Dachapuram is a village in Telangana, India. It is located in the Wyra mandal of Khammam District.It is known for its agricultural practices and local culture.
As of the latest census, Dachapuram has a population of 1846 (1074 voters as per the 2023 Elections). The primary language spoken is Telugu, with a rich cultural heritage reflected in local festivals and traditions.
The economy of Dachapuram is primarily based on agriculture, with 85% being Rice crops and the remaining being Sugar Crane, mirchi, and Cotton crops.
Dachapuram has One government elementary school (From KG to 5th grade) and a literacy rate of 65%, contributing to the educational development of the region.
Dachapuram celebrates the Batukamma festival on Dasara day with the high energy of the people showcasing its rich cultural traditions And also celebrates the Ganesh Nartris on Vinayaka Chaviti and Christmas on Dec 25th.
The village is located 36 km towards the east from district headquarters Khammam and 14 km from Wyra. The postal code is 507165 and postal head office is Wyra.
- ^ "Village Leve Aadhar Seeding Status". Archived from the original on 3 February 2015. Retrieved 3 February 2015.
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