Norwegian special forces fighters from FSK leave a CH-47 Chinook transport helicopter during Operation Anaconda.
Norwegian special forces fighters from FSK leave a CH-47 Chinook transport helicopter during Operation Anaconda.

This is a list of wars involving the Kingdom of Norway.

  Norwegian /allied victory
  Norwegian / allied defeat
  Another result *

*e.g. result unknown or indecisive/inconclusive, result of internal conflict inside Norway, status quo ante bellum, or a treaty or peace without a clear result.

Pre-unification Viking Age (793–872)

Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
Viking invasions of England (780–850) Norse Vikings
England Kingdom of England Viking victory
  • Series of Viking attacks on Christian monasteries in the British Isles
Halfdan the Mild's revolt
(ca. 813)
Halfdan the Mild Kingdom of Denmark Revolt successful
  • Denmark is expelled and Vestfold gains independence.
Battle of 839 (839) Norse Vikings Picts
Dál Riata
Norwegian Viking victory
Siege of Paris (845) Norse Vikings Francia Viking victory
Viking raid on Nekor[1][2][3]
(ca. 859)
Norse Vikings Kingdom of Nekor Viking victory
  • Vikings occupied Nekor for 8 days.
Great Heathen Army's invasion of England (865–878) Norse Vikings
Anglo-Saxon kingdoms:

Kingdom of Strathclyde
Kingdom of Alba

Viking victory
Siege of Dumbarton (870) Norse Vikings Britons of Strathclyde Viking victory
  • A fleet of 200 ships transported prisoners to Dublin.
Battle of Thimeon (880) Norse Vikings West Francia Defeat
  • Viking Defeat
Battle of Saucourt-en-Vimeu (881) Norse Vikings West Francia Defeat
Siege of Paris (885–886) Norse Vikings West Francia Stalemate
Battle of Leuven (891) Norse Vikings East Francia Defeat
  • Death of Sigfried and Godfried
Æthelwold's Revolt (899–902) Followers of Æthelwold ætheling
Supported by:
Vikings of Northumbria
Kingdom of East Anglia
Followers of Edward the Elder: Defeat
Battle of the Holme (902) Norse Vikings Followers of Edward the Elder: Viking victory
Siege of Chartres (911) Norse Vikings West Francia Stalemate

Unification of Norway (860–872)

Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
Battle of Hakadal
(ca. 860)
Vestfold Álfheimr Vestfold victory
  • Death of Hake Gandalfsson.
Battle of Orkdal
(ca. 870)
Vestfold Orkdal Vestfold victory
First Battle of Solskjel
(ca. 870)
Vestfold Nordmøre
Vestfold victory
  • Death of the kings of Nordmøre and Romsdal.
Second Battle of Solskjel
(ca. 870)
Vestfold Sunnmøre
Vestfold victory
Götaland Campaign
(ca. 870)
Vestfold Geats Vestfold victory
Battle of Fjaler
(ca. 870)
Earldom of Lade Earldom of Sogn Indecisive
Battle of Hafrsfjord
Vestfold Hordaland
Vestfold victory

Kingdom of Norway (872–1319)

Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
War between King Haakon the Good and the sons of Eirik Bloodaxe
Haakon the Good The sons of Eirik Bloodaxe
The sons of Eirik Bloodaxe Victory
Sack of Santiago de Compostela
Norwegian Vikings  Kingdom of Galicia Victory
Ladejarl-Fairhair succession wars
Fairhair dynasty Ladejarls
German–Danish War of 974 (974) Kingdom of Denmark
Kingdom of Norway
 Holy Roman Empire
Norwegian Rebels
German and Norwegian rebel victory
  • Hedeby under German occupation from 974 to 981
Norwegian-Jomsviking War
Norway Kingdom of Norway Denmark
  • Danish fleet defeated
Battle of Maldon
Norway Kingdom of Norway Anglo-Saxons Victory
Norwegian Raid of the Rus
Norwegian Vikings  Kievan Rus' Victory
Battle of Svolder
Norway Kingdom of Norway Denmark
Earls of Lade
Battle of Vinland (1003) Icelandic and Norwegian Vikings Native warriors Victory
  • Viking victory and withdrawal.
Battle of Thetford (1004)  Norway
Kingdom of Denmark Anglo-Norwegian Victory
Battle at Herdaler
Norway Kingdom of Norway Finns of Herdaler Defeat
Olav II's landing in Osilia
Norway Kingdom of Norway Osilians Victory
  • The Osilians are defeated
Battle of Ringmere
Norway Norway
Danish Vikings Victory
  • Ango-Norwegian victory
Battle of Vinland (1010) Icelandic and Norwegian Vikings Native warriors Victory
  • Native attack repelled; Viking withdrawal.
Swedish-Norwegian War
Norway Kingdom of Norway Kingdom of Sweden Victory
Olav II's conquest of Norway
Norway Kingdom of Norway Kingdom of Sweden
Kingdom of Denmark
Earldom of Orkney
  • The territorial changes following the Battle of Svolder are reversed, barring Jämtland, which would remain under Swedish overlordship until the 12th century.
Cnut the Great's invasion of England (1016) Kingdom of Denmark
Kingdom of Norway
England Kingdom of England Dano-Norwegian victory
Battle of the Helgeå
Norway Kingdom of Norway
North Sea Empire Defeat
Battle of Boknafjorden
Norway Kingdom of Norway Erling Skjalgsson Victory
  • Death of Erling Skjalgsson
Cnut's invasion of Norway
Norway Kingdom of Norway North Sea Empire
Norwegian chieftains
Danish and Norwegian chieftain victory
  • Norway conquered by King Cnut
  • King Olaf II was driven into exile to Kievan Rus
Battle of Stiklestad
Olaf II Peasant Army Peasant victory
  • Death of Olaf II
Tryggvi the Pretender's invasion of Norway
North Sea Empire Tryggvi the Pretender Invasion failed
  • Death of Tryggvi the Pretender
Norwegian-Wendish War
Norway Kingdom of Norway Wends Victory
  • Destruction the Viking fort Jomsborg, possibly to destroy the Danish competitors to the throne. Plundering of the Wendish town of Jumne.
Magnus the Good's conquest of Denmark
Norway Kingdom of Norway
Invasions of Denmark
Norway Kingdom of Norway Denmark Stalemate
  • Peace agreement, mutual recognition and withdrawal
Swedish–Norwegian War (1063)
Norway Kingdom of Norway Haakon Ivarsson [no]
Kingdom of Sweden
  • Hadrada defeats Haakon Ivarsson Jarl
  • Norwegian authority strengthened in the Uplands
Revolt in the Uplands
Norway Kingdom of Norway Revolting farmers Victory
  • Small farms and villages burned down by Hadrada. Uplands becomes more integrated into Norway
Invasion of England
Norway Kingdom of Norway England Defeat
Magnus's raids on Halland (1096)  Norway  Denmark Victory
First Irish Sea Campaign
Norway Kingdom of Norway England

Irish Kingdoms[clarification needed]

Swedish–Norwegian War (1099–1101) Norway Kingdom of Norway Sweden Inconclusive
  • Through the marriage of Magnus Barefoot and Margaret Fredkulla, Inge's daughter, Norway gains the land of Dalsland. However, due to the marriage being childless, Dalsland never becomes integrated into Norway, and it's returned to Sweden after Magnus died in 1103
Second Irish Sea Campaign
Norway Kingdom of Norway England

Irish Kingdoms[clarification needed]

Norwegian Crusade
Norway Kingdom of Norway
 Kingdom of Jerusalem
 Republic of Venice
Supported by:
Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire
Fatimid Caliphate
Almoravid Empire
Taifa of Badajoz
Taifa of Majorca
Barbary pirates of Majorca
Civil war era in Norway
Birkebeiners Baglers Birkebeiner victory
Valdemar's First Invasion of Norway
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Kingdom of Norway Medieval Denmark Kingdom of Denmark Victory
  • Danes retreated back to Denmark
Valdemar's Second Invasion of Norway
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Kingdom of Norway Medieval Denmark Kingdom of Denmark Victory
  • Danish Leidang fleet forced to retreat.
Farmers rebellion against King Inge II in Trøndelag
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Kingdom of Norway Trøndelag Farmers Rebellion Suppressed
Age of the Sturlungs
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Kingdom of Norway
Icelandic Gothis
Commonwealth Gothis Old Covenant
Campaign in Värmland
Norway Kingdom of Norway Värmland Inconclusive
Battle of the Neva
Norway Kingdom of Norway
Novgorod Republic
Halland War (1256-1257) Norway Norway Denmark Denmark Victory
Scottish–Norwegian War
Norway Kingdom of Norway Scotland Indecisive
War of the Outlaws
Danish outlaws
Denmark Denmark Victory
Second Swedish Brother's Feud
 Norway (1304-1308)
Duke Eric and Valdemar
 Norway (1308-1310)
Birger Magnusson

