This is a list of the series that have run in the Shogakukan shōnen (boys) manga anthology Weekly Shōnen Sunday. This list, organized by decade and year of when the series started, will list each series run in the manga magazine, the author of the series and, in case the series has ended, when it has ended.
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Dr. Thrill (スリル博士) | #1, 1959[1] | #23, 1959 | Osamu Tezuka | |
The Lone Ranger (ローンレンジャー) | #1, 1959[1] | #29, 1959 | Tsuneo Yamada | |
Sportsman Kintaro (スポーツマン金太郎) | #1, 1959[1] | #45, 1963 | Hiro Terada | |
Uchuu Shōnen Tonda (宇宙少年トンダー) | #1, 1959[1] | #29, 1959 | Ryuichi Yokoyama | |
Umi no Ouji (海の王子) | #1, 1959[1] | #14, 1961 | Fujiko Fujio, Aoi Takagaki | |
Maboroshi Taisho (まぼろし大将) | #9, 1959 | #20, 1959 | Katsumi Mashiko | |
Tonkatsu-chan (トンカツちゃん) | #20, 1959 | #30, 1959 | Shotaro Ishinomori | |
Kaikyuu x Arawaru!! (快球Xあらわる!!) | #21, 1959 | #38, 1961 | Katsumi Mashiko, Toto Mashu | |
Zero Man (0マン) | #24, 1959 | #50, 1960 | Osamu Tezuka | |
Ryuichi Yoru Banashi (隆一夜ばなし) | #30, 1959 | #13, 1959 | Ryuichi Yokoyama | |
Dynamic 3 (ダイナミック3) | #33, 1959 | #2, 1960 | Shotaro Ishinomori |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Kakedaze Dash (かけだせダッシュ) | #3, 1960 | #21, 1960 | Shōtarō Ishinomori | |
Denko Red (電光レッド) | #14, 1960 | #30, 1960 | Kinda Kaneda | |
Tonkachi Musuko (トンカチむすこ) | #14, 1960 | #40, 1960 | Sanpei Wachi | |
Yarikuri Tengoku (やりくり天国) | #14, 1960 | #28, 1960 | Kazuo Maekawa, Kobako Hanato | |
Seibangou 0 Monogatari (背番号0物語) | #17, 1960 | #52, 1960 | Hiro Terada | |
Pink-chan (ピンクちゃん) | #22, 1960 | #6, 1961 | Shiro Mihara | |
Shippo Eitaro (疾風影太郎) | #28, 1960 | #52, 1960 | Satoru Ozawa, Tsunayoshi Takeuchi | |
Boku wa Jonbe he (ぼくはジョンべえ) | #29, 1960 | #52, 1960 | Jirō Tsunoda | |
Captain Ken (キャプテンKen) | #41, 1960 | #52, 1960 | Osamu Tezuka | Published in English by Digital Manga Publishing.[2] |
Kon-chan (コンちゃん) | #51, 1960 | #34, 1961 | Hiroshi Ishikawa | |
Bun Bun (ブンブン) | #1, 1961 | #7, 1961 | Sanpei Wachi | |
Kon-chan Torimonocho (崑ちゃん捕物帖) | #8, 1961 | #36, 1961 | Kazuo Maekawa, Kobako Hanato | |
Iga no Kagemaru (伊賀の影丸) | #14, 1961 | #39, 1966 | Mitsuteru Yokoyama | |
Shonen Kenia (少年ケニヤ) | #14, 1961 | #15, 1962 | Kyuta Ishikawa, Soji Yamakawa | |
Shiroi Pilot (白いパイロット) | #35, 1961 | #26, 1962 | Osamu Tezuka | |
Konchaasu Bon Taro (こんちゃーすボン太郎) | #39, 1961 | #12, 1962 | Katsumi Mashiko, Toto Mashu | |
Uchuu Keibitai (宇宙警備隊) | #49, 1961 | #15, 1962 | Mitsuteru Yokoyama | |
Tonga Series (トンガ・シリーズ) | #4, 1962 | #14, 1962 | Gozomu Kaga | |
Big 1 (ビッグ・1) | #12, 1962 | #29, 1962 | Fujiko Fujio | |
Kakero Tenba (翔けろ天馬) | #15, 1962 | #42, 1962 | Hisashi Sekiya | |
Osomatsu-kun (おそ松くん) | #16, 1962 | #15, 1969 | Fujio Akatsuka | |
Brave Dan (勇者ダン) | #29, 1962 | #52, 1969 | Osamu Tezuka | Published in English by Digital Manga Publishing.[3] |
Chibikko Chocho (ちびっこ町長) | #41, 1962 | #52, 1962 | Sanpei Wachi | |
Ozora no Chikai (大空のちかい) | #45, 1962 | #19, 1964 | Ippei Kuri | |
Ganbare Kenta (がんばれ健太) | #1, 1963 | #11, 1963 | Akio Ito | |
Submarine 707 (サブマリン707) | #2, 1963 | #41, 1965 | Satoru Osawa | |
Midori no Mujinto (緑の無人島) | #15, 1963 | #29, 1963 | Kyuta Ishikawa, Yoichiro Minami | |
Akuma no Oto (悪魔の音) | #17, 1963 | #18, 1963 | Osamu Tezuka | |
Bakansu Kozo (バカンス小僧) | #28, 1963 | #38, 1963 | Katsumi Mashiko | |
Maboroshi Buntai (まぼろし分隊) | #28, 1963 | #41, 1963 | Shin Ehara | |
Robot-kun (ロボットくん) | #39, 1963 | #52, 1963 | Koremitsu Maetani | |
Kaze no Jirokichi (風の次郎吉) | #42, 1963 | #52, 1963 | Tsunayoshi Takeuchi | |
Kurayami Godan (暗闇五段) | #46, 1963 | #31, 1964 | Hiro Terada | |
Inazuma Ace (いなずまエース) | #1, 1964 | #11, 1964 | Joji Enami | |
Hoero! Racer (吠えろ!レーサー) | #2, 1964 | #17, 1964 | Hisashi Sekiya | |
Obake no Q-tarō (オバケのQ太郎) | #6, 1964 | #51, 1966 | Fujiko Fujio | |
Kotetsu Ningen Shiguma (鋼鉄人間シグマ) | #14, 1964 | #3/4, 1965 | Koji Tsukamoto, Mitsuteru Yokoyama | |
Kyuban Dasha (九番打者) | #27, 1964 | #18, 1965 | Hiroshi Kaizuka | |
Yami no Sakon (闇の左近) | #27, 1964 | #52, 1964 | Osamu Kishimoto | |
Niji no Sentotai (虹の戦闘隊) | #27, 1964 | #43, 1964 | Toshio Shōji | |
Pocket Rikishi (ポケット歴史) | #43, 1964 | #3/4, 1965 | Yutaka Yoshida | |
Black Dan (ブラック団) | #44, 1964 | #30, 1966 | Jirō Tsunoda |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Super Jetter (スーパージェッター) | #1, 1965 | #2, 1966 | Fumio Hisamatsu | |
Ore wa Yaruzo (俺はやるぞ) | #2, 1965 | #16, 1965 | Yoshiteru Takano | |
MM Santa (エムエム三太) | #5, 1965 | #17, 1965 | Daisuke Sensa | |
Berabo (べら坊) | #17, 1965 | #31, 1965 | Kenji Morita | |
Miracle A (ミラクルA) | #19, 1965 | #21, 1966 | Hiroshi Kaizuka | |
Kamui Gaiden – Part 1 (カムイ伝 第一部) | #21, 1965[4] | #3-4, 1967[5] | Sampei Shirato | Published in English by Viz Media in 1987.[6][7] |
The Amazing 3 (W3 (ワンダー・スリー)) | #23, 1965 | #18, 1966 | Osamu Tezuka | Published in English by Digital Manga Publishing.[8] |
Attack Kobushi (アタック拳) | #37, 1965 | #46, 1965 | Noboru Kawasaki | |
Ore no Taiyo (おれの太陽) | #40, 1965 | #6, 1966 | Jirō Tsunoda | |
Korya My Futoshi (こりゃマイッ太) | #40, 1965 | #21, 1966 | Sho Murotanitsune | |
Captain Goro (キャプテン五郎) | #51, 1965 | #9, 1966 | Noboru Kawasaki | |
Ryu no Hata (竜の旗) | #5, 1966 | #40, 1966 | Mikiya Mochizuki | |
Shinigami Hakase (死神博士) | #11, 1966 | #28, 1966 | Noboru Kawasaki | |
Thunder Kid (サンダーキッド) | #15, 1966 | #30, 1966 | Fumio Hisamatsu | |
The Vampires (バンパイヤ) | #23, 1966 | #19, 1967 | Osamu Tezuka | |
Star 9 (スター9) | #25, 1966 | #10, 1967 | Shin Ehara | |
Genjin Bibi (原人ビビ) | #31, 1966 | #31, 1967 | Kyuta Ishikawa | |
Kaimushi Kabuton (怪虫カブトン) | #35, 1966 | #51, 1966 | Jirō Tsunoda | |
Abare Osho (あばれ王将) | #41, 1966 | #18, 1967 | Hiroshi Kaizuka | |
Kamen no Ninja Akakage (仮面の忍者 赤影) | #45, 1966 | #48, 1967 | Mitsuteru Yokoyama | |
Boken Gaboten Shima (冒険ガボテン島) | #50, 1966 | #49, 1967 | Fumio Hisamatsu | |
Hi no Maru Jindai (日の丸陣太) | #1, 1967 | #23, 1967 | Mikiya Mochizuki | |
Jikogu-kun (地獄くん) | #1, 1967 | #7, 1967 | Sho Murotanitsune | |
Parman (パーマン, Pāman) | #2, 1967 | #44, 1967 | Fujiko F. Fujio | |
Blue Submarine No. 6 (青の6号) | #2, 1967 | #45, 1967 | Satoru Ozawa | |
Captain Ultra (キャプテンウルトラ) | #8, 1967 | #38, 1967 | Shunji Obata | |
Animal One (アニマル1 (ワン)) | #11, 1967[9] | #35, 1967 | Noboru Kawasaki | |
Sabu to Ichi Torimono Hikae (佐武と市捕物控) | #11, 1967[9] | #33, 1967[10] | Shōtarō Ishinomori | Moved to Big Comic in 1968.[11] |
Guriguri (グリグリ) | #19, 1967 | #47, 1967 | Jirō Tsunoda | |
Giant Robo (ジャイアントロボ, Jaianto Robo) | #20, 1967 | #10, 1968 | Mitsuteru Yokoyama, Satoru Ozawa | |
Danganko (弾丸児) | #28, 1967 | #14, 1968 | Ippei Kuri | |
Oraa Guzura Dato (おらぁグズラだど) | #31, 1967 | #28, 1968 | Rentaro Sakai, Hiroshi Sasagawa | |
Dororo (どろろ) | #35, 1967 | #30, 1968 | Osamu Tezuka | Concluded in Akita Shoten's Bōken'ō in 1969.[12][13] Published in English by Vertical.[14] |
Akatasuki Sentai (あかつき戦闘隊) | #46, 1967 | #18, 1969 | Mitsuyoshi Sonoda | |
Captain Scarlet (キャプテンスカーレット) | #47, 1967 | #27, 1968 | Joji Enami, Sachihiko Kitagawa | |
Mōretsu Atarō (もーれつア太郎) | #48, 1967 | #27, 1970 | Fujio Akatsuka | |
21 Emon (21エモン, Nijūichi emon) | #1, 1968[15] | #6, 1969[16] | Fujiko F. Fujio | |
Blue Zone (ブルーゾーン) | #6, 1968 | #29, 1968 | Shōtarō Ishinomori | |
Moero Nio (燃えろ仁王) | #7, 1968 | #27, 1968 | Shinji Hama, Kazuya Fukimoto | |
Doctor Tsururi (ドクター・ツルリ) | #12, 1968 | #36, 1968 | Sho Murotanitsune | |
MJ | #15, 1968 | #43, 1968 | Masamichi Yokoyama, Tetsuo Kinjo | |
Tenamonya Ipponyari (てなもんや一本槍) | #16, 1968 | #52, 1968 | Jirō Tsunoda | |
Kappa no Sanpei (河童の三平) | #28, 1968 | #46, 1969 | Shigeru Mizuki | |
Ah!! Koshien (ああ!!甲子園) | #29, 1968 | #38, 1968 | Mitsuyoshi Sonoda, Yutaka Irie | |
Dokachin (ドカチン) | #29, 1968 | #11, 1969 | Rentaro Sakai, Tatsuo Yoshida | |
Utae!! Mustang (歌え!!ムスタング) | #30, 1968 | #19, 1969 | Noboru Kawasaki, Kazuya Fukamoto | |
Judo Boy (紅三四郎, Kurenai Sanshirō) | #31, 1968 | #47, 1968 | Tatsuo Yoshida, Ippei Kuri | |
Sasuke (サスケ) | #32, 1968[17] | #22, 1969[18] | Sanpei Shirato | |
Chikyu Number V7 (地球ナンバーV7) | #38, 1968 | #13, 1969 | Mitsuteru Yokoyama | |
Hitokui Tetsudo (人喰鉄道) | #3, 1969 | #22, 1969 | Kyuta Ishikawa, Yukio Togawa | |
Ume-boshi no Denka (ウメ星デンカ) | #7, 1969 | #35, 1969 | Fujiko Fujio | |
Kudabare!! Namida-kun (くたばれ!!涙くん) | #7, 1969 | #45, 1970 | Isami Ishii | |
Target (ターゲット) | #20, 1969 | #24, 1970 | Mitsuyoshi Sonoda | |
Doronko Kyujo (泥んこ球場) | #21, 1969 | #30, 1969 | Joji Enami, Kazuo Fukumoto | |
