This list shows each country which has a union affiliated to World Rugby, the international governing body for rugby union. It also shows the number of registered clubs playing in each country, official referees and the number of registered players broken down by gender and age group.

In 2023, the total number of registered players increased from 5.82 million to 8.4 million. South Africa has the most with 804,279. These numbers are all estimates and the correct number of registered players is likely higher. [1]

Country No. of Clubs Registered players Referees Under 13 boys Under 13 girls Teen males Teen females Senior (Adult) males Senior (Adult) females Total males Total females Total players
American Samoa[2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Andorra[3] 2 213 1 70 5 65 4 54 15 189 24 213
Argentina[4][5] 420 152790 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 152543 247 152790
Armenia[6] 3 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250
Australia[7][nb 1] 767 170952 4900 26664 0 19239 0 39380 1669 85283 1669 170952
Austria[8] 26 5676 18 80 35 190 42 1327 73 1597 150 5676
Azerbaijan[9] 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bahamas[10] 6 1635 20 10 10 150 15 400 50 1560 75 1635
Barbados[11] 6 321 7 26 0 123 14 135 23 284 37 321
Belgium[12] 58 35266 192 4564 857 3580 503 4121 641 33265 2001 35266
Bermuda[13] 8 901 11 220 33 125 40 192 91 737 164 901
[14] 9 911 23 292 54 186 71 245 63 723 188 911
Botswana[15] 12 9395 20 260 70 2800 1500 630 135 7690 1705 9395
Brazil[16] 230 69130 74 800 100 2915 150 5541 624 60256 8874 69130
British Virgin Islands[17] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bulgaria[18] 36 3121 48 1225 182 1109 177 367 61 2701 420 3121
Burundi[19] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cambodia[20] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cameroon[21] 32 3722 37 212 12 375 22 1049 52 1636 86 3722
Canada[22] 309 47853 605 3337 411 5999 1997 9032 3077 18368 5485 47853
Cayman Islands[23] 4 2200 30 388 182 961 251 305 113 1654 546 2200
Chile[24] 26 42755 338 8049 127 5448 168 4830 133 38327 2428 42755
China[25] 15 6430 70 70 60 600 200 3900 600 5570 7860 6430
Chinese Taipei[26] 13 2800 101 200 0 500 0 1000 100 2700 100 2800
Colombia[27] 76 14214 88 450 0 1924 21 2784 235 11158 3111 14214
Cook Islands[28] 21 4258 82 675 434 469 104 526 50 3670 588 4258
Croatia[29] 21 6142 23 809 25 511 22 733 42 5053 189 6142
Czech Republic[30] 22 13382 110 1843 201 1321 149 1697 171 12861 521 13282
Denmark[31] 27 4606 74 203 52 296 56 1766 233 4265 341 4606
England[32] 1809 382154 9207 694899 408072 602564 129121 131399 24933 1428862 562126 382154
Fiji[33] 490 136030 309 22500 0 5200 60 8000 270 135700 330 136030
Finland[34] 18 770 35 0 0 25 4 265 80 290 84 770
France[35] 1798 670847 2095 165497 4444 57557 2360 124079 6910 597133 13714 670847
Georgia[36] 46 65381 45 940 12 2332 5 878 14 65150 331 65381
Germany[37] 108 45656 319 2083 333 3301 527 4639 773 43023 1633 45656
Ghana[38] 5 1250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1250 0 1250
Greece[39] 0 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220
Guam[40] 3 912 12 162 112 284 230 96 28 542 370 912
Guyana[41] 3 1324 25 400 105 315 75 295 134 1010 314 1324
Hong Kong[42] 59 10525 86 1998 1332 1270 500 1813 612 8081 2444 10525
Hungary[43] 33 2207 34 181 21 865 59 1002 79 2048 159 2207
India[44] 96 22282 98 2936 1367 9481 4806 2982 710 15399 6883 222282
Indonesia[45] 16 830 6 40 3 291 72 402 22 733 97 830
Iran[46] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ireland[47] 221 157080 2380 57409 6900 57867 2700 25440 2764 140716 17364 157080
Israel[48] 12 755 15 60 0 300 20 300 75 660 95 755
Italy[49] 784 168176 857 28364 3240 17220 488 15848 1016 161432 7744 168176
Ivory Coast[50] 14 47383 45 1905 142 2645 201 470 20 45020 2363 47383
Jamaica[51] 9 2090 30 484 117 1120 56 276 37 1880 210 2090
Japan[52] 1522 270368 4545 31945 3937 37294 352 48470 370 254709 15659 270368
Kazakhstan[53] 12 4650 21 525 380 588 470 344 343 3457 1193 4650
Kenya[54] 60 65904 518 4446 2518 27930 580 6772 658 59148 5756 65904
Korea[55] 5 12620 80 200 150 880 10 1300 80 10380 2500 12620
Kyrgyzstan[56] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lao[57] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Latvia[58] 16 995 21 50 13 290 52 372 18 912 83 995
Lithuania[59] 16 9544 22 112 0 670 18 730 14 8512 32 9544
Luxembourg[60] 3 5437 7 721 402 625 276 348 65 4694 743 5437
Madagascar[61] 410 42540 160 1080 170 3600 170 16750 770 41430 1110 42540
Malaysia[62] 300 60030 702 15000 0 20000 0 25000 30 60000 30 60030
Mali[63] 0 230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230 230
Malta[64] 7 3785 8 69 0 135 8 292 81 3496 89 3785
Mauritania[65] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mauritius[66] 7 910 9 50 0 160 30 155 15 865 45 910
