This is a category for discoveries by Dutch–American astronomer Tom Gehrels. See parent category for proper sortkey usage instructions.
Pages in category "Discoveries by Tom Gehrels"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 985 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
(previous page) (next page)0–9
- (90623) 1202 T-2
- (237353) 1207 T-2
- (237354) 1711 T-2
- (185643) 2040 P-L
- (237357) 2059 T-3
- (52093) 2088 P-L
- (225273) 2128 P-L
- (237351) 2235 P-L
- (237355) 2296 T-2
- (221944) 2339 T-3
- (52099) 2589 P-L
- (52101) 2598 P-L
- (233968) 3021 T-2
- (16285) 3047 P-L
- (237356) 3103 T-2
- (237358) 3206 T-3
- (221945) 3227 T-3
- (237359) 3774 T-3
- (85036) 4203 P-L
- (30713) 4216 T-3
- (30714) 4282 T-3
- (237352) 4307 P-L
- (237360) 4539 T-3
- (30715) 5034 T-3
- (52221) 5103 T-3
- (30716) 5107 T-3
- (32729) 5179 T-3
- (52134) 6059 P-L
- (225274) 6781 P-L
- (225275) 6890 P-L
- (231665) 7602 P-L
- (14765) 9519 P-L
- 6805 Abstracta
- 22191 Achúcarro
- 12628 Acworthorr
- 6146 Adamkrafft
- 85030 Admetos
- 2876 Aeschylus
- 12608 Aesop
- 4722 Agelaos
- 1873 Agenor
- 9503 Agrawain
- 8241 Agrius
- 19913 Aigyptios
- 17314 Aisakos
- 200069 Alastor
- 8439 Albellus
- 10950 Albertjansen
- 8594 Albifrons
- 10656 Albrecht
- 12607 Alcaeus
- 8596 Alchata
- 11428 Alcinoös
- 69231 Alettajacobs
- 8969 Alexandrinus
- 11765 Alfredfowler
- 11769 Alfredjoy
- 1778 Alfvén
- 13446 Almarkim
- 9995 Alouette
- 10957 Alps
- 12621 Alsufi
- 8121 Altdorfer
- 6996 Alvensleben
- 4161 Amasis
- 5010 Amenemhêt
- 4847 Amenhotep
- 9509 Amfortas
- 10247 Amphiaraos
- 5244 Amphilochos
- 37519 Amphios
- 46513 Ampzing
- 2339 Anacreon
- 4180 Anaxagoras
- 18263 Anchialos
- 42403 Andraimon
- 11244 Andrékuipers
- 7721 Andrillat
- 12617 Angelusilesius
- 8593 Angustirostris
- 8060 Anius
- 26057 Ankaios
- 9823 Annantalová
- 39429 Annebrontë
- 18244 Anneila
- 3664 Anneres
- 9996 ANS
- 8435 Anser
- 7214 Anticlus
- 9828 Antimachos
- 8319 Antiphanes
- 13463 Antiphos
- 6614 Antisthenes
- 12619 Anubelshunu
- 1912 Anubis
- 5885 Apeldoorn
- 12609 Apollodoros
- 10959 Appennino
- 12606 Apuleius
- 12152 Aratus
- 65590 Archeptolemos
- 6535 Archipenko
- 8769 Arctictern
- 2319 Aristides
- 2934 Aristophanes
- 20961 Arkesilaos
- 8055 Arnim
- 5697 Arrhenius
- 7212 Artaxerxes
- 8600 Arundinaceus
- 12649 Ascanios
- 6752 Ashley
- 7208 Ashurbanipal
- 1871 Astyanax
- 4721 Atahualpa
- 14791 Atreus
- 8975 Atthis
- 9908 Aue
- 11760 Auwers
- 12646 Avercamp
- 8318 Averroes
- 12161 Avienius
- 8588 Avosetta
- 3290 Azabu
- 2940 Bacon
- 5610 Balster
- 8978 Barbatus
- 10978 Bärbchen
- 6428 Barlach
- 5655 Barney
- 8768 Barnowl
- 9139 Barrylasker
- 9699 Baumhauer
- 12149 Begas
- 12145 Behaim
- 1808 Bellerophon
- 11764 Benbaillaud
- 12655 Benferinga
- 1846 Bengt
- 5694 Berényi
- 27657 Berkhey
- 3604 Berkhuijsen
- 18236 Bernardburke
- 8437 Bernicla
- 7149 Bernie
- 12159 Bettybiegel
- 8771 Biarmicus
- 10442 Biezenzo
- 12162 Bilderdijk
- 10967 Billallen
- 10652 Blaeu
- 9693 Bleeker
- 11248 Blériot
- 10447 Bloembergen
- 7804 Boesgaard
- 6617 Boethius
- 23404 Bomans
- 10654 Bontekoe
- 5194 Böttger
- 23403 Boudewijnbüch
- 9706 Bouma
- 8433 Brachyrhynchus
- 7691 Brady
- 3877 Braes
- 12147 Bramante
- 6429 Brâncuși
- 10980 Breimer
- 8054 Brentano
- 6055 Brunelleschi
- 6807 Brünnow
- 1811 Bruwer
- 5490 Burbidge
- 4549 Burkhardt
- 5340 Burton
- 5196 Bustelli
- 10961 Buysballot
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