Mydas is a genus of flies in the family Mydidae.[5][6]

- Mydas annularis Gerstaecker, 1868[7]
- Mydas annulatus (Brunetti, 1912)[8]
- Mydas apicalis Wiedemann, 1831[9]
- Mydas argyrostomus Gerstaecker, 1868[7]
- Mydas arizonensis Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989[5]
- Mydas atratus Macquart, 1838[10]
- Mydas audax Osten Sacken, 1874[11]
- Mydas autuorii Andretta, 1951[12]
- Mydas belus (Séguy, 1928)[4]
- Mydas bitaeniatus Bellardi, 1861[13]
- Mydas boonei Curran, 1953[14]
- Mydas brederi Curran, 1951[15]
- Mydas brunneus Johnson, 1926[16]
- Mydas bucciferus (Séguy, 1928)[4]
- Mydas cingulatus Williston, 1898[17]
- Mydas claripennis Williston, 1898[17]
- Mydas clavatus (Drury, 1773)[2]
- Mydas cleptes Osten Sacken, 1886[18]
- Mydas crassipes Westwood, 1841[19]
- Mydas davidsoni Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989[5]
- Mydas eupolis Séguy, 1928[4]
- Mydas evansi Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989[5]
- Mydas evansorum Welch, 1991[20]
- Mydas fisheri Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989[5]
- Mydas floridensis Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989[5]
- Mydas fulvifrons Illiger, 1801[21]
- Mydas gracilis Macquart, 1834[22]
- Mydas gruenbergi (Hermann, 1914)[23]
- Mydas hardyi Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989[5]
- Mydas interruptus Wiedemann, 1831[9]
- Mydas jaliscos Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989[5]
- Mydas lividus Curran, 1953[14]
- Mydas luteipennis (Loew, 1866)[24]
- Mydas maculiventris Westwood, 1835[25]
- Mydas militaris Gerstaecker, 1868[7]
- Mydas militarsis Gerstaecker, 1868[7]
- Mydas miocenicus Cockerell, 1913[26]
- Mydas mystaceus Wiedemann, 1831[9]
- Mydas oaxacensis Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989[5]
- Mydas quadrilineatus Williston, 1898[17]
- Mydas rubidapex Wiedemann, 1831[9]
- Mydas rufiventris Macquart, 1850[27]
- Mydas sarpedon Séguy, 1928[4]
- Mydas sculleni Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989[5]
- Mydas subinterruptus Bellardi, 1861[13]
- Mydas testaceiventris Macquart, 1850[27]
- Mydas texanus Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989[5]
- Mydas tibialis (Wiedemann, 1831)[9]
- Mydas tricinctus Bellardi, 1861[13]
- Mydas tricolor Wiedemann, 1831[9]
- Mydas ventralis Gerstaecker, 1868[7]
- Mydas weemsi Wilcox, Papavero & Pimentel, 1989[5]
- Mydas xanthopterus (Loew, 1866)[24]
- ^ Fabricius, J.C. (1794). Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Vol. 4. Hafniae [=Copenhagen]: C. G. Proft. pp. [6] + 472 + [5] pp.
- ^ a b Drury, D. (1770–1773). Illustrations of natural history... Vol. 1. London: Printed for the author; sold by White. pp. xxviii + 130 pp., 4 figs., 50 pls.
- ^ Latreille, P.A. (1797). Precis des caracteres generiques des insectes, disposes dans un ordre naturel. Bordeaux, Brive: Prevot, Paris. pp. xiv + 201 + [7]. Retrieved 29 May 2022.
- ^ a b c d e Séguy, E. (1928). "Etude sur quelques Mydaidae nouveaux ou peu connus". Encyclopédie Entomologique, Série B, II, Diptera. 4: 129–156.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Wilcox, J.; Papavero, N.; Pimentel, T. (1989). Studies of Mydidae (Diptera). IVb. Mydas and allies in the Americas (Mydinae, Mydini). Belém: Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi. pp. 139 pp.
- ^ Artigas, Jorge N.; Papavero, Nelson (1990). "Studies on Mydidae Diptera v. Phylogenetic and biogeographic notes key to the American genera and illustrations of spermathecae". Gayana Zoología. 54: 87–116. Retrieved 2 June 2023.
- ^ a b c d e Gerstaecker, A. (1868). "Systematische Uebersicht der bis jetzt bekannt gewordenen Mydaiden (Mydasii Latr.)". Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. 29: 65–103, pl. 1. Retrieved 2 June 2023.
- ^ Brunetti, E. (1912). "New Oriental Diptera. I". Records of the Indian Museum. 7: 445–513, pl. 37. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.28244. Retrieved 14 November 2022.
- ^ a b c d e f Wiedemann, C.R.W. (1831). "Monographia generis Midarum". Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum. 15 (2): 19–56, pls. 52-54. Retrieved 3 June 2023.
- ^ Macquart, P.J.M. . (1838). Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Tome premier.—2e partie. Paris: Roret. pp. 207 pp., 14 pls.
- ^ Osten Sacken, C.R. (1874). "A list of the Leptidae, Mydaidae and Dasypogonina of North America". Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. (1874-1875) 2: 169–187. Retrieved 3 June 2023.
- ^ Andretta, M.A.V. d' (1951). "Contribuição para o conhecimento de familia Mydaidae. Generos: Mydas F., 1794 e Messiasia, n. gen. (Diptera)". Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia. 10: 1–76.
- ^ a b c Bellardi, L. (1861). Saggio di ditterologia messicana. Parte IIa. Torino: Stamperia Reale. pp. 99 + [2] pp., 2 pls. Retrieved 2 December 2022.
- ^ a b Curran, Charles Howard (1953). "Notes and descriptions of some Mydaidae and Syrphidae" (PDF). American Museum Novitates (1645): 1–15.
- ^ Curran, C.H. (1951). "The West Indian species of Mydas and Proctacanthus (Diptera: Mydaidae and Asilidae)" (PDF). American Museum Novitates (1507): 1–9. Retrieved 2 June 2023.
- ^ Johnson, C.W. (1926). "A revision of some of the North American species of Mydaidae". Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. (1925-1928) 38: 131–145, 1 pl.
- ^ a b c Williston, S.W. (1898). "Notes and descriptions of Mydaidae". Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 15: 53–58.
- ^ Osten Sacken, C.R. (1886). "Diptera [part]. Biologia Centrali-Americana". Zoologia-Insecta-Diptera. 1: 49–72–128.
- ^ Westwood, J.O. (1841). "Synopsis of the dipterous family Midasidae". Arcana Entomologica or Illustrations of New, Rare, and Interesting Insects. 1: 49–56. Retrieved 2 June 2023.
- ^ Welch, J.L.; Kondratieff, B.C. (1991). "Nomenclatorial changes in the Xanthopterus group of the genus Mydas (Diptera: Mydidae)". Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 1991: 784–785.
- ^ Illiger, J.C.W. (1801). "Neue Insekten". Mag. Insektenk. (Illiger). (1802) 1: 163–208.
- ^ Macquart, P. J. M. (1834). Histoire Naturelle des insectes. Dipteres. Tome premiere. Paris: Roret. pp. 578 + 8 pp., 12 pls.
- ^ Hermann, F. (1914). "H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute. Mydaidae et Asilidae (Dasypogoninae, Laphrinae et Leptogastrinae) (Dipt.) [part]". Entomologische Mitteilungen. 3: 33–44. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.5080. Retrieved 2 June 2023.
- ^ a b Loew, Hermann (1866). "Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria Septima". Berl. Ent. Z. 10: 1–54. Retrieved 14 March 2022.
- ^ Westwood, J.O. (1835). "Insectorum novorum exoticorum (ex Ordine Dipterorum) descriptiones". The London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine. 6 (3): 280–281. doi:10.1080/14786443508648595.
- ^ Cockerell, T.D.A. (1913). "The first fossil mydaid fly". Entomologist. 46: 207–208. Retrieved 2 June 2023.
- ^ a b Macquart, P.J.M. (1850). "Diptères exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. 4e supplement". Mem. Soc. R. Sci. Agric. Arts, Lille. 1849: 309–479, pls. 1–14. Retrieved 13 August 2021.
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