Fairfield County
- Carting Island, Stratford
- Goose Island, Stratford
- Long Island, Stratford
- Norwalk Islands, Norwalk
- Peacock Island, Stratford
- Pope's Flat, Stratford
Middlesex County
New Haven County
- Charles Island, Milford
- Duck Island, Milford
- Fowler Island, Milford
- Nells Island, Milford
- Thimble Islands, Branford
New London County
New Hampshire
New Jersey
- Absecon Island
- Artificial Island
- Brigantine Island
- Burlington Island
- Cape Island
- Cedar Bonnet Islands
- Chadwick Beach Island
- Dildine Island
- Ellis Island
- Long Beach Island
- Ludlam Island
- Newbold Island
- Ocean City
- Pelican Island
- Petty Island
- Pullen Island
- Raccoon Island
- Robbins Reef Light
- Seven Mile Island
- Shooters Island
- Tocks Island
- The Wildwoods
New York
- Alger Island
- Barnum Island
- Broad Channel Island
- Brother Island (Niagara River)
- Carleton Island
- City Island
- Coney Island (formerly an actual island)
- Ellis Island
- Fire Island
- Fishers Island
- Gardiners Island
- Goat Island
- Governors Island
- Grand Island
- Hart Island
- High Island
- Hoffman Island
- Isle of Meadows
- Jones Beach Island
- Liberty Island
- Long Beach Island
- Long Island
- Manhattan Island
- Mill Rock
- North Brother Island
- North Dumpling Island
- Plum Island
- Pollepel Island
- Prall's Island
- Randall's Island
- Rat Island
- Rikers Island
- Roosevelt Island
- Shelter Island
- Shooters Island
- South Brother Island
- Staten Island
- Swinburne Island
- Thousand Islands
- Three Sisters Islands
- Unity Island (formerly known as Squaw Island)
- U Thant Island (Belmont Island)
- Valcour Island
- Wards Island
- Bald Eagle Island
- Barbadoes Island
- Bayshore Island
- Big Chestnut Island
- Brunner Island
- Brunot Island
- Brushy Island
- City Island
- Cogley Island
- Davis Island
- Deep Water Island
- Duncan Island
- Eagle Island
- Else Island
- Ely Island
- Getter's Island
- Green Island
- Haldeman Island
- Hendrick Island
- Hennery Island
- Georgetown Island
- Herr's Island
- Hill Island
- Jacks Island
- Little Chestnut Island
- Little Tinicum Island
- Lower Bear Island
- Mt. Johnson Island
- Murphy Island
- Nancy's Island
- Neville Island
- Nicholson Island
- Ninemile Island
- Phillis Island
- Piney Island
- Rookery Island
- Ross Island
- Sassafras Island
- Shad Island
- Shelley Island
- Sicily Island
- Sixmile Island
- Sycamore Island
- Three Mile Island
- Tinicum Island
- Turkey Island
- Twelvemile Island
- Upper Bear Island
- Urey Island
- Wildcat Island
- Wolf Island
Rhode Island
- Albro Island
- Aquidneck Island
- Barker Island
- Beach Island
- Beef Island
- Bill Island
- Bills Island
- Block Island
- Browning Isles - historical
- Bush Island
- Castle Island
- Cedar Island - Lat. - 41.377'N/Lon. - 71.613'W, Kingston, Washington County
- Cedar Island - Lat. - 41.404'N/Lon. - 71.503'W, Kingston, Washington County
- Chepiwanoxet Island - historical
- Coaster's Harbor Island
- Conanicut Island
- Cornelius Island
- Crab Island
- Cranberry Island
- Cummock Island
- Despair Island
- Dutch Island
- Dyer Island
- East Island
- Flower Island
- Fort Island
- Fox Island
- Gardner Island - Lat. - 41.380'N/Lon. - 71.539'W, Kingston, Washington County
- Gardner Island - Lat. - 41.406'N/Lon. - 71.508'W, Kingston, Washington County
- Gingerbread Island
