Ptilogyna is a genus of true crane fly.
Australia, Brazil, New Caledonia & Papua New Guinea.
- P. bicolor (Macquart, 1838)
- P. nasalis (Alexander, 1924)
- Subgenus Plusiomyia Skuse, 1890
- P. clarki (Alexander, 1928)
- P. felix (Alexander, 1922)
- P. flabellifera Loew, 1851
- P. gracilis (Walker, 1848)
- P. herroni (Alexander, 1948)
- P. inornata (Skuse, 1890)
- P. kraussiana (Alexander, 1966)
- P. leucoplagia (Alexander, 1957)
- P. lineata (Skuse, 1890)
- P. mackerrasi (Alexander, 1928)
- P. margaritae (Alexander, 1948)
- P. mathesonae Dobrotworsky, 1971
- P. minor (Alexander, 1922)
- P. necopina (Alexander, 1922)
- P. neocaledonica (Alexander, 1948)
- P. neogama (Alexander, 1944)
- P. olliffi (Skuse, 1890)
- P. pandoxa (Alexander, 1922)
- P. spissigrada (Alexander, 1922)
- P. tasmaniensis (Alexander, 1922)
- P. tripectinata (Alexander, 1922)
- P. wellsi (Alexander, 1950)
- P. westralis Dobrotworsky, 1971
- P. cheesmanae Alexander, 1947
- P. macquartii Loew, 1851
- P. minima Alexander, 1922
- P. ramicornis (Walker, 1835)
- "Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World (Diptera, Tipuloidea: Pediciidae, Limoniidae, Cylindrotomidae, Tipulidae)". Naturalis Biodiversity Center.
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