Yami no Kaze (闇の風) | #23, 1969 | #41, 1969 | Shōtarō Ishinomori | |
Orochi (おろち) | #25, 1969[19] | #35, 1970[20] | Kazuo Umezu | Published in English by Viz Media.[21] |
Devil King (デビルキング) | #31, 1969 | #17, 1970 | Takao Saito | |
Tensai Bakabon (天才バカボン) | #35, 1969 | #15, 1970 | Fujio Akatsuka | |
Gen to Tsugumi (源とツグミ) | #38, 1969[22] | #52, 1969[23] | Haruo Koyama, Haruko Sumomo | |
Chikai no Hata (誓いの旗) | #46, 1969 | #19, 1970 | Takumi Nagayasu, Shiro Jinbo |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Dekkadeka (でっかでか) | #1, 1970 | #15, 1970 | Tsutomu Oyamada | |
Otoko do Aho Koshien (男どアホウ甲子園) | #8, 1970 | #9, 1975 | Shinji Mizushima, Mamoru Sasaki | |
Zeni Geba (銭ゲバ) | #13, 1970 | #6, 1971 | George Akiyama | |
Go!! Go!! Nonsense (GO!!豪!!ナンセンス) | #13, 1970 | #28, 1970 | Go Nagai | |
CM Yarou (CM野郎) | #16, 1970 | #32, 1970 | Shotaro Ishinomori | |
Group Gin (グループ銀) | #19, 1970 | #48, 1970 | Takao Saito | |
Yoake no Makki (夜明けのマッキー) | #21, 1970 | #52, 1970 | Mikiya Mochizuki | |
Tobenai Tsubasa (とべない翼) | #25, 1970 | #17, 1971 | Sachio Umemoto, Hisao Maki | |
Keiji Yoshitani (高校さすらい派) | #29, 1970[24] | #34, 1970[25] | Kai Takizawa | |
Maro (まろ) | #30, 1970 | #27, 1971 | Go Nagai | |
Bukkare Dan (ぶッかれ・ダン) | #32, 1970 | #13, 1971 | Fujio Akatsuka | |
The Shikippuru (ザ・色っぷる) | #41, 1970 | #46, 1970 | Hideo Azuma | |
Again (アゲイン) | #43, 1970 | #5, 1971 | Kazuo Umezu | |
Dame Oyaji (ダメおやじ) | #43, 1970 | #30, 1982 | Mitsutoshi Furuya | |
Kenka no Bible (ケンカの聖書(バイブ)) | #1, 1971 | #53, 1971 | Isami Ishii, Ikki Kajiwara | |
Rekka (烈火) | #2, 1971 | #33, 1971 | Takao Saito | |
Glass no No (ガラスの脳) | #8, 1971[26] | — | Osamu Tezuka | One-shot |
Kokuhaku (告白) | #11, 1971 | #21, 1971 | George Akiyama | |
Seishun Dobaku (青春賭博) | #17, 1971 | #38, 1971 | Ryoichi Ikegami, Hisao Maki | |
Kaijin Jaguar Man (怪人ジャガーマン) | #18, 1971 | #27, 1971 | Monkey Punch | |
Sokkyūya (速球屋) | #22, 1971 | #43, 1971 | Yoshisato Kōsan | |
Tamagawa-kun (タマガワ君) | #23, 1971 | #32, 1971 | Tsutomu Adachi | |
Tabidate! Hirarin (旅立て!ひらりん) | #25, 1971 | #35, 1971 | Tatsuhiko Yamagami | |
Subahen (ズバ蛮) | #28, 1971 | #53, 1971 | Go Nagai | |
Hadashi no Bun (はだしのブン) | #31, 1971 | #49, 1971 | Shinji Nagashima | |
Hato to Sakura (鳩と桜) | #33, 1971 | #47, 1971 | Takeshi Shinden, Kazuo Koike | |
Senbe (仙べえ) | #37, 1971 | #3/4, 1972 | Fujiko Fujio | |
Rettsuragon (レッツラゴン) | #37, 1971 | #29, 1974 | Fujio Akatsuka | |
GeGeGe no Kitarō (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎, GeGeGe no Kitaro) | #40, 1971[27] | #53, 1971[28] | Shigeru Mizuki | Some chapters only. |
Abare Fubuki (あばれフブキ) | #41, 1971 | #53, 1971 | Mitsuyoshi Sonoda, Kai Takizawa | |
Cyborg Ace (サイボーグエース) | #44, 1971 | #13, 1972 | Hideaki Kitano | |
Challenge D (チャレンジD) | #48, 1971 | #14, 1972 | Motonori Okura, Toshiro Ishido | |
Hiyoshi no Shiro (日吉の城) | #1, 1972 | #16, 1972 | Hiroshi Kaizuka | |
Dust 18 (ダスト18) | #2, 1972 | #21, 1972 | Osamu Tezuka | |
Kedaman (ケダマン) | #3/4, 1972 | #45, 1972 | Go Nagai | |
Kibahashiri (牙走り) | #3/4, 1972 | #32, 1974 | Takumi Nagayasu, Kazuo Koike | |
Arajin no Musuko (アラジンの息子) | #5, 1972 | #17, 1972 | Mitsuyoshi Sonoda, Himiko Hicho | |
The Moon (ザ・ムーン) | #14, 1972 | #18, 1973 | George Akiyama | |
Nagareboshi Sub (流れ星サブ) | #15, 1972 | #24, 1972 | Yoshisato Takayama | |
Akado Suzunosuke (赤胴鈴之助) | #16, 1972 | #35, 1972 | Tsunayoshi Takeuchi | |
Judo Sanka (柔道讃歌) | #21, 1972 | #14, 1975 | Hiroshi Kaizuka, Ikki Kajiwara | |
Koma ga Mau (駒が舞う) | #22, 1972 | #30, 1973 | Oshima | |
The Drifting Classroom (漂流教室, Hyouryuu Kyoushitsu) | #23, 1972 | #27, 1974 | Kazuo Umezu | Published in English by Viz Media.[29] |
Jinzō-Ningen Kikaider (人造人間キカイダー) | #30, 1972 | #13, 1974 | Shotaro Ishinomori | |
Kantaro Monogatari (かん太郎物語) | #35, 1972 | #45, 1972 | Hiroshi Motomiya | |
Fuma Kotaro (風魔孤太郎) | #40, 1972 | #52, 1972 | Ken Ishikawa, Jirō Gyū | |
Thunder Mask (サンダーマスク) | #43, 1972 | #2, 1973 | Osamu Tezuka | |
Tatsu ga Kiru! (竜が斬る!) | #45, 1972 | #26, 1973 | Isami Ishii, Mamoru Sasaki | |
Oi! Boketan (おーい!ボケタン) | #47, 1972 | #13, 1973 | Big Jo | |
Fuefuki Doji (笛吹童子) | #52, 1972 | #19, 1973 | Masanobu Asai, Hisao Kitamura | |
Jinjin no Jin (じんじんの仁) | #11, 1973 | #40, 1973 | Joya Kagemaru, Kimio Komatsu | |
Okkaa Yakuza (おっ母ァやくざ) | #15, 1973 | #32, 1973 | Yosuke Tamaru, Akira Hayasaka | |
Ultraman Taro (ウルトラマンタロウ) | #17, 1973 | #34, 1973 | Ken Ishikawa | |
Kuroi Washi (黒い鷲) | #19, 1973 | #6-07, 1974 | Yoshimoto Baron | |
Inazuman (イナズマン) | #34, 1973 | #38, 1974 | Shotaro Ishinomori | |
Catch Man (キャッチマン) | #37, 1973 | #8, 1974 | Yasuichi Oshima | |
Dororon Enma-kun (ドロロンえん魔くん) | #41, 1973 | #52, 1973 | Go Nagai | Some chapters only. |
Diamond Eye (ダイヤモンド・アイ) | #43, 1973 | #13, 1974 | Katsumi Hashimoto, Kohan Kawauchi | |
Ore wa Chokkaku (おれは直角) | #45, 1973 | #17, 1976 | Yu Koyama | |
Otoko Gumi (男組) | #4/5, 1974 | #30, 1974 | Ryoichi Ikegami, Tetsu Kariya | |
Pro Golfer Saru (プロゴルファー猿) | #13, 1974 | #45, 1978 | Fujiko Fujio Ⓐ | |
Getter Robot (ゲッターロボ) | #15, 1974 | #3/4, 1976 | Go Nagai, Ken Ishikawa | |
Oira Sukeban (おいら女蛮) | #32, 1974 | #3/4, 1976 | Go Nagai | |
Shonen Friday (少年フライデー) | #33, 1974 | #11, 1975 | Fujio Akatsuka | |
Musashi (ムサシ) | #35, 1974[30] | #20, 1977[31] | Noboru Kawasaki, Kazuo Koike | First period from #35, 1974 to #33, 1976.[30][32] Second period from #37, 1976 to #20, 1977.[33][31] |
Ganbare Robokon (がんばれ!!ロボコン) | #42, 1974 | #16, 1975 | Shotaro Ishinomori |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Kibasen (牙戦) | #2, 1975 | #34, 1975 | Mitsuru Adachi, Kai Takizawa | |
Nora Gaki (のらガキ) | #12, 1975 | #25, 1976 | Fujio Akatsuka | |
Himitsu Sentai Goranger (ゴレンジャー, Go Renjā) | #18, 1975 | #23, 1976 | Shotaro Ishinomori | |
Ikkyu-san (一球さん) | #21, 1975 | #52, 1977 | Shinji Mizushima | |
Tenkaiichi Omonoten (天下一大物伝) | #29, 1975 | #16, 1976 | Yasuichi Oshima, Ikki Kajiwara | |
Shin Himitsu Sentai Gorenja Gokko (新ひみつ戦隊ゴレンジャーごっこ) | #33, 1975 | #23, 1976 | Shotaro Ishinomori | |
Kamen Godamaru (仮面豪打丸) | #41, 1975 | #50, 1975 | Hiroshi Kaizuka | |
Goemon Rokku (ゴエモンろっく) | #43, 1975 | #2, 1976 | Shin Tamura | |
Saggy Bappa (サギバッパ) | #2, 1976 | #24, 1976 | George Akiyama | |
Megido no Hi (メギドの火) | #3/4, 1976 | #30, 1976 | Jirō Tsunoda | |
Gamushara (がむしゃら) | #5/6, 1976 | #18, 1976 | Mitsuru Adachi, Jūzo Yamasaki | |
Ginrin Jaguar (銀輪ジャガー) | #12, 1976 | #25, 1976 | Ryo Sakonji, Sho Fumimura | |
Makoto-chan (まことちゃん) | #16, 1976 | #30, 1981 | Kazuo Umezu | |
God Arm (ゴッド・アーム) | #18, 1976 | #29, 1977 | Jiro Kuwata, Ikki Kajiwara | |
Ganbare Genki (がんばれ元気) | #19, 1976 | #14, 1981 | Yū Koyama | |
Cat Eyed Boy (猫目小僧, Nekome Kozō) | #20, 1976[34] | #40, 1976[35] | Yū Koyama | Some chapters only. Published in English by Viz Media.[36] |
Kaa-chan No. 1 (母ちゃんNo.1) | #27, 1976 | #12, 1977 | Fujio Akatsuka | |
Doggu World (ドッグワールド) | #35, 1976 | #18, 1977 | Shōtarō Ishinomori | |
Survival (サバイバル) | #38, 1976[37] | #52, 1980.[38] | Takao Saito | The side story, Survival: Another Story was licensed for an English release digitally by JManga.[39] |
Boku Chan Sensei (ぼくちゃん先生) | #42, 1976 | #52, 1976 | Kimio Yanigasawa | |
Ginrin Tama (銀輪魂) | #3/4, 1977 | #14, 1977 | Ryo Sakonji, Sho Fumimura | |
Tsukiya (突き屋) | #5/6, 1977 | #32, 1977 | Hosei Hasegawa, Tetsu Kariya | |
Akai Pegasus (赤いペガサス) | #13, 1977 | #38, 1979 | Motoka Murakami | |
Gyag Ariki (ギャグありき) | #16, 1977 | #41, 1977 | Fujio Akatsuka | |
Katsumi (かつみ) | #18, 1977 | #36, 1977 | Takao Yaguchi | |
Oyako Deka (おやこ刑事) | #21, 1977 | #12, 1981 | Yasuichi Oshima, Norio Hayashi | |
Seishun no Kawa (青春の河) | #29, 1977 | #12, 1978 | George Akiyama | |
Dekin Boy (できんボーイ) | #35, 1977 | #16, 1979 | Shin Takura | |
Eiyu Shikkaku (英雄失格) | #37, 1977 | #40, 1978 | Hiromi Yamasaki, Ikki Kajiwara | |
Tobetobe Tonbi (とべとべとんび) | #39, 1977 | #8, 1978 | Hosei Hasegawa | |
Yakyu Mushi (野球虫) | #1, 1978 | #21, 1978 | Hideo Hijiri | |
Hit and Run (ヒット・エンド・ラン) | #9, 1978 | #34, 1980 | Hideo Aya | |
Ryokudo-kun (力童くん) | #14, 1978 | #20, 1979 | Yoshimoto Baron | |
Space Opera Chugaku (スペオペ宙学) | #37, 1978 | #21, 1979 | Go Nagai | |
Urusei Yatsura (うる星やつら) | #39, 1978[40] | #8, 1987[41] | Rumiko Takahashi | Published in English by Viz Media.[42] |
Seishun Dobutsuen Zoo (青春動物園ズウ) | #46, 1978 | #43, 1981 | Hiromi Yamasaki, Kazuo Koike | |
Futari no Shogun (二人のショーグン) | #1, 1979 | #6, 1979 | Osamu Tezuka | |
Bangai Koshien (番外甲子園) | #3/4, 1979 | #5, 1982 | Mamoru Uchiyama, Jūzo Yamasaki | |
Cyborg 009 (サイボーグ009) | #13, 1979 | #11, 1981 | Shotaro Ishinomori | Some chapters only. |
