Slavko Pregl, full name Vekoslav Pregl, (born 9 September 1945) is a Slovene writer, editor and publisher best known for his youth literature. He is the current director of the Slovenian Book Agency.[1]

Pregl was born in Ljubljana in 1945. He studied at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana and obtained his degree in 1972. From 1969 to 1991 he worked at the Mladinska Knjiga publishing house and then for a while headed his own publishing company EWO.[2] He served as president of the Slovene Writers' Association from 2007 to 2009 and was made the director of the newly created, government funded, Slovenian Book Agency in 2009[3] and headed the agency until his retirement in August 2012.[4]

Published works

  • Nova zgodovina (A New History, 1972)
  • Odprava zelenega zmaja (The Expedition of the Green Dragon, 1976)
  • Priročnik za klatenje (A Handbook for Vagrancy, 1977)
  • Basni (Fables, 1978)
  • Geniji v kratkih hlačah (Geniuses in Short Pants, 1978)
  • Papiga v šoli (Parrot Goes to School, 1978)
  • Denar (Money, 1979)
  • Umazana zgodba (A Dirty Story, 1981)
  • Juha Cviluha (Whiner's Soup, 1981)
  • Strašna bratranca (The Terrible Cousins, 1981)
  • Zgode na dvoru kralja Janeza (Some Events at the Court of King John, 1981)
  • Zdravilo za poredneže (The Cure for Naughtyheads, 1982)
  • Bojni zapiski mestnega mulca (A City Kid's War Notebook, 1982)
  • Smejalnik in cvililna zavora (Smiler and the Squeaky Brake, 1984)
  • Geniji v dolgih hlačah (Geniuses in Long Pants, 1985)
  • Zgodba o knjigi (Tale of the Book, 1986)
  • Zgodovina o knjigi za (History of the Book for, 1986)
  • Smrka in njegovi (Snot and His Crew, 1987)
  • Umazana zgodba (A Dirty Story, 1988)
  • Olimpiada v živalskem vrtu (The Zoo Olympics, 1990)
  • Če bi ali če ne bi (If It Was Or If It Wasn't, 1993)
  • Počesane muhe (Combed Flies, 1993)
  • Papiga že spet v šoli (Parrot Goes To School Again Already, 2001)
  • S knjigo po svetu (With a Book Around the World, 2003)
  • Srebro iz modre špilje (Silver from the Blue Cavern, 2003)
  • Zvezda s čepico (Star With a Hat, 2003)
  • Male oblačne zgodbe (Little Cloudy Stories, 2004)
  • Zadnja želja (The Last Wish, 2004)
  • Usodni telefon (The Fatal Telephone, 2004)
  • Spričevalo (The Report Card, 2005)
  • Ujeti ribič (The Hooked Fisherman, 2005)
  • Dva majhna velika ribiča (Two Little Big Fishermen, 2006)
  • Med delom in denarjem (Between Work and Money, 2008)
  • Petelin na gnoju:basni (The Rooster on the Dungheap: Fables, 2008)
  • Car brez zaklada (The Treasureless Emperor, 2009)
  • Geniji brez hlač (Geniuses Without Pants, 2009)
  • Lutke iz sedmega nadstropja (Puppets from the Seventh Floor, 2009)
  • Sladke denarnice in druge basni (Sweet Wallets and Other Fables, 2009)
  • Čudni časi : basni (Strange Times: Fables, 2011)


  1. ^ "Slovene Writers' Association site". Slovene writers' portal (in Slovenian). DSP Slovene Writers' Association. Archived from the original on 14 November 2011. Retrieved 16 November 2011.
  2. ^ Helga Glušič, Sto Slovenskih Pripovednikov (Ljubljana: Prešernova družba, 1996) ISBN 961-6186-21-3
  3. ^ Slovenian Book Agency site
  4. ^ Delo 31 July 2012 Slavko Pregl odhaja iz Javne agencije za knjigo (Slavko Pregl Is Leaving the Slovenian Book Agency)

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