The 05C01 (formerly known as AC11) is a current rolling stock built by Alstom for Line 5 of Shanghai Metro. A total of 68 cars (17 sets) were built. Entering service between 2003 and 2004. They commonly run service on Xinzhuang station - Minhang Development Zone station section.[1]
In 2014, AC11s were renamed 05C01s.[2]
AC11 trains have liveries in red, orange and yellow. They utilize the same traction systems and motors as AC03s, which also applied on the subsequent Alstom rolling stocks of Shanghai Metro: AC06s, AC07s, AC08s and AC12s.[3]
Unlike the other rolling stocks in Shanghai Metro, AC11s have no gangways between each car.
Signalling upgrade
Between 2017 and 2018, 05C01 cars were overhauled and modernized by Alstom.[4] The signalling system has been upgraded to DTO.[5]
- ^ 杨翊中; 季周杰 (2020-12-24). "12月26日起申城轨交网络运营规模增至729公里430站". 上海地铁. Retrieved 2020-12-24.
- ^ "轨道交通5号线17列05C01(原AC11)型列车第二次架修项目". Archived from the original on 2017-01-07. Retrieved 2017-01-07.
- ^ 程宏声 (2014). "上海轨道交通AC11型电动列车牵引和制动控制技术浅析". 中国科技信息 (1).
- ^ Alstom to modernise trainsets on Shanghai metro line 5 /
- ^ 夏海兵 (2018). "上海轨道交通5号线车载广播系统关键部件改造方案的研究与实现". 城市轨道交通研究. 21 (10).
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