Monopoly: The Mega Edition is a special variant of the popular Hasbro board game Monopoly. The game was first published on May 22, 2006 by Winning Moves Games USA in the United States. A UK version was adapted on October 1, 2007.

The game board is larger than that of regular Monopoly (30% bigger). The game now includes $/£1,000 bills, and it includes an option to build skyscrapers and train depots.[1]

New board spaces

The expanded game board includes twelve new spaces. Eight of those new spaces are new properties (one for each color group) as follows:

There is also a third Utility, the Gas Company, situated between Chance and Vermont Avenue/Pentonville.

The other three spaces are completely new to the board. Just after Jail/Just Visiting is the Auction space. If a player lands on this space while the bank still owns any properties, that player chooses one of the available properties to be auctioned off between the players (in similar fashion to regular property auctions). If the bank has no properties left to auction, the player that lands there then moves forward to the property on which they would have to pay the highest rent (the closest one, in case of a tie for highest amount).

The second space, Bus Ticket (located between Michigan Avenue/Aldwych and the B. & O. Railroad/Fenchurch Street Station), allows the player landing there to draw a Bus Ticket card, if any remain. If there are no Bus Ticket cards to draw, the space acts as a second Free Parking space and has no further effect.

The last of the three new spaces, Birthday Gift (located between Chance and Florida Avenue/Park Lane), gives the player that lands there a choice between taking $/£100 from the bank or drawing a Bus Ticket card. (If no Bus Ticket cards remain, the player automatically gets the $/£100.)

Differences in gameplay

Setup is the same as that of regular Monopoly, except that there is a new card deck to go along with the Chance and Community Chest cards called Bus Tickets, and players now receive $/£2,500 at the start of the game (adding one $/£1,000 bill) as opposed to the base $/£1,500 in regular Monopoly. (Earlier printings have silver-grey $1,000 bills; more recent printings have bright yellow $1,000s.)

On their turn, players roll all three dice (two regular dice plus the new Speed Die). Players move the total number of spaces as indicated by the three dice, or two dice if Mr. Monopoly or the Bus is rolled on the Speed Die. If doubles are rolled on the regular dice then the player may roll again as usual; if triples are rolled on the three dice then the player may move to any space on the board that they choose, but they do not roll again. They do not go to Jail if they roll doubles twice before rolling triples, and if they pass GO they collect $200 as usual.

If Mr. Monopoly is rolled on the Speed Die, the player first moves the number of spaces indicated on the two regular dice and deals with the space they land on. If the player has not landed in Jail, they then move forward to the next unowned property, which they may then purchase or put up for auction. If there are no unowned properties, the player needs to move forward to the next property on which they would owe rent to another player. (If all other properties are mortgaged, the player does not move after making the initial move.)

A new alternative to rolling is using a Bus Ticket. If a player uses a Bus Ticket which they own, that player may advance to any space on the side of the board they are currently on. If a player rolls the Bus on the Speed Die, they can choose to either take a Bus Ticket (if any remain) or move forward to the next Chance/Community Chest space after the regular move. Bus Tickets are also obtained by landing on the Bus Ticket or Birthday Gift spaces. Some of the Bus Tickets cause all other Bus Tickets drawn but not played to expire, and thus be discarded. (This includes other Bus Tickets owned by the player who drew the expiration Ticket.)

Each color-group now contains an additional property, as does the group of Utilities (with the Gas Company). If a player owns the majority of properties in a color-group (2 of 3 in Purples/Browns or Dark Blues; 3 of 4 in other color groups), they may begin to build houses and hotels there, with rent doubled on any undeveloped properties. If they own all properties in a color-group, they may upgrade their hotels to Skyscrapers, which increase rent considerably (by $/£500 on First and Second Street properties, and by $/£1000 on Third and Fourth Streets) and charge triple rent on any unimproved properties. In the case of the Utilities, owning all 3 allows the owner to charge 20 times the dice roll (white dice only) of the opponent landing there. (Note: The Chance card that sends a player to the nearest utility is not affected; that player still only pays 10 times the new roll even if the owner owns all 3 utilities.)

