Park_Hyang-rim_-_Oppaneun_punggakjaeng-i.ogg (Ogg Vorbis sound file, length 2 min 52 s, 97 kbps, file size: 1.98 MB)


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한국어: "오빠는 풍각쟁이". 1938년 콜롬비아 레코드 소속이었던 박향림이 부른 트로트 곡이다. 박영호 작사, 김송규 작곡.
English: "Oppaneun punggakjaengi" ("My Brother is a Street Musician"), a comic teuroteu (trot) about a brother constantly interfering with his sister's personal business.
  • Sung by Park Hyang-rim (박향림, 1921-1946)
  • Composed by Kim Song-gyu (김송규, 1911-1950)
  • Lyrics by Park Yeong-ho (박영호, 1911-1953)
Español: “Oppaneun punggakjaengi” (오빠는 풍각쟁이, «Mi hermano es un musico callejero»), un popular trot cómico coreano de 1938 compuesto por Kim Song Kyu (música) y Park Yeong Ho (texto), y cantado por Park Hyang Rim
Italiano: “Oppaneun punggakjaengi” (오빠는 풍각쟁이, «Mio fratello è un musicista di strada»), un popolare trot comico coreano del 1938 composto da Kim Song Kyu (musiche) e Park Yeong Ho (testi), e cantato da Park Hyang Rim
Македонски: „Опанен пунгакченги“ (오빠는 풍각쟁이), популарен корејски трот од 1938 г. од Ким Сонг Кју и Парк Јенг Хо во изведба на Парк Хјанг Рим.
Polski: Oppaneun punggakjaengi (오빠는 풍각쟁이), popularny koreański utwór typu trot. Kompozycja Kim Song Kyu i Park Yeong Ho, w wykonaniu Park Hyang Rim.
Author Park Hyang-rim (박향림), Kim Song-gyu (김송규), and Park Yeong-ho (박영호)
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English translation

Loose, singable translation

My brother is a street musician, and he is always such a meanie!
Tell me why, tell me why food disappears if I look away—tell me why!
He steals all of my treats—and not content with that, he gives me "healthier veggies" because[1] he says I'm fat!
My brother is a grabber! My brother is so greedy! My brother really[2] is a jerk!
My brother nitpicks my behaviour. He seems to love finding fault with me!
I hate it! I hate it! I caught him reading my diary—then he teased!
He won't take me to plays: he always goes alone—and never thinks of doing chores when he's at home!
My brother makes excuses! My brother's always teasing! My brother really is a jerk!
It's like I'm living with a vagrant, he's shiftless and so very lazy.[3]
Tell me why, tell me why, he comes in staggering every night—tell me why!
He goes to work hungover three out of five days, then he complains to me that he never gets a raise!
My brother is a drunkard! My brother's boss must hate him! My brother really is a jerk!

Note: I'm not sure this comes out in the translation fully, but I'm told that in Korean, complaining about a person can be a sign of affection =)

Literal translation

My brother is a street musician, well, he is a meanie, pshaw![4]
I don't know, I don't know, he snatches off my banchan,[5] I don't know.
Bulgogi, tteokbokki he solely takes, but gives me oiji[6] and kongnamul[7]
My brother is a grabber, my brother is a meanie, my brother is a crafty rascal.[8]
My brother is a nitpicker, well, he is a meanie, pshaw!
I hate, I hate, he steals a glance at my letters, I hate it
When he goes to Myeongchijwa,[9] he goes alone, when he is on an errand, he scamps over it.
My brother is a poor excuser, My brother is a hasty-pants, My brother is a nitpicker.
My brother is a drunkard, well, my brother is an imbiber, pshaw!
I don't know, I don't know, why he is drinking till late at night, I don't know
He is always late at work, but irritiable that his monthly salary does not get raised
My brother always gets peevish, My brother is an imbiber, My brother is a fibber.[10]

