Possible appearance of the al-'alam al-mansûr used by the Almohads during the Battle of Alarcos against the Castillians as described by Ibn Abi Zar
A white field with the text "There is no deity but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, there is no victor except Allah"
Alternate appearance of the al-'alam al-mansûr used by the Almohads
A white field with the text "The One is Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, the Mahdi is the Caliph of Allah" with the other side saying "There is no deity but Allah, and my success is only with Allah, and I entrust my affairs to Allah"
Possible appearance of the al-'alam al-mansûr used by the Marinids
A white field with text from verse 2:163 of the Quran "And your god is one God. There is no deity but Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful."
Possible appearance of the al-liwa' al-mansûr used by the Saadis as described by al-Fishtali
A white field with text from verse 33:33 of the Quran "Allah only wishes to remove filth from you, O Ahl al-Bayt, and to purify you completely."
A horizontal triband flag of red, yellow (double width) and red; charged with the Eagle of Saint John added to the Spanish coat of arms off-centred toward the hoist.
Flag of Spain (under Franco's Rule)
Similar to the previous flag, but with the eagle bigger in size.
Colonial Flags
Merchant flag of Morocco under the Spanish protectorate
A simple red field.
Merchant flag of Morocco under the Spanish protectorate
A red field with a green field with the white pentagram, a five-pointed linear star in the canton.
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