Dogfree is a hygienic, environmental and social movement based around people who dislike domestic pet dogs and dog ownership in general.
People who identify as "dogfree", generally speaking, do not support the abuse or mistreatment of domestic dogs but strongly disagree with the concept of dog ownership, Western culture's integration of dogs into media, relationships and public spaces, dogs in areas such as restaurants, beaches and commercial shops, the ecological impact of dogs as an invasive domestic species artificially perpetuated by humans, the cruelty to dogs that many owners exhibit (for example dog fighting, physical abuse and neglect of the dog's care), and the lack of hygiene exhibited by dogs (for example their licking of their own genitalia or anus, or having anal scent glands that emit a yeasty fecal smell).[1][2] Dogfree people also do not believe in the concept of dogs providing "unconditional love", and believe that dog owners who consider this a virtue are actually narcissistic and looking for endless affirmation and validation to avoid personal growth and betterment. The term "dogfree" attracted attention initially after the Reddit group r/Dogfree was brought up in news articles examining the Dogfree community phenomenon. The movement is contentious, with supporters arguing that a cultural love of dogs is automatically presumed and that society does not accept anyone who expresses dislike, fear or disgust regarding dogs, and critics arguing that the movement is mean-spirited and too extreme. The Dogfree movement has some overlap with the "Childfree" movement, criticism of the phenomenon of self-diagnosis in relation to "therapy dogs" and "emotional support animals" (not to be confused with service animals or guide dogs), and also with the criticism of pit bull advocacy groups.[3]
The origin of the term "Dogfree" is unknown.
It is unknown when the Dogfree movement started. r/Dogfree was created in 2012.
Prior to the existence and recognition of a formal Dogfree movement, historical cases of a movement of disliking dogs or not believing that dogs should be pets were often linked with hygienic factors and moral beliefs. China after the Chinese Civil War in 1949, banned dogs in many parts of the nation under the Chinese Communist Party. The CCP considered dog ownership "a symbol of decadence and a criminal extravagance at a time of food shortages", and considered dog ownership to be indicative of bourgeois behaviour. Legitimate concerns over rabies outbreaks and feces kept the bans going throughout most of the Mao Era.[4][5][6][7]
In 2013, Slate writer Farhad Manjoo released the article "No, I Do Not Want to Pet Your Dog" in which he discusses the largely American phenomenon of dog ownership and notes that dog owners are often unable to accept or understand why anybody would not like dogs, or assume by default that all people love dogs. Manjoo was particularly critical of dogs being brought into unnecessary spaces such as offices, workplaces and gyms.[8] Journalist Ryan Kearney of The New Republic agreed with Manjoo's sentiments but while identifying as dogfree, Kearney noted that he was more troubled by dogs as a reflection of western human culture than he was about dogs themselves, stating:
"Few of us, relative to our ancestors, use dogs for hunting. Which means that, aside from several obvious niche uses (guiding the blind, sniffing for bombs or drugs, chasing down criminals; I draw the line at "therapy dogs"), we now rely on dogs for only one thing: to be our living stuffed animal, something to cuddle with when we're feeling sad or wistful or lonely. That is all we ask of them—that they always be there when we need them—and they happily oblige, since we also happen to feed them in the process. Some find poetry in the simplicity of this transaction. I see human neediness, if not weakness, and perhaps even exploitation. "Dogs don't talk back" is a common refrain, and meant to be positive. But we are the most intelligent beings, ever—capable of profound, complex thoughts, which we can express to each other thanks to the hundreds of intricate languages we have developed over our species’ history. Why not use these wonderful words we've invented? Instead, after a rough day, a dog owner might lie quietly on the couch with his pooch, and somehow this makes him feel better, as if through osmosis the dog had somehow helped him work through his complicated feelings. Or the dog owner will talk to the dog, knowing full well that the dog does not, and never will—unlike babies—understand what they're saying. Talking to humans can be exhausting, and threatens to further complicate one's feelings. Another human would talk back, and the dog owner would have to sit there and listen, and maybe reconsider what he's feeling. With a dog, it's one-way conversation: I talk, it listens, and whatever I say is implicitly accepted as truth. Conversing with dogs, we're always right."[9]
