English: Publisher: American Encaustic Tiling Co., Ltd.
Publication Date: 190? Rights: Materials in this collection are in the public domain, and thus are free of any copyright restriction. We ask that you acknowledge the VCU Libraries if any of the materials are used. Reference URL: dig.library.vcu.edu/cdm/ref/collection/aet/id/107
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Artistic Tiles From The American Encaustic Tiling Company
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VCU Libraries
VCU digital collections
American Encaustic Tiling Company
vcu libraries
vcu digital collections
american encaustic tiling company
Flickr posted date
14 July 2015
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{subst:chc}} {{information |description={{en|1='''Publisher''': American Encaustic Tiling Co., Ltd.<br> '''Publication Date''': 190?<br> '''Rights''': Materials in this collection are in the public domain, and thus are free of a...
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