Text Appearing Before Image: ntific de-velopment in the construction of vibra-todes, and full details of the physiciansvibragenitant above referred to. Thoseof our readers who are interested in thissubject can secure free a copy of thisbooklet by addressing Sam J. Gorman& Co., 515 Baltimore Building, Chica-go. A successful medical practitioner ofmany years standing makes the follow-ing statement: There are a large majority of com-bination which extemporaneous phar-macy cannot prepare properly; and Iknow that through the dishonesty, ig-norance, or indifference of many retaildruggists we are not able to get on pro-scriptions the very besl drugs; heno i- to the manufacturing pharmacist, whose besl interesl lie- in the purity and uniformity of hi- product, that we must look for OUT mOSl reliable reme-dies. I endorse worthy proprietaries, but1 mosi heartily condemn the greattendency of the half-baked, so calledmanufacturing chemist, to bust uponthe profession and public cheap imita-tion- of standard preparations.M Text Appearing After Image: The Palmer Memorial Hospital Is a modern institution weir equipped for General Medical and Surgical work.It is situated on an elevation above the noise and dust of the city, and yet isnear the center of the city and is quickly reached by electric street cars. Theoperating rooms have the latest appliances, are well lighted and thoroughlyaseptic. A large amount of general surgery and operative gynecology is beingdone constantly. This hospital has special facilities for the treatment of dis-eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT This department is in charge of Dr. J. P. Thorne. The advantages ofcomplete asepsis and good nursing make this a desirable hospital for surgeryof the eye and ear. Special facilities are provided for the care of cataractpatients. This department has all of the most improved apparatus used insuch work for diagnosis and treatment. Electricity in its various forms islargely used. Careful attention is given to reflex and other troubles due toerrors of refraction which
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