Finnish bandy champion is the title given to the team winning the play-off at the end of Bandyliiga, the highest bandy league in Finland.
Bandy was the first team sport, for which a Finnish championship was contested. This was in early 1908 (while the first Finnish championship in association football were played later the same year). The league and the championship are administered by Finland's Bandy Association.[1]
Finnish Workers' Sports Federation had its own Finnish bandy championship tournament 1924–1955.
Winners through the years
- Notes
- ^ No official Finnish bandy championship was arranged in 1942, but an unofficial "war time league" was played. IFK Helsingfors won this.
The first women's championships were only played in 1979. No women's championships were played 1993–2005.[2]
Men's titles per club
Helsingfors IFK (HIFK) has won the most titles as of 2019.[3]
- 17: IFK Helsingfors
- 16: Warkauden Pallo -35
- 16: Oulun Luistinseura
- 14: Sudet
- 7: Oulun Palloseura
- 6: Tornion Palloveikot
- 6: Veiterä
- 5: Helsingin Jalkapalloklubi
- 5: Lappeenrannan Veiterä
- 4: Veitsiluodon Vastus
- 4: Botnia-69, Helsinki
- 2: Porin Narukerä
- 2: Akilles, Porvoo
- 2: Polyteknikkojen Urheiluseura, Helsinki
- 2: Käpylän Urheilu-Veikot, Helsinki
- 2: Viipurin Palloseura
- 2: Mikkelin Kampparit
- 1: Mikkelin Palloilijat
- 1: Lappeenrannan Urheilu-Miehet
- 1: Jyväskylän Seudun Palloseura
Men's and women's titles the same year
Double Titles | Club | Years |
2 | Oulun Luistinseura | 1982, 1983 |
2 | IFK Helsingfors | 1987, 2011 |
Final matches for the Finnish Workers' Sports Federation 1924–1955
Finnish champions vs. Finnish Workers champions 1947–1953
Final matches between the official Finnish champions and Finnish Workers' Sports Federation's bandy champions 1947–1953. 1947–1953: 1947 Porin Pallo-Toverit, 1948–1952 Turun Pyrkivä and 1953 Oulun Työväen Palloilijat.. .
See also
- Voitto Raatikainen: Talviurheilun sankarit, Tulos- ja tilastoliite s.460
- MMM 1981 s.445
- Urheilumme Kasvot 3 Palloilu
- Martti Jukola: Urheilun Pikku Jättiläinen, 1951
- ^ "The Finnish Bandy Federation, in English". Finnish Bandy Association. Retrieved 12 February 2014.
- ^ "Nuorten ja naisten mestarit" (PDF). Finland's Bandy Association. Retrieved 18 March 2014.
- ^ Suomen Jääpalloliitto (2011). Jääpallokirja 2012. Suomen Jääpalloliitto. p. 88. ISSN 0784-0411.
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