— Ryan Kearney, I Hate Dogs for What Their Popularity Says About Us
In 2017, chancellor of Bethlehem College and Seminary John Piper echoed Ryan Kearney's views from a religious standpoint, noting that while he didn't hate dogs and even owned a dog himself, it was disturbing how dogs, with "no soul, no moral or spiritual capacities" often lived happier and more interesting lives than many people; Piper was also particularly bothered by the amount of money spent on pet ownership in the West, saying, "if your conscience is indicting you for the money you spend or the time you spend combing your dog's fur or scratching her behind the ears, you should stop, stop. You should get rid of the dog. No pet is worth the damaging of your conscience. Or, if you look at the 60 billion dollars a year that Americans spend on pets and resolve to spend nothing, absolutely nothing, in order to protest that priority, you are fully justified so to protest, keeping in mind that America spends 1.8 billion dollars on toothpaste annually and 22 billion dollars on air conditioning annually and 2.8 billion at Halloween on candy and 48 billion dollars a year on coffee." His article encouraged Christians who owned dogs to view the dog as something that brings them joy but to also question the relevance, importance and validity of their relationship with their pet through a critical lens.[10] In the 2020s, journalists and writers began exploring the Dogfree movement, with author and commentator Olga Khazan coming out as dogfree in an article for The Atlantic in 2023 and admitting that she herself had joined the r/Dogfree Reddit group. Khazan stated, "as I read my same unpopular views, reflected back by other people, I was overcome by the thrill of being truly known, by the unmistakable gasp of catharsis... let's just get this out of the way: I don't like dogs. I don't like the way they smell. I don't like the way they jump on your dry-clean-only pants. I especially don't like the way they “get to know you.” (I generally don't like to be poked down there unless it's so someone can tell me whether I have HPV.) I don't believe animals are equal to people; I can't believe $15,000 pet surgeries exist in a country where not every person can get health care. I've long kept this feeling to myself, because in America, saying you don't like dogs is like saying you think the Taliban has some good ideas."[11]
In 2023, environmental historian Troy Vettse of the European University Institute, interviewed by The Guardian, argued a moral case against pet ownership in general, citing ecological concerns, dog attack statistics of physical injury inflicted on people, the lack of social stimulation that most pets receive in an urbanized or enclosed, artificial environment, the cruelty of breeding mills, and the practice of aesthetic "artisinal inbreeding" to perpetuate certain desired traits and appearances. Vettse noted the lack of control that domestic pets have over what is done to them, as well as the relative lack of mobility, the mortality rate of domestic pets being shipped from one location to another, and domestic pets appearing to engage in acts of self-harm due to boredom, loneliness and mental distress. Vettse was particularly bothered by the number of "designer breed" dogs being sold online from apparent backyard breeders and the enforced confinement required to keep a pet:
"In her story The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, Ursula Le Guin described a society where the joy of its citizens depended upon the “abominable misery” of a single child immured in a dungeon. Le Guin asked the reader if even great happiness could justify suffering. Humanity’s relationship to animals is predicated on a similar utilitarian calculus. Like the town of Omelas, we have made a silent pact to dominate pets for our benefit, despite the cost to the pets themselves, to wild and farmed animals, and to our own morality... Like the imprisoned child of Omelas, it is not possible to free pets. They are too numerous or too ruined by their subjugation to live in the wild. Nor is it enough to walk away from pet ownership individually. To create a world without pets, we must collectively decide to shut down puppy mills, to spay and neuter pets and to support conservation programs that humanely capture feral animals. In a post-pets era, we could still enjoy the company and beauty of animals, but from afar as naturalists in a wilder world. We can only speculate what this new era might look like, but its realization begins once we accept that true happiness cannot be predicated on the suffering of others."[12]
— Troy Vettse, Want to truly have empathy for animals? Stop owning pets
