Nicola Porro (born 27 September 1969) is an Italian journalist, television presenter and essayist. He is the deputy director of Il Giornale[1] and host of in-depth journalism television programs.


Of Apulian origin, he descends from an ancient aristocratic landowner family, the Porro. His mother was a psychologist and his father a farmer.[2]

From the first grade to the high school diploma he studied at the Massimiliano Massimo Institute. Graduated in economics and commerce with 110 cum laude at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" with a thesis in industrial and commercial techniques, thanks to a scholarship he attended a Business Case Discussion course at Harvard University and a course on the financial specialization of leasing companies at the SDA Bocconi School of Management.[3]

In 1994 he became spokesperson for Antonio Martino, minister of foreign affairs during the first Berlusconi government. He has been a professional journalist since 1997.[4]

Previously, he worked for three years at the daily newspaper Il Foglio, where he edited Il Foglio Finanziario. He collaborated with Corriere Economia, where he managed the column Visi pallidi. At the beginning of his career, he worked in the editorial office for the economic programs Re Mida and Quadrante economico, broadcast on Mediaset, for which he created the programs of the all-financial news channel CFN-CNBC in 2000.[5]

Having become a regular contributor to the Il Giornale in 2003, he holds the position of deputy editor. In the newspaper he writes editorials and the columns Biblioteca liberale and Zuppa di Porro, the latter focusing on economics.[6]

In 2010 he was a member of the Amici della domenica, a jury for the Strega Prize.[7]

From September 2011 to June 2013 he hosted the program In onda on La7 together with Luca Telese.[8] After being fired from La7 in July 2013, Porro moved to Rai 2, becoming the host and author of the new in-depth program Virus - Il contagio delle idee, broadcast in prime time until 2016.

From 2014 to 2016 he taught Theories and techniques of journalistic language at the IULM University of Milan as a contract professor.[9]

In 2015 he founded the opinion site '''' which, in addition to publishing his daily press review (La zuppa di Porro, from the name of his column in Il Giornale), hosts the contributions of various collaborators of the liberal-conservative area, becomes a newspaper from 20 April 2021.[10]

On June 21, 2016, he made his move to Mediaset official from July 1 of the same year, taking charge of hosting Matrix, which airs twice a week in the late evening on Canale 5 from 2016 to 2019. Furthermore, in the 2017-2018 season, he hosted 105 Matrix, a radio program broadcast every day at 7 pm on Radio 105, together with the co-host of the television program Greta Mauro.

Since September 17, 2018, he has hosted a new political analysis program on Rete 4, Quarta Repubblica, broadcast every Monday in prime time. On the occasion of elections, he hosts several specials of the program, such as La notte americana, dedicated to the American elections that saw Donald Trump and Joe Biden as protagonists. On June 12 and 13, 2023, he hosts with Paolo Del Debbio and Cesara Buonamici, simulcast on the three Mediaset networks, two special broadcasts on the death of Silvio Berlusconi. On June 25, he hosts a special on the attempted coup in Russia.[11]

In 2021, he inaugurates a series of meetings, entitled La Ripartenza, with panels dedicated to the most important companies and managers of the Italian economy, which has reached its seventh edition. The events were held at the teatro Petruzzelli in Bari, at the IBM studios in Milan and at the Istituto Marangoni in Miami.[12]

In April 2023, he acquired the publishing house Liberilibri with the aim of expanding his site and countering the "rampant conformism that has the traits of a good-natured totalitarianism".[13][14][15]

In parallel with Quarta Repubblica, from September 4 to December 22, 2023, from Monday to Friday, always on Rete 4, he hosts Stasera Italia.[16]

From November 12, 2024, he also presents the weekly program Red Pill, an evening program of Atlantico Quotidiano (the name refers to a metaphor taken from the 1999 film Matrix by Andy and Larry Wachowski, a metaphor taken from the Internet slang of the incel and MGTOW community for which the "red pill" represents the act of opening one's eyes to the world as opposed to the blue pill that keeps the sleeping individual in line with the "mainstream").[17]

Personal life

He is married to Allegra Galimberti and has two children: Ferdinando and Violetta.[18] He runs a family farm in Andria, together with his brother Gian Michele, where he produces wine and oil.

In 2010 he was the subject of judicial investigations, ordered by the Naples Public Prosecutor's Office against him, for private violence against the president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia, due to some wiretaps regarding some of his conversations with Marcegaglia's spokesperson, Rinaldo Arpisella.[19] In 2016 Porro was acquitted of the charge because "the fact does not exist".[20]

In June 2020, during the Quarta Repubblica program hosted by Porro, an audio recording was broadcast of the then deceased judge Amedeo Franco toga a lateral of the Cassation trial of Silvio Berlusconi, who reported to the knight harsh and negative judgments on the sentence of August 2013. After the broadcast of the audio, a series of articles followed in various national newspapers that spoke of "cowardly methods", "fake trial", "rigged sentence", "conspiracy", "the judiciary did a dirty job", "firing squad". After these events, judge Antonio Esposito filed a complaint for aggravated defamation against a dozen people including Anna Maria Bernini, Vittorio Feltri, Piero Sansonetti, Fabrizio Cicchitto, Pietro Senaldi, Alessandro Sallusti and Nicola Porro.[21]

