The Bureau of Firearms is a bureau of the Division of Law Enforcement of the California Department of Justice responsible for education, regulation, and enforcement relating to manufacture, sales, ownership, safety training, and transfer of firearms.[1] The Bureau of Firearms was established in September 1999, originally the Firearms Division, reorganized into the Bureau of Firearms in April 2007.[2]

Bureau of Firearms Chiefs / Directors
Last Name First name Title From To Entity
Mendoza Allison Director 03/02/23 Present Bureau of Firearms
Mendoza Allison Acting Director 11/1/22 03/01/23 Bureau of Firearms
Graham Blake Acting Director 07/18/22 10/31/22 Bureau of Firearms
Lopez Luis E. Director 02/17/20 08/31/22 Bureau of Firearms
Orick Brent Acting Director 07/09/19 02/16/20 Bureau of Firearms
Horan Martin J. IV Acting Director 10/01/18 07/08/19 Bureau of Firearms
Caligiuri Christopher Acting Director 06/01/18 07/31/18 Bureau of Firearms
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Chief 05/04/18 05/31/18 Bureau of Firearms
Lindley Stephen Chief / Director 07/11 05/03/18 Bureau of Firearms
Lindley Stephen Acting Chief 12/09 07/11 Bureau of Firearms
Cid Wilfredo Chief 04/07 12/09 Bureau of Firearms
Rossi Randy Director 09/99 04/07 Division of Firearms
Bureau of Firearms Programs and Sections
Program Section Units Description
Law Enforcement Firearms Investigations and Dangerous Weapons Enforcement Investigations and Enforcement ADD
Law Enforcement Firearms Investigations and Dangerous Weapons Enforcement Armed and Prohibited Person Teams ADD
Regulatory Firearm Permit Section Firearms Permit Unit ADD
Regulatory Firearm Permit Section Carry Concealed Weapons Permits Unit ADD
Regulatory Firearm Record Section Serial Number Unit ADD
Regulatory Firearm Record Section Automated Firearms Unit ADD
Regulatory Firearm Record Section Mental Health Unit ADD
Regulatory Licensing and Certification of Eligibility Section Centralized List Unit ADD
Regulatory Licensing and Certification of Eligibility Section Certificate of Eligibility ADD
Regulatory Licensing and Certification of Eligibility Section Ammunition Vendor License ADD
Regulatory Armed and Prohibited Persons Section Example Utilizes the Armed Prohibited Persons System (APPS), a database populated with data from a number of existing DOJ databases, to identify criminals who are prohibited from possessing firearms subsequent to the legal acquisition of firearms or registration of assault weapons. The APPS program is a highly sophisticated investigative tool that provides law enforcement agencies with information about gun owners who are legally prohibited from possessing firearms.
Regulatory Firearm Applicant and Release Section Phone Resolution Unit ADD
Regulatory Firearm Applicant and Release Section Law Enforcement Gun Release Unit ADD
Regulatory Firearm Applicant and Release Section Employment Subsequent Notification Unit ADD
Regulatory Background Clearance Unit Example ADD
Regulatory Training, Information and Compliance Section N/A Provides firearms-related instruction and expertise to dealers, law enforcement, superior and juvenile courts, mental health facilities, district attorneys, legislators and the general public and inspects firearms dealerships and manufacturers to ensure compliance with firearms laws and regulations. This section also certifies handgun and firearm safety device testing laboratories and maintains a roster of handguns and firearm safety devices certified for sale in California.
Regulatory Customer Support Center N/A ADD
Regulatory Assault Weapon Registration Team 1 and Team 2 ADD
Special Assignment Section Reporting and Quality Assurance Section Dealer Record of Sale Quality Assurance Team ADD
Special Assignment Section Reporting and Quality Assurance Section California Reporting Information System Dealer Record of Sale Processing Unit ADD
Special Assignment Section Technology Support California Reporting Information System Dealer Record of Sale Processing Unit ADD
Administration and Special Projects Section N/A N/A Provides administrative and special project support to the entire BOF. Section responsibilities include administering the BOF annual budget, analyzing all firearms-related legislation, providing personnel services, maintaining the BOF website and all BOF information technology issues, and providing procurement and contract services.

See also


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