John Delbert Van Allen was a retail dry goods merchant and department store owner who came to Clinton, Iowa in 1892 and established a department store that was the last surviving traditional store of its type in the city. He is most noted nationally for having hired Louis Sullivan to design the Van Allen Building that is now listed as a National Historic Landmark.
Mr. Van Allen applied for membership in the Holland Society of New York on August 10, 1908 and was admitted on October 8, 1908. He was a direct lineal descendant of Laurens Van Allen who was a resident of New Amsterdam in 1658. (Application below)
Van Allen Building, A National Historic Landmark
The Van Allen Building, Column Capital
Detail of ornamentation of the Van Allen Building
Van Allen family crest
John D. Van Allen & Son
Van Allen building front elevation detail
Van Allen building SE corner detail
Van Allen building under construction in 1913
Van Allen building under construction in 1914
Van Allen Store 1934
John D. Van Allen application Holland Society of New York
John D. Van Allen application Holland Society of New York reverse side
- The Clinton Herald January 2, 1929
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