Two months later, in April 2023, Vox writer Kenny Torrella followed with a similar piece to Vettse's, arguing for "a world with fewer but happier pets" and noting that he himself had been bothered by considering the implications of owning his own dog, a pit bull mix and a "rescue" named Evvie: "Evvie instantly added so much to our [Kenny and his spouse's] lives, and for a while, I assumed our relationship was reciprocal and that [Evvie] gets just as much from our bond as I do. But recently I’ve begun to wonder if she’s a lot more bored and frustrated than I previously thought. That led me to read the stirring 2016 book Run, Spot, Run: The Ethics of Keeping Pets by author and bioethicist Jessica Pierce. Pierce wants to show people like me the shadows beneath the sunny narrative of pet ownership, things like physical abuse, animal hoarding, puppy mills, dog fighting, and bestiality." Torrella was especially disturbed by the implications of a "$136 billion dollar" pet industry and the spike in pet ownership during the COVID-19 pandemic, coming to the conclusion that while he personally would feel very sad in a "world without dogs", this was a self-centered thought and the gradual phasing out of domestic pet ownership would be ideal. Torrella did, however, concede that he would most likely buy another dog after Evvie's eventual death and that this new future dog would be from a rescue; he encouraged any prospective pet owner to "adopt" from an animal shelter or rescue charity rather than buying a dog from a breeder, and supported spaying and neutering.[13]
"Dog culture"
Abigail Weinberg, writing for Mother Jones in 2023, argued that it may not necessarily be dogs themselves that dogfree people have a problem with, but rather "dog culture", a phenomenon in 21st century North America and Europe in which dogs are treated as equal to or more valued than other human beings ("members of the family"), oversaturated in media and public spaces, allowed indoors and forced upon people who don't want to be near them. She noted a rising attitude among her peers of politicizing the issue, trying to align those who loved dogs with left-leaning values and those who disliked or were averse to dogs with right-leaning values, particularly in relation to Donald Trump and then-President Joe Biden. Weinberg argued, "some will read this and pretend they don't know what I'm talking about. Come on. You've experienced dogs’ indiscretions. You've stepped on their shit in the street. And it's not their fault: Behind every misbehaving dog is a human victim of "dog culture", an individual whose mind is too warped by dog-love to consider the well-being of their fellow humans or the dog itself. In a world of doggy day care, dog parades, and dog spas, can you really blame some people for starting to believe that dogs are a little better than the rest of us?"[14] Interviewed for Express, journalist Helen Carroll discussed her annoyance over "dog culture" and stated, "if your face gives away the fact that you'd rather not be licked by a tongue recently used to clean a bottom, they [owners] look at you like you're a psychopath." She noted at length the rapid and unprecedented increase of domestic pet dog ownership in the United Kingdom and also shared experiences such as being knocked over by a large dog and owners constantly sharing dog-related content on social media.[15]
Lauren Vinopal of MEL noted that the reasons underlying in the Dogfree movement are not irrational or wrong, contrary to "dog culture", stating, "rest assured, they [dogfree people] have many, many reasons for not liking your canine companion — whether it's the barking, the smell, the literal shit they track into the house or the fact that they'll shamelessly lick your face right after licking their butthole... the community objects to people who prioritize animal rights over human rights, people who treat their dogs like people, people who bring fake service dogs into public spaces and the general assumption that they're total sociopaths about all of the above. Essentially, the subreddit [r/Dogfree] serves as a safe space for everything from admitting that you're not exactly sad that someone's dog has died, to venting about a significant other who allows their dog to sleep in their bed."[16]
