The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) is a professional association. Started in 2004, CSTA is a membership organization.[1]

CSTA supports computer science teachers with educational information. [2]

Key Programming

CSTA has launched multiple programs in order to support computer science teachers.

CSTA Annual Conference - CSTA has hosted an annual conference every year since 2000. The conference was originally called the Computer Science & Information Technology Symposium (CS&IT). Now, the conference title is simply CSTA plus the current year (i.e., CSTA 2024). The conference brings thousands of computer science educators together for a week in July to learn from hundreds of educational sessions.[3]

Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an annual event designed to inspire K-12 students to learn computer science, advocate for equity, and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field. The first CSEdWeek was launched by ACM on December 6–12, 2009. It was a joint effort led and funded by ACM with the cooperation and deep involvement of CSTA, NCWIT, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Anita Borg Institute (ABI), the Computing Research Association (CRA), Google, Inc., Intel, and Microsoft. ACM’s Education Policy Committee worked closely with Congressmen Vernon Ehlers (R-MI) and Jared Polis (D-CO) to introduce a Congressional Resolution recognizing the first CSEdWeek. Congressman Ehlers introduced the resolution after being alerted to declining enrollments in computer science studies by Professor Joel Adams of the Department of Computer Science at Calvin College. The intent is CSEdWeek will be celebrated each year during the week of Grace Hopper’s birthday (December 9, 1906), who invented the first compiler and coined the term “bug” (an error in a program) after removing an actual moth from a computer in 1947. CSTA became the lead organizer for CSEdWeek in 2020.[4]

Computer Science Honor Society (CSHS) - CSTA offers high school teachers across the United States the opportunity to create local Computer Science Honor Societies. The program originated at CodeVA, and was elevated to the national level by CSTA. There are currently more than 200 active local chapters.[5]

The CSTA Equity Fellowship is a selective, year-long program designed to develop leadership in equitable teaching practices and advocacy. The program provides leadership development opportunities to the fellows and identifies opportunities for the group to develop ongoing, peer-to-peer professional learning experiences focused on addressing issues of equity in the computer science classrooms for all CSTA members.[6]

CSTA Affinity Groups connect CSTA members who share a common identity or interest. CSTA Affinity Groups host events, connect year-round via the CSTA Virtual Community, and offer opportunities for members to meet with one another at CSTA’s in-person and virtual events.[7]


Together with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the CSTA offers the ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize in High School Computing. The award provides four $10,000 scholarships to each of four winners along with the opportunity for the students to present their projects at the CSTA Annual Conference and/or at one of CSTA’s virtual summits. The prize was established to honor outstanding high school seniors who want to pursue advanced studies in computer science or technology. This program aims to promote and encourage computer science.[8]

The CS Teaching Excellence Award honors K–12 computer science educators whose commitment and excellence have aided the development of CS education and technology the award grants $7,500 to national winners, and $2,500 to honorable mentions.[9]

Computer Science Education Standards

The CSTA K–12 Computer Science Standards[10] delineate a core set of learning objectives designed to provide the foundation for a complete computer science curriculum and its implementation at the K–12 level.

CSTA also created and published Standards for CS Teachers.[11] These Standards are designed to provide clear guidance around effective and equitable CS instruction in support of rigorous CS education for all K–12 students.

Research and Publications

CSTA partners with many other organizations to conduct research on the state of CS education in the United States. Recent publications include:

Reimagining CS Pathways

Reimagining CS Pathways is a community-wide project that explores how CS learning opportunities can be re-envisioned for high school students. CSTA and IACE co-led the project, in partnership with ACM,, College Board, CSforALL, and ECEP Alliance.

Annual State of Computer Science Education report

The annual report on K-12 computer science in the United States provides an update on national and state-level computer science education policy, including policy trends, maps, state summaries, and implementation data.[12]

Landscape Survey of PreK-12 Computer Science Teachers in the United States

The survey is sent out every two years in order to understand the current landscape of PreK-12 CS teachers, including their demographics, teaching background, school context, professional development, instructional practice, and knowledge of and use of culturally responsive teaching practices.[13] The 2022 report sought an understanding of teachers’ perceptions of how to move towards a vision of equitable CS. This report drew on a national sample of PreK-12 CS teachers to examine their views of both their professional development needs and institutional changes required to transform CS classrooms to be more identity-inclusive.[14]


CSTA’s Board of Directors consists of 14 voting representatives, with 11 of those elected directly by CSTA’s membership.[15]

Board Positions

  • Board Chair
  • Board Chair-Elect
  • Treasurer
  • School District Representative
  • At-Large Representative
  • International Representative
  • State Department Representative
  • Teacher Education Representative
  • Partner Representative, Microsoft
  • K-8 Teacher Representative (2)
  • 9–12 Representative (2)
  • University Representative

See also


  1. ^ "About CSTA". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-09-12.
  2. ^ "About CSTA Chapters". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-09-12.
  3. ^ "CSTA Annual Conference". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  4. ^ "About". CSEdWeek. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  5. ^ "Computer Science Honor Society". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  6. ^ "CSTA Equity Fellowship". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  7. ^ "Affinity Groups". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-09-16.
  8. ^ "CSTA/ACM Cutler-Bell Prize". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-09-17.
  9. ^ "CS Teaching Excellence Award". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-09-17.
  10. ^ "K–12 Standards". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-11-01.
  11. ^ "Standards for CS Teachers". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-11-01.
  12. ^ "State of Computer Science Education Report | Advocacy Coalition". Retrieved 2024-11-01.
  13. ^ "The CS Teacher Landscape in 2020". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-11-01.
  14. ^ "Results of a Landscape Survey of PreK-12 CSTeachers in the United States". CS Teacher Landscape. Retrieved 2024-11-01.
  15. ^ "Board of Directors". Computer Science Teachers Association. Retrieved 2024-11-01.
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