Hotto Keddogu (ほっとけどっぐ) | #15, 1979 | #26, 1979 | Masaru Makino | |
Abare Taikai (あばれ大海) | #22, 1979 | #42, 1979 | Noboru Rokuda | |
Akkan Man (あっかんマン) | #26, 1979 | #7, 1980 | Shin Tamura | |
Goronbomatsu (ごろんぼ松) | #30, 1979 | #52, 1979 | Jirou Gyū, Keisuke Kyuju | |
Wanten Tantei (ワンテン探偵局) | #31, 1979 | #42, 1979 | Masaru Makino | |
Basubon Tokkyu (バスボン特急) | #39, 1979 | #48, 1979 | Pikaichi Soratobi | |
Funsen Yodels (奮戦ヨーデルス) | #42, 1979 | #52, 1979 | Chisatoru Snow | |
Doro Fighter (ドロファイター) | #47, 1979 | #8, 1981 | Motoka Murakami | |
Dash Kappei (ダッシュ勝平) | #48, 1979 | #48, 1982 | Noboru Rokuda |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Uridase! Panpusu (売り出せ!パンプス) | #1, 1980 | #9, 1980 | Chisatoru Snow | |
Hockey Wolf (ホッケーウルフ) | #2, 1980 | #19, 1980 | Tatsuoki Kobayashi, Yo Takeyama | |
Otoko Oozora (男大空) | #3/4, 1980 | #44, 1982 | Ryoichi Ikegami, Tetsu Kariya | |
Seishun Knuckle 4 (青春ナックル4) | #5/6, 1980 | #22, 1980 | Haru Hosokawa | |
I Love Ayume (I LOVE あやめ) | #17, 1980 | #26, 1980 | Tsuhiro Kasugami | |
Pro Wrestling Superstar Retsuden (プロレススーパースター列伝) | #23, 1980[43] | #26, 1983[43] | Kunichika Harada, Ikki Kajiwara | |
Katte ni Yorimichi (かってに頼道) | #31, 1980 | #52, 1980 | Mitsuo Hashimoto | |
Super Rider (スーパーライダー) | #41, 1980 | #27, 1982 | Osamu Ishiwata | |
Tadaima Jugyouchuu! (ただいま授業中!) | #44, 1980 | #8, 1983 | Tsuguo Okazaki | |
Sayonara Sankaku (さよなら三角) | #4/5, 1981 | #18, 1984 | Hidenori Hara | |
Neri Wasabi Kyoso Kyoku (ネリわさび狂騒曲) | #9, 1981 | #16, 1981 | Kazuya Kimita | |
Dokkiri Doctor (どっきりドクター) | #14, 1981[44] | #7, 1982[45] | Fujihiko Hosono | |
Musashi no Ken (六三四の剣) | #17, 1981[46] | #41, 1985[47] | Motoka Murakami | |
Tokkyu GO! (特救GO!) | #18, 1981 | #18, 1982 | Takao Saito | |
Hashire! Haruma (はしれ!春馬) | #20, 1981 | #29, 1981 | Mitsuo Hashimoto | |
Ten Made Agare (天まであがれ) | #31, 1981 | #20, 1982 | Tatsuo Kanai, Sho Fumimura | |
Yuta Yanaika (勇太やないか) | #34, 1981 | #21, 1982 | Yasuichi Oshima | |
Touch (タッチ) | #36, 1981[48] | #50, 1986[49] | Mitsuru Adachi | |
Futari Daka (ふたり鷹) | #44, 1981 | #32, 1985 | Kaoru Shintani | |
Damekko Yuki-chan (ダメっ子ユキちゃん) | #46, 1981 | #52, 1983 | Shinmaru Sato | |
Pinto Pittashi! (ピントぴったし!) | #3/4, 1982 | #37, 1983 | Masayoshi Ishida | |
Ore wa Namazumono. (おれはナマズ者) | #6, 1982 | #21, 1984 | Mitsuo Hashimoto, Jūzō Yamasaki | |
Gu-Gu Ganmo (Gu-Guガンモ) | #19, 1982 | #16, 1985 | Fujihiko Hosono | |
Nanka Ayakai!? (なんか妖かい!?) | #21, 1982 | #21, 1984 | Kei Satomi, Hajime Kimura | |
Hashire Kakeru (はしれ走) | #22, 1982 | #27, 1984 | Takeshi Miya | |
Torai Torai (トライ・トライ) | #28, 1982 | #47, 1982 | Mamoru Uchiyama, Ryūji Mizutani | |
Hi no Tama Boy (火の玉ボーイ) | #32, 1982 | #15, 1985 | Osamu Ishiwata | |
Love Z (ラブZ) | #46, 1982 | #33, 1984 | Hiromi Yamasaki, Kazuo Koike | |
Kochantorei (こちゃんと礼) | #48, 1982 | #15, 1983 | Tomomi Ogata, Jirou Gyū | |
Dart Tokyu (ダート特急) | #49, 1982 | #1/2, 1983 | Yoshiaki Abiru | |
Sono Na mo Agaro (その名もあがろう) | #3/4, 1983 | #33, 1983 | Noboru Rokuda | |
Seiunji (星雲児) | #5, 1983 | #11, 1984 | Ryoichi Ikegami | |
Harumi 120% (春美120%) | #15, 1983 | #23, 1984 | Tsuguo Okazaki | |
Sono Ki ni Natte Mo (その気になっても) | #16, 1983 | #47, 1983 | Akihiko Tanimura | |
Green Grass (グリングラス) | #21, 1983 | #10, 1984 | Shōtarō Ishinomori | |
Honō no Tenkōsei (炎の転校生) | #31, 1983[50] | #48, 1985[51] | Kazuhiko Shimamoto | |
Yoki no Kamome (陽気なカモメ) | #38, 1983 | #31, 1985 | Noboru Rokuda | |
Blizzard Princess (ブリザート・プリンセス) | #1/2, 1984 | #19, 1984 | Kazuyoshi Suzumiya | |
No. 1 Linna (No.1リンナ) | #11, 1984 | #30, 1984 | Masayoshi Ishida | |
Fighting Sweeper (ふぁいてぃんぐSWEEPER) | #12, 1984 | #30, 1984 | Kenji Nakatsu | |
Megunchi Monogatari (メグんち物語) | #18, 1984 | #42, 1984 | Yuichi Ogata | |
ZINGY | #22, 1984 | #51, 1984 | Atsushi Kamijo, Tetsu Kariya | |
Ao Kobushi Okami (青拳狼) | #24, 1984 | #1, 1985 | Ryoichi Ikegami, Hajime Kimura | |
Pro Wrestling Taishofu (プロレス大勝負) | #28, 1984 | #37, 1984 | Kunichika Harada | |
Shirobe (シロベ) | #29, 1984 | #48, 1984 | Takao Yaguchi | |
Just Meet (ジャストミート) | #30, 1984 | #49, 1987 | Hidenori Hara | |
Datsusen Gennen (奪戦元年) | #31, 1984 | #10, 1985 | Kei Satomi, Taku Hiura | |
Eichi Man (エイチマン) | #34, 1984 | #36, 1984 | Kōichirō Yasunaga | |
Ragnarok Guy (ラグナロック・ガイ) | #34, 1984 | #52, 1985 | Tsuguo Okazaki | |
Sprinter (スプリンター) | #46, 1984 | #17, 1987 | Yu Koyama | |
Harukana Bishi (はるかなビシ) | #49, 1984 | #25, 1985 | Takeshi Miya |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Suteki ni Yabanjin (ステキに野蛮人) | #3/4, 1985 | #23, 1985 | Kazuyoshi Suzumiya | |
Hound Eleven (ハウンドイレブン) | #5/6, 1985 | #13, 1985 | Kenji Okamura | |
Mai, the Psychic Girl (舞, Mai) | #14, 1985[52] | #16, 1986[53] | Ryoichi Ikegami, Kazuya Kudo | Published in English by Viz Media.[54] |
Night Bird (ないとバード) | #15, 1985 | #30, 1986 | Kei Satomi | |
To-y | #16, 1985[55] | #15, 1987[56] | Atsushi Kamijo | |
Chotto Yoroshiku (ちょっとヨロシク!) | #17, 1985 | #20, 1987 | Satoshi Yoshida | |
B.B. | #24, 1985[57] | #9, 1991[58] | Osamu Ishiwata | |
Aosora Floppy (青空ふろっぴぃ) | #33, 1985 | #40, 1986 | Fujihiko Hosono | |
Kyūkyoku Chōjin R (究極超人あ〜る) | #34, 1985[59] | #32, 1987[60] | Masami Yuki | |
Tenchi Muyo/This Side Up (天地無用) | #35, 1985 | #23, 1986 | Kenji Okamura, Jūzō Yamasaki | |
Rikugun Nakano Yobiko (陸軍中野予備校) | #42, 1985 | #52, 1986 | Kōichirō Yasunaga | |
Balancer (バランサー) | #43, 1985 | #21, 1986 | Kaoru Shintani | |
Kaze wo Nuke! (風を抜け!) | #4/5, 1986 | #29, 1988 | Motoka Murakami | |
Moeru V (燃えるV) | #6, 1986 | #52, 1986 | Kazuhiko Shimamoto | |
Doki Doki Heartbeat (どきどきハートビート) | #22, 1986 | #20, 1987 | Tsuguo Okazaki | |
Panic Hoteishiki (パニック方程式) | #23, 1986 | #9, 1987 | Tetsuhiro Koshita | |
Ryū (リュウ) | #39, 1986 | #1, 1988 | Akira Oze, Masao Yajima | |
Tosho Boy (闘翔ボーイ) | #45, 1986 | #27, 1988 | Ryōji Ryūzaki | |
Happi Chokuzen (はっぴい直前) | #51, 1986 | #7, 1988 | Aki Katsu | |
I'm Namu (I'mナム) | #1, 1987 | #31, 1987 | Fujihiko Hosono | |
Smile for Mii (スマイルfor美衣) | #4/5, 1987 | #15, 1989 | Kei Satomi | |
GOAL | #8, 1987[41] | #25, 1987 | Kenji Okamura | |
Bucchigiri (ぶっちぎり) | #9, 1987 | #30, 1987 | Yū Nakahara | |
Rough (ラフ) | #17, 1987 | #40, 1989 | Mitsuru Adachi | |
Totsugeki Wolf (とつげきウルフ) | #18, 1987 | #41, 1987 | Kazuhiko Shimamoto | |
Mermaid Saga (人魚シリーズ, Ningyo Shirīzu) | #22, 1987[61] | #8, 1994[62] | Rumiko Takahashi | First published in Shōnen Sunday Zōkan in 1984–85. Published in Weekly Shōnen Sunday from 1987–94.[a] Published in English by Viz Media.[72] |
Aozora Shot (青空しょって) | #24, 1987 | #51, 1991 | Hideki Mori | |
Kotton Tetsumaru (こっとん鉄丸) | #24, 1987 | #14, 1988 | Tetsuo Aoki | |
Magic Kaito (まじっく快斗, Majikku Kaito) | #26, 1987[73] | Present | Gosho Aoyama | Published infrequently.[74] |
Joshi Chugakusei Note (女子中学生ノート) | #29, 1987 | #51, 1987 | Hideki Terashima | |
Bokura wa v3 (ぼくらは√3) | #32, 1987[60] | #39, 1987 | Satoru Matsumura | |
Koshien ga Suki! (甲子園が好き!) | #33, 1987 | #38, 1987 | Toshiyuki Mutsu | |
Kuruman BOY (くるまんBOY) | #35, 1987 | #52, 1987 | Katowa | |
Suiyo Bokenasu Shiteseki (水曜ぼけなす指定席) | #36, 1987[75] | #50, 1987 | Masahiko Kikuni | |
Ranma ½ (らんま1/2) | #36, 1987[75] | #12, 1996[76] | Rumiko Takahashi | Published in English by Viz Media.[77] |
Sports Tenko Mari (スポーツてんこ盛り) | #40, 1987 | #52, 1989 | Eiyu Aoyama | |
Kamen Rider Black (仮面ライダーBlack) | #41, 1987 | #50, 1988 | Shotaro Ishinomori | |
Chichi Monogatari Ono (父物語 斧) | #42, 1987 | #21, 1988 | Kei Honjo, Kazuyoshi Inaba, Noasobi Awa | |
Ayame ni Oteage! (あやめにお手上げ!) | #50, 1987 | #2/3, 1988 | Shimpei Itoh | |
Kogen Mura he Yokoso (高原村へようこそ) | #51, 1987 | #19, 1988 | Mio Murao | |
Dokachin Kid (どかちんきっど) | #1, 1988 | #31, 1988 | Shigeru Koshiba | |
Kenji (拳児) | #2/3, 1988 | #5, 1992 | Yoshihide Fujiwara, Ryuchi Matsuda | |
My Pace Futaro (マイペース風太郎) | #4/5, 1988 | #43, 1988 | Hidenori Hara | |
Bear Mader Ryusuke (ベアマーダー流介) | #15, 1988 | #7, 1989 | Kenji Okamura, Chiaki Hashiba | |
Mobile Police Patlabor (機動警察パトレイバー, Kidō Keisatsu Patoreibā) | #17, 1988 | #23, 1994 | Masami Yuki | |
Ucchare Goshogawara (うっちゃれ五所瓦) | #19, 1988 | #29, 1991 | Tsuyoshi Nakaima | |
Hikari Ikanga Gakuen (聖イカンガー学園) | #20, 1988 | #46, 1988 | Tomoaki Ogawa, Iwasaki Ikanga | |
Wind Up!! (ワインドアップ!!) | #20, 1988 | #29, 1989 | Yasuhiro Koizumi | |
Bimi Paradise (美味 (みみ パラダイス) | #27, 1988 | #14, 1989 | Kazuhiro Honma, Yuri Yumeno | |
Matador (マタドール) | #32, 1988 | #53, 1988 | Soichi Moto, Naotaka Taki | |
Bakkure Ippei (ばっくれ一平!) | #34, 1988 | #7, 1990 | Ryōji Ryūzaki | |