"Dog culture" in relation to ableism has also been a point of interest in the Dogfree movement, especially the imposition of pets in indoor public spaces where people may have an illness or psychological condition that affects their tolerance of dogs. A dogfree person can also suffer from cynophobia. Many autistic people have a fear or hygienic aversion to dogs, particularly unpredictable off-leash dogs.[17] According to researcher Shannon Tyner, who studied the interactions between dogs and autistic children, an estimated 30% of individuals on the autism spectrum have a strong fear or aversion to dogs, something often ignored or overshadowed by the growing market for "autism dogs" and "therapy dogs", a point of contention in the autistic community as some autistic people claim to strongly benefit from interaction with dogs on a regular basis. Some psychologists studying cynophobia have suggested that sensory intervention - forcibly exposing an autistic person to dogs until they interact with them and learn to accept them - is one way in which autistic people can come to appreciate dogs. There is little to no input existing on how autistic people with a dislike, fear or aversion to dogs think of this issue, as the topic is taboo and debates are mostly relegated to autism-themed social media forums.[18][19]
In Medium, a writer under the anonymous name "PivotPivotPivot" shared an article in 2022 titled "I Hate Dogs..." in which they discussed their experiences as an autistic person living in a society that loves dogs. "PivotPivotPivot" said, "I would never EVER hurt a dog, and if one was in trouble and I could safely help it, I would. I am not a monster. That being said I will never own one. I try to stay as far away from them as I can. I look at photos of them on Facebook and scroll by thinking, “Gross”. I don’t find puppies cute. I don’t think they are the “goodest boi doggo pupper” (why do people dumb down the English language when talking about them?). I wish I could explain exactly what they do to me when one is in my presence. I wish I could explain it properly to someone who is neurotypical. I wish I could even get to an explanation but I can’t make it that far because as soon as people hear that I hate dogs, they immediately dislike me and shut out anything else I could have to say without bothering to ask why.[20] Essex Dog Training Centre founder Roy Dyer, in an interview for the Vice article "‘I Scream, I Cry, and Then I Run’: The Hell of Living with Extreme Dog Phobia" by Thomas Hobbs, said, "There was someone who couldn’t be near their mum’s fur coat because it reminded them of a dog. I knew one child that was so scared of their neighbor’s dog, they actually tried to hang themselves. It’s a particularly grueling [sic] condition for autistic people as well."[21]
In a campus newspaper article for Western University in 2018, student Katrina McCallum shared her negative experience as a person with a dog allergy attending school in a "dog-friendly" building, saying, "for people with allergies, a dislike of dogs is serious; it can be a debilitating and life-threatening condition. While dogs in the UCC atrium or puppies in lecture halls might offer emotional support for some students, they can bring physical discomfort to others. There's no getting around how debilitating a dog's presence is for me when I'm on campus. Allergy medication makes me feel drowsy to the point where I can't keep my eyes open, while the effects of my allergies harm my ability to learn and take notes. Allergy attacks are both mentally and physically consuming; my hands are occupied with tissues as I blow my nose and I struggle to see as my eyes water and itch. Rather than concentrating on taking lecture notes, I'm concentrating on trying to breathe." Her article received an overwhelming negative response from readers.[22]
Childhood trauma
Some dogfree people have cited bad childhood experiences with dogs as the reason behind their attitude, according to Janine Israel of The Guardian.[23] Writer Tatiana Gallardo of The Fordham Observer concurred and shared her own bad experience when her parents purchased a pet dog for her family: "Instead of adoration, I felt excessive apathy. I didn't care for Romy [the dog] at all. Hearing her aggressive howl mid-morning to be taken outside for a walk didn't exactly motivate me to feel love and affection. Standing outside in the freezing cold every morning with a doggie bag in my hand while awaiting some fresh, warm animal poo didn't give me a rush of excitement that an owner might feel.... After owning her for two years, I realized the undeniable: Most dogs are dirty and smelly. You can literally smell when someone owns a furry creature. Maintenance of their hygiene requires time and money that I do not have. On top of that, dogs never leave you alone. Maybe it's my inner introvert talking, but I don't want to come home to a dog sticking its nose in my business and begging for attention."[24] One man (anonymous) was covered in an article for Fox News after coming out as dogfree and describing an incident in which multiple unleashed dogs approached his child and wife in the park, causing the man and his wife to pull their child away and shout profanities at the owner of the dogs. The incident received a mostly negative response and critics argued that they took offence to the unidentified man's verbal expression of "hating dogs" and his prioritization of his child over the dogs. This being said, the unidentified man did receive commendation as well, with some supporters pointing out that the man had the right to protect his child from a potential attack and arguing that the dogs should have been leashed.[25]