- Goat Island
- Goose Island - Kingston, Washington County
- Goose Island - Narragansett Pier, Washington County
- Gooseberry Island - Newport, Newport County
- Gooseberry Island - Prudence Island, Newport County
- Gooseberry Island - Narragansett Pier, Washington County
- Gooseberry Island - Lat. - 41.373'N/Lon. - 71.618'W, Kingston, Washington County
- Gooseberry Island - Lat. - 41.385'N/Lon. - 71.517'W, Kingston, Washington County
- Gould Island - Prudence Island, Newport County
- Gould Island - Tiverton, Newport County
- Governors Island
- Great Island
- Greene Island
- Harbour Island
- Hazard Island
- Heather Island
- Hen Island
- Hog Hill Island
- Hog Island
- Hope Island
- Horace Island
- The Hummocks
- Jacks Island
- Jacob Island
- Jonathan Island
- Kedinker Island
- Lime Rock
- Little Comfort Island
- Little Cormorant Rock
- Little Island - Bristol, Bristol County
- Little Island - East Providence, Bristol County
- Marsh Island
- Oak Island
- Page Island
- Pancake Island
- Patience Island
- Phillips Island
- Pine Island
- Plato Island
- Pomham Rocks Island
- Potato Island
- Prudence Island
- Rabbit Island
- Ram Island - Kingston, Washington County
- Ram Island - Narragansett Pier, Washington County
- Rat Island
- Rhode Island
- Rock Island - East Greenwich, Kent County
- Rock Island - Providence, Providence County
- Rose Island
- Rye Island
- Sagebed Island
- Sandy Point Island
- Sassafras Island
- Sauks Island - Lat. - 41.371'N/Lon. - 71.646'W, Quonochontaug, Washington County
- Sauks Island - Lat. - 41.369'N/Lon. 71.651'W, Quonochontaug, Washington County
- Seal Island
- Sedge Beds
- Shell Island
- Skippers Island
- Snake Island
- Spar Island
- Spectacle Island
- Star Island
- Starve Goat Island - historical
- Stevens Island
- Sunshine Island - historical
- Tommy Island
- Twin Islands
- Walker Island
- Ward Island
- West Island
- Whale Rock
- Ball Island
- Beartrap Island
- Bell Island
- Bixby Island
- Black Island
- Bond Island
- Burton Island
- Butler Island
- Button Island
- Carleton Prize
- Cave Island
- Cedar Island - Chittenden County
- Cedar Island - Grand Isle County
- Cloak Island
- Coates Island
- Cove Island
- Dameas Island
- Dean Island
- Derway Island
- Diamond Island
- Fish Bladder Island
- Fox Island
- Garden Island
- Gardiner Island
- Gleason Island
- Grand Isle
- Gull Island
- Gull Rock
- Halls Island
- Hemlock Island
- Hen Island
- Hog Island
- Hollands Pasture Island
- Horseneck Island
- Huntley Island
- Isle La Motte
- Juniper Island
- Kellogg Island
- Knight Island
- Lapham Island
- Law Island
- Lazy Lady Island
- Long Point Island
- Marble Island
- Mason Island
- Meach Island
- Metcalfe Island
- Isla la Motte
- Mud Island
- Mudgett Island
- Neshobe Island
- Noaks Island
- North Hero Island
- Picket Island
- Pine Island - Chittenden County
- Pine Island - Grand Isle County
- Popasquash Island
- Providence Island
- Province Island
- Queneska Island
- Rabbit Island
- Rock Island - Addison County
- Rock Island - Franklin County
- Savage Island
- Sawyer Island
- Shad Island
- Ship Point
- Sister Islands
- Sloop Island
- South Hero Island
- Stave Island
- Streeter Island
- Sunken Island
- Sunset Island
- Tara Island
- Woods Island
- Young Island
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