Makoto-chan (まことちゃん) | #37, 1988 | #32, 1989 | Kazuo Umezu | |
Tearful Soldier (望郷戦士) | #38, 1988 | #51, 1989 | Taku Kitazaki | |
Yaiba | #39, 1988[78] | #50, 1993[79] | Gosho Aoyama | |
Akai Pegasus II Sho (赤いペガサスII 翔) | #46, 1988 | #42, 1989 | Kiyokazu Chiba, Motoka Murakami | |
Obi wo Gyutto Ne! (帯をギュッとね!) | #1/2, 1989 | #52, 1995 | Katsutoshi Kawai | |
Heavy (ヘヴィ) | #3/4, 1989 | #31, 1990 | Motoka Murakami | |
Free Kick! (フリーキック!) | #7, 1989 | #39, 1990 | Hidenori Hara | |
Spriggan (スプリガン) | #10, 1989[80] | #51, 1989[81] | Ryōji Minagawa, Hiroshi Takashige | Moved to Shōnen Sunday Zōkan.[b] Published in English by Viz Media as Striker.[83] |
Dr. Shiina no Kyoikuteki Shido!! (Dr.椎名の教育的指導!!) | #14, 1989 | #34, 1989 | Takashi Shiina | |
MAD STONE | #15, 1989 | #33, 1989 | Hidehisa Masaki | |
Tuck In (タックイン) | #16, 1989 | #33, 1989 | Masahiro Suzuki, Tomohiko Tanikawa | |
Dinosaur Carnival (恐竜カーニバル) | #17, 1989 | #30, 1992 | Etsuko Ueda | |
Kenta Yarimasu! (健太やります!) | #30, 1989 | #24, 1994 | Takuya Mitsuda | |
Shōnen (少年) | #32, 1989 | #39, 1989 | Yū Koyama, Masao Yajima | |
Ninkimono de Iko (人気者でいこう) | #35, 1989 | #32, 1990 | Yū Nakahara | |
Terrible Shōnen-dan (てりぶる少年団) | #36, 1989 | #47, 1989 | Tori·Miki | |
Hoshikuzu Paradise (星くずパラダイス) | #37, 1989 | #43, 1991 | Aki Katsu | |
DaDa! | #44, 1989 | #38, 1991 | Satoshi Yoshida | |
Geo-Police Joe (ジオポリスジョー) | #48, 1989 | #19, 1990 | Kei Satomi | |
Mash (マッシュ) | #50, 1989 | #38, 1990 | Takatoshi Yamada | |
Otokichi-kun no Piano Monogatari (音吉くんのピアノ物語) | #52, 1989 | #9, 1992 | Reiko Hayashi |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Niji-iro Tōgarashi (虹色とうがらし) | #4/5, 1990[84] | #19, 1992[85] | Mitsuru Adachi | |
Ushio & Tora (うしおととら, Ushio to Tora) | #6, 1990[86] | #45, 1996[87] | Kazuhiro Fujita | Including a two-chapter short in 2012.[88] |
Amaku Kiken na Nampa Deka (甘く危険なナンパ刑事) | #12, 1990 | #37, 1990 | Hiroyuki Nishimori | |
Welcome (ウエルカム) | #16, 1990 | #25, 1990 | Migio Yanagisawa | |
Unoken no Bakuhatsu Ugyaa!! (ウノケンの爆発ウギャー!!) | #17, 1990 | #40, 1991 | Kenichi Unose | |
Tatoeba Konna Love Song (たとえばこんなラヴ・ソング) | #28, 1990[89] | #50, 1991[89] | Taku Kitazaki | |
Tough | #33, 1990 | #31, 1991 | Yū Nakahara | |
Baron (バロン) | #36, 1990 | #7, 1993 | Noboru Rokuda | |
Chiku Chiku Uni Uni (ちくちくウニウニ) | #38, 1990 | 1992 | Sensha Yoshida | |
Kyō Kara Ore Wa!! (今日から俺は!!) | #40, 1990[90] | #47, 1997[91] | Hiroyuki Nishimori | Transferred from Shōnen Sunday Zōkan.[c] |
Heavy Metal Koshien (HEAVY METAL甲子園) | #46, 1990[66] | #34, 1991 | Nonki Miyasu | |
Twinkle Twinkle Idol Star (♂ティンクル2♀アイドル☆スター) | #2/3, 1991 | 16, 1993 | Hikaru Tohyama | |
PATI-PATI | #4/5, 1991 | #15, 1991 | Yume Matsumura | |
Very Good Manten!! (very good満天!!) | #14, 1991 | #40, 1991 | Atsuo Kuwasawa | |
Go!! Southern Ice Hockey Club (行け!!南国アイスホッケー部) | #15, 1991[93] | #34, 1996[94] | Kōji Kumeta | |
Samurai Crusader (王立院雲丸の生涯, Oritsuin Kunomaru no Shogai) | #28, 1991[95] | #12, 1992[95] | Ryoichi Ikegami, Oji Hiroi | |
Ghost Sweeper Mikami (GS美神 極楽大作戦!!, Gōsuto Suīpā Mikami Gokuraku Taisakusen!!) | #30, 1991[96] | #41, 1999[97] | Takashi Shiina | |
Sengoku Koshien: Kyū inu-shi densetsu (戦国甲子園〜九犬士伝説〜) | #33, 1991 | #27, 1992 | Kōji Kiriyama | |
Makasete Eruna (まかせてエルナ) | #35/36, 1991 | #44, 1991 | Kaoru Yamada | |
Lucky Guy (ラッキーボーイ) | #41, 1991 | #47, 1991 | Yokoshima Shunpu | |
Fullmetal Boxer (フルメタルボクサー) | #44, 1991 | #1/2, 1992 | Tatsuyoshi Kobayashi, Hiroshi Oda | |
Hono no Ninjaman (炎のニンジャマン) | #51, 1991 | #42, 1992 | Kazuhiko Shimamoto | |
Chōryū Senki Sauros Knight (超龍戦記ザウロスナイト) | #1/2, 1992 | #10, 1993 | Aki Katsu | |
Our Field of Dreams (俺たちのフィールド, Oretachi no Field) | #3/4, 1992[98] | #45, 1998[99] | Kenichi Muraeda | |
Kakutou Oumonogo Byun Boy (格闘王物語 ビュンBOY) | #7, 1992 | #39, 1992 | Keisuke Niwa, Yasushi Hironaka | |
Tokon Shojo (闘魂少女(バトルガール)) | #8, 1992 | #34, 1992 | Fumihiro Hayashizaki | |
Ojisan Boy!! Shogaku Chugakusei (おじさんBOY!!小学中学生) | #11, 1992 | #41, 1992 | Seiji Watanabe | |
Kotei Senshi Hankyu (皇帝戦士 斑鳩) | #16, 1992 | #28, 1992 | Ami Saitō, Masaru Miyazuki | |
Hiten Boso Densho MAOH (飛天暴走伝承MAOH) | #17, 1992 | #52, 1993 | Etsuya Amajishi, Sasuke Oigshima | |
Fu·ta·ri (ふ・た・り) | #18, 1992 | #43, 1993 | Taku Kitazaki | |
Tokio (トキオ) | #19, 1992[85] | #32, 1993 | Yū Nakahara | |
Geki Saru Theater (激猿シアター) | #28, 1992 | 1992 | Shigenobu Kaminishizono | |
H2 (エイチ・ツー, Eichi Tsū) | #32, 1992[100] | #50, 1999[101] | Mitsuru Adachi | |
Jodan Jyanai yo! (ジョーダンじゃないよ!) | #35/36, 1992 | #47, 1994 | Muneo Saito | |
Jesus (ジーザス) | #42, 1992 | #20, 1995 | Yoshihide Fujiwara, Kyoichi Nanatsuki | |
Ossu! Shorenji (オッス!少林寺) | #43, 1992 | #17, 1994 | Hiroyuki Kikuta | |
Geki Tori Theater (激鳥シアター) | #1/2, 1993 | #52, 1993 | Shigenobu Kaminishizono | |
Gakuen Teikoku Ore wa Jubei! (学園帝国 俺はジュウベイ!) | #3/4, 1993 | #46, 1993 | Masahiko Nakahira, Ōji Hiroi | |
Itadakimasu! (いただきます!) | #8, 1993 | #19, 1996 | Takatoshi Yamada | |
Osaruna Masaru-kun (おさるなまさるくん) | #13, 1993 | #48, 1994 | Kiyoshi Hasegawa | |
B•F Fish Boys (B・Fフィッシュボーイズ) | #21/22, 1993 | #10, 1994 | Kengo Kimura | |
LOVe | #35/36, 1993[102] | #10, 1999[103] | Osamu Ishiwata | |
Uwasa no Otokomae (噂の男前) | #52, 1993 | #35, 1996 | Satoshi Yoshida | |
Shout! | #37, 1994[104] | #2/3, 1995[105] | Yozo Shimizu | |
Geki Inu Theater (激犬シアター) | #1/2, 1994 | #28, 1994 | Shigenobu Kaminishizono | |
Drum Knuckle -Final Fight- (DRAM拳-ファイナルファイト-) | #3/4, 1994 | #42, 1994 | Shinobu Inokuma, Toshiki Inoue | |
Case Closed / Detective Conan (名探偵コナン, Meitantei Konan) | #5, 1994[106] | Present | Gosho Aoyama | Published in English by Viz Media.[107] |
Mugen Zero (無限・ゼロ) | #10, 1994 | #16, 1994 | Eiji Kawakubo | |
Masurao Hiongiseiki (ますらお〜秘本義経記〜) | #14, 1994 | #3/4, 1996 | Taku Kitazaki | |
R·PRINCESS (R (ロケット)・PRINCESS) | #23, 1994 | #1, 1995 | Nobuyuki Anzai | |
Ganba! Fly High (ガンバ!Fly high) | #25, 1994[108] | #45, 2000[109] | Hiroyuki Kikuta, Shinji Morisue | |
Major | #33, 1994[110] | #32, 2010[111] | Takuya Mitsuda | |
Jaja Uma Grooming Up! (じゃじゃ馬グルーミン★UP!) | #44, 1994[112] | #42, 2000[113] | Masami Yuki |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Aho Aho Gakuen (アホアホ学園) | #1, 1995[114] | #49, 1996[115] | Aoba Hisayoshi | |
Tokyo Bancho (東京番長) | #2/3, 1995 | #19, 1997 | Keisuke Suzuki | |
Sabaku no Yakyubu (砂漠の野球部) | #5/6, 1995 | #14, 1997 | Jōkura Kōji | |
Go-Go Ecchan no Caster Mairuzo! (ゴーゴーえっちゃんのキャスター参るゾ!) | #13, 1995 | #49, 1995 | Takashi Hashiguchi | |
Dan Doh!! | #15, 1995[116] | #30, 2000[117] | Daichi Banjō, Nobuhiro Sakata | |
Flame of Recca (烈火の炎, Rekka no Honō) | #16, 1995[118] | #9, 2002[119] | Nobuyuki Anzai | Published in English by Viz Media.[120] |
Enya KODOMO Ninpocho (エンヤ KODOMO忍法帖) | #21/22, 1995 | #20, 1998 | Hiromi Morishita | |
Dolphin Brain (ドルフィン・ブレイン) | #35, 1995 | #50, 1995 | Reiji Yamada | |
Firefighter! Daigo of Fire Company M (め組の大吾, Megumi no Daigo) | #38, 1995[121] | #27, 1999[122] | Masahito Soda | |
Warp Boy (ワープボーイ) | #1, 1996 | #36/37, 1996 | Tokihiko Matsuura, Kazuhiko Arao | |
Accidents (アクシデンツ -事故調クジラの事件簿-) | #5/6, 1996 | #41, 1998 | Takatoshi Yamada | |
Shinsei Motemote Ōkoku (神聖モテモテ王国) | #15, 1996 | #9, 2000 | Ken Nagai | |
Nagisa Me Kounin (なぎさMe公認) | #16, 1996 | #34, 1999 | Taku Kitazaki | |
Hikenden Kira (秘拳伝キラ) | #20, 1996 | #5/6, 1997 | Yuki Miyoshi, Takeru Aose | |
Monkey Turn (モンキーターン) | #36/37, 1996 | #3, 2005 | Katsutoshi Kawai | |
Taiyo no Senshi Boka Boka (太陽の戦士ポカポカ) | #36, 1996 | #39, 1997 | Kōji Kumeta | |
Inuyasha (犬夜叉) | #50, 1996[123] | #29, 2008[124] | Rumiko Takahashi | Published in English by Viz Media.[125] |
Gain (ゲイン) | #1, 1997 | #35, 1998 | Tsuyoshi Nakaima | |
Mo Sungoi!! (もぅスンゴイ!!) | #4, 1997 | #48, 1997 | Hirotatsu Minami | |
Fancy Zatsuwazadan (ファンシー雑技団) | #4, 1997 | #8, 1999 | Junichi Kuroba | |
Tuxedo Gin (タキシード銀, Gin Takashiido) | #15, 1997 | #7, 2000 | Tokihiko Matsuura | Published in English by Viz Media.[126] |
Project ARMS (ARMS) | #16, 1997[127] | #20, 2002[128] | Ryōji Minagawa, Kyoichi Nanatsuki | Published in English by Viz Media.[129] |
Karakuri Circus (からくりサーカス, Karakuri Sākasu) | #32, 1997[130] | #26, 2006[131] | Kazuhiro Fujita | |
Devil & Devil (デビデビ) | #41, 1997 | #40, 2000 | Yuki Miyoshi | |
The Wind of Fight (風の伝承者) | #14, 1998 | #11, 2000 | Satoshi Yamamoto, Kazuto Wakakuwa | |
Katteni Kaizō (かってに改蔵) | #21/22, 1998[132] | #34, 2004[133] | Kōji Kumeta | |
Spin Out (スピンナウト) | #35, 1998 | #24, 1999 | Hiroyuki Nishimori, Santa Harukaze | |
