This is a category for discoveries by Dutch astronomer Ingrid van Houten-Groeneveld. See parent category for proper sortkey usage instructions.
Pages in category "Discoveries by Ingrid van Houten-Groeneveld"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 967 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
(previous page) (next page)#
- (90623) 1202 T-2
- (237353) 1207 T-2
- (237354) 1711 T-2
- (185643) 2040 P-L
- (237357) 2059 T-3
- (52093) 2088 P-L
- (225273) 2128 P-L
- (237351) 2235 P-L
- (237355) 2296 T-2
- (221944) 2339 T-3
- (52099) 2589 P-L
- (52101) 2598 P-L
- (233968) 3021 T-2
- (16285) 3047 P-L
- (237356) 3103 T-2
- (237358) 3206 T-3
- (221945) 3227 T-3
- (237359) 3774 T-3
- (85036) 4203 P-L
- (30713) 4216 T-3
- (30714) 4282 T-3
- (237352) 4307 P-L
- (237360) 4539 T-3
- (30715) 5034 T-3
- (52221) 5103 T-3
- (30716) 5107 T-3
- (32729) 5179 T-3
- (52134) 6059 P-L
- (225274) 6781 P-L
- (225275) 6890 P-L
- (231665) 7602 P-L
- (14765) 9519 P-L
- 6805 Abstracta
- 22191 Achúcarro
- 12628 Acworthorr
- 6146 Adamkrafft
- 85030 Admetos
- 2876 Aeschylus
- 12608 Aesop
- 4722 Agelaos
- 1873 Agenor
- 9503 Agrawain
- 8241 Agrius
- 19913 Aigyptios
- 17314 Aisakos
- 200069 Alastor
- 8439 Albellus
- 10950 Albertjansen
- 8594 Albifrons
- 10656 Albrecht
- 12607 Alcaeus
- 8596 Alchata
- 11428 Alcinoös
- 8969 Alexandrinus
- 11765 Alfredfowler
- 11769 Alfredjoy
- 1778 Alfvén
- 13446 Almarkim
- 9995 Alouette
- 10957 Alps
- 12621 Alsufi
- 8121 Altdorfer
- 6996 Alvensleben
- 4161 Amasis
- 5010 Amenemhêt
- 4847 Amenhotep
- 9509 Amfortas
- 10247 Amphiaraos
- 5244 Amphilochos
- 37519 Amphios
- 2339 Anacreon
- 4180 Anaxagoras
- 18263 Anchialos
- 42403 Andraimon
- 11244 Andrékuipers
- 7721 Andrillat
- 12617 Angelusilesius
- 8593 Angustirostris
- 8060 Anius
- 26057 Ankaios
- 9823 Annantalová
- 39429 Annebrontë
- 18244 Anneila
- 3664 Anneres
- 9996 ANS
- 8435 Anser
- 7214 Anticlus
- 9828 Antimachos
- 8319 Antiphanes
- 13463 Antiphos
- 6614 Antisthenes
- 12619 Anubelshunu
- 1912 Anubis
- 5885 Apeldoorn
- 12609 Apollodoros
- 10959 Appennino
- 12606 Apuleius
- 12152 Aratus
- 65590 Archeptolemos
- 6535 Archipenko
- 8769 Arctictern
- 2319 Aristides
- 2934 Aristophanes
- 20961 Arkesilaos
- 8055 Arnim
- 5697 Arrhenius
- 7212 Artaxerxes
- 8600 Arundinaceus
- 12649 Ascanios
- 6752 Ashley
- 7208 Ashurbanipal
- 1871 Astyanax
- 4721 Atahualpa
- 14791 Atreus
- 8975 Atthis
- 9908 Aue
- 11760 Auwers
- 12646 Avercamp
- 8318 Averroes
- 12161 Avienius
- 8588 Avosetta
- 3290 Azabu
- 2940 Bacon
- 5610 Balster
- 8978 Barbatus
- 10978 Bärbchen
- 6428 Barlach
- 5655 Barney
- 8768 Barnowl
- 9139 Barrylasker
- 9699 Baumhauer
- 12149 Begas
- 12145 Behaim
- 1808 Bellerophon
- 11764 Benbaillaud
- 12655 Benferinga
- 1846 Bengt
- 5694 Berényi
- 3604 Berkhuijsen
- 18236 Bernardburke
- 8437 Bernicla
- 7149 Bernie
- 12159 Bettybiegel
- 8771 Biarmicus
- 10442 Biezenzo
- 12162 Bilderdijk
- 10967 Billallen
- 10652 Blaeu
- 9693 Bleeker
- 11248 Blériot
- 10447 Bloembergen
- 7804 Boesgaard
- 6617 Boethius
- 10654 Bontekoe
- 5194 Böttger
- 9706 Bouma
- 8433 Brachyrhynchus
- 7691 Brady
- 3877 Braes
- 12147 Bramante
- 6429 Brâncuși
- 10980 Breimer
- 8054 Brentano
- 6055 Brunelleschi
- 6807 Brünnow
- 1811 Bruwer
- 5490 Burbidge
- 4549 Burkhardt
- 5340 Burton
- 5196 Bustelli
- 10961 Buysballot
- 8967 Calandra
- 9478 Caldeyro
- 12154 Callimachus
- 9500 Camelot
- 8776 Campestris
- 8123 Canaletto
- 17305 Caniff
- 6256 Canova
- 189004 Capys
- 12148 Caravaggio
- 3294 Carlvesely
- 10974 Carolalbert
- 5531 Carolientje
- 6936 Cassatt
- 12618 Cellarius
- 6674 Cézanne
- 9483 Chagas
- 9250 Chamberlin
- 39427 Charlottebrontë
- 19872 Chendonghua
- 19873 Chentao
- 4412 Chephren
- 9709 Chrisnell
- 32726 Chromios
- 12141 Chushayashi
- 8601 Ciconia
- 8965 Citrinella
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