Location of Kreis Koschmin

Kreis Koschmin (Polish: Powiat Koźmiński) was a district in Regierungsbezirk Posen, in the Prussian Province of Posen from 1887 to 1919. Today, the territory of this district lies in the southern part of the Greater Poland Voivodeship in Poland.


On October 1, 1887, the Koschmin district was formed from the northern part of the Krotoschin district. The town of Koschmin was the district capital.

On December 27, 1918, the Greater Poland uprising began in the province of Posen, and by January 2, 1919, the town of Koschmin was under Polish control. On February 16, 1919, an armistice ended the Polish-German fighting. With the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919, the German government officially ceded the Koschmin district to the newly founded Second Polish Republic.


According to the Prussian census of 1910, Kreis Koschmin had a population of 33,519, of which 83% were Poles and 17% were Germans.[1]

Military command

Kreis Koschmin was part of the military command (German: Bezirkskommando) in Posen at Kosten.

Court system

The main court (German: Landgericht) was in Lissa, with lower courts (German: Amtsgericht) in Koschmin and Krotoschin.

Civil registry offices

In 1905, these civil registry offices (German: Standesamt) served the following towns in Kreis Koschmin:

Police districts

In 1905, these police districts (German: Polizeidistrikt) served towns in Kreis Koschmin:

Catholic churches

In 1905, these Catholic parish churches served towns in Kreis Koschmin:

Protestant churches

In 1905, these Protestant parish churches served towns in Kreis Koschmin:


These records come from the 1905 Prussian gazetteer Gemeindelexikon für das Königreich Preußen.

Town Polish Spelling Type 1905 Pop Prot. Cath. Jews Civil Ofc Police Ofc Court Ofc Cath. Ch Prot. Ch Notes More
Alt Bruczkow Village 330 0 330 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Cerekwice Borek (Bruczkow)
Alt Obra Village 328 0 328 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Walkow Koschmin
Berdychow Berdychów Village 42 40 2 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Wiesenfeld Kobylin
Bergelsdorf Estate 256 26 230 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Koschmin Kobylin Kobylin
Boleslawowo Village 284 0 284 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Cerekwice Borek
Borek Town 2086 201 1794 91 Borek Borek Koschmin Borek Borek
Borzencice Village 867 18 849 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Walkow Koschmin
Bruczkow Bruczków Estate 254 0 254 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Cerekwice Borek
Bulakow Village 304 0 304 0 Pogorzela Pogorzela Koschmin Pogorzela Pogorzela
Cegielnia Village 224 7 217 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin
Celestynowo Village 127 0 127 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Borek Borek
Czarnysad Village 110 33 77 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin
Czarnysad Estate 141 0 141 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin
Dzierzanow Dzierzanów Village 197 0 197 0 Starygrod Pogorzela Krotoschin Margarethendorf Krotoschin
Dzierzanow Estate 202 11 191 0 Starygrod Pogorzela Koschmin Margarethendorf Krotoschin
Ellerode Village 211 195 9 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Walkow Dobrzyca
Fredrichswert Rojewo Village 109 95 14 0 Starygrod Pogorzela Krotoschin Starygrod Kobylin
Galewo Village 691 8 683 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Walkow Dobrzyca
Galonski Village 138 0 138 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Radenz Koschmin
Gloginin Village 284 2 282 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Cerekwice Borek
Gluchowo Village 330 7 323 0 Pogorzela Pogorzela Koschmin Pogorzela Pogorzela
Goreczki Estate 184 11 173 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Cerekwice Borek
Gorka Górka Village 105 0 105 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Kobylin Kobylin
Gosciejewo Village 285 0 285 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Mokronos Kobylin
Gosciejewo Estate 94 0 94 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Mokronos Koschmin
Guminiec Village 500 483 17 0 Pogorzela Pogorzela Koschmin Pogorzela Pogorzela
Hundsfeld Psiepole Estate 221 37 184 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin
Kaczagorka Village 154 0 154 0 Pogorzela Pogorzela Koschmin Mokronos Koschmin
Kaniewo Village 288 35 253 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Wielowieś Koschmin
Karlshof Karolewo Estate 526 1 525 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Borek Borek
Klein Zalesie Village 197 0 197 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Pempowo Königsfeld
Kleinwald Estate 147 12 135 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Pempowo Königsfeld
Koschmin Town 4812 914 3580 312 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin
Kromolice Kromolice Village 449 73 376 0 Starygrod Pogorzela Krotoschin Wielowieś Kobylin
Kromolice Kromolice Estate 420 0 420 0 Starygrod Pogorzela Krotoschin Pempowo Kobylin
Kuklinow Kuklinów Village 294 0 294 0 Starygrod Pogorzela Koschmin Starygrod Kobylin
Kuklinow Kuklinów Estate 569 0 569 0 Starygrod Pogorzela Krotoschin Starygrod Kobylin
Königsfeld Liszkowo / Liszkow / Zalesia wielkie / Zalesia mal Village 495 329 166 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Pempowo Königsfeld (Groß Saesche)
Ladenberg Village 187 140 47 0 Koschmin Koschmin Krotoschin Walkow Koschmin
Lagiewnik Łagiewniki Village 158 30 128 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Koschmin Wielowieś Kobylin
Lagiewnik Estate 200 0 200 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Wiesenfeld Kobylin
Leonowo Village 160 0 160 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Borek Borek
Lipowiec Lipowiec Village 169 111 58 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin
Lipowiec Lipowiec Estate 267 31 236 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin
Malgow Village 151 0 151 0 Pogorzela Pogorzela Koschmin Mokronos Pogorzela
Mokronos Mokronos Village 348 0 348 0 Starygrod Koschmin Koschmin Mokronos Koschmin
Neu Obra Village 313 22 291 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Walkow Koschmin
Obra Estate 345 23 318 4 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Walkow Koschmin
Ochla Ochla / Ochlą Village 98 41 57 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Wielowieś Kobylin
Ochla Ochla Estate 108 14 94 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Wiesenfeld Kobylin
Orla Village 146 22 124 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Kobylin
Orla Estate 359 34 325 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin
Paradow Village 133 0 133 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Wielowieś Kobylin
Pogorzalki Village 339 0 339 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Radenz Kobylin
Pogorzela Town 1732 403 1308 17 Pogorzela Pogorzela Koschmin Pogorzela Pogorzela
Pogorzela Estate 525 72 453 0 Pogorzela Pogorzela Koschmin Pogorzela Pogorzela
Koschmin Hauland, Kreis Koschmin Polnisch Koschmin Hauland Village 588 66 522 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin
Radenz Borzęciczki Estate 1346 183 1163 0 Koschmin Borek Koschmin Radenz Koschmin
Romanow Village 166 10 156 0 Starygrod Pogorzela Krotoschin Starygrod Krotoschin
Rzemichow Rzemiechów Village 73 20 53 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Baschlow Kobylin
Siebenwald Village 222 200 22 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Borek Borek
Siedmiorogowo Estate 468 0 468 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Borek Borek
Skalow Village 113 0 113 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Mokronos Kobylin
Skokow Village 445 0 445 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Borek Borek
Sroki Sroki Village 124 0 124 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Pempowo Kobylin
Staniewo Village 438 22 416 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin
Staniewo Estate 135 16 119 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin
Starkowiec Starkowiec Village 66 9 57 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Wiesenfeld Kobylin
Starkowiec Starkowiec Estate 179 1 178 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Wiesenfeld Kobylin
Starygrod Starygród Estate 194 0 194 0 Starygrod Pogorzela Krotoschin Starygrod Krotoschin
Susnia Suśnia Village 170 0 170 0 Starygrod Koschmin Krotoschin Mokronos Koschmin
Szelejewo Village 392 0 392 0 Pogorzela Borek Koschmin Groß Strzelce Pogorzela
Szelejewo Estate 505 90 414 0 Pogorzela Borek Koschmin Groß Strzelce Pogorzela
Targoszynce Targoszyce Estate 126 0 126 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Wiesenfeld Kobylin
Trzecianow Village 181 0 181 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Borek Borek
Unislaw Unisław Village 157 0 157 0 Starygrod Koschmin Krotoschin Wielowieś Koschmin
Walerianowo Village 155 4 151 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Cerekwice Borek
Walkow Village 369 38 331 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Walkow Koschmin
Wielowieś Wielowieś Village 356 0 356 0 Starygrod Koschmin Krotoschin Wielowieś Koschmin
Wiesenfeld Wyganów Village 241 187 54 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Wiesenfeld Kobylin
Willanow Village 219 8 211 0 Wiesenfeld Pogorzela Krotoschin Wiesenfeld Kobylin
Wittenburg Village 248 203 45 0 Pogorzela Pogorzela Koschmin Pogorzela Pogorzela
Wrotkow Village 288 8 280 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Mokronos Koschmin
Wrotkow Estate 317 18 299 0 Koschmin Koschmin Koschmin Mokronos Koschmin
Wyrembin Village 220 0 220 0 Koschmin Borek Krotoschin Radenz Koschmin
Wzionchow Village 148 0 148 0 Pogorzela Pogorzela Koschmin Mokronos Pogorzela
Wzionchow Estate 488 21 467 0 Pogorzela Pogorzela Koschmin Pogorzela Pogorzela
Zimnawoda Estate 322 0 322 0 Borek Borek Koschmin Cerekwice Borek
Town Polish Spelling Type 1905 Pop Dwellings Belonged to... Notes
Antonin 24 1 Szelejewo
Baran 60 2 Dzierzanow
Begräbnisplatz der jüdischen Gemeinde Koschmin 7 1 Orla
Berdychow 7 1 Radenz Prot&Pol=Pogorzela; Cath=Mokronos
Bielawy 128 7 Szelejewo
Bikenfeld 19 1 Radenz AG=Krotoschin; Cath=Wielowieś; SA=Starygrod; Pol=Koschmin
Buchwald 102 5 Pogorzela
Bulakow Abbau 55 9 Bulakow
Bulakow Domäne 165 12 Radenz Prot&SA&Pol=Pogorzela; Cath=Mokronos
Bulakow Forsthaus 6 1 Radenz Prot&SA&Pol=Pogorzela; Cath=Mokronos
Cielmice 160 7 Siedmiorogowo
Dembowitz 77 4 Radenz
Dobrapomac Forsthaus 13 2 Wzionchow
Domanice 70 6 Siedmiorogowo
Dorotheenhof Dorotowo 27 2 Karlshof
Dymatsch 15 2 Neu Obra
Dymatsch 12 1 Alt Obra
Elisenhof 93 5 Pogorzela
Elstern 22 1 Bergelsdorf Cath=Pempowo
Fijalew 100 17 Willanow
Frankow 38 3 Kuklinow
Fredrichswert Bahnhof 18 3 Fredrichswert
Galewo Parzellen 52 6 Galewo
Gloginin 78 4 Zimnawoda
Grembow 168 21 Koschmin
Groß Pogorzalki 134 21 Pogorzalki
Hundsfeld 27 2 Hundsfeld
Josefowo 12 2 Obra
Josefowo 24 3 Gosciejewo
Josefowo 29 4 Ochla
Josefowo 39 2 Szelejewo
Kaczagorka 135 5 Radenz Cath=Mokronos; SA&Pol=Pogorzela
Kamionka 11 1 Dzierzanow
Kladka 36 3 Orla
Klein Pogorzalki 180 25 Pogorzalki
Kollas Kolas 18 2 Lipowiec
Koschmin Kolonie 135 20 Koschmin
Kuklinow Forsthaus 10 1 Kuklinow
Lilienhain Forsthaus 8 1 Pogorzela
Lipowiec Lipowiec 100 4 Kuklinow Cath=Margarethendorf
Lissagora 43 8 Borek page 78
Louisenstein 9 1 Borek
Ludwigshof 73 4 Radenz Cath=Mokronos; SA&Pol=Pogorzela
Magielka 31 1 Orla
Magielka 28 3 Cegielnia
Malgow 182 5 Wzionchow
Marianow 45 7 Paradow
Maximilianowo 70 10 Gloginin
Mittenwalde 21 2 Radenz SA&Pol=Pogorzela
Mokronos Mokronos 156 6 Kromolice Prot&Pol=Koschmin; Cath=Mokronos
Mycielin 28 2 Radenz
Mühlenabbau 26 4 Koschmin
Nepomucenowo 111 16 Kromolice
Neu Bruczkow 93 12 Alt Bruczkow
Nowina 48 1 Wzionchow
Orlinka 13 1 Orla
Palmirowo 18 2 Wrotkow
Paniwola 32 5 Gosciejewo
Radenz Radenz 25 3 Pogorzalki
Riedelshof 17 3 Koschmin
Rzemichow 122 7 Kuklinow Cath=Baschkow; SA=Wiesenfeld
Salonski 161 7 Radenz SA&Pol=Koschmin
Schloß Koschmin 104 4 Lipowiec
Serafinow 68 4 Wrotkow
Skalow 69 4 Wrotkow
Skokowko 136 5 Karlshof
Stanislawowo 44 6 Kromolice
Starygrod Probstei 3 1 Romanow 'provost's land'
Staw 45 1 Wzionchow
Stawiszyn Forsthaus 12 1 Karlshof
Stefanowo 114 6 Szelejewo
Steinburg Nowa osada 1872 45 1 Orla 'osada powstała na terytoryum Orli'
Stolowo 17 1 Karlshof
Suchylas 11 1 Kuklinow
Szymanowo 61 2 Obra
Trzecianow 200 4 Karlshof
Weihhof 302 41 Koschmin
Weizenau 93 3 Pogorzela
Weiße Rose Białaróża 4 1 Bergelsdorf (Weißerose)
Wielowieś Wielowieś 186 6 Radenz AG=Krotoschin; Cath=Wielowieś; SA=Starygrod; Pol=Koschmin
Wronow 202 6 Radenz AG=Krotoschin; Cath=Wielowieś; SA=Starygrod; Pol=Koschmin
Wyganow Probstei & Schule 13 3 Willanow 'provost's land & school'
Zuskesche Ziegelei 5 1 Borek


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