Norwegian Crusades (1107–1188)

Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
Norwegian Crusade
Norway Kingdom of Norway
 Kingdom of Jerusalem
 Republic of Venice
Supported by:
Byzantine Empire Byzantine Empire
Fatimid Caliphate
Almoravid Empire
Taifa of Badajoz
Taifa of Majorca
Barbary pirates of Majorca
Sack of Santiago de Compostela
Norway Kingdom of Norway  Kingdom of Galicia Victory
  • Santiago de Compostela successfully sacked
Raid on Sintra
Norway Kingdom of Norway Almoravid Empire
Taifa of Badajoz
  • Raid successful
Siege of Lisbon
Norway Kingdom of Norway Almoravid Empire
Taifa of Badajoz
  • Siege successful
  • Norway takes control of Lisbon
  • Mass conversion of local Muslims
Sack of Alcácer do Sal
Norway Kingdom of Norway Almoravid Empire
Taifa of Badajoz
Battle of Gibraltar Strait
Norway Kingdom of Norway Almoravid Empire
Taifa of Badajoz
Battle of Formentera
Norway Kingdom of Norway Almoravid Empire
Taifa of Majorca
Barbary pirates

Norway takes control of Formentera

Battle of Ibiza
Norway Kingdom of Norway Almoravid Empire
Taifa of Majorca
Barbary pirates

Norway takes control of Ibiza

Battle of Menorca
Norway Kingdom of Norway Almoravid Empire
Taifa of Majorca
Barbary pirates
Siege of Sidon
Norway Kingdom of Norway
 Kingdom of Jerusalem
 Republic of Venice
Fatimid Caliphate Victory
Kalmar Crusade
Norway Kingdom of Norway Norse pagans Victory
  • The pagans converted to Christianity
Norwegian Crusade
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Kingdom of Norway Unknown Muslims Victory
  • Crusaders are victorious.
Erik Sigurdson's expedition to Estonia
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Kingdom of Norway Pagan estonians Victory
  • Norwegians plunder pagan land from 1185 to 1188

Civil war era (1130–1240)

Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
Battle of Fyrileiv
Hardrada dynasty Gille dynasty Hardrada Dynasty Victory
  • Harald Gille flees to Denmark
Battle of Bergen
Hardrada dynasty Gille dynasty Gille Dynasty Victory
  • Magnus deposed as king and taken prisoner
Battle of Minne
Hardrada dynasty Gille dynasty Gille Dynasty Victory
Battle of Holmengrå
Hardrada dynasty Gille dynasty Decisive Gille Victory
  • Magnus killed and Sigurd executed
Battle of Oslo (Ekeberg)
Gille dynasty Gille dynasty Victory for Haakon II
  • Inge killed
Battle of Sekken
Hardrada dynasty Gille dynasty Hardrada Dynasty Victory
  • Haakon II killed
  • Magnus Erlingsson praised as king at the Øreting in Trøndelag
Battle of Re
Hardrada dynasty Gille dynasty Hardrada Dynasty Victory
  • Earl Sigurd Hallvardsson killed
Dano-Norwegian War
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Norway Medieval Denmark Denmark Victory
Battle of Djurså
(1165 or 1167)
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Norway Medieval Denmark Denmark Victory
Battle of Re
Hardrada dynasty Birkebeiner Party Hardrada Dynasty Victory
  • Eystein Meyla killed
Conquest of Jemtland
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Norway Jemtland Victory
  • Norway takes control of Jemtland
Battle of Kalvskinnet
Hardrada dynasty Birkebeiner Party Birkebeiner Victory
  • Erling Skakke as earl and chancellor of Norway fell together with 10 lendmen and nearly 60 hirdmen
Battle of Ilevollene
Hardrada dynasty Birkebeiner Party Birkebeiner Victory
  • Magnus suffers huge losses and eventually flees to Denmark
  • Sverre Sigurdsson gains control of all Norway
Battle of Fimreite
Hardrada dynasty Birkebeiner Party Birkebeiner Victory
  • Throne usurped by Sverre
Battle of Florvåg
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Norway Eyjarskeggjar party (supported by Earldom of Orkney) Victory
  • Revolt put down
  • Shetland permanently ceded away from the Earldom of Orkney to Norway
Battle of Tønsberg
(ca. 1200)
Birkebeiner Party Bagler Party Birkebeiner Victory
Battle of Oslo (1240)
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Norway Vårbelgers Victory
  • End of the Norwegian Civil War era
  • Start of the Golden age for Norway

