This is a list of Swedish Army brigades. Brigades were introduced to the Swedish Army in 1948. Brigade size formations were phased out in 2000 and then reintroduced in 2010.
Infantry brigades
Designation | Name | Type | Part of | Active | Comment |
IB 1 | Yellow Brigade | Infantry brigade | Svea Life Guards | 1949-1984 | Disbanded in 1984 through the Defence Act of 1982 |
IB 1 | Yellow Brigade | Infantry brigade | Svea Life Guards | 1984-1991 | Designation and name changed in 1984 from IB 38 Uppland Brigade Designation and name changed in 1991 to MekIB 1 Life Guards Brigade (Livgardesbrigaden) |
IB 2 | Värmland Brigade | Infantry brigade | Värmland Regiment | 1949-2000 | Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
IB 3 | Life Brigade | Infantry brigade | Life Regiment Grenadiers | 1949-1992 | Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988 |
IB 4 | Grenadier Brigade | Infantry brigade | Life Grenadier Regiment | 1949-1994 | Name changed in 1994 to Life Grenadier Brigade (Livgrenadjärbrigaden) |
IB 4 | Life Grenadier Brigade | Infantry brigade | Life Grenadier Regiment | 1994-1997 | Name changed in 1994 namnbyte from Grenadier Brigade Disbanded in 1997 through the Defence Act of 1996 |
IB 10 | Södermanland Brigade | Infantry brigade | Södermanland Regiment | 1957-1963 | Designation changed in 1957 from PB 10 Designation changed in 1963 to PB 10 |
IB 11 | Kronoberg Brigade | Infantry brigade | Kronoberg Regiment | 1949-1992 | Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988 |
IB 12 | Jönköping Brigade | Infantry brigade | Northern Småland Regiment | 1949-1991 | Disbanded in 1991 through the Defence Act of 1988 |
IB 12 | Småland Brigade | Infantry brigade | Northern Småland Regiment | 1991-2000 | Designation and name changed in 1991 from IB 42 Kalmar Brigade Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
IB 13 | Dala Brigade | Infantry brigade | Dalarna Regiment | 1949-1984 | Designation changed in 1984 to NB 13 |
IB 14 | Gästrike Brigade | Infantry brigade | Hälsinge Regiment | 1949-1994 | Disbanded in 1994 through the Defence Act of 1992 |
IB 15 | Västgöta Brigade | Infantry brigade | Älvsborg Regiment | 1949-1992 | Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988 |
IB 15 | Älvsborg Brigade | Infantry brigade | Älvsborg Regiment | 1994-2000 | Designation changed in 1994 from IB 45 |
IB 16 | Halland Brigade | Infantry brigade | Halland Regiment | 1949-1958 | Disbanded in 1958 through the Defence Act of 1958 |
IB 16 | Halland Brigade | Infantry brigade | Halland Regiment | 1949-2000 | Designation changed in 1994 from IB 46 |
IB 17 | Bohus Brigade | Infantry brigade | Bohuslän Regiment | 1949-1991 | Disbanded in 1991 through the Defence Act of 1988 |
IB 18 | Gotland Brigade | Infantry brigade type Gotland | Gotland Infantry Regiment | 1949-1966 | Designation changed in 1966 to PB 18 |
IB 19 | Norrbotten Brigade | Infantry brigade | Norrbotten Regiment | 1949-1964 | Designation changed in 1964 to NB 19 |
IB 20 | Västerbotten Brigade | Infantry brigade | Västerbotten Regiment | 1949-1964 | Designation changed in 1964 to NB 20 |
IB 21 | Ådal Brigade | Infantry brigade | Västernorrlands regemente | 1949-1990 | Disbanded in 1990 through the Defence Act of 1988 |
IB 25 | Jämtland Ranger Brigade | Infantry brigade | Jämtland Ranger Regiment | 1949-1958 | Reorganized in 1958 through the Defence Act of 1958 into three mountain battalions (fjällbataljoner) |
IB 26 | Kristianstad Brigade | Infantry brigade | North Scanian Infantry Regiment | 1949-1963 | Designation changed in 1963 to PB 26 |
IB 28 | Uppland Brigade | Infantry brigade | Uppland Regiment | 1949-1984 | Transferred to the Svea Life Guards in 1957, designation changed to IB 38 |
IB 33 | Närke Brigade | Infantry brigade | Life Regiment Grenadiers | 1949-1992 | Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988 |
