Huishu is a Tangkhulic language spoken in Huishu village, Ukhrul District, Manipur, India (Mortensen 2004).
- Mortensen, David R. (2004). “The emergence of dorsal stops after high vowels in Huishu.” In Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. (handout)
- Mortensen, David R. and James A. Miller (2013). “A reconstruction of Proto-Tangkhulic rhymes.” Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 36(1): 1-32.
- Mortensen, David R. (2012). Database of Tangkhulic Languages. (unpublished ms. contributed to STEDT).
- Mortensen, David R. and James A. Miller (2009). “Proto-Tangkhul Onsets in Comparative Perspective.” International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics 42, Chiangmai, November 4.
- Mortensen, David R. (2003). “Comparative Tangkhul.” Unpublished Qualifying Paper, UC Berkeley.
- Mortensen, David. 2014. The Tangkhulic Tongues - How I Started Working on Endangered Languages.
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