Salad Days | #48, 1998[134] | #48, 2001[135] | Shinobu Inokuma | Transferred from Shōnen Sunday Super. |
Tokyo Keiji (東京刑事) | #5/6, 1999 | #22/23, 1999 | Keisuke Suzuki | |
Ayumu no Koma (歩武の駒) | #14, 1999 | #16, 2000 | Kazuhiro Murakawa | |
Men Soul!!! (漢魂!!!(メンソウル)) | #16, 1999 | #4/5, 2001 | Hirotatsu Minami | |
Dainamu Itou! (ダイナマ伊藤!) | #17, 1999 | #47, 2002 | Pero Sugimoto | |
Kamoshika! (かもしか!) | #22/23, 1999 | #35, 2000 | Kenichi Muraeda | |
Passport Blue (パスポート・ブルー) | #24, 1999 | #38, 2001 | Osamu Ishiwata | |
Cheeky Angel (天使な小生意気, Tenshi na konamaiki) | #25, 1999[136] | #36/37, 2003[137] | Hiroyuki Nishimori | Published in English by Viz Media.[138] |
Fantasista (ファンタジスタ) | #35, 1999 | #14, 2004 | Michiteru Kusaba |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Marvelous (マーベラス) | #1, 2000 | #47, 2000 | Yūji Takemura | |
Libero Revolution (リベロ革命!!) | #4/5, 2000 | #18, 2002 | Motoyuki Tanaka | |
Mister Japan (MISTERジパング) | #14, 2000 | #46, 2001 | Takashi Shiina | |
Brave Saru s (ブレイブ猿s) | #17, 2000 | #36, 2000 | Tokihiko Matsūra | |
Itsumo Misora (いつも美空) | #22/23, 2000[139] | #24, 2001[140] | Mitsuru Adachi | |
Dobutsu no Kame-chan (動物のカメちゃん) | #31, 2000 | #52, 2002 | Kenji Sosai | |
Dan Doh!! Xi | #32, 2000[141] | #19, 2003[142] | Daichi Banjō, Nobuhiro Sakata | |
Togari (トガリ) | #36, 2000 | #11, 2002 | Yoshinori Natsume | Published in English by Viz Media.[143] |
Omunehari (大棟梁) | #37/38, 2000 | #4/5, 2001 | Shinji Saijyo | |
Takeru Michi (タケル道) | #39, 2000 | #16, 2001 | Naoya Ogawa, Yaeko Yamato | |
Punyarin (プニャリン) | #44, 2000 | #36/37, 2001[144] | Joukura Koji | |
Bullet (ブリット) | #1, 2001 | #19, 2001 | Yuki Miyoshi | |
Night Lovers (ナイトラヴァーズ) | #4/5, 2001 | #33, 2001 | Yozo Shimizu, Kentaro Fumizuki | |
Zatch Bell! (金色のガッシュ!!, Konjiki no Gash Bell!!) | #6, 2001[145] | #4/5, 2008[146] | Makoto Raiku | Published in English by Viz Media.[147] |
Rising Sun (ライジング・サン) | #17, 2001 | #46, 2001 | Tokihiko Matsūra, Buronson | |
HORIZON | #20, 2001 | #33, 2002 | Hiroyuki Kikuta | |
Pangea no Musume Kunie (パンゲアの娘 KUNIE) | #21-22, 2001 | #30, 2002 | Masami Yuki | |
Iruka!! (いるか!!) | #25, 2001 | #30, 2001 | Takashi Tanabe | |
The Law of Ueki (うえきの法則, Ueki no Hōsoku) | #34, 2001[148] | #46, 2004[149] | Tsubasa Fukuchi | Published in English by Viz Media.[150] |
Do! Rill!! (どりる) | #35, 2001 | #30, 2002 | Yugo Ishikawa | |
Katsu! | #36/37, 2001[144] | #12, 2005[151] | Mitsuru Adachi | |
Senpuu no Tachibana (旋風の橘) | #2/3, 2002 | #1, 2003 | Shinobu Inokuma | |
Yakitate!! Japan (焼きたて!!ジャぱん) | #4/5, 2002[152] | #6, 2007[153] | Takashi Hashiguchi | Published in English by Viz Media.[150] |
365 no Yuki (365歩のユウキ) | #6, 2002 | #43, 2002 | Shinji Saijyo | |
Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple (史上最強の弟子ケンイチ, Shijō Saikyō no Deshi Kenichi) | #20, 2002[154] | #42, 2014[155] | Syun Matsuena | |
Ichiban-yu Kanata (一番湯のカナタ) | #21/22, 2002 | #2, 2003 | Takashi Shiina | |
Otori Bomber (鳳ボンバー) | #23, 2002 | #21, 2003 | Motoyuki Tanaka | |
Idejuu! (いでじゅう!) | #33, 2002 | #30, 2005 | Moritaishi | |
Fight no Akatsuki (ふぁいとの暁) | #35, 2002 | #1, 2004 | Takao Aoyagi | |
Kimi no Kakera (きみのカケラ) | #38, 2002[156] | #14, 2004[157] | Shin Takahashi | 2-chapter additional story published in 2010 and 2013.[158][159] |
Midori Days (美鳥の日々, Midori no Hibi) | #42, 2002[160] | #34, 2004[133] | Kazurou Inoue | Published in English by Viz Media.[161] |
D-Live!! | #44, 2002 | #18, 2006 | Ryōji Minagawa | |
Wild Life (ワイルドライフ, Wairudo Raifu) | #2, 2003[162] | #8, 2008[163] | Masato Fujisaki | |
Shonen Thunder (少年サンダー) | #3, 2003 | #8, 2003 | Yukio Katayama | |
MÄR | #6, 2003[164] | #31, 2006[165] | Nobuyuki Anzai | Published in English by Viz Media.[166][167] |
Ore-sama wa? (俺様は?(なぞ)) | #7, 2003 | #3, 2005 | Pero Sugimoto | |
Denjin 1 Gō (電人1号) | #12, 2003 | #19, 2003 | Junichi Kurobayama | |
Kuromatsu - The Nobelest (黒松・ザ・ノーベレスト) | #20, 2003 | #25, 2003 | Naoki Mizuguchi | |
Uttare Daikichi! (売ったれダイキチ!) | #22/23, 2003 | #8, 2004 | Yūji Takemura, Kazuto Wakakuwa | |
Robot Boys (ロボットボーイズ) | #32, 2003 | #10, 2004 | Atsushi Kamikawa, Kyoichi Nanatsuki | |
Rakugaki Fighter ~Hero of Saint Paint~ (楽ガキFighter) | #34, 2003 | #2, 2004 | Kunihiko Nakai | |
Kekkaishi (結界師) | #47, 2003[168] | #19, 2011[169] | Yellow Tanabe | Published in English by Viz Media. |
Kaikisenban! Juugorou (怪奇千万!十五郎) | #3, 2004 | #20, 2004 | Eiji Kawakubo | |
Codename Babyface (暗号名はBF) | #7, 2004 | #37, 2004 | Hosana Tanaka | |
Kowashiyagamon (こわしや我聞) | #11, 2004 | #52, 2005 | Shun Fujiki | |
Shishunki Keiji Minoru Kobayashi (思春期刑事 ミノル小林) | #13, 2004 | #31, 2005 | Naoki Mizuguchi | |
Dan Doh!! Next Generation (DAN DOH!! 〜ネクストジェネレーション〜) | #17, 2004[170] | #1, 2005[171] | Daichi Banjou, Nobuhiro Sakata | |
Dōshirō de Gozaru (道士郎でござる) | #22/23, 2004[172] | #5/6, 2006[173] | Hiroyuki Nishimori | |
Kurozakuro (クロザクロ) | #35, 2004[174] | #1, 2006[175] | Yoshinori Natsume | Published in English by Viz Media.[176] |
Toyuki (東遊記) | #38, 2004 | #22/23, 2005 | Yohei Sakai | |
Hayate the Combat Butler (ハヤテのごとく!, Hayate no Gotoku!) | #45, 2004[177] | #20, 2017[178] | Kenjiro Hata | Published in English by Viz Media.[179] |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Saikyō! Toritsu Aoizaka Kōkō Yakyūbu (最強!都立あおい坂高校野球部) | #6, 2005[180] | #20, 2010[181] | Motoyuki Tanaka | |
Ayakashido Horai (あやかし堂のホウライ) | #7, 2005 | #13, 2005 | Tatsuya Kaneda, Kazuhiro Fujita | |
Ani-Funjatta! (兄ふんじゃった!) | #9, 2005 | #4/5, 2008 | Shin Ogasawara | |
Blizzard Axel (ブリザードアクセル) | #15, 2005[182] | #27, 2007[183] | Nakaba Suzuki | |
Miagete Goran (見上げてごらん) | #16, 2005 | #45, 2006 | Michiteru Kusaba | |
The Law of Ueki Plus (うえきの法則プラス, Ueki no Hōsoku Purasu) | #19, 2005[184] | #29, 2007[185] | Tsubasa Fukuchi | |
Cross Game (クロスゲーム) | #22/23, 2005[186] | #12, 2010[187] | Mitsuru Adachi | Published in English by Viz Media.[188] |
Neko Navi (ネコなび) | #31, 2005 | #36/37, 2007 | Pero Sugimoto | |
Ai Kora (あいこら) | #32, 2005 | #10, 2008 | Kazurou Inoue | |
Zettai Karen Children (絶対可憐チルドレン, Zettai Karen Chirudoren) | #33, 2005[189] | #33, 2021[190] | Takashi Shiina | |
Hijiri Kessho Albatross (聖結晶アルバトロス) | #1, 2006 | #51, 2006 | Tamiki Wagaki | |
Chitei Shonen Chappy (地底少年チャッピー) | #2, 2006 | #41, 2006 | Naoki Mizuguchi | |
Grandliner (グランドライナー) | #3/4, 2006 | #11, 2006 | Masanori Yoshida | |
Harunokuni (ハルノクニ) | #12, 2006 | #50, 2006 | Hiro Nakamichi, Myo Hamanaka | |
BakéGyamon (妖逆門) | #13, 2006 | #16, 2007 | Kazuhiro Fujita, Mitsuhisa Tamura | Published in English by Viz Media.[191] |
Bushin (武心) | #14, 2006 | #12, 2007 | Daichi Banjou | |
Golden★Age | #21/22, 2006 | #2/3, 2009 | Kazuyuki Samukawa | |
Rangeman | #27, 2006 | #39, 2007 | Moritaishi | |
Cirque du Freak (ダレン・シャン, Darren Shan) | #36/37, 2006[192] | #10, 2009[193] | Takahiro Arai, Darren Shan | Published in English by Yen Press.[194] |
MÄR Ω | #39, 2006[195] | #28, 2007[196] | Kōichirō Hoshino, Nobuyuki Anzai | |
Tasukete! Flower Man (助けて!フラワーマン) | #46, 2006 | #1, 2007 | Omi Kaneyama | |
Ifrit: Danzai no Enjin (イフリート〜断罪の炎人〜) | #2/3, 2007 | #40, 2008 | Masanori Yoshida | |
Gamble! (ギャンブルッ!) | #4/5, 2007 | #16, 2009 | Mitsuru Kaga | |
Marine Hunter (マリンハンター) | #10, 2007 | #26, 2008 | Shiro Otsuka | |
Ocha Nigosu (お茶にごす。) | #18, 2007[197] | #35, 2009[198] | Hiroyuki Nishimori | |
Meteorite Breed (メテオド) | #19, 2007 | #7, 2008 | Haruka Shii | |
Donburako (どんぶらこ) | #23, 2007[199] | — | Bungo Yamashita | One chapter, discontinued. |
Maoh: Juvenile Remix (魔王 JUVENILE REMIX) | #27, 2007[200] | #30, 2009[201] | Megumi Osuka, Kōtarō Isaka | Published in English by Viz Media.[202] |
Dive!! | #28, 2007[203] | #27, 2008[204] | Masahiro Ikeno, Eto Mori | |
Obou Samba (お坊サンバ!!) | #29, 2007[185] | #47, 2009[205] | Kousuke Ijima | |
Mari to Koinu no Monogatari (マリと子犬の物語) | #38, 2007 | #45, 2007 | Yu Tamenaga, Shinji Kuwabara, Ikkyo Ono | |
Kunai Den (クナイ伝) | #46, 2007 | #32, 2008 | Iori Tabasa | |
Kongō Banchō (金剛番長) | #47, 2007[206] | #15, 2010[207] | Nakaba Suzuki | |
Saijō no Meii (最上の命医) | #1, 2008[208] | #13, 2010[209] | Kenzō Irie, Takashi Hashiguchi | |
Lost+Brain | #2/3, 2008[210] | #31, 2008[211] | Akira Ootani | |
Hyde & Closer (呪法解禁!! ハイド&クローサー) | #4/5, 2008 | #1, 2009 | Haro Aso | Moved and finished on Club Sunday.[212] Published in English by Viz Media.[213] |
Moonlight Act (月光条例, Gekko Jorei) | #17, 2008[214] | #19, 2014[215] | Kazuhiro Fujita | |
Onidere (オニデレ) | #18, 2008[216] | #12, 2011[217] | Crystal na Yōsuke | |