IB 34 | Östgöta Brigade | Infantry brigade | Life Grenadier Regiment | 1949-1958 | Disbanded in 1958 through the Defence Act of 1958 |
IB 35 | Härjedal Brigade | Infantry brigade | Jämtland Ranger Regiment | 1949-1963 | Designation and name changed in 1963 to NB 35 Jämtland Brigade |
IB 37 | Scania Brigade | Infantry brigade | South Scanian Infantry Regiment | 1949-1963 | Disbanded in 1963 because the regiment was reorganized into armored |
IB 38 | Västmanland Brigade | Infantry brigade | Uppland Regiment | 1949-1957 | Disbanded in 1958 through the Defence Act of 1958 |
IB 38 | Uppland Brigade | Infantry brigade | Svea Life Guards | 1957-1984 | Transferred from Uppland Regiment in 1957 Designation and name changed in 1984 to IB 1 Yellow Brigade (Gula brigaden) |
IB 41 | Blekinge Brigade | Infantry brigade | Kronoberg Regiment | 1949-1991 | Disbanded in 1991 through the Defence Act of 1988 |
IB 42 | Kalmar Brigade | Infantry brigade | Northern Småland Regiment | 1949-1991 | Designation and name changed in 1991 to IB 12 Småland Brigade |
IB 43 | Kopparberg Brigade | Infantry brigade | Dalarna Regiment | 1949-1992 | Phased out in 1992 as a territorial defense brigade |
IB 44 | Hälsinge Brigade | Infantry brigade | Hälsinge Regiment | 1949-1992 | Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988 |
IB 45 | Älvsborg Brigade | Infantry brigade | Älvsborg Regiment | 1969-2000 | Designation and name changed in 1951 to till PB 5 Göinge Brigade Designation and name changed in 1969 from PB 5 Göinge Brigade Designation and name changed in 1994 to IB 15 Älvsborg Brigade. |
IB 46 | Västkust Brigade | Infantry brigade | Halland Regiment | 1949-1964 | Name changed in 1964 to Halland Brigade |
IB 46 | Halland Brigade | Infantry brigade | Halland Regiment | 1964-2000 | Designation changed in 1994 to IB 16 |
IB 47 | Gothenburg Brigade | Infantry brigade | Bohuslän Regiment | 1949-1992 | Disbanded in 1992 through the Defence Act of 1988 |
IB 50 | Lappland Brigade | Infantry brigade | Västerbotten Regiment | 1949-1965 | Designation changed in 1965 to NB 50 |
IB 51 | Ångermanland Brigade | Infantry brigade | Västernorrland Regiment | 1949-2000 | Designation changed in 1972 to NB 51 |
Norrland brigades
Norrland Brigades were infantry brigades specialised in sub-arctic warfare.
Designation | Name | Type | Part of | Active | Comment |
NB 5 | Fältjägarbrigaden | Norrland brigade | Jämtland Ranger Regiment | 1994–2000 | Designation changed in 1994 from NB 35 Jämtland Ranger Brigade (Fältjägarbrigaden) |
NB 13 | Dala Brigade | Norrland brigade | Dalarna Regiment | 1984–2000 | Designation changed in 1984 from IB 13 Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
NB 19 | Norrbotten Brigade | Norrland brigade | Norrbotten Regiment | 1964–1994 | Designation changed in 1964 from IB 19 Designation changed in 1994 to MekB 19 |
NB 20 | Västerbotten Brigade | Norrland brigade | Västerbotten Regiment | 1949–1972 | Reorganized in 1972 into three Norrland rifle battalions (norrlandsskyttebataljoner) Type F |
NB 20 | Lappland Brigade | Norrland brigade | Västerbotten Regiment | 1994–1997 | Designation changed in 1994 from NB 51 Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
NB 21 | Ångermanland Brigade | Norrland brigade | Västernorrland Regiment | 1972–2000 | Designation changed in 1994 from NB 51 Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
NB 35 | Jämtland Brigade | Norrland brigade | Jämtland Ranger Regiment | 1963–1988 | Name changed in 1988 to Jämtland Ranger Brigade (Fältjägarbrigaden) Designation changed in 1994 to NB 5 |
NB 35 | Jämtland Ranger Brigade | Norrland brigade | Jämtland Ranger Regiment | 1988–1994 | Designation changed in 1994 to NB 5 |
NB 50 | Lappland Brigade | Norrland brigade | Västerbotten Regiment | 1965–1994 | Designation changed in 1965 from IB 50 Designation changed in 1994 to NB 20 |