Players can also build a train depot on any railroads which they own (the player does not need to own all 4 railroads) at a cost of $/£100. This doubles the rent on that railroad, or quadruples it if an opponent is sent there by one of the "Go To Nearest Railroad" Chance cards (twice the doubled railroad rent).[2]

Board Layout

Monopoly: The Mega Edition layout (US & Canada)
Free Parking
Kentucky Avenue
Indiana Avenue
Illinois Avenue
Michigan Avenue
Bus TicketB&O Railroad
Atlantic Avenue
Ventnor Avenue
Water Works
Marvin Gardens
California Avenue
Go To Jail
New Jersey Avenue
Pacific Avenue
New York Avenue
South Carolina Avenue
Tennessee Avenue
North Carolina Avenue
Community ChestCommunity Chest
St. James Place
Pennsylvania Avenue
Pennsylvania Railroad
Short Line
Virginia Avenue
States Avenue
Birthday Gift
Take $100 or a Bus Ticket
Electric Company
Florida Avenue
St. Charles Place
Park Place
Maryland Avenue
Luxury Tax
Pay $100
Auction any unowned propertyBoardwalk
Jail /
Just Visiting
Connecticut Avenue
Vermont Avenue
Gas Company
Oriental Avenue
Massachusetts Avenue
Reading Railroad
Income Tax Pay $200Arctic Avenue*
Baltic Avenue*
Community ChestMediterranean Avenue*
Collect $200 salary as you pass
  • NOTE: In recent printings of the game, the purple properties are now brown, like the UK edition below.
Monopoly: The Mega Edition layout (UK)
Free Parking
Fleet Street
Trafalgar Square
Bus TicketFenchurch Street Station
Leicester Square
Coventry Street
Water Works
Shaftesbury Avenue
Go To Jail
High Holborn
UK Edition
Regent Street
Vine Street
Oxford Street
Marlborough Street
Bond Street
Community ChestCommunity Chest
Bow Street
Savile Row
Marylebone Station
Liverpool Street Station
Downing Street
Northumberland Avenue
Birthday Gift
receive £100 or take a Bus Ticket
Electric Company
Park Lane
Pall Mall
Bank Deposit
(pay £100)
Auction any unowned property (If none, move to the highest rent)Knightsbridge
In Jail/Just Visiting
Edgware Road
Gas Company
Euston Road
The Angel Islington
King's Cross Station
Income Tax
(Pay £200)
Elephant And Castle
The Whitechapel
Community ChestOld Kent Road
Collect £200 salary as you pass
Monopoly: The Mega Edition (France)
Parc Gratuit
Avenue Matignon
€ 220
Boulevard Malsherbes
€ 220
Avenue Henri-Martin
€ 240
Boulevard Haussmann
Ticket de BusGare du Nord
€ 200
Faubourg Saint-Honoré
€ 260
Place de la Bourse
€ 260
Compagnie de Distribution des Eaux
€ 150
Rue Lafayette
€ 280
Rue de Rivoli
€ 280
Allez en Prison
Boulevard Saint-Germain
€ 200
Avenue de Breteuil
€ 300
Place Pigalle
€ 200
Avenue de Suffren
€ 300
Boulevard Saint-Michel
€ 180
Avenue Foch
€ 300
Caisse de CommunautéCaisse de Communauté
Avenue Mozart
€ 180
Boulevard des Capucines
€ 320
Gare de Lyon
€ 200
Gare de Lyon
€ 200
Rue de Paradis
€ 160
Avenue de Neuilly
€ 160
Cadeau d'Anniversaire
Touchez € 100 ou un Ticket de Bus
Compagnie de Distribution d'Électrivité
€ 150
€ 350
Boulevard de la Villette
€ 140
Rue de la Paix
€ 350
Boulevard Voltaire
€ 140
Taxe de luxe
(€ 100)
Vente aux EnchèresRue de la Paix
€ 400
En Prison/Simple Visite
Avenue de la République
€ 120
Rue de Courcelles
€ 120
Compagnie de Distribution du Gaz
€ 150
Rue de Vaugirard
€ 100
Rue de la Convention
€ 100
Gare Montparnasse
€ 200
Impôts sur le Revenu
(€ 200)
Boulevard de Ménilmontant
€ 60
Rue Lecourbe
Caisse de CommunautéBoulevard de Belleville
Recevez € 200 chaque fois que vous passez ici.


  • "The Mega Edition" is translated as either "Mega Édition" (Original version, Paris Edition), "Méga Édition" (Black-themed version), or "Édition Mega" (La France Agricole version)
  • All versions except for the Black version keep the purple properties as purple rather than changing it to brown.


See also

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