Left-Hander (Russian: Левша́, translit. Levsha) is a 1964 feature-length cutout-animated film from the Soviet Union. The film is based on the story of the same name by the 19th century Russian novelist Nikolai Leskov. It was directed by the "Patriarch of Soviet animation", Ivan Ivanov-Vano, at the Soyuzmultfilm studio.[1][2][3]
The score was performed by the Government Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Grigori Gamburg.
The screen version of the narration of Nikolay Leskov about the surprising master Lefty who grounded a "aglitskaya" (English) steel flea.
English | Russian | |
Director-producer | Ivan Ivanov-Vano | Иван Иванов-Вано |
Second Director (First Assistant) | Vladimir Danilevich | Владимир Данилевич |
Scenario | Ivan Ivanov-Vano | Иван Иванов-Вано |
Art Directors | Arkadiy Tyurin Anatoliy Kuritsyn Marina Sokolova |
Аркадий Тюрин Анатолий Курицын Марина Соколова |
Artists | Vladimir Alisov G. Zuykova V. Rodzhero Vladimir Sobolev A. Volkov G. Nevzorova Aleksandr Gorbachyov |
Владимир Алисов Г. Зуйкова В. Роджеро Владимир Соболев А. Волков Г. Невзорова Александр Горбачёв |
Animators | Galina Zolotovskaya Yuriy Norshteyn Lev Zhdanov Kirill Malyantovich Mikhail Botov |
Галина Золотовская Юрий Норштейн Лев Жданов Кирилл Малянтович Михаил Ботов |
Camera Operator | Joseph Golomb | Иосиф Голомб |
Executive Producer | Nathan Bitman | Натан Битман |
Composer | Aleksandr Aleksandrov | Александр Александров |
Sound Operator | Boris Filchikov | Борис Фильчиков |
Script Editor | Natalya Abramova | Наталья Абрамова |
Puppets and decorations | Vladimir Abbakumov N. Budylova Vera Cherkinskaya Svetlana Znamenskaya Liliana Lyutinskaya Y. Benkevich Oleg Masainov M. Spasskaya |
Владимир Аббакумов Н. Будылова Вера Черкинская Светлана Знаменская Лилиана Лютинская Ю. Бенкевич Олег Масаинов М. Спасская |
Narrator | Dmitriy Zhuravlyov | Дмитрий Журавлёв |
Editor | Nina Mayorova | Нина Майорова |
- 1964 — the Honourable diploma at the VII International film festival short and documentaries in Leipzig.
In 2008 was issued together with animated films "The Humpbacked Horse" 1947 and 1975 on DVD the Krupnyy Plan company.
Creation history
Ivanov-Vano bore an animated film plan about the gifted master in Leskov's story about 30 years. Over time he arrived at idea that the originality of the narration of Leskov can be transferred, having created a graphic row with a support on an art system of the Russian popular print with "its characteristic generality of forms, specific expressiveness". For animation the idea to show evolution of character of the main character was innovative. Art directors at creation of the movie were inspired by ancient engravings (action in the imperial palace), English engravings (the foreign line), and the Tula episodes were solved in the stylistics of a popular print which is organically uniting all three lines. According to the proposal of the animator of "Lefty" Yury Norstein, the movie became in equipment of a turn.
See also
- ^ Peter Rollberg - Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Cinema 0810862689 2008- Page 306 "Some of Ivanov-Vano' s more daring experiments caused controversy, ... Other films: The Three Musketeers (Tri mushketera, 1938); The Stolen Sun (Kradenoe solntse, 1944); Left-Hander (Levsha, 1964); The Seasons (Vremena goda, 1969);
- ^ Soviet Film - Volumes 332-343 - Page 126 1985 This may seem to be a trivial detail in the life of the grand old man of Soviet animated cartoons Ivan Ivanov-Vano. ... Ivanov-Vano came up with Levsha (The Left-Handed Man), a full-length cartoon based on a famous story by Nikolai Leskov.
- ^ Prominent Personalities in the USSR. - Page 224 1968 IVANOV-VANO, Ivan Petrovich, . "V nekotorom tsarstve" (In Some Kingdom) (1958); "Priklyucheniya Buratino" (Bura- tino's Adventures); "Levsha" (The Hander) (1964), etc.; ..."
External links
- Lefty at the Animator.ru
- Lefty at IMDb
- «Lefty» on YouTube (Official Russian)
- Lefty at myltik.ru (in Russian)
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