This is a list of protected areas of Sierra Leone, including national parks, game reserves, conservation areas, wetlands, and those that are listed as proposed protected areas in the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP WCM) database.
The Scarcies River Estuary MPA is located in Northern Sierra Leone and comprises the Great and Little Scarcies which merge at the mouth before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean. The MPA consists of both marine and intertidal zones and it is a partially regulated MPA. Four clusters of community management associations have been designated to manage the MPAs. Restricted fishing is allowed using hook and line and bottom set gillnet fishing. The use of monofilament fishing net is prohibited.
Sheku Sei and Edward Aruna (2009). Socio-economic studies for the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Yawri Bay. Consultancy Report, Pilot project for coastal zone management in Sierra Leone, Funded by Wetlands International and PRCM. Conservation Society Sierra Leone (CSSL)
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