House of Bjälbo (1319–1387)

Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
Campaign against Ingeborg


Swedish-Norwegian Union Ingeborg of Norway Peace of Skara
  • Ingeborg is forced to exchange Axvall for the unfortified Dåvö in Västmanland
First Norwegian Noble Rising
Swedish-Norwegian Union Norwegian nobles Norwegian nobles victory
  • The Norwegian Royal Seal is given to the Norwegian nobels
  • Ivar Ogmundsson is appointed as Royal Seal holder
Second Norwegian Noble Rising
Swedish-Norwegian Union Norwegian nobles Norwegian nobles victory
  • King Magnus VII made an agreement with the Norwegian nobles
Kalundborg War
Swedish-Norwegian Union Denmark


Magnus's war against Russia
Swedish-Norwegian Union Novgorod Truce of Dorprat
  • Swedish-Norwegian success in the beginning
  • Swedish-Norwegian failure to keep Nöteborg
Danish-Hanseatic War
First Phase (1361–1365)

Kingdom of Denmark
Second Phase (1367–1370)
Kingdom of Denmark
Kingdom of Norway

First Phase: Danish Victory

Second Phase: Hanseatic victory

  • The Hanseatic League gains control over several forts in Scania
  • The Hanseatic League became one of the most powerful military and economic powers in Northern Europe
Mecklenburgian invasion of Sweden
Swedish-Norwegian Union Mecklenburg Treaty of Jönköping (1364)
Wars of Deposition against Magnus
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Norway
History of Sweden (800–1521) Swedish Loyalists
History of Sweden (800–1521) Swedish Nobles
History of Sweden (800–1521) Swedish Rebels
Teutonic Order
Confederation of Cologne
Treaty of Edsvik (1371)

Kalmar Union (1397–1523)

Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
War with the Victual Brothers
 Kalmar Union Victual Brothers Victory
  • Formation of the Kalmar Union.
Dano-Hanseatic War
 Kalmar Union House of Schaumburg
Hanseatic League
  • Treaty of Vordingborg
Amund Sigurdsson Bolt Rebellion
Amund Sigurdsson Bolt  Kalmar Union Ceasefire
Graatop Rebellion
Hallvard Graatop  Kalmar Union Rebellion Suppressed
Novgorodian-Norwegian war
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Norway Novgorod Republic Victory
Krummedige-Tre Rosor feud
(1448 - 1502)
Krummedige family
Tre Rosor family
Krummedige victory
  • The male Tre Rosor line in Norway becomes extinct.
  • Norwegian monarchy strengthened
  • Prince Christian maintains control over Norway.
War of the Norwegian Succession
Pro-Danish Norwegians
Pro-Swedish Norwegians
Pro-Danish Victory
  • Christian I becomes king of Norway
  • Charles I relinquish the throne of Norway
Assault on Karlsborg
Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) Norway Sweden Defeat
Dano-Swedish War
 Kalmar Union  Sweden
Free City of Lübeck
Norwegian rebels[7]
Alvsson Rebellion
Knut Alvsson (until 1502)
Nils Ravaldsson (from 1502)
 Kalmar Union Rebellion Suppressed
  • Dano-Norwegian ties solidified
Orm Eriksson Tax Revolt
Orm Eriksson
Jon Eilivsson
 Kalmar Union Rebellion Suppressed
Swedish War of Liberation
 Kalmar Union  Sweden
Free City of Lübeck

Denmark–Norway (1523/1537–1800)

Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
Christian II's invasion of Norway
Christian II Frederick I Invasion failed
  • Christian II imprisoned
Olav Engelbrektsson's Rebellion (1536–1537) Protestants
Catholics Protestant Victory
Icelandic Reformation (1538–1550) Icelandic Protestants
Denmark–Norway Denmark–Norway
Icelandic Catholics Protestant Victory
  • Jón Arason defeated and captured
  • Collapse of Catholicism in Iceland
Peasant's Rebellion in Telemark (1540) Denmark–Norway Denmark–Norway Norwegian peasants Rebellion suppressed
Peasant's Rebellion in Agder (1540–1541) Denmark–Norway Denmark–Norway Norwegian peasants Rebellion suppressed
Dacke War (1542) Sweden Kingdom of Sweden
Holy Roman Empire Landsknechte
 Småland Peasants under Nils Dacke

 Östergötland peasant militia

  • Royal power strengthened
  • No further civil wars or major uprisings in Scandinavia
Italian War of 1542–1546 (1542)  France
Ottoman Empire


 Holy Roman Empire
Spain Spain
Kingdom of England England
Status quo ante bellum
  • Treaty of Speyer (1544)
  • Holy Roman Emperor Charles V recognized Christian III as the rightful king of Denmark and Norway
Livonian War (1558–1583) Livonian Confederation
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth

Sweden Kingdom of Sweden
Zaporozhian Cossacks
Principality of Transylvania

Tsardom of Russia
Qasim Khanate
Kingdom of Livonia
Campaign of 1559 (1559)  Denmark-Norway Dithmarschen Victory
  • Conquest of Dithmarschen
Northern Seven Years' War (1563–1570)  Denmark-Norway
Free City of Lübeck


 Sweden Status quo ante bellum
Polish–Swedish War (1563–1568) (1563–1568) Poland–Lithuania
Denmark–Norway Denmark–Norway
Lübeck Lübeck
Sweden Status quo ante bellum
Dano-Norwegian attack on Poland (1571)  Denmark-Norway Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Victory
  • The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Navy was reduced to half of its previous strength
Danzig rebellion (1575–1577) City of Danzig
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Peace
The First Turkish Abductions (1607)  Denmark-Norway  Ottoman Empire Defeat
  • Abduction of many Icelanders and Faroese people
Kalmar War (1611–1613)  Denmark-Norway  Sweden Victory
Thirty Years' War (1625–1629) Protestant States and Allies

 Kingdom of France
 Denmark-Norway (1625–1629)
 Dutch Republic
Electorate of the Palatinate
Hungarian Anti-Habsburg Rebels
Zaporozhian Cossacks
 Ottoman Empire

Roman Catholic States and Allies

 Holy Roman Empire

Spain and its possessions
 Denmark-Norway (1643–1645)

The Second Turkish Abductions (1627)  Denmark-Norway  Ottoman Empire Defeat
  • Abduction of many Icelanders
Torstenson War (1643–1645)  Denmark-Norway
 Holy Roman Empire
 Dutch Republic
Second Northern War (1657–1660) Habsburg monarchy
Russia (1656–58)
 Dutch Republic
Brandenburg Brandenburg-Prussia
Ukrainian Cossacks
Dano-Swedish War (1657–1658) (1657–1658)  Denmark-Norway
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Poland–Lithuania
 Swedish Empire Defeat
  • Decisive Swedish victory; Treaty of Roskilde/Treaty of Taastrup
Dano-Swedish War (1658–1660) (1658–1660)  Denmark-Norway
 Dutch Republic
 Habsburg Monarchy
 Swedish Empire Victory
Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665–1667)  Dutch Republic
 Kingdom of France
 Kingdom of England
Bishopric of Münster
Second Swedish War on Bremen (1666) Bremen
Electorate of Cologne
Electorate of Brandenburg
Dutch Republic Dutch Republic
 Sweden Draw
Scanian War (1675–1679)  Denmark-Norway
 Dutch Republic
 Holy Roman Empire
 Kingdom of France
Status quo ante bellum
Siege of Hamburg (1689) (1689) Denmark–Norway Denmark–Norway Hamburg
Peace agreement
  • Dano-Norwegian withdrawal
  • Hamburg pays 300,000 thalers as compensation to Denmark-Norway
Great Northern War (1700–1720) Russia Tsardom of Russia
 Electorate of Saxony
Cossack Hetmanate
Province of Hanover Hanover
 Great Britain
Denmark Denmark–Norway
 Ottoman Empire
Rákóczi's War of Independence (1703–1711)  Holy Roman Empire:


Kuruc forces (Kingdom of Hungary)
Principality of Transylvania
 Kingdom of France
  • Rebellion suppressed
Strilekrigen (1765)  Denmark-Norway Norwegian peasants Rebellion suppressed
Danish–Algerian War (1769–1772) Denmark–Norway Dey of Algiers Defeat
Royal Life Guards' Mutiny (1771)  Denmark-Norway Royal Life Guard Execution of Struensee
Lofthusreisingen (1786–1787)  Denmark-Norway Norwegian peasants Rebellion suppressed
Theatre War (1788–1789)  Denmark-Norway  Sweden Inconclusive
Action of 16 May 1797 (1797)  Denmark-Norway  Ottoman Empire (de jure) Inconclusive
Lærdal Rebellion (1800–1802)  Denmark-Norway Norwegian peasants Rebellion suppressed

Colonial Wars (1600–1800)

Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
Conquest of Koneswaram Temple (1618–1620)[10]  Denmark-Norway
 Kingdom of Kandy
Portuguese Ceylon Defeat
Roland Crappé's raids on Portuguese colonies (1619)  Denmark-Norway
 Kingdom of Kandy
Supported by:
Thanjavur Nayak kingdom
Portuguese Ceylon

Portuguese India

Action of 19 February 1619 (1619)  Denmark-Norway French pirates


  • Dano-Norwegian Victory
  • French ships conquered
Siege of Dansborg (1624) (1624)  Danish India Thanjavur Nayak Victory
  • Thanjavur recognizes Tranquebar as Danish
Dano-Mughal War (1642–1698)[11] Denmark–Norway Denmark–Norway Mughal Empire Peace treaty
  • Dannemarksnagore ceded to Danish India for 30,000 rupees to be paid over ten years
Conflict between Willem Leyel and Bernt Pessart (1644)  Danish India Denmark–Norway Leyel loyalist

Dutch East India Company Dutch Coromandel

English Madras

Portuguese Empire Portuguese Carical

Supported by:

Thanjavur Nayak

Willem victory
Siege of Dansborg (1644) (1644)  Denmark-Norway Thanjavur Nayak kingdom Inconclusive
Sieges of Tranquebar (1655–1669) (1655–1669)  Danish India Thanjavur Nayak kingdom Victory
  • Villages of Poreiar, Tillali and Erikutanchery ceded to the Danes
Dano-Dutch Colonial War in Guinea (1660–1664)[12] Denmark–Norway Denmark–Norway
 Kingdom of England
Fetu tribe
 Dutch Republic Victory
Gã-Akwamu War (1678) Ga-Adangbe
Akwamu Victory
  • Assult reppeled
Slave insurrection on St. John (1733–1734)  Denmark–Norway Rebel slaves Victory
  • Rebellion suppressed
Danish-Dutch conflict over Greenland (1739)  Denmark–Norway Dutch whalers Victory
  • Dutch presence on Greenland collapses
Cattle War (1756)  Denmark–Norway Thanjavur Maratha kingdom Defeat
Sagbadre War (1784)  Denmark-Norway Ada-Danish Alliance Anlo Confederacy Victory
  • Return of territory previously acquired by Anlo from the Alliance
  • Construction of Fort Prinzenstein

Napoleonic Wars (1800–1814)

Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results
Napoleonic Wars (1800–1815)  France
 Ottoman Empire
 United Kingdom
 Austrian Empire
 Ottoman Empire (until 1803)
 United Kingdom of the Netherlands
English Wars (1801, 1807–1814) Denmark–Norway

French Empire

United Kingdom


Franco-Swedish War (1805–1810)
Gunboat War (1807–1814)  Denmark–Norway  United Kingdom Defeat
Dano-Swedish War (1808–09) (1808–1809) Denmark–Norway
 United Kingdom
Jørgen Jørgensen's Revolution (1809)  Denmark-Norway
 United Kingdom
Iceland Victory
  • Imprisonment of Jørgen Jørgensen
Dano-Swedish War (1813–1814) (1813-1814)  Denmark-Norway
First French Empire French Empire
Duchy of Warsaw
 Russian Empire
 United Kingdom
Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin Mecklenburg-Schwerin
War of the Sixth Coalition (1813-1814)  First French Empire

