Grand-disciple or academic grandson (or granddaughter) (German: Enkelschüler) are terms sometimes used in academic contexts or contexts relating to fine arts, and denote someone whose mentor or teacher was himself (or herself) a student of a famous representative of that discipline, such as a famous composer or a Nobel Prize-winning scientist.[1][2]
The term implies that knowledge, techniques and/or skills are transferred from the "grandfather" to the "grand-disciple," borrowing from kinship terminology.[3][4] The term Enkelschüler is fairly common in German, but similar terms are also used in English to some extent. In German a doctoral advisor is also usually referred to as a Doktorvater, a "doctoral father," similarly modelled on kinship terminology.[5]
- ^ Sequeira Costa spielt als letzter berühmter Enkelschüler Liszts im Festsaal Fürstenhaus,
- ^ Reinhard Zimmermann, Roman law, contemporary law, European law, Oxford University Press, 2000, p. 31
- ^ Ljapunow, Enkelschüler Liszts Glockenläuten, Heldensagen. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16 April 2011, No. 90, p. 29,
- ^ Fingerfertiger Dogmatiker. Harnacks Enkelschüler: Zum Tode des amerikanischen Kirchenhistorikers Jaroslav Pelikan. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 18 May 2006, No. 115, p. 37,
- ^ Silvan S. Schweber, S. S Schweber, Nuclear Forces: The Making of the Physicist Hans Bethe, pp. 104–105
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