The World God Only Knows (神のみぞ知るセカイ, Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai) | #19, 2008[218] | #21, 2014[219] | Tamiki Wakaki | |
Mixim 11 | #21/22, 2008[220] | #10, 2011[221] | Nobuyuki Anzai | |
Traumeister (トラウマイスタ) | #29, 2008 | #28, 2009 | Atsushi Nakayama | |
Mitsuboshi no Speciality (★★★のスペシャリテ) | #30, 2008 | #30, 2009 | Go Yako | |
Artist Acro (アーティスト アクロ) | #31, 2008[211] | #47, 2009[205] | Ato Sakurai | Moved and finished on Club Sunday.[205] |
King Golf | #36/37, 2008 | #46, 2011 | Sasaki Takeshi | Moved to Shōnen Sunday S.[222] |
Arata: The Legend (アラタ カンガタリ〜革神語〜, Arata Kangatari) | #44, 2008[223] | #21, 2022[224] | Yuu Watase | Transferred to Sunday Webry.[224] Published in English by Viz Media.[225] |
Hajimete no Aku (はじめてのあく) | #6, 2009 | #25, 2012 | Shun Fujiki | |
Itsuwaribito (いつわりびと◆空◆, Itsuwari Bito - Utsuho) | #9, 2009 | #11, 2010 | Yuuki Iinuma | Moved and finished on Club Sunday. Published in English by Viz Media.[226] |
Yaoyoroo! (やおよろっ!) | #11, 2009[227] | #26, 2009[228] | Natsumin | Moved and finished on Club Sunday.[229] |
Defense Devil | #19, 2009[230] | #28, 2011[231] | Youn In-Wan, Yang Kyung-Il | |
Rin-ne (境界のRINNE, Kyōkai no Rinne) | #21/22, 2009[232] | #3/4, 2018[233] | Rumiko Takahashi | Published in English by Viz Media.[234] |
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (マギ, Magi) | #27, 2009[235] | #46, 2017[236] | Shinobu Ohtaka | Published in English by Viz Media.[237] |
Denno Yuki Club (電脳遊戯クラブ) | #29, 2009[238] | #10, 2011[239] | Shin Ogasawara | It was later published as Katsu!! Washi ga Shishōze Yo! (喝!!ワシが師匠ぜよ!) from issue #52, 2010.[240] |
Jio to Ôgon to Kinjirareta Mahô (ジオと黄金と禁じられた魔法) | #33, 2009[241] | #9, 2010[242] | Ayumi Kirihata | |
Tomorrows | #45, 2009[243] | #32, 2010[244] | Shinjin Deguchi | |
Tour! (ツール!, Tsuuru!) | #49, 2009[245] | #46, 2010[246] | Akira Otani | Moved and finished on Club Sunday.[247] |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Arago: London Shikei Tokushu Hanzai Sōsakan (AR∀GO -ロンドン市警特殊犯罪捜査官-) | #4/5, 2010[248] | #43, 2011[249] | Takahiro Arai | |
Kunisaki Izumo no Jijō (國崎出雲の事情) | #7, 2010[250] | #17, 2014[251] | Aya Hirakawa | |
Kaitai Shinsho 0 (怪体真書Ø) | #14, 2010[252] | #21, 2011[253] | Chiyo Kenmotsu | Transferred to Club Sunday. |
T.R.A.P. | #16, 2010[254] | #15, 2011[255] | Eko Yamatoya | Transferred to Club Sunday. |
Saijo no Meii: The King of Neet (最上の明医〜ザ・キング・オブ・ニート〜) | #18, 2010[256] | #22/23, 2014[257] | Kenzō Irie, Takashi Hashiguchi | |
Sengoku Yatagarasu (戦国八咫烏) | #25, 2010[258] | #2, 2012[259] | Hirokazu Kobayashi | |
Kōtetsu no Hanappashira (鋼鉄の華っ柱) | #44, 2010[260] | #41, 2012[261] | Hiroyuki Nishimori | |
Saijo wa? Straight!! (最後は?ストレート!!) | #47, 2010[262] | #6, 2014[263] | Kazuyuki Samukawa | Moved and finished in Shōnen Sunday S. |
Chiisai Hito: Aoba Jidō Sōdanjo Monogatari (ちいさいひと 青葉児童相談所物語) | #49, 2010[264] | #29, 2012[265] | Mitsuhiro Mizuno, Jin Kyōchikutō | Moved and finished in Shōnen Sunday S.[266][267] |
Jōjū Senjin!! Mushibugyo (常住戦陣!!ムシブギョー) | #6, 2011[268] | #43, 2017[269] | Hiroshi Fukuda | |
Be Blues! - Ao ni Nare (BE BLUES!〜青になれ〜) | #9, 2011[270] | #46, 2022[271] | Motoyuki Tanaka | |
Bestiarius (闘獣士 ベスティアリウス) | #11, 2011[272] | #14, 2015[273] | Masasumi Kakizaki | Moved and finished in Shōnen Sunday S.[274][275] |
Nozomi to Kimio (ノゾミとキミオ) | #12, 2011[276] | #14, 2011[277] | Wakō Honna | |
Runway wo ? Produce!! (ランウェイを☆プロデュース!!) | #14, 2011[277] | #20, 2011[278] | Kiyoko Arai | |
Pocket Monsters RéBURST (ポケットモンスター RéBURST, Poketto Monsutā RiBĀSUTO) | #15, 2011[255] | #45, 2012[279] | Mitsuhisa Tamura, Jin Kusude | |
Buyuden | #16, 2011[280] | #9, 2014 | Takuya Mitsuda | |
Osumojii! Tsukasa no Ikkan (おすもじっ!◆司の一貫◆) | #17, 2011[281] | #16, 2013 | Hirofumi Katou, Mitsuru Kaga | |
Silver Spoon (銀の匙, Gin no Saji) | #19, 2011[282] | #52, 2019[283] | Hiromu Arakawa | Published in English by Yen Press.[284] |
Asaoka High School Baseball Club Diary: Over Fence (-浅丘高校野球部日誌- オーバーフェンス) | #22/23, 2011[285] | — | Mitsuru Adachi | One chapter, discontinued. |
Inubu! Bokura no Shippo Senki (犬部! -ボクらのしっぽ戦記-) | #26, 2011[286] | #32, 2013[287] | Haruki Takakura, Yuka Katano | |
Waza no Tabibito (技の旅人) | #43, 2011[249] | #44, 2011[288] | Syun Matsuena | |
Gan-Kon (GAN☆KON) | #46, 2011[289] | #38, 2012[290] | Kenji Sugawara | Transferred to Club Sunday. |
Anagle Mole (アナグルモール) | #47, 2011[291] | #6, 2014[292] | Tsubasa Fukuchi | |
Ultimate Otaku Teacher (電波教師, Denpa Kyoushi) | #49, 2011[293] | #18, 2017[294] | Takeshi Azuma | |
Hime Hajike (ひめはじけ) | #10, 2012[295] | #51, 2012[296] | Crystal na Yousuke | |
Area D: Inō Ryōiki (AREA D 異能領域) | #15, 2012[297] | #8, 2016[298] | Kyōichi Nanatsuki, Yang Kyung-il | |
Koakumaouden Senkore! (小悪魔王伝 戦コレ!) | #19, 2012 | #41, 2012 | Noriyuki Konishi, Kyoichi Nanatsuki | |
Tadashii Kodomo no Tsukurikata! (正しいコドモの作り方) | #21/22, 2012[299] | #42, 2013[300] | Marita Morita, Takayoshi Kuroda | |
Nadeshiko no Kiseki Kawasumi Nahomi Monogatari (なでしこのキセキ 川澄奈穂美物語) | #24, 2012 | #28, 2012 | Eko Yamatoya | |
AKB48 Satsujin jiken (AKB48殺人事件) | #31, 2012 | #41, 2012 | Masaki Gotō, Gosho Aoyama | |
Alice in Borderland: Side Stories (今際の国のアリス特別編, Imawa no Kuni no Arisu Tokubetsu-hen) | #32, 2012[301] | #10, 2015[302] | Haro Aso | Six additional stories to the Alice in Borderland manga, published between 2012 and 2015.[d] |
Duel Masters Rev. | #39, 2012[313] | #32, 2013[314] | Shinsuke Takahashi, Shido Kanzaki | |
Ane Log: Moyako Nēsan no Tomaranai Monologue (姉ログ 靄子姉さんの止まらないモノローグ) | #42, 2012[315] | #21, 2016[316] | Kenji Taguchi | |
Fantasista Stella (ファンタジスタ ステラ) | #45, 2012[317] | #38, 2015[318] | Michiteru Kusaba | |
Sasami-san@Ganbaranai (ささみさん@がんばらない) | #46, 2012[319] | #23, 2013[320] | Akira Nishikawa | Moved and finished in Shōnen Sunday S.[321] |
Laughter at the World's End (終末のラフター, Shūmatsu no Laughter) | #51, 2012[322] | #4/5, 2013[323] | Yellow Tanabe | |
Character Times (キャラクタイムズ) | #6, 2013 | #34, 2015 | Fujiminosuke Yorozuya | |
Magical Star Kanon 100% (マジカル☆スターかのん100%) | #15, 2013[324] | #17, 2013[325] | Tamiki Wakaki | |
Nobelu (NOBELU-演-) | #16, 2013 | #50, 2014 | Ken Yoshida, Shinji Nojima | |
Chōsuinō kei (超推脳 KEI) | #17, 2013 | #31, 2014 | Yoshiki Tanaka, Kazuo Gomi | |
Magi: Adventure of Sinbad (マギ シンドバッドの冒険, Magi: Shindobaddo no Bōken) | #23, 2013[326] | #30, 2013[327] | Yoshifumi Ohtera, Shinobu Ohtaka | Moved and finished on Ura Sunday.[e] |
Birdmen (バードメン) | #33, 2013[331] | #10, 2020[332] | Yellow Tanabe | |
Keijo!!!!!!!! (競女!!!!!!!!) | #34, 2013[333] | #22/23, 2017[334] | Daichi Sorayomi | |
Kokushi Musō! (国士無双!) | #35, 2013 | #26, 2014 | Kazuki Tajima | |
Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai (湯神くんには友達がいない) | #48, 2013[335] | #25, 2019[336] | Jun Sakura | Transferred from Shōnen Sunday S.[f] |
Hyōkyūhime×Tokiwagi Kantoku no Kajō na Aijō (氷球姫×常磐木監督の過剰な愛情) | #49, 2013 | #18, 2015 | Haruka Ono | |
Chrono Monochrome (クロノ・モノクローム) | #1, 2014 | #1, 2015 | Jingetsu Isomi | |
Kiriwo Terrible (キリヲテリブレ) | #14, 2014 | #1, 2015 | Hiro Morita | |
Nanimo nai Kedo Sora wa Aoi (何もないけど空は青い) | #16, 2014[338] | #38, 2015[318] | Hiroyuki Nishimori, Yuuki Iinuma | |
Captain Earth (キャプテン・アース) | #19, 2014[339] | #45, 2014[340] | Hiroshi Nakanishi | Finished on Club Sunday.[341] |
Ginpaku no Paladin - Seikishi (銀白のパラディン -聖騎士-) | #22/23, 2014 | #24, 2015 | Keisuke Oka | |
Heavens Runner Akira (ヘブンズランナーアキラ) | #24, 2014 | #48, 2015 | Hikaru Nikaidō | |
Nozo × Kimi (ノゾ×キミ) | #26, 2014[342] | #20, 2015[343] | Wakō Honna | Second part. The first part was serialized in Shōnen Sunday S. |
Eiga to Tenshi (EとT。〜えいがとてんし。〜) | #27, 2014[344] | #34, 2015[345] | Ippei Nekosuna | |
Dagashi Kashi (だがしかし) | #30, 2014[346] | #20, 2018[347] | Kotoyama | |
Psyche Matashitemo (サイケまたしても, Saike Mata Shitemo) | #32, 2014[348] | #4/5, 2019[349] | Tsubasa Fukuchi | |
Sensō Gejikō (戦争劇場) | #36/37, 2014[350] | #45, 2015[351] | Dousei Fujiko | |
Dezicon (デジコン) | #40, 2014[352] | #15, 2015[353] | Tomohito Oda | |
Oishii Kamishama (おいしい神しゃま) | #43, 2014[354] | #48, 2015[355] | Tooru Fujisawa |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Tokiwa Kitareri!! (トキワ来たれり!!) | #1, 2015[356] | #28, 2017[357] | Syun Matsuena | |
Drea-mer (ドリー・マー, Dorī mā) | #2/3, 2015[358] | #40, 2015[359] | Bakohajime | |
Tenshi to Akuto!! (天使とアクト!!) | #4/5, 2015[360] | #27, 2018[361] | Aya Hirakawa | |
Ritasu 2-kobun no Suteki (レタス2個分のステキ) | #6, 2015[362] | #46, 2015[363] | Hikaru Tanaka | |
