The EMU900 series is a series of electric multiple unit passenger trains owned by Taiwan Railway (TR). Manufactured in South Korea by Hyundai Rotem, the trains are used on Local and Fast Local services, which stop at most stations. They entered service on 6 April 2021.
The EMU900 series were purchased by the Taiwan Railways Administration as part of an effort to replace its aging rolling stock, specifically the Chu-Kuang and Fu-Hsing services, and to increase the carrying capacity of the system. In 2017, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications approved an approximately NT$100 billion plan to replace 990 rail vehicles, or 39.15% of all vehicles, by 2024.[2][3] The plan included 520 electric commuter railcars, 600 intercity railcars (EMU3000 series), 107 diesel locomotives, and 60 electro-diesel railcars. As the only bidder, South Korea's Hyundai Rotem was contracted for building the commuter railcars for NT$25.7 billion.[4] This marks the first contract given to Hyundai Rotem since 1999.[5]
The trains were built in Hyundai Rotem's Changwon plant.[5] The first two trainsets were delivered to the Port of Hualien on 24 October 2020, and began special passenger services between Shulin and Keelung from 1 April 2021, between Shulin and Hualien on 5–6 April as an additional service during the Qingming Festival,[6] and eventually on 6 April as an ordinary local train between Keelung and Miaoli.[7] Hyundai Rotem plans on delivering all trainsets by 2023.[8]
On 1 June 2021, EMU901 was temporarily withdrawn from service due to abnormal signaling within its power system.[9] In November 2021 the EMU900 series attracted controversy due to water leakage from the air conditioning units,[10] which is a very common problem in this set up with roof mounted AC units. Investigations revealed that the air conditioning units were supplied by a German firm with factories in China, acting as subcontractor to the car builder, which was technically against contract terms as China is not a signatory to the WTO GPA (Government Procurement Agreement).
The exterior of the train is designed by MBD Technologies, a French company involved with the design of the TGV. The design is based around the concept of "a smiling welcome".[11] Each train is composed of ten cars, which is longer than its predecessors. According to the TRA, the EMU900 series is equipped with train control and management system (TCMS), which provide centralized controls for the doors, air conditioning, and fire safety equipment aboard the train. Additionally, the train's lighting can adjust automatically based on the exterior brightness to conserve electricity. The train's interior features twelve bicycle racks, priority seats for pregnant women, eight wheelchair spaces, and three restrooms.[12][13]
- VVVF: Motor
- Rc: Rectifier
- Mtr: Transformer
- VCB: Vacuum circuit breaker
- SIV: Static inverter
- CP: Air compressor (main pump)
- ACP: Auxiliary air compressor (assisted pump)
: Control cab (1st and 10th cars), crew room (5th car)
: Toilet
: Disabled facilities (wheelchair space and disabled toilet)
: Bike rack
50ED900 1 (1st car)
45EM900 1 (2nd car)
45EP900 1 (3rd car)
50EM900 2 (4th car)
45EM900 3 (5th car)
45EP900 2 (6th car)
50EM900 4 (7th car)
45EP900 3 (8th car)
45EM900 5 (9th car)
50ED900 2 (10th car)
- ^ "Announcement of an order for traction system electrical equipment for commuter trains for Taiwan Railways Administration". Toshiba. 15 January 2019. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
- ^ "台鐵千億購新車 2024年完成車隊更新" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Radio Taiwan International. 16 October 2017. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
- ^ 李姿慧 (6 June 2018). "著火莒光號車齡36年 台鐵:2020年起汰換" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Apple Daily. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
- ^ 鄭瑋奇 (30 May 2018). "台鐵區間車案完成評選委員會議 預期由韓商得標" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Liberty Times. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
- ^ a b "Hyundai Rotem to supply 52 EMUs to Taiwan". Railway Gazette International. 4 June 2018. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
- ^ 曹悅華 (7 March 2021). "台鐵最美區間車 4月1日首航" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). United Daily News. Retrieved 21 March 2021.
- ^ 俞肇福 (1 April 2021). "台鐵最美區間車今啟航 4/6起投入基隆─苗栗疏運" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Liberty Times. Retrieved 5 April 2021.
- ^ 張祈 (24 October 2020). "台鐵最美新通勤電聯車抵台 預計2021年春節前上路" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Central News Agency. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
- ^ "「最美區間車」上路不到2個月就故障 肇因電力系統訊號回饋異常". 1 June 2021.
- ^ "台鐵最美區間車大漏水惹議 作怪空調機竟是「中國貨」". 10 November 2021.
- ^ 曹悅華 (26 September 2020). "史上最美區間車將交車!最快明年1月底營運 新功能看過來" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). United Daily News. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
- ^ "臺鐵局通勤生力軍 EMU900型電聯車將交車" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Yahoo!. 慈善新聞網. 18 October 2020. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
- ^ 李姿慧 (20 October 2020). "獨家|史上最美區間車本周抵台 10節車廂僅3廁所淪憋尿列車" (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Apple Daily. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
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