In 2017, Canadian parenting magazine Today's Parent put out an article titled "Pets are gross: Science confirms it!" in which writer Emma Waverman stated, "even though our dog smells like a garbage dump, my kids still smother him with kisses and hugs, and he reciprocates by licking them all over their faces. Which, to be honest, I find really gross." She noted that while she believed personally that there were potential benefits to owning a family pet and that she wasn't entirely against pet ownership, she did not appreciate being treated as a "curmudgeon" by fellow parents whenever she would react in disgust openly at something repulsive or viscerally unpleasant that the family dog was doing. She also highlighted numerous studies confirming that pets spread diseases and parasites.[26]
The hygienic risks of domestic dogs to young children had been an earlier point of contention in the United Kingdom from the 1970s to the 1990s; University of Kent writer Neil Pemberton considered the fear of the Toxocariasis roundworm parasite, passed on through dog feces to humans unwittingly touching the feces if it was left and not cleaned up after, to be a moral panic caused largely by "propaganda". Pemberton argued, "there was an explicit willingness to attach disgust to dogs... footage showing children playing on parks soiled with feces and where dogs freely wandered was joined by footage of children cuddling and touching dogs. [This imagery is used to suggest] the dark side of the companion species relationship and to stigmatise [sic] dogs as impure, dangerous and dirty to the touch."[27] A public service announcement had been produced in 1992 by the Community Hygiene Concern titled "The Worms Are Coming" which features a song with the lyrics, "There's a worm at the bottom of the garden, and his name is Wiggly Woo / There's a worm at the bottom of the garden, who was born in doggie poo / He wiggles all night, he wiggles all day / He blinds little children who go out to play / There's a worm at the bottom of the garden, and his name is Wiggly Woo." The PSA was thought to be lost media but was later uploaded to YouTube by user "Back To The Past!".[28] The hygienic concerns of dog ownership have existed for a long time prior to mainstream awareness of the Dogfree movement. The American Kennel Club, for example, has noted that all dogs (regardless of breed or sex) have anal glands that consistently emit a foul-smelling oil-like substance from the dog's anus into its skin, fur and saliva; the dog licking or gnawing at its anus is loosening and spreading the substance, which is used as an identifier by smell for other dogs. This substance transfers to humans when they touch a dog or keep a dog in their house. AKC member and writer Anna Burke pointed out that the issue of impacted glands was more common in smaller breeds and overweight dogs.[29][30]
The Dogfree movement has received little to no in-depth research or attention into the phenomenon, remaining largely anonymous and contained to social media.
Olga Khan, while an admitted dogfree person, suggested in her article "I Don't Like Dogs" that while she did find solace in the Reddit group r/Dogfree and agreed with most of it, she found some of the posts there overzealous.[31] Business Holiday Barn Pet Resorts released a post critical of those who disliked dogs but offered a more neutral view of the situation, noting that some people may have been traumatized by a bad past experience with dogs, may not have grown up with dogs, and admitted that dogs had poor hygiene and could at times be dirty.[32]
According to Lauren Vinopal of MEL, part of the reason why the Dogfree movement may not have had much research or investigation into it may be in large part due to misconception about what the movement wants, as well as the relative anonymity of dogfree people, who fear social backlash if they publicly admit that they dislike dogs. Vinopal had reached out to the moderators of r/Dogfree for an official interview, but the moderators declined and encouraged the Reddit group's followers to also refrain from speaking to the media, pointing out that any time the media has done any coverage of the Dogfree movement, r/Dogfree has been met with intense internet backlash rather than genuine curiosity and compassion. The moderators of r/Dogfree use anonymous usernames and cannot be identified by the public.[33] Writer Luke Winkie also noted the misconception that the Dogfree movement supports abusing animals as one potential reason for backlash against it, but argued that while the topic of humane euthanasia is sometimes discussed, the Dogfree movement does not condone, glorify or support animal abuse or harming dogs.[34]
