Español: La obra representa al rey Felipe II de España (1527-1598) ofreciendo al Cielo a su hijo, el infante Fernando de Austria (1571-1578), aunque la obra no sólo conmemora el nacimiento de dicho infante sino también la victoria de las tropas cristianas en la batalla de Lepanto, que se libró en 1571.
English: Titian, Following Victory at Lepanto, Felipe II offers Prince Fernando to Heaven, 1572-1575, oil on canvas, 335 × 274 cm
Philip II offering Fernando to Victory.Museo del Prado, Madrid. Painted by Titian in his nineties, this allegorical work celebrates the victory of a Catholic coalition over the Ottoman Turks at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 and the birth shortly afterwards of a male heir to King Philip II of Spain, Don Fernando, which were both seen as signs of God's favour. The battle is shown in the background, and a bound and defeated Turk at Philip's feet. An angel descends from heaven bearing a palm branch with a motto for Fernando, who is held up by Philip: "Majora tibi" (may you achieve greater deeds). Titian died in 1576 and Prince Fernando in 1578. Lepanto effectively ended Ottoman ambitions in the western Mediterranean. (Reference: Robert Enggass and Jonathan Brown, Italian and Spanish Art, 1600–1750: Sources and Documents, Evanston: IL: Northwestern University Press, 1992, ISBN 0810110652, p. 213.
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{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Titian, ''Following Victory at Lepanto, Felipe II offers Prince Fernando to Heaven'', 1572-1575, oil on canvas, 335 x 274 cm, Prado Museum (Madrid, Spain).}} {{es|1=Tiziano, ''Felipe II, tras la victoria de Lepanto...
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