Rion-san, Meiwakadesu (リオンさん、迷惑です。) | #7, 2015[364] | #42, 2015[365] | Shinya Urayama | |
Saezuri High School OK-Bu! (さえずり高校OK部!) | #8, 2015[366] | #47, 2015[367] | Isshiki Miho | |
Major 2nd | #15, 2015[368] | Present[369] | Takuya Mitsuda | |
Alice in Borderland (今際の国のアリス, Imawa no Kuni no Arisu) | #19, 2015[370] | #14, 2016[371] | Haro Aso | Transferred from Shōnen Sunday S. Published in English by Viz Media.[372] |
Nanoha Yougashiten no Ii Shigoto (なのは洋菓子店のいい仕事) | #19, 2015[373] | #48, 2016[374] | Tamiki Wakaki | |
Tutti! | #22/23, 2015[375] | #52, 2015[376] | Ryo Katagiri | |
And-Pair (アンペア, An Pea) | #27, 2015[377] | #2, 2016[378] | Gōta Yamanaka, Yusuke Hori | |
Character Times Golden (キャラクタイムズゴールデン, Kyaraku Taimuzu Gōruden) | #35, 2015[379] | #30, 2016[380] | Fujiminosuke Yorozuya | |
Ad Astra per Aspera (アド アストラ ペル アスペラ, Ado Asutora peru Asupera) | #40, 2015[359] | Present (series on hiatus)[381] |
Kenjiro Hata | |
Akatsuki no Bōkun (暁の暴君) | #45, 2015[351] | #42, 2016[382] | Iori | |
Hatsukoi Zombie (初恋ゾンビ) | #46, 2015[363] | #17, 2019[383] | Ryou Minenami | |
Nippen! (ニッペン!) | #49, 2015[384] | #17, 2016[385] | Akira Otani | |
Amano Megumi wa Sukidarake! (天野めぐみはスキだらけ!) | #3, 2016[386] | #40, 2021[387] | Nekoguchi | Transferred from Shōnen Sunday S.[g] |
Fureru to Kikoeru (ふれるときこえる) | #4/5, 2016[389] | #45, 2016[390] | Wakou Honna | |
Hiiragi-sama wa Jibun o Sagashiteiru (柊様は自分を探している。) | #10, 2016[391] | #5/6, 2018[392] | Hiroyuki Nishimori | |
Sōbōtei Kowasubeshi (双亡亭壊すべし) | #17, 2016[385] | #34, 2021[393] | Kazuhiro Fujita | |
Sandē hi Kagakukenkyūjo (サンデー非科学研究所) | #19, 2016[394] | #45, 2017[395] | Yūji Yokoyama | |
Aozakura: Bōei Daigakukō Monogatari (あおざくら 防衛大学校物語) | #22/23, 2016[396] | Present | Hikaru Nikaidō | |
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle (魔王城でおやすみ, Maōjō de Oyasumi) | #24, 2016[397] | Present | Kagiji Kumanomata | Published in English by Viz Media.[398] |
Komi Can't Communicate (古見さんは、コミュ症です。, Komi-san wa, Komyushō desu) | #25, 2016[399] | #9, 2025[400] | Tomohito Oda | Published in English by Viz Media.[401] |
Oni wo Tadorite Ikuseisō (鬼ヲ辿リテ幾星霜) | #26, 2016[402] | #15, 2017[403] | Shinji Tonaka | |
Ryoko | #47, 2016[404] | #30, 2019[405] | Kaito Mitsuhashi | |
Dameterasu-sama (だめてらすさま。) | #48, 2016[374] | #27, 2017[406] | Shun Fujiki | |
Kiyo in Kyoto (舞妓さんちのまかないさん, Maiko-san chi no Makanai-san) | #5/6, 2017[407] | 8/2025[408] | Aiko Koyama | |
Tenshō no Quadrable (天翔のクアドラブル) | #19, 2017[409] | #8, 2018[410] | Takahiro Arai | |
Hoankan Evans no Uso: Dead or Love (保安官エヴァンスの嘘〜DEAD OR LOVE〜) | #20, 2017[409] | #21, 2022[411] | Mizuki Kuriyama | |
Daiku no Hatō (第九の波濤) | #21, 2017[409] | #22/23, 2023[412] | Michiteru Kusaba | |
Yōkai Giga (妖怪ギガ) | #22/23, 2017[409] | #52, 2021[413] | Satsuki Satō | |
King of Idol (キング・オブ・アイドル) | #24, 2017[409] | #44, 2018[414] | Tamiki Wakaki | |
Inseki Shōjo (隕石少女) | #25, 2017[409] | #9, 2018[415] | Riichi Ishiyama | |
Shinobi no (シノビノ) | #33, 2017[416] | #43, 2018[417] | Rokurou Ogaki | |
Kanojo no Umitate Namatamago' (彼女の産みたて生卵) | #50, 2017[418] | #52, 2017[419] | Chihiro Kurachi | |
Tantei Xeno to Nanatsu no Satsujin Misshitsu (探偵ゼノと7つの殺人密室) | #1, 2018[420] | #33, 2019[421] | Kyoichi Nanatsuki, Teppei Sugiyama | |
Tokachi Hitoribocchi Nōen (十勝ひとりぼっち農園) | #1, 2018[422] | Present | Yūji Yokoyama | |
Ariadne in the Blue Sky (蒼穹のアリアドネ, Sōkyū no Ariadone) | #2, 2018[423] | #42, 2022[424] | Norihiro Yagi | Transferred to Sunday Webry.[424] |
Marry Grave (マリーグレイブ, Marī Gureibu) | #3/4, 2018[425] | #7, 2019[426] | Hidenori Yamaji | |
Fly Me to the Moon (トニカクカワイイ, Tonikaku Kawaii) | #12, 2018[427] | Present | Kenjiro Hata | Published in English by Viz Media.[72] |
Kimi wa 008 (君は008) | #13, 2018[428] | #22/23, 2024[429] | Syun Matsuena | |
Memesis (メメシス) | #14, 2018[430] | #9, 2019[431] | Takuya Yakyū | |
Switch | #20, 2018[432] | #24, 2021[433] | Atsushi Namikiri | |
Chrono Ma:gia:Toki no Shōkansha to Shiraha no Hanayome (クロノマギア 時の召喚者と白刃の花嫁) | #21, 2018[434] | #29, 2018[435] | Fujiko Dosei | |
5-fungo no Sekai (5分後の世界) | #22/23, 2018[436] | #41, 2019[437] | Hiroshi Fukuda | |
Detective Conan: Zero's Tea Time (名探偵コナン ゼロの日常) | #24, 2018[438] | Present | Takahiro Arai, Gosho Aoyama (original story) | Published infrequently. First part finished in issue #26, 2022.[439] |
Chrono Ma:gia: Mugen no Haguruma (クロノマギア ∞の歯車) | #49, 2018[440] | #40, 2019[441] | Homura Kawamoto, Hikaru Muno | |
Imōto Rireki (妹りれき) | #2/3, 2019[442] | #21/22, 2019[443] | Kei Nishimura | Moved and finished in Shōnen Sunday S.[444][445] |
Fire Rabbit!! | #4/5, 2019[446] | #12, 2020[447] | Aya Hirakawa | |
Anonatsu -1959- (アノナツ-1959-) | #6, 2019[448] | #32, 2019[449] | Ashibi Fukui | |
Undine of the Desert World (水女神は今日も恋をするか?) | #7, 2019[450] | #34, 2019[451] | Shinya Mizu | |
Ponkotsu-chan Kenshōchū (ポンコツちゃん検証中) | #21/22, 2019[452] | #34, 2021[393] | Tsubasa Fukuchi | |
Mao | #23, 2019[453] | Present | Rumiko Takahashi | Published in English by Viz Media.[454] |
Yuko Sae Tatakaeba (ゆこさえ戦えば) | #24, 2019[455] | #11, 2020[456] | Sei Fukui | |
The Tale of the Outcasts (ノケモノたちの夜, Nokemono-tachi no Yoru) | #36/37, 2019[457] | #20, 2021[458] | Makoto Hoshino | Published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment.[459] |
Call of the Night (よふかしのうた, Yofukashi no Uta) | #39, 2019[460] | #9, 2024[461] | Kotoyama | Published in English by Viz Media.[462] |
Detective Conan: Police Academy Arc – Wild Police Story (名探偵コナン 警察学校編 Wild Police Story, Meitantei Konan Keisatsu Gakkō-hen Wairudo Porisu Sutōrī) | #44, 2019[463] | #51, 2020[464] | Takahiro Arai, Gosho Aoyama (original story) |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Usotsuki (嘘月-ウソツキ-) | #1, 2020[465] | #40, 2020[466] | Minami | |
PingKong | #2/3, 2020[467] | #17, 2020[468] | Comic Jackson | |
Senno Shitsuji (洗脳執事) | #4/5, 2020[469] | #21, 2020[470] | Wakabi Asayama | |
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (葬送のフリーレン, Sōsō no Frieren) | #22/23, 2020[471] | Present | Kanehito Yamada, Tsukasa Abe | Published in English by Viz Media.[454] |
Itoyan Goto Naki (いとやんごとなき) | #24, 2020[472] | #14, 2021[473] | Shōta Komatsu | |
Ryū to Ichigo (龍と苺) | #25, 2020[474] | Present | Yanamoto Mitsuharu | |
Ikeda-kun (イケ田くん) | #26, 2020[475] | #45, 2020[476] | Takeru Atsumi | |
Alice in Borderland Retry (今際の国のアリス RETRY, Imawa no Kuni no Arisu Retray) | #46, 2020[477] | #8, 2021[478] | Haro Aso | |
Bilocators (バイロケーターズ, Bairokētāzu) | #22/23, 2021[479] | #10, 2022[480] | Kyōsuke Tanabe | |
Kakeau Tsukihi (かけあうつきひ) | #24, 2021[433] | #32, 2022[481] | Sei Fukui | |
Hajime Love Comedy: Oga-Bebe (はじめラブコメ オガベベ, Hajime Rabu Kome Oga-Bebe) | #36/37, 2021[482] | #34, 2022[483] | Okiraku Boy | |
Kage to Kage (影と影) | #40, 2021[484] | #42, 2021[485] | Iya | Short-term intensive serialization.[387] |
Gifu no Prism (義父のプリズム, Gifu no Purizumu) | #43, 2021[486] | #45, 2021[487] | Yutaka | Short-term intensive serialization.[488] |
Guinea Pig to Hakobi-ya (ギニーピッグと運び屋) | #46, 2021[489] | #49, 2021[490] | Lisa Amano | Short-term intensive serialization.[491] |
Shibuya Near Family (シブヤニアファミリー, Shibuya Nia Famirī) | #48, 2021[492] | Present | Kōji Kumeta | |
Shiroyama to Mita-san (白山と三田さん) | #2/3, 2022[493] | #8, 2024[494] | Yuhei Kusakabe | |
Mikadono Sanshimai wa Angai, Choroi (帝乃三姉妹は案外、チョロい。) | #4/5, 2022[495] | Present | Aya Hirakawa | |
Typhoon Relief (タイフウリリーフ, Taifu Rirīfu) | #6, 2022[496] | #45, 2022[497] | Yomogi Mogi | |
Red Blue (レッドブルー, Reddo Burū) | #7, 2022[498] | Present | Atsushi Namikiri | |
Last Karte: Hōjūi Gakusha Tōma Kenshō no Kioku (ラストカルテ―法獣医学者 当麻健匠の記憶―, Rasuto Karute Hōjūi Gakusha Tōma Kenshō no Kioku) | #8, 2022[499] | #22/23, 2024[429] | Wakabi Asayama | |
Ayakashi Meoto Roman (妖夫婦浪漫) | #15, 2022[500] | #17, 2022[501] | Minami | Short-term intensive serialization.[502] |
Golden Spiral | #20, 2022[503] | #19, 2023[504] | Tsubasa Fukuchi | Transferred and finished on Sunday Webry.[505] |
Volley Volley (ボレーボレー, Borē Borē) | #21, 2022[411] | #48, 2022[506] | Kawabatao | |
Kono Manga no Heroine wa Morisaki Amane desu (このマンガのヒロインは守崎あまねです。, Kono Manga no Hiroin wa Morisaki Amane desu) | #22/23, 2022[503] | #26, 2023[507] | Nekoguchi | |
Romantic Comedy Quest (ラブコメクエスト, Rabu Kome Kuesuto) | #24, 2022[503] | #46, 2022[271] | mmk | |
Akatsuki Jihen (朱月事変) | #43, 2022[508] | #42, 2023[509] | Chigusa Ichihara | |
Vigness Sanshiki (ビグネス参式, Bigunesu Sanshiki) | #44, 2022[510] | #24, 2023[511] | Katsurō | |
