Gettupatti is a village in Dharmapuri District of Tamil Nadu State, India.
It comes under Dokkubothanahalli Panchayath and its south regions is covered by thoppur forest.
It is located 20 km towards South from Dharmapuri and 308 km from State capital Chennai.
About Village :
Village : Gettupatti
Panchayath : Dokkubothanahalli
Taluk Name : Dharmapuri
District : Dharmapuri
State : Tamil Nadu
Country : India
Language : Tamil
Time zone: IST (GMT+5:30)
International Dial ling Code : +91
Telephone STD Code : 04342
Pin Code : 636807
Post Office Name : Gettupatti
Population : Around 7000
Nearest Railway Station :
1. Dharmapuri Junction
2. Salem Junction
3. Sivadi
4. Toppur
Head Passport Office :
1. Chennai
Latitude :
12 02’
Longitudes :
78 07’
Nearest Airports :
1. Salem Airport
2. Coimbatore Airport
3. Bangalore International Airport
4. Chennai International Airport
Nearest Cities :
1. Salem
2. Dharmapuri
3. Mettur
Nearest Tourist Places :
1. Hokenakkal Falls
2. Mettur Dam
3. Athiyamaan Palace
4. Theerthamalai Temple
5. Hanumanthathirtham
6. Subramanya Siva Memorial
Available Buses :
1. 5A
2. 15
Just Two KM away from National Highway (NH7) National Highway Bus Stop Name is Thoppur Toll plaza
Nearest Villages :
1. Samichettipatti
2. Vellakal
3. Jaruku
4. Thathanaikkanpatti.
5. Thoppur
Nearest Colleges :
1. Government Medical Colleague
2. Government Arts and Science Colleague
3. Jayalakshmi Institute Of Technology
4. Lakshmi Narayaana Polytechnic Colleague.
5. vijay vidyalaya Women's Colleague
Nearest Schools :
1. Government High School (Gettupatti)
2. Government Higher Secondary School (palayampudur)
3. Government Higher Secondary School (Elagiri)
4. SVG Martic Hr. Sec. School
5. Unity Matric Hr. Sec. School
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