Janine Israel of The Guardian noted that while attempting to do research on people who hate dogs, all participants wanted to be interviewed anonymously for fear of public backlash, saying, "tellingly, none of the dog dislikers interviewed for this story wanted their real name used. Many said their (often undisclosed) aversion to dogs affected their professional relationships, dating life and friendships." One girl whom she had interviewed, going by the anonymous moniker "Jess", explained that she was troubled by the struggle to attempt dating when so many of the online dating profiles she was looking at featured dogs in them; Israel said, "Jess is aware her dislike of dogs is limiting her dating prospects. “When I'm scrolling through a dating app, if there's a dog in the photo, or reference to a dog in a prompt, I quite quickly swipe left,” she says. That consigns a significant chunk of eligible heterosexual males – and the pooches they are pictured smooching – to the doghouse. “I don't want to deal with it, particularly if it's one of those really muscular-looking dogs,” Jess says. While she acknowledges “being able to nurture a pet is a nice quality”, she is simply “not a dog person and I'm a bit allergic”, which she makes clear on her dating profile. “That way [if we match] we're the same type of weird.”[35] The public backlash against the Dogfree movement was discussed by Brittany Wong, a writer for The Huffington Post, who noted the prevalence of statements online such as "I can't trust someone who doesn't like dogs", “I like dogs more than I like people” and “If my dog doesn't like you, I don't like you”, also pointing out that part of the reason why the r/Dogfree Reddit page may be controversial is because it challenges the validity of the relationship between dogs and humans as anything more than need-based and challenges dog owners to self-reflection about their motive for dog ownership altogether.[36]
Actress Chloë Sevigny received both significant backlash and support after complaining publicly in 2024 about the increase of dog owners with off-leash pets in New York City, saying, "The athleisure and the dogs are taking over, and that's really unfortunate... everybody's in Lululemon and has a fucking dog and it's driving me crazy. I'm sorry, dog lovers. There are too many of you." Critics responded in anger, with one commenter saying of Sevigny's statement, "the lack of empathy towards animals is so unsettling and disturbing" and another commenter saying, "hating dogs is cringe soymilk drinking behavior";[37] Sevigny's class status and career as an actress was equated with privilege and in turn with hating dogs, despite Sevigny having never identified as "dogfree" herself and never publicly stating that she hates all dogs or all dog ownership.[38][39] Sevigny also received some support for her comments, with some commenters referring to her words as "so real" and saying of Sevigny, "she's the bravest soldier for coming out and saying it.”[40]
In 2024, some public controversy arose when it was announced in the media that Wales was considering designating some spaces as "dog-free zones" where no domestic dogs would be allowed to enter, in an effort to curb "racism" (some ethnic and religious minorities arriving via immigration considered dogs unclean or did not want to be near them). This idea would have involved designating certain public greenspaces, forests and indoor commercial areas as "dogfree" - not legally accessible to domestic pet dogs. The concept was met with strong criticism including from GB News political commentator Mike Graham, who considered the idea "crazy!" and an attempt at Islamic "virtue signalling". It is unclear if Wales will continue to consider the implementation of "dog-free zones" in the future.[41][42][43][44] In November 2024, the Government of Wales argued that the dog-free zone suggestion was a hoax amplified by the leader of the Senedd Conservatives, Andrew RT Davies, who shared news articles on his social media channels and appeared as a guest to talk about the issue on GB News. Davies and GB News did not respond to this allegation.[45]
Environmental impact of dog ownership
In recent years, especially with increased awareness of climate change and rapid urbanization of natural and rural spaces, there has been attention to the damage that domestic dog ownership has on the planet. Dogs, apart from their wild ancestors (for example wolves, coyotes and African-painted dogs), are a domesticated artificial species created by human beings through thousands of years of genetic inbreeding creating the purebred varieties within the species, as well as mixed-breeds (or "mutts'"), which are usually the result of accidental cross-breeding. Some scientists and environmental activists have made note in particular of the impact that dog feces has on the environment, the factory farming behind the modern dog food industry, the killing of wildlife by dogs, the increased prevalence of dogs on ocean beaches, and the impact of puppy mills (which is also connected with the separate issue of animal cruelty).[46][47][48][49][50]