Sōei Sōsho (双影双書) | #45, 2022[512] | #14, 2023[513] | Erika Funamoto | Transferred to Sunday Webry.[514] |
Kowloon jō de Mōichido (九龍城でもう一度, Kyūryū jō de Mōichido) | #46, 2022[271] | #24, 2023[511] | Sanshi Fujita | |
I Wanna Do Bad Things with You (君と悪いことがしたい, Kimi to Warui Koto ga Shitai) | #47, 2022[515] | #18, 2024[516] | Yutaka | Published in English by Viz Media.[517] |
Renkinjutsushi no Sumu Bukiya (錬金術師の住む武器屋) | #9, 2023[518] | #11, 2023[519] | Daiki Matsumine, Tamamaru | Short-term intensive serialization.[520] |
Tatari (タタリ) | #20, 2023[521] | Present | Watari | |
Super String: Marco Polo's Travel to the Multiverse (スーパーストリング ―異世界見聞録―, Super String: Isekai Kenbunroku) | #21, 2023[522] | #15, 2024[523] | Youn In-wan, Boichi | |
Sternbilt no Tōrimichi (シュテルンビルトの通り路, Shuterunbiruto no Tōrimichi) | #22/23, 2023[524] | #42, 2023[509] | Hajime Saeki | |
Chīsai Boku no Haru (小さい僕の春) | #24, 2023[511] | #40, 2023[525] | Takeru Atsumi | Transferred to Sunday Webry.[525] |
Te no Geka (テノゲカ) | #25, 2023[526] | Present | Shihi Shi, Takahiro Arai | |
Shusseki Bangō 0-ban (出席番号0番) | #45, 2023[527] | #22/23, 2024[429] | Tomi Ota | |
Tsumiki Ogami's Not-So-Ordinary Life (尾守つみきと奇日常。, Ogami Tsumiki to Ki Nichijō) | #46, 2023[528] | Present | Miyu Morishita | Published in English by Viz Media.[529] |
Mizu Polo (みずぽろ, Mizu Poro) | #50, 2023[530] | Present | Miho Isshiki, Naoki Mizuguchi | |
Utsuranai desu (写らナイんです) | #18, 2024[516] | Present | Konoshimadesu | |
Rock a Rock (ロッカロック, Rokkarokku) | #19, 2024[531] | Present | Yuzuo Batō | |
Hello Work Monsters (ハローワークモンスターズ, Harō Wāku Monsutāzu) | #22/23, 2024[429] | #6, 2025[532] | Mako Hatamachi | |
Kaiten no Albus (廻天のアルバス, Kaiten no Arubasu) | #25, 2024[533] | Present | Akihisa Maki, Miki Yatsubo | |
Kokoro Himeru no Zen Himitsu (古々路ひめるの全秘密) | #26, 2024[534] | #11, 2025[535] | Shōta Komatsu | |
Momose Akira no Hatsukoi Hatan-chū (百瀬アキラの初恋破綻中。) | #39, 2024[536] | Present | Shinta Harekawa | |
Ichika Bachika (イチカバチカ) | #40, 2024[537] | Present | Jinsuke Honma | |
Strand (ストランド, Sutorando) | #41, 2024[538] | Present | Number 8, Ryōhei Masuko | |
Kai-hen Wizards (界変の魔法使い, Kaihen no Mahōtsukai) | #42, 2024[539] | Present | Yellow Tanabe | Published in English by Viz Media.[540] |
Shite no Hana: Nōgakushi Haga Kotarō no Sakikata (シテの花 -能楽師・葉賀琥太朗の咲き方-) | #47, 2024[541] | Present | Chigusa Ichihara |
Manga | First issue | Final issue | Manga artist | Notes |
Sora e… (地上へ…) | #7, 2025[542] | Present | Syun Matsuena | |
Parashoppers (パラショッパーズ, Parashoppāzu) | #8, 2025[408] | Present | Tsubasa Fukuchi | Published in English by Viz Media.[543] |
Land of Monsters (魔物の国, Mamono no Kuni) | #10, 2025[544] | Present | Mitsutani | Published in English by Viz Media.[545] |
- ^ Stories published in Weekly Shōnen Sunday:
- "Mermaid Forest" (人魚の森, Ningyo no Mori) (1987)[61][63]
- "Dream's End" (夢の終わり, Yume no Owari) (1988)[64]
- "Promised Tomorrow" (約束の明日, Yakusoku no Ashita) (1990)[65][66]
- "Mermaid's Scar" (人魚の傷, Ningyo no Kizu) (1992)[67][68]
- "Eye of the Demon" (夜叉の瞳, Yasha no Hitomi) (1993)[69][70]
- "The Last Face" (最後の顔, Saigo no Kao) (1994)[71][62]
- ^ Spriggan was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Sunday in 1989. It was later transferred to Shōnen Sunday Zōkan in 1992 and finished in 1996.[82]
- ^ Kyō Kara Ore Wa!! was published in Shōnen Sunday Zōkan from 1988 to 1990 and later published in Weekly Shōnen Sunday from 1990 to 1997.[92]
- ^ List of stories:
- "Four of Hearts" (はあとのよん, Haato no Yon) (2012)[301][303]
- "Four of Clubs" (くらぶのよん, Kurabu no Yon) (2013)[304][305]
- "Six of Diamonds" (だいやのろく, Daiya no Roku) (2013)[306][307]
- "Seven of Spades" (すぺえどのなな, Supēdo no Nana) (2013)[308][309]
- "King of Spades" (すぺえどのきんぐ, Supēdo no Kingu) (2013–14)[310][311]
- "King of Diamonds" (だいやのきんぐ, Daiya no Kingu) (2014–15)[312][302]
- ^ Magi: Adventure of Sinbad started in Weekly Shōnen Sunday in May 2013.[328] It finished in the magazine in June of the same year. It was later moved to Ura Sunday in September 2013 and finished in April 2018.[329][330]
- ^ Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai started in Shōnen Sunday S in May 2012.[337] It was later transferred to Weekly Shōnen Sunday in October 2013.
- ^ Amano Megumi wa Sukidarake! started in Shōnen Sunday S in August 2015.[388] It was later transferred to Weekly Shōnen Sunday in December 2015.
- ^ a b c d e 週刊少年サンデー 1959年 表示号数1. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on April 6, 2023. Retrieved March 23, 2020.
- ^ "Captain Ken Vol. 1". Digital Manga Publishing. Archived from the original on April 27, 2017. Retrieved April 25, 2017.
- ^ "Digital Manga's Clockwork Apple Kickstarter Reaches Stretch Goal to Publish Brave Dan". Anime News Network. April 25, 2015. Archived from the original on November 21, 2018. Retrieved November 21, 2018.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー 1965年 表示号数21. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on June 25, 2024. Retrieved June 21, 2024.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー 1967年 表示号数3. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on June 25, 2024. Retrieved April 15, 2020.
- ^ Toole, Michael (January 1, 2012). "The Mike Toole Show". Anime News Network. Retrieved June 22, 2024.
- ^ Loo, Egan (August 26, 2009). "Kamui, Milk Tea, I'll Give It My All Manga Return". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on November 29, 2020. Retrieved June 22, 2024.
- ^ "Wonder 3 Manga Kickstarter Campaign Ends After Raising US$82,137". Anime News Network. April 27, 2017. Archived from the original on November 21, 2018. Retrieved November 21, 2018.
- ^ a b 週刊少年サンデー 1967年 表示号数11. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on April 6, 2023. Retrieved March 23, 2020.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー 1967年 表示号数33. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on April 6, 2023. Retrieved March 23, 2020.
- ^ 1968年 萬画作品 作品紹介 (in Japanese). 石森プロ Official Website. Archived from the original on January 6, 2009. Retrieved August 2, 2008.
- ^ Green, Scott (April 7, 2008). "AICN Anime Recommends Osamu Tezuka's Dororo". Ain't It Cool News. Archived from the original on April 20, 2017. Retrieved April 20, 2017.
- ^ "どろろ". 電子かたりべ.COM (in Japanese). Archived from the original on July 15, 2015. Retrieved July 15, 2015.
- ^ "Dororo GN 1-3". Anime News Network. March 1, 2009. Archived from the original on September 22, 2016. Retrieved April 26, 2017.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー 1968年 表示号数1. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on November 18, 2020. Retrieved November 18, 2020.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー 1969年 表示号数6. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on November 18, 2020. Retrieved November 18, 2020.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー 1968年 表示号数32 (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on June 25, 2024. Retrieved June 25, 2024.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー 1969年 表示号数22 (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on June 25, 2024. Retrieved June 21, 2024.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー1969年25 (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on November 30, 2021. Retrieved November 30, 2021.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー1970年35 (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on November 30, 2021. Retrieved November 30, 2021.
- ^ "Horror Master Kazuo Umezu to Teach Manga-Drawing on TV". Anime News Network. September 23, 2009. Archived from the original on May 21, 2019. Retrieved December 17, 2013.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー 1969年 表示号数38. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on April 6, 2023. Retrieved March 23, 2020.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー 1969年 表示号数52. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on April 6, 2023. Retrieved March 23, 2020.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー1970年29. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on December 8, 2021. Retrieved December 7, 2021.
- ^ 週刊少年サンデー1970年34. Media Arts Database (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on December 8, 2021. Retrieved December 7, 2021.
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【週刊少年サンデー】週刊少年サンデー28号 発売中
目覚めろ自分! 原作:森 絵都 まんが:池野雅博
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