liḫšu, whispered prayer, “By the life of Anu and Enlil they are conjured,”[4] or conjuration, "butting evil." Dough was wiped over the thigh of the subject, a scapegoat was sacrificed or carcass of a sheep was used to purify the cella of the temple,[5] which was afterwards cast into the river along with the zisurrû, “magic circle of flour,” and garakku-brazier, a black and white cord.[6]
^L. Sassmannshausen (2001). Betträge zur verwaltung und Gesellschaft Babyloniens in der Kassitenzeit. Philipp von Zabern. p. 170.
^David Brown, Marc Linssen (1997). "BM 134701=1965-10-14,1 And The Hellenistic Period Eclipse Ritual From Uruk". Revue d'Assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale. 91 (2): 151. JSTOR23281910.
^Angelika Berlejung (1998). "Washing the mouth". In K. van der Toorn (ed.). The Image and the Book Iconic Cults, Aniconism, and the Rise of Book Religion in Israel and the Ancient Near East. Peeters. p. 63.
^M. J. H. Linssen (2003). The Cults of Uruk and Babylon: The Temple Ritual Texts as Evidence for Hellenistic Cult Practice. Brill Academic Publishers. pp. 148–149.
The remedies for all similar diseases, completely, All of the symptoms of diseases, The prescriptions relating to the diseases of women. * Until the time when, having become a Master of the entire Art of Magic, you possess the secret. After which you will learn to hear and interpret the commentaries as well as the list of correspondences, and to practice the rituals in both Sumerian and Akkadian.
And also to reason and debate in order to reach a consensus
Upon the one who is vigorous, wise, and penetrating to Great Knowledge, the Two Gods, the Lords (Ea and Marduk), will confer Vast Understanding. Unto this one these Gods will grant a Guardian Angel, whose name will be pronounced unto the Most Distant Times. Copied and collated with a most ancient copy. A tablet belonging to Kisir-dNabu, son of dŠamaš-ibni, magician of the Ešara.
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