Microsoft MACRO-80 (often shortened to M80) is a relocatable macro assembler for Intel 8080 and Zilog Z80 microcomputer systems.[1] The complete MACRO-80 package includes the MACRO-80 Assembler, the LINK-80 Linking Loader, and the CREF-80 Cross Reference Facility. The LIB-80 Library Manager is included in CP/M versions only.[2] The list price at the time was $200.[3]
A MACRO-80 source program consists of a series of statements. Each statement must follow a predefined format. Source lines up to 132 characters in length are supported. M80 accepts source files almost identical to files for Intel-compatible assemblers. It also supports several switches in the command string. Some can be used to control the format of the source file. A switch can be set to allow support for Z80 mnemonics.[1]
MACRO-80 runs on Digital Research CP/M,[2] Intel ISIS-II,[2] Tandy TRSDOS,[2] Tektronix TEKDOS,[2] and Microsoft MSX-DOS.[4]
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