There have been situations in which harm caused by dogs to the environment has been addressed and minimized or ended completely. For example, the League Against Cruel Sports, founded in the United Kingdom in 1925, began with the aim of ending the practice of blood sports hunting, particularly hunting involving the use of hounds or other dog breeds to maim and kill wildlife. LACS has especially focused on stag hunting and later fox hunting in their campaigning and public service announcements, making note of the mental terror and physical pain that a fox endures when snatched at by the hounds, which can include being skinned alive, disembowelled alive, having bones broken and other trauma from the hounds, as there is no goal by the hunters of preserving the fox's meat or coat. LACS released a number of videos about fox hunting depicting the hunt from the fox's perspective or depicting men who partake in fox hunting as looking foolish and baby-like in their behaviour.[51][52][53][54] Anna Sewell, the author of Black Beauty in 1877, also made a point of addressing the harmful impact of fox hunting in her writing.[55] The 1990s children's television series Are You Afraid of the Dark? featured a story in Season 1 titled "The Tale of the Hungry Hounds" in which the character Kristen tells a campfire ghost story addressing the cruelty of fox hunting; Kristen herself is a dog-lover with a hound named Elvis, but Elvis is only a pet and is well-behaved and peaceful.
In popular culture
Nova Scotian-based newspaper The Coast published an anonymous column titled "Dog Cultists" in 2018, in which an unidentified Haligonian resident (dubbed "Bone To Pick" as their moniker) complained about "dog culture" and people imposing their dogs on everything. "Bone To Pick" stated, "Look, I'm glad for you if a pet dog makes you happy. God bless if your computer wallpaper with pit bull photos in little digitally-edited Santa hats cheers you up. Good for you if owning a dog is what gets you up in the morning, but why must this societal attitude prevail that if you don't like dogs or aren't particularly swooning over every cute puppy photo or doggie adoption story you've got no soul? ...No, my well-meaning colleague, I don't want... to help you start an awareness webpage because you want more research done into dogs suffering from PTSD. We don't even give our country's human veterans or victims of sexual assault the same level of attention as we do to "traumatized" animals, so why would I care if your "fur-baby" is scared of thunderstorms and you think it needs Prozac?" The column received mostly critical responses with a few supporters. This column was later printed and published in a hardcover book titled Love The Way We Bitch/Love, edited by Stephanie Domet, in 2018.[56][57]
In the 1993 American biographical war drama film Heaven & Earth, Vietnamese war bride Le Ly Hayslip arrives with her American husband in San Diego during the early 1970s, and is bothered to discover that her mother-in-law's suburban house is filled with small pet dogs that rub up against people and beg under the table at dinner while being fed directly from the forks that people are using. The film later reveals, during Hayslip's reunification with her village in Vietnam during the late 1980s, that her mother and sister starved during the latter half of the war and were old, unattractive and ignored by anyone who could feed them or help them; their starving bodies were also accosted by wild dogs trying to maul them, but they both survived. The film suggests that dogs being inside the home, moreover feeding dogs from the table and treating them as family members, is a byproduct of luxury in the decadent West (Hayslip herself attested to keeping dogs and farm animals as childhood pets in Vietnam that stayed outdoors on the land). Hayslip's mother-in-law also has an enormous freezer wherein hundreds of different processed food items are stored, and Hayslip herself is shocked by the concept of a supermarket.[58] Hayslip discussed in her published memoirs how dogs were not viewed the same way in her culture as they were in the West, recalling a statement made by an unnamed South Vietnamese Popular Force (PF) officer when her village was being overtaken: "Without further discussion, we took as many poles as we could carry and hurried off to bury them outside our house. "Oh yes," the PF officer added. "If you have a watchdog, give him to a relative out of town or boil him up for supper. We can't have any dogs barking the next time our freedom fighters come to the village!""[59]
