Calodiscus is a genus of Eodiscinid trilobite in the family Calodiscidae.[5] It lived during the late Lower Cambrian, with remains found in Canada (Newfoundland & Labrador), the United States (Massachusetts, New York State), Greenland, The United Kingdom (England), Sweden, France, Germany, Italy (Sardinia), Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and China.

The type species by original designation is Agnostus lobatus Hall, 1847 from the upper part of the lower Cambrian Browns Pond Formation (formerly Schodack Formation) at Troy in the Taconic region of New York State, USA [= Calodiscus korolevi Pokrovskaya in Ergaliev and Pokrovskaya, 1977; Calodiscus lakei Rasetti, 1952; and Calodiscus n. sp. A of Geyer, 1988, according to Cederström et al., 1988].[6][7]

Lochman (1956)[8] demonstrated that Calodiscus agnostoides (Kobayashi, 1943) represents late meraspid instars of C. lobatus (Cederström et al., 1988, p. 500).

Of four named Calodiscus species from the Lower Cambrian of the Siberian Platform revised by Korovnikov and Bushuev (2024)[9] only two, C. resimus Repina, 1972 and C. schucherti (Matthew, 1896) were retained in the genus. C. helena (Walcott, 1889)[10] and C. granulosus Jegorova et Shabanov, 1972 (Korovnikov and Bushuev, op cit.) were considered significantly different to assign them a new genus, Paracalodiscus, within the family Weymouthiidae Kobayashi, 1943.


  1. ^ HOWELL, B. F. 1935. Cambrian and Ordovician trilobites from Herault, southern France. Journal of Paleontology 9(3): 222 - 238.
  2. ^ XIANG, L. W. & ZHANG, T. R. 1985. Systematic description of the trilobites. In Stratigraphy and Trilobite Faunas of the Cambrian in the Western Part of Northern Tianshan, Xinjiang (Wang, J. B. et al., eds), Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, Geological Memoirs, Series 2, 4, 64 - 165. Geological Publishing House, Beijing [in Chinese, with English summary].
  3. ^ REPINA, L.N. 1972. Trilobites of the Taryn horizon of the lower Cambrian sections of the Sukharikha River (Igarsky district), in Problemy biostratigrafii i paleontologii nizhnego kembriya Sibiri (Problems of Biostratigraphy and Paleontology of the lower Cambrian of Siberia), Moscow: Nauka, pp. 184–216.
  4. ^ MATTHEW, G.F. 1896. Notes on Cambrian faunas—the genus Microdiscus, The American Geologist. 18, pp. 28–31.
  5. ^ KOBAYASHI T. 1943. Brief notes on the Eodiscids 1, their classification with a description of a new species and a new variety, Proceedings of the Imperial Academy, Tokyo, Volume 19, pp. 37-42.
  6. ^ HALL, J. 1847. Palaeontology: Volume 1. Containing descriptions of the organic remains of the lower division of the New-York System. Natural history of New York, Albany. 338 pp.
  7. ^ CEDERSTRÖM, P., AHLBERG, P., CLARKSON, E. N. K., NILSSON, C. H. and AXHEIMER, N. 1988. The Lower Cambrian eodiscoid trilobite Calodiscus lobatus from Sweden: Morphology, ontogeny and distribution. Palaeontology, Vol. 52, Part 3, 2009, pp. 491 – 53.
  8. ^ LOCHMAN, C. 1956. Stratigraphy, paleontology, and paleogeography of the Elliptocephala asaphoides strata in Cambridge and Hoosick Quadrangles, New York. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 67, 1331 – 1396.
  9. ^ KOROVNIKOV, I.V., BUSHUEV, E.V. 2024. Revision of the Trilobite Genus Calodiscus Howell, 1935 (Siberian Platform). Paleontol. J. 58, 684–696.
  10. ^ WALCOTT, C.D., 1889. Description of new genera and species of fossils from the Middle Cambrian, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 11 (738), pp. 33–46.

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