On May 22, 2023, the Order of Journalists opens a disciplinary action against him on charges of having interviewed the Ukrainian deputy foreign minister Emine Dzhaparova in Quarta Repubblica without cross-examination. The disciplinary council of the order, in self-defense on May 24, decides to cancel the proceedings and cancel the summons of the journalist.[22][23]

On June 28, 2023, he is sentenced in the first instance by the court of Milan for defamation against Nanni Delbecchi, a journalist for il Fatto Quotidiano, paying compensation of 16 thousand euros.[24]


Year Title
1989–1994 L'Opinione
1995–2000 Il Foglio
Corriere Economia
Il Mondo
2003–present Il Giornale

Television programs

Year Title Network Role
2011–2013 In onda La7 Conductor
2013–2016 Virus - Il contagio delle idee Rai 2
2016–2019 Matrix Canale 5
2018–present Quarta Repubblica Rete 4
2020, 2023 Speciale Matrix Canale 5
2023 Stasera Italia Rete 4


Title Network Role
Prima pagina Rai Radio 3 Conductor
Matrix 105 Radio 105


  • Mario Cervi and Nicola Porro (2007). Sprecopoli. Tutto quello che non vi hanno mai detto sui nuovi sprechi della politica (Collana Frecce ed.). Milan: Mondadori.
  • La disuguaglianza fa bene. Manuale di sopravvivenza per un liberista (Collana Le onde ed.). Milan: La nave di Teseo. 2016. ISBN 978-88-934-4048-6.
  • Le tasse invisibili. L'inganno di stato che toglie a tutti per dare a pochi. Milano: La nave di Teseo. 2019. ISBN 978-88-939-5032-9.
  • Il padreterno è liberale. Antonio Martino e le idee che non muoiono mai. Segrate: Piemme. 2022. ISBN 978-88-566-8658-6.
  • Gli Altarini della Sinistra. 2023.
  • La grande bugia verde. 2024.


  1. ^ "Sallusti arrestato al Giornale. La polizia lo scorta a casa ma lui. Poi torna ai domiciliari". la Repubblica. December 2012.
  2. ^ "Biografia". Nicola Porro.
  3. ^ "Chi è Nicola Porro: biografia, carriera e vita privata del giornalista". June 2023.
  4. ^ "Annuario dei giornalisti italiani 2010". Archived from the original on 27 December 2009.
  5. ^ "Cfn, l'open day oggi a piazza Affari - MARKETING & FINANZA - Milano Finanza". Archived from the original on 9 March 2014.
  6. ^ "La carriera giornalistica e televisiva di Nicola Porro".
  7. ^ "Chi assegna il premio? Ecco la setta dei giurati".
  8. ^ "Partono i programmi d'informazione dell'autunno 2011: la novità di Santoro in primo piano". Primaonline. 13 September 2011.
  9. ^ "Porro Nicola | IULM". Archived from the original on 29 December 2016.
  10. ^ "Chi siamo". Nicola Porro.
  11. ^ "Russia, la programmazione straordinaria di domenica 25 giugno 2023 per seguire gli sviluppi". 24 June 2023.
  12. ^ "La Ripartenza: liberi di pensare / 30 gennaio 2025 a Milano". La Ripartenza: liberi di pensare.
  13. ^ "Cari commensali, ecco perché ho acquisito Liberilibri". Nicola Porro. 28 April 2023.
  14. ^ "Nicola Porro acquisisce (in società) la Liberilibri".
  15. ^ "Nicola Porro acquisisce la casa editrice Liberilibri". TGcom24.
  16. ^ "Nicola Porro torna con Stasera Italia e Quarta Repubblica". TV Sorrisi e Canzoni. 4 September 2023.
  17. ^ "Parte Red Pill, per chi non si accontenta della "pillola blu" del mainstream". Nicola Porro. 12 November 2024.
  18. ^ "Allegra Galimberti, chi è la moglie di Nicola Porro? Età, figli, padre, moda, foto, Instagram". DonnaPOP. October 2021.
  19. ^ "Marcegaglia nel mirino Il Giornale sotto accusa". Archived from the original on 11 October 2010.
  20. ^ "Rotoloni Woodcock".
  21. ^ "Chiesto il processo per 14 tra giornalisti e politici: "Diffamarono il giudice Esposito" per avere condannato Berlusconi". 3 December 2021.
  22. ^ "Colpevole di intervista: l'Ordine dei giornalisti processa Porro".
  23. ^ "Porro nei guai con l'ordine dei giornalisti. Intervista senza contraddittorio". 23 May 2023.
  24. ^ "Nicola Porro condannato per diffamazione nei confronti di Nanni Delbecchi del Fatto Quotidiano: la sentenza". 28 June 2023.
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