Martin Helme The following towns exist in the Adelaide Hills and foothills. (major towns are shown in bold): Stirling main street Aldgate train station The now-closed Eagle on the Hill Hotel The Littlehampton CFS Station The roundabout outside the Mount Barker High School Aldgate Ashton Balhannah Basket Range Belair Birdwood Blackwood Blakiston Bradbury Bridgewater Brukunga Bugle Ranges Callington Carey Gully Castambul Chain Of Ponds Charleston Cherryville Crafers West Crafers Cudlee Creek Dawesley Dorset Vale Echunga Flaxley Forest Range Forreston Glenalta Gumeracha Hahndorf Harrogate* Hawthorndene Heathfield Houghton Inglewood Inverbrackie Ironbank Kenton Valley Kersbrook Kanmantoo Littlehampton Lenswood Lobethal Longwood Lower Hermitage Macclesfield Meadows Marble Hill Montacute Mount Barker Mount Torrens Mylor Nairne Norton Summit Oakbank Paracombe Piccadilly Prospect Hill Scott Creek Stirling Summertown Totness Upper Hermitage Upper Sturt Uraidla Verdun Woodside Wistow Places of Significance Kuitpo Forest Heysen Trail South Eastern Freeway Adelaide Hills, South AustraliaMajor Townships Birdwood Clarendon Echunga Gumeracha Hahndorf Littlehampton Lobethal Macclesfield Meadows Mount Barker Mylor Nairne Oakbank Stirling Strathalbyn Woodside Attractions Mount Lofty Mount Lofty Botanic Garden SteamRanger Heritage Railway Heysen Trail See also List of towns in the Adelaide Hills Wine regions of South Australia Adelaide No tags for this post. Navigeerimine Raul KirjanenKivisildnik
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