Chhatarpura is a village in Sahar block of Bhojpur district, Bihar, India.


As of 2011 Indian Census, Chhatarpura had a total population of 1,524, of which 760 were males and 764 were females. Population within the age group of 0 to 6 years was 285. The total number of literates were 851 (55.8%), with 494 (65%) males and 357 (46.7%) females. However, the effective literacy rate of 7+ age population was 68.7%. The Scheduled Castes population was 288, of which males were 143 and females 145. Chhatarpura had 260 households in 2011.[1]


Taxi service is available in the village. Bus service available within 2 km.

Nearby towns

  • Nearest town 1:Arrah(Dist:30 km)
  • Nearest town 2:Arwal (Dist:7 km)


  1. ^ a b "Census of India: Chhatarpura". Retrieved 9 October 2019.
  2. ^ a b "52nd Report of the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities in India" (PDF). Ministry of Minority Affairs. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 May 2017. Retrieved 27 May 2019.
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