In C'est Cheese, the third album release by the Canadian comedy music group The Arrogant Worms, the song "Kill the Dog Next Door" describes a frustrated Canadian suburban man whose neighbour fawns over a new pet chihuahua that wears a ribbon on its head and constantly poops on the man's lawn. The man tries his best to be polite and to tolerate the dog, but the dog continually attacks him upon interaction. In hyperbolic fantasy, the song then goes into rants about killing the dog, which the man eventually does after it viciously bites him and refuses to let go. Receiving a monetary fine from the RCMP, the man begins fantasizing about murdering his neighbour. The song was intended to be comedic and not realistic.[60]
The fictional character Hyacinth Bucket (portrayed by actress Patricia Routledge) in the 1990s British sitcom Keeping Up Appearances, does not like dogs and will not have them in her house. She believes dogs to be extremely dirty and finds that they have a habit of attacking her whenever she's around them, much to her chagrin since her working-class brother-in-law, Onslow, keeps a beloved dog in his old car as a pet. Hyacinth attempts to pretend to be a dog-lover in one episode titled "Let There Be Light", in order to impress the dogs' upper-class owner, Mrs. Drummond, and sarcastically remarks, "I'm never happier than when I'm frolicking with dogs" (with a low, disdainful note on the word "dog"). The two dogs, Labrador retrievers, bark noisily and drag Hyacinth up the street as she struggles to hold their leashes. Hyacinth is especially repulsed by an elderly neighbour who allows his small dog to poop throughout her flowerbed, and at one point forces a trowel and a bag into the neighbour's hands, making him clean it up. BritBox later uploaded a video for the official YouTube channel of Keeping Up Appearances titled "Hyacinth's Hilarious Experiences With Dogs".[61][62]
The Hazbin Hotel character Alastor, according to creator Vivienne "VivziePop" Medrano, is not afraid of dogs (contrary to fan theories) but instead actively hates dogs and anything resembling dogs (the character was mauled to death by hunting dogs in a past life). He refers to dogs as "mutts" and "rodents" and stays away from them. Medrano discussed this in further detail during fan video livestreams on YouTube.[63][64]
The Simpsons episode "Dogtown" explores the phenomenon of "dog culture" and some of the common issues that the Dogfree movement has with this, including the prioritization of dogs over human beings even in situations of peril, legislation allowing dogs to enter spaces such as restaurants, people finding it endearing when dogs behave in a way that would normally be seen as foolish or disgusting (for example, as the Blue-Haired Lawyer notes while defending Gil Gunderson, "getting its head stick in an empty pickle jar" and "scooting its buttocks along the ground"). Critic Tony Sokol of Den of Geek noted the episode's accurate portrayal of "dog culture" ("Who doesn't love cute puppies, playing piano, getting their snouts stuck in pickle jars or scratching their butts along the concrete to clean their fire hydrant debris?") and found the episode's end revelation comedic, recalling, "The dogs soon make Springfield's mankind their bitches. They have no concern and no decency. They go around sniffing each other's butts like they don't stink and generally dominate and subjugate everything around them."[65]
Websites and social media
DogsBite.org is an archive of dog attack cases on humans, wildlife and domestic pets that collects from various legacy media sources and statistical studies. The majority of cases identified on the site are caused by pit bulls.[66]
The YouTube channel "I Hate Dogs", started in 2017 with 14,100 subscribers as of 2025, features regular almost-daily updates on dog-related incidents, problems with dogs and dog attacks. It is unknown whether this channel has any affiliation with the r/Dogfree Reddit group, or if it was started by an independent dogfree person. Unlike r/Dogfree, which strictly bans any content related to discussing beastiality or zoophilia, "I Hate Dogs" has argued in his most popular videos, titled "SEVERAL Dog owners have SEX WITH THEIR DOG." and "How To Spot Zoophiles" that many people who profess to love dogs are indeed sexually or romantically attached to their dogs, an idea which has neither been studied nor confirmed in any other reputable source.[67] He also manages an additional channel called "I Hate Dogs LiveStreams" where he discusses dog-related media with his audience.[68]
See also
- Human–canine bond
- Pet culture
- Pet humanization
- Pet industry
- Unclean animal
- Cat predation on wildlife
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