Kostyantyn Ivanovych Masyk (Ukrainian: Костянтин Іванович Масик; 9 July 1936) is a Soviet and Ukrainian state official and diplomat.
Masyk was born in Volochysk. A graduate of the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers, Masyk's working career started at the Kyiv factory of ship construction and repair in 1959–60. In 1960s he became an activist of Komsomol of Ukraine becoming its first secretary in Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast.
In 1962 Masyk joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and finished the Higher Party School. In 1970s he served on the party's positions in Kyiv and Odesa. In 1980s Masyk was a deputy chairman of council of ministers of the Ukrainian SSR and the First secretary of the Kyiv city party committee.
In 1990-1992 Masyk was a first deputy chairman and vice-prime Minister of Ukraine and was acting head of government soon after ousting of Vitaliy Masol following the 1990 Kyiv students' hunger strike.
In 1992–1997 he served as an ambassador of Ukraine to Finland and after that director of Nadra Bank.
Later Masyk joined Party of Regions.
- ^ "Про призначення тов. Масика К.І. Першим заступником Голови Ради Міністрів Української РСР".
- ^ Andrusechko, P. Yevhen Marchuk: "If only I purely schizophrenically wanted to create the State Committee of Emergency (GKChP)... (Євген Марчук: "Якби я чисто шизофренічно захотів зробити ГКЧП..."). Ukrainska Pravda (Istorychna Pravda). 12 August 2011
External links
- Havrylova, I. Kostyantyn Masyk: We need Moses. The desert in Ukraine already exists (Костянтин МАСИК: Нам потрібен Мойсей. Пустеля в Україні вже є). The Day. 4 June 1999.
- Political old-timer (ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЙ ДОЛГОЖИТЕЛЬ). Mirror Weekly. 30 June 1995
- Sheremeta, Ye. Kostyantyn Masyk: The King of Sweden himself was running to his bedroom for a chair for my interpreter. Now that interpreter is an ambassador of Ukraine in Libya (Константин масик: «сам король швеции бегал в спальню за стулом для моего переводчика. Сейчас этот переводчик -- посол украины в ливии»). Fakty. 2 February 2001.
- Portnikov, V. September. Masyk (ВЕРЕСЕНЬ. МАСИК). Mirror Weekly. 19 September 2003
- Meeting of students and teachers KNUTD with a head of the State Commission on liquidation of emergency at the Chornobyl Atomic Electrical Station (ChAES) (Зустріч студентів та викладачів КНУТД з головою Урядової комісії з ліквідації аварії на ЧАЕС (1986 р.) Масиком Костянтином Івановичем). Kyiv National University of Technology and Design (KNUTD). 28 April 2017.
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