 Napoleonic Italy
 Kingdom of Naples
Duchy of Warsaw
Confederation of the Rhine

 Russian Empire
Kingdom of Prussia Kingdom of Prussia
 Austrian Empire
 United Kingdom
Sweden Sweden
Spain Spanish Empire
Portugal Kingdom of Portugal
 Two Sicilies
 Kingdom of Sardinia
Netherlands United Netherlands

Kingdom of Norway (1814–present)

Conflict Combatant 1 Combatant 2 Results Prime Minister Casualties
Swedish–Norwegian War
Norway Norway  Sweden Defeat (but Swedish acceptance of the Eidsvoll Constitution)
~400 killed
World War II
 Soviet Union
 United States
 British Empire
Ethiopian Empire Ethiopia
10,262 killed
Korean War (1950–1953)  South Korea
 United States
 United Nations
 North Korea


Congo Crisis
 South Kasai
Vietnam War
(1955–1964[a], 1965–1973[b], 1974–1975[c])

Part of the Cold War and Indochina Wars

Location: Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos
1st Cavalry Division, Battle of Ia Drang, 1965.
 South Vietnam
 United States
 South Korea
 New Zealand
 Kingdom of Laos
Cambodia Khmer Republic
 Norway (Intelligence gathering and Gulf of Tonkin incident only) Norway was officially not part of the war but CIA bought Norwegian boats and hired Norwegian boat captains for clandestine operations) [13]
 North Vietnam
Viet Cong
Laos Pathet Lao
Khmer Rouge
 Soviet Union
 North Korea

Supported by:

North Vietnam-allied victory Einar Gerhardsen
Gulf War (1990–1991)  Australia
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 United Kingdom
 United States
other allies
Kuwait Republic of Kuwait
Victory / Gro Harlem Brundtland
Bosnian War

Selected engagment:

Incident at Pristina airport

 Republika Srpska Victory
Kosovo War

Selected engagment

Operation Allied Force
Operation Joint Guardian

Kosovo Liberation Army UÇK
 FR Yugoslavia Victory
War in Afghanistan

Some of the Norwegian engagements:

Task Force K-Bar
Operation Enduring Freedom
Operation Anaconda
Operation Jacana
Uzbin Valley ambush (after action only)
Operation Pickaxe-Handle
Release of hostage Christina Meier
April 2012 Afghanistan attacks
Hostage incident at Qargha Reservoir / Lake Qara june 2012
May 2020 Afghanistan attacks
Resolute Support Mission
American University of Afghanistan attack
Hostage situation at Hetal Hotel, Kabul May 2015 [14]
2018 Inter-Continental Hotel Kabul attack
2015 Park Palace guesthouse attack
International Security Assistance Force
Operation Harekate Yolo

Afghanistan Taliban Defeat
  • Fall of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
  • Taliban retake Kabul
10 killed
Operation Ocean Shield

Location: Indian Ocean
A tall plume of black smoke rises from a destroyed pirate vessel that was struck by USS Farragut in March 2010.


 New Zealand
 Saudi Arabia
 South Korea

Somali pirates US-allied victory
  • Number of pirate attacks dramatically decreased
  • The US Office of Naval Intelligence have officially reported that in 2013, only 9 incidents of piracy were reported and that none of them were successfully hijacked[citation needed]
  • Piracy drops 90%[15]
Jens Stoltenberg / Erna Solberg
Libyan Civil War
Libya NTC
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Libya Victory
  • The NTC assumed interim control of Libya
Operation Shader
 United States
 United Kingdom
Syria Syrian Opposition
 New Zealand
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Boko Haram

al-Nusra Front

Ahrar ash-Sham

Ongoing Erna Solberg / Jonas Gahr Støre
Operation Prosperity Guardian
 United States
 United Kingdom
 Sri Lanka
 New Zealand
Yemen Supreme Political Council Ongoing

See also


  1. ^ Advisory role from the forming of the MAAG in Vietnam to the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
  2. ^ Direct U.S. involvement ended in 1973 with the Paris Peace Accords. The Paris Peace Accords of January 1973 saw all U.S forces withdrawn; the Case–Church Amendment, passed by the U.S Congress on August 15, 1973, officially ended direct U.S military involvement .
  3. ^ The war reignited on December 13, 1974, with offensive operations by North Vietnam, leading to victory over South Vietnam in under five months.


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