Explanatory notes for the English translation

  1. There's an extra syllable in the English—the "be" is a repeat of the last note of "veggies". "cause he says" should be on the same notes, and same timing as 나한테 (nahante).
  2. "Really" is one syllable in the original, but I think for English, breaking the note in two works better. Anyway, it's in two notes in the instrumental solo.
  3. "My brother is street musician" has figurative connotations in Korean that don't translate so well. I've gone back and forth on this so many times. Finally, I decided to slip it into the third verse, to replace some of the untranslatable wordplay.
  4. Or one of the following: Come on! Yeah, right! Pish! For more, see Pshaw Synonyms, Pshaw Antonyms | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus.
  5. Small side dishes.
  6. 오이지, heavily salted cucumber pickle.
  7. He takes the delicious food, and only leaves his sister the vegetables.
  8. Or: My brother is a pig, my brother is a dog, my brother is a shark.
  9. The name of an old theatre once located in Myeongdong, Seoul.
  10. Or braggart.

English Translation credits

日本翻訳 (Japanese translation)

タイトル:『お兄さんは門付け』 プンガクジャエンイ: 市場や門前で琴を弾いたり歌をうたったりしながら 金品を乞う人

焼き肉、トッポキは一人で食べて、ヲイジ、大豆萌だけ 私にくれて
お兄さんは言い掛かり屋。 お兄さんは意地悪。
いやよ、いやよ、私の手紙を盗み見する事 いやよ
お兄さんは言い訳屋。お兄さんはみみっちい。 お兄さんは言い掛かり屋。
毎日 会社に時刻ばかり、月給は上がらないって苛立って。

Japanese translation credits

한국어 가사 (Korean lyrics)

(copied from [1], then edited)

오빠는 풍각쟁이야, 머, 오빠는 심술쟁이야, 머
난몰라이 난몰라이 내반찬 다 뺏어 먹는거 난몰라이
불고기 떡복기는 혼자만 먹구 오이지 콩나물만 나한테 주구
오빠는 욕심쟁이 오빠는 심술쟁이 오빠는 깍쟁이야
오빠는 트집쟁이야, 머, 오빠는 심술쟁이야, 머
난실여 난실여 내편지 남몰래 보는것 난실여
명치좌 구경갈땐 혼자만 가구 심부름 시킬때면 엄벙땡하구
오빠는 핑계쟁이 오빠는 안달뱅이 오빠는 트집쟁이야
오빠는 주정뱅이야, 머, 오빠는 모주꾼이야, 머
난몰라이 난몰라이 밤늦게 술취해 오는것 난몰라이
날마다 회사에선 지각만하구 월급만 안 오른다구 짜증만 내구
오빠는 짜증쟁이 오빠는 모주쟁이 오빠는 대포쟁이야
Transliteration (with assistance of Hong's Hangul Conversion Tools)
Oppaneun punggakjaengiya, meo, oppaneun simsuljaengiya, meo
Nanmollai nanmollai naebanchan da ppaeseo meongneungeo nanmollai
Bulgogi tteokppokkineun honjaman meokku oiji kongnamulman nahante jugu
Oppaneun yoksimjaengi oppaneun simsuljaengi oppaneun kkakjaengiya
Oppaneun teujipjaengiya, meo, oppaneun simsuljaengiya, meo
Nansiryeo nansiryeo naepyeonji nammollae boneungeot nansiryeo
Myeongchijwa gugyeonggalttaen honjaman gagu simbureum sikilttaemyeon eombeongttaenghagu
Oppaneun pinggyejaengi oppaneun andalpaengi oppaneun teujipjaengiya
Oppaneun jujeongbaengiya, meo, oppaneun mojukkuniya, meo
Nanmollai nanmollai bamneutge sulchwihae oneungeot nanmollai
Almada hoesaeseon jigangmanhagu wolgeumman an oreundagu jjajeungman naegu
Oppaneun jjajeungjaengi oppaneun mojujaengi oppaneun daepojaengiya

Media of the day This file was selected as the media of the day for 26 June 2010. It was captioned as follows:
English: Oppaneun punggakjaengi (오빠는 풍각쟁이), a popular 1938 Korean teuroteu by Kim Song Kyu and Park Yeong Ho. Sung by Park Hyang Rim.
Other languages
English: Oppaneun punggakjaengi (오빠는 풍각쟁이), a popular 1938 Korean teuroteu by Kim Song Kyu and Park Yeong Ho. Sung by Park Hyang Rim.
Español: “Oppaneun punggakjaengi” (오빠는 풍각쟁이, «Mi hermano es un musico callejero»), un popular trot cómico coreano de 1938 compuesto por Kim Song Kyu (música) y Park Yeong Ho (texto), y cantado por Park Hyang Rim
Italiano: “Oppaneun punggakjaengi” (오빠는 풍각쟁이, «Mio fratello è un musicista di strada»), un popolare trot comico coreano del 1938 composto da Kim Song Kyu (musiche) e Park Yeong Ho (testi), e cantato da Park Hyang Rim
Македонски: „Опанен пунгакченги“ (오빠는 풍각쟁이), популарен корејски трот од 1938 г. од Ким Сонг Кју и Парк Јенг Хо во изведба на Парк Хјанг Рим.
Polski: Oppaneun punggakjaengi (오빠는 풍각쟁이), popularny koreański utwór typu trot. Kompozycja Kim Song Kyu i Park Yeong Ho, w wykonaniu Park Hyang Rim.
Sicilianu: “Oppaneun punggakjaengi” (오빠는 풍각쟁이, «Mè frati è un musicista di strata»), un trot còmicu pupulari coreanu dô 1938 cumpostu di Kim Song Kyu (mùsichi) e Park Yeong Ho (testi), e cantatu di Park Hyang Rim

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14:57, 26 July 2008 User:FriedC
<img src=" archive copy at the Wayback Machine" width="125" height="125" alt="Thumbnail for version as of 14:57, 26 July 2008" />
<button onclick="if (typeof(wgOggPlayer) != 'undefined') wgOggPlayer.init(false, {"id": "ogg_player_2", "videoUrl": ", "width": 120, "height": 0, "length": 172, "linkUrl": false, "isVideo": false});" style="width: 120px; text-align: center" title="Play sound"><img src="/w/extensions/OggHandler/play.png" width="22" height="22" alt="Play sound" /></button>
2m52s 1.98 MB {{Information |Description={{ko|1=박영호(작사) 김송규(작곡) 박향림(가수) 콜롬비아(제작) 1938년 콜롬비아 레코드 소속 박향림이 부른 만요이다.}} |Source= |Author=박향림 |Date=1938 |P

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20:52, 13 January 2009 User:BetacommandBot
<img src="/skins-1.5/common/images/icons/fileicon-ogg.png" width="125" height="125" alt="Thumbnail for version as of 20:52, 13 January 2009" />
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2m52s 1.98 MB move approved by: <a href="/wiki/User:LERK" title="User:LERK">User:LERK</a> This image was moved from <a href="/w/index.php?title=File:%EB%B0%95%ED%96%A5%EB%A6%BC_%EC%98%A4%EB%B9%A0%EB%8A%94_%ED%92%8D%EA%B0%81%EC%9F%81%EC%9D%B4.ogg&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="File:박향림 오빠는 풍각쟁이.ogg (page does not exist)">File:박향림 오빠는 풍각쟁이.ogg</a> {{Information |Description={{ko|1=<a href="" class="extiw" title="ko:박영호 (극작가)">박영호</a>(작사) <a href="" class="extiw" title="ko:김송규">김송규</a>(작곡) [[:ko
This file, which was originally posted to, was reviewed on 16 January 2025 by reviewer Sennecaster, who confirmed that it was available there under the stated license on that date.
This file, which was originally posted to, was reviewed on 16 January 2025 by reviewer Sennecaster, who confirmed that it was available there under the stated license on that date.


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current08:24, 29 January 20092 min 52 s (1.98 MB)BetacommandBotmove approved by: User:Odder This image was moved from File:Bak Hyang Rim oppaneun punggakjaeng-i.ogg <!-- This is the accepted Anglicisation of her name, giiven the period she was active. An acceptable alternative might be just simply Oppaneun

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