The copyright of these specifications are the property of the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA). Reproduction of the traffic sign figures on this web site do not require copyright approval. The downloadable files can be used for commercial and non-commercial purposes without NZTA's approval.
Furthermore, this image may be ineligible for copyright in New Zealand because it consists only of simple text and/or geometric shapes. The appropriate licenses for these ineligibilities are included below.
The copyright holder of this work allows anyone to use it for any purpose including unrestricted redistribution, commercial use, and modification.
Please check the source to verify that this is correct. In particular, note that publication on the Internet, like publication by any other means, does not in itself imply permission to redistribute. Files without valid permission should be tagged with {{subst:npd}}.
Usage notes:
If the work requires attribution, use {{Attribution}} instead.
If this is your own work, please use {{Cc-zero}} instead.
This image of simple geometry is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship.
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