Mexico[67] 26 3454 54 665 476 831 350 968 164 2464 990 3454
Moldova[68] 7 7610 55 490 242 1138 281 379 80 7007 603 7610
Monaco[69] 2 165 4 52 0 59 0 52 2 163 2 165
Morocco[70] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Morocco[71] 20 11331 80 748 30 2934 30 3489 100 10171 160 11331
Namibia[72] 27 34226 26 8000 0 5000 18 1084 124 33084 142 34226
Netherlands[73] 82 27869 260 1432 101 2202 155 4386 593 26020 849 27869
New Zealand[74] 600 156893 2255 64794 9540 40390 3521 27726 922 132910 13983 156893
Nigeria[75] 17 9198 10 915 572 3421 720 510 60 8846 1352 9196
Niue Islands[76] 6 405 9 70 40 80 40 150 25 300 105 405
Norway[77] 27 1502 24 168 47 369 120 612 186 1149 353 1502
Pakistan[78] 49 4012 21 300 0 1810 25 1859 18 3969 43 4012
Papua New Guinea[79] 72 7200 52 150 50 400 100 2290 210 6840 360 7200
Paraguay[80] 21 22568 39 200 0 1820 80 1420 48 31440 128 22568
Peru[81] 11 950 15 150 10 220 0 500 70 870 80 950
Philippines[82][83] 17 4300 11 300 75 200 75 500 150 4000 300 4300
Poland[84] 58 28963 59 1075 59 1541 48 3143 97 27559 804 28963
Portugal[85] 46 52270 52 1152 0 2749 0 1040 329 49541 3329 52270
Romania[86] 83 40512 199 4915 320 3067 150 1048 112 40030 382 40512
Russia[87] 105 42519 89 2878 0 6853 835 3633 320 41364 1155 42519
Rwanda[88] 0 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 380 380
Samoa[89] 140 53372 600 9279 4149 1792 212 7690 250 48761 4611 53372
Scotland[90] 251 62500 360 9541 324 15009 1297 11687 642 60237 2263 62500
Senegal[91] 13 8350 19 1400 50 1000 110 720 70 8120 230 8350
Serbia[92] 12 5352 25 273 72 360 19 605 23 5238 114 5352
Singapore[93] 24 9690 90 2448 918 3366 1428 1020 510 6834 2856 9690
Slovenia[94] 7 480 5 140 10 30 10 260 30 430 50 480
Solomon Islands[95] 48 3158 75 324 20 766 108 1800 140 2890 268 3150
South Africa[96] 1526 804279 3460 320842 4522 199213 4906 113174 8489 733229 17917 804279
Spain[97] 210 60016 311 1812 129 7426 354 9588 707 49826 1190 60016
Sri Lanka[98] 98 153325 396 35200 14110 48552 958 3850 655 138602 15723 153325
[99] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[100] 6 1036 3 205 109 415 127 140 40 760 276 1036
Eswatini[101] 14 18920 43 4700 5100 4850 3100 740 430 10290 8630 18920
Sweden[102] 41 3507 63 350 110 850 244 1452 501 2652 855 3507
Switzerland[103] 30 18384 52 456 28 484 18 1274 124 1814 170 18384
Tahiti[104] 18 4617 14 492 216 328 96 403 82 4223 394 4617
Tanzania[105] 5 1120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1120 1120
Thailand[106] 169 17732 104 2541 385 5522 1663 5716 1905 13779 3953 17732
Tonga[107] 82 17891 8 370 0 3472 0 3049 0 17891 0 17891
[108] 14 5060 58 1038 422 1798 341 1336 125 4172 888 5060
Tunisia[109] 74 26218 93 4489 1304 5622 1958 1919 926 22030 4188 26218
Uganda[110] 17 35110 114 4900 2200 5900 400 560 150 32360 2750 35110
Ukraine[111] 44 8880 68 800 50 1100 30 800 100 8700 180 8880
Uruguay[112] 23 30065 64 2896 10 1803 98 1219 39 29918 147 30065
United States[113] 2588 126151 2061 178819 150267 47323 19594 50211 11769 126353 181630 126983
Uzbekistan[114] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vanuatu[115] 12 2520 22 500 50 720 60 1100 90 2320 200 2520
Venezuela[116] 34 4415 30 60 20 380 25 1650 280 4090 325 4415
Wales[117][118] 250 160557 12053 112318 1100 114500 1492 122408 1739 159226 11331 160557
Zambia[119] 20 20200 40 4100 400 3600 300 1600 200 19300 900 20200
Zimbabwe[120] 17 47541 44 7900 0 12975 425 768 95 47541 520 47541
Totals[nb 2] 148,633 8,404,445 182,972 4,552,495 976,498 4,337,930 581,589 972,443 190,443 6,965,411 1,338,034 8,404,445


  1. ^ Australia: Data listed in the table, including the total of 86,952 registered players, is from the archived IRB webpage as at 25 September 2011,[7] which allows for comparison to figures from other countries sourced from the same website in the same time frame. Participation figures recorded in later archives from the IRB include both registered and unregistered players (totals over 297,000 in 2012,[121] and over 482,000 in 2014,[122] and are therefore not useful in comparison to the rest of the table). Other sources, such as Ausport, put the overall number of rugby players as low as 42,100 but this is based on older data from 1999–2000.[123][124]
  2. ^ The totals for all the age groups combined fail to match the total due to Argentina's failure to supply breakdown figures for age group and gender. Assuming total players as correct figure.
  1. ^ "Player numbers". Retrieved 10 March 2017.
  2. ^ "American Samoa". IRB. Archived from the original on 16 October 2007. Retrieved 25 September 2011.
  3. ^ "Andorra". IRB. Archived from the original on 26 September 2011. Retrieved 25 September 2011.
  4. ^ "Argentina". IRB. Retrieved 25 September 2011.
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  6. ^ "Armenia". IRB. Archived from the original on 10 March 2013. Retrieved 26 February 2013.
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