NB 51 | Ångermanland Brigade | Norrland brigade | Västernorrland Regiment | 1972–1994 | Designation changed in 1972 from IB 51 Designation changed in 1994 to NB 21 |
Armoured brigades
Designation | Name | Type | Part of | Active | Comment |
PB 5 | Älvsborg Brigade | Armoured brigade | Älvsborg Regiment | 1949–1969 | Designation and name changed in 1951 from IB 45 Älvsborg Brigade Designation and name changed in 1969 to IB 45 Älvsborg Brigade |
PB 6 | Blue Brigade | Armoured brigade | Göta Life Guards | 1949–1979 | Disbanded in 1979 through the Defence Act of 1977 |
PB 7 | Malmö Brigade | Armoured brigade | South Scanian Infantry Regiment | 1949–1994 | Designation and name changed in 1994 to MekB 7 South Scania Brigade (Södra skånska brigaden) |
PB 8 | Göinge Brigade | Armoured brigade | Scanian Dragoon Regiment | 1950–1994 | Name changed in 1950 from 8th Armoured Brigade (8. pansarbrigaden) Name changed in 1994 to Scanian Dragoon Brigade (Skånska dragonbrigaden) |
PB 8 | Scanian Dragoon Brigade | Armoured brigade | Scanian Dragoon Regiment | 1994–1997 | Name changed in 1994 from Göinge Brigade Designation changed in 1998 to MekB 8 |
PB 9 | Skaraborg Brigade | Armoured brigade | Skaraborg Regiment | 1949–1997 | Designation changed in 1998 to MekB 9 |
PB 10 | Södermanland Brigade | Armoured brigade | Södermanland Regiment | 1949–1974 | Designation changed in 1957 to IB 10 Designation changed in 1963 from IB 10 Disbanded in 1974 through the Defence Act of 1972 Re-raised in 1982 as MekB 10 |
PB 18 | Gotland Brigade | Armoured brigade type Gotland | Gotland Regiment | 1966–1994 | Designation changed in 1966 from IB 18 Designation changed in 1994 to MekB 18 |
PB 26 | Kristianstad Brigade | Armoured brigade | North Scanian Regiment | 1963–1994 | Designation changed in 1963 from IB 26 Disbanded in 1994 through the Defence Act of 1992 |
Mechanized brigades
Designation | Name | Type | Part of | Active | Comment |
MekB 7 | South Scania Brigade | Mechanized brigade | South Scanian Regiment | 1994–2000 | Designation and name changed in 1994 from PB 7 Malmö Brigade Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
MekB 8 | Scanian Dragoon Brigade | Mechanized brigade | Scanian Dragoon Regiment | 1998–2000 | Designation changed in 1998 from PB 8 Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
MekB 9 | Skaraborg Brigade | Mechanized brigade | Skaraborg Regiment | 1998–2000 | Designation changed in 1997 from PB 9 Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
MekB 10 | Södermanland Brigade | Mechanized brigade | Södermanland Regiment | 1982–2000 | Re-raised in 1982 as MekB 10 Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
MekB 18 | Gotland Brigade | Mechanized brigade type Gotland | Gotland Regiment | 1994–2000 | Designation changed in 1994 from PB 18 Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
MekB 19 | Norrbotten Brigade | Mechanized brigade | Norrbotten Regiment | 1994–2000 | Designation changed in 1994 from NB 19 Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
MekIB 1 | Life Guards Brigade (Livgardesbrigaden) | Mechanized infantry brigade | Svea Life Guards | 1991–2000 | Designation and name changed in 1991 from IB 1 Yellow Brigade (Gula brigaden) Disbanded in 2000 through the Defence Act of 2000 |
Designation | Name | Type | Part of | Active | Comment |
2. brig | 2nd Brigade (Andra brigaden) | Brigade staff | Skaraborg Regiment | 2010–2021 | |
3. brig | 3rd Brigade (Tredje brigaden) | Brigade staff | Norrbotten Regiment | 2010–2021 | |
IB 1 | Life Guard Brigade (Livgardesbrigaden) | Reduced motorized brigade | Life Guards | 2022– | |
MekB 4 | Skaraborg Brigade | Mechanized brigade | Skaraborg Regiment | 2022– | |
MekB 7 | South Scania Brigade (Södra skånska brigaden | Mechanized brigade | South Scanian Regiment | 2022– | |
NMekB 19 | Norrbotten Brigade | Mechanized Norrland brigade | Norrbotten Regiment | 2022– |
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