The author died in 1887, so this work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 100 years or fewer.
"a) idea, manner, system, method, concept, principle, discovery or information that has been expressed, described,
explained, depicted or incorporated into a work,
b) a text of legislation, a decision of public authority or a court decision, technical norm, including draft
materials and translations thereof
c) land-use planning documents
d) state symbol, municipality symbol, symbol of self-governing region; this does not apply to a work which
formed ground for creating of such symbol,
e) speech presented in discussions on public affairs
f) daily news; daily news is information on event or circumstance; where a work informing about daily news or a
work in which daily news is included, is not considered as daily news,
g) work of traditional folk culture,
h) result of activity of expert, interpreter or translator acting under special law."
Hence it is assumed that this image has been released into the public domain. However, in some instances the use of this image might be regulated by other laws.
The copyright to this work was owned by the federal authorities of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, whose assets are now held jointly by its successor states according to the Agreement on succession issues of 2004 [1]. The Yugoslav successor states have variously enacted legislation that places certain official state documents such as law texts into the public domain.
See e.g. Art. 8.2.1 of the copyright law of Croatia [2]: "official texts in the domain of legislation, administration, judiciary (acts, regulations, decisions, reports, minutes, judgments, standards, and the like) and other official works and their collections, which are published for the purpose of officially informing the public".
This template must not be used on its own. To establish PD status it must be used only with an appropriate license template such as {{PD-Croatia-exempt}}. You must make sure the file content has been declared as public domain by the laws of the relevant successor state.
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