Moshe Berent (Hebrew: משה ברנט; born February 2, 1954) is a former Lecturer (retired) in the Department of Sociology, Political Science and Communication at the Open University of Israel.
Berent received a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering from Technion in Haifa, Master's Degree in Philosophy under Prof. Joseph Agassi at Tel Aviv University, and a Ph.D. in Comparative Political History from the University of Cambridge. Berent's mentors include the sociologist and researcher of nationalism Ernest Gellner.
Berent's research interests include Ancient Greece and Israeli national identity.
- Moshe Berent, Joseph Agassi, Judith Buber Agassi, Israeli National Consciousness, Pinchas Sapir Development Center, 1988.
- Moshe Berent, Joseph Agassi, Judith Buber Agassi, Who is an Israelite, Kivunim, 1991.
- Moshe Berent, A Nation Like All Nations: Towards the Establishment of an Israeli Republic, Israel Academic Press 2015 (translated from the 2009 Hebrew edition by Carmel Publishing House).
- Moshe Berent, The Jewish Cause: An Introduction to a Different Israeli History, Carmel Publishing, 2019.
- Moshe Berent, Conscription of Arabs in the Army as a National Interest, on the Open University website, 2012.
- Stateless Polis: A Response to Criticism Social Evolution and History, Volume 5, Number 1. March 2006, pp. 141–163
- Greece: a polis without a state, in The Early State: Its Alternatives and Analogues, edited by Leonid E. Grinin et al. (Volgograd, Russia, 2004) p. 364-387.
- Philosopher of the "State of God" or a communitarian? Review of "Philosophical Theory of the State" and related essays. Bernard Bosanquet, edited by Gerald F. Gaus and William Sweet (Chicago, 2001). European Heritage 9.4 (2004) 533-535
- Consensus Politics and the Modern State (with Keith Sutherland), in Keith Sutherland (Editor), Rape the Constitution? (Torverton, 2000)
- Anthropology and the Classics: War, Violence, and the Stateless Polis, Classical Quarterly 50.1 (2000), 257–289.
- Stasis, or the Greek Invention of Politics History of Political Thought, XIX, 3 (1998), pp. 331–362.
- Stateless polis, towards a new anthropological model of the ancient Greek community.
External links
- Elite Betrayal - First Time! Dr. Moshe Berent talks about the challenge facing Israel's intellectual elite, YouTube video
- Or Jezreeli, "The political scientist who blew up the network: "People wrote to me that they were crying "", on the Srugim website, January 5, 2022.
- Yuval Bloomberg, Dr. Moshe Berent: "Create an external, impartial body that will demand a commission of inquiry into the Netanyahu cases", on the Mida website, January 13, 2022 .
- Shlomo Piotrkowski, "What happened to the Israeli elite?", in Makor Rishon, January 10, 2022.
- Leli Deri, "Elites on you Israel", on Israel Today, January 5, 2022.
- Irit Linor, "Elite versus People's Power", on Israel Today, January 8, 2022.
- Yoni Rothenberg, "The New Elite", on the Channel 7 website, January 13, 2022.
- Eyal Levin, Book review: Moshe Berent, The Case of the Jews: An Introduction into a Different Israeli History" (pp. 101–109), on the Ariel University website, National Resilience, Politics, and Society, Issue 2, No. 1, Spring 2020.
- Moshe Berent - the Nation of Israel as Hillel Kook understood it on YouTubeDr. Moshe Berent, on the Open University website
- Moshe Berent, on Facebook